“How Can I Help?” | Mutual Aid 101

“How Can I Help?” | Mutual Aid 101

Second Thought

3 года назад

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@ars85202 - 30.01.2024 01:25

Tankies and anarkiddies together strong

@TimBorg - 30.07.2023 01:16

unsub for living in TEXAS the most evil place in the world
move out and i might re-sub

@opx4real - 20.07.2023 20:37

Alright. How many times am I going to drop a niche search and have you perfectly fill the need before I come around to supporting. Finally came to my senses and joined your patreon. More channels like this.

@fergimasta - 16.05.2023 19:17

There is no one size fits all solution. What’s good for the city isn’t what’s good for rural Americans. Focus on your local area don’t force your >ideas< on to everyone.

@suicune2001 - 12.02.2023 05:56

We're all in it together. Clearly those in power don't give a crap what happens to us.

@bigdog44pc - 08.02.2023 14:10

In the book, The Grapes of Wrath, companies purposely ruined the food so no one could eat it. I'm curious, to what lengths will companies go destroy food in order to keep it scarce?

@stephenmarshall5529 - 31.01.2023 05:06

I hope you have heard of Food-not-cops in Burlington Vermont. Free lunch everyday for three years!

@Desocupad0 - 12.01.2023 13:04

When you said vastly more intelligent species I thought about ants.

@fgjhfgjf - 21.12.2022 12:45


@saultorres8125 - 15.12.2022 15:38

I like this POV, but can you make a video about how government shirks their responsibility to care for their people and use "charitable organizations" as their excuse. I hear this argument from my Republican family. I don't want the government telling me what charity to do.

Also speak of the racist nature of charity.

@JeffCrowl - 30.11.2022 15:38

Thanks again

@TimwiTerby - 08.11.2022 14:46

I love your videos and I subscribe to the philosophy of basic human decency. Despite, even after this video I still don't know how I can help. “If people are hungry, feed them” — where can I find the public and always up-to-date list of hungry people? “If you have excess food, share it instead of throwing it away” — where do I take it? Especially if it's something that will perish within days? I just really have no clue how to do any of the things that you say we need.

@derrickjohnson4952 - 27.10.2022 18:20

How is mutual aid not compatible with capitalism ? You have freedom of association and as an individual can help people its not illegal to do in a capitalist society. In fact back when fraternal societies from the late late 1800s to late 1900s till elitist doctors had a problem with the working class having effective low cost healthcare & said that lodge doctor (Who had gone to the same schools as them) were quacks

@cabbage826 - 30.07.2022 01:36

It will be fun when parasites are determined to be a threat.

@MWhaleK - 19.07.2022 20:24

What goes around, comes around. That can mean good things or bad things.

@melissashupe5732 - 19.07.2022 19:44

I LOVE that you present things so thoroughly, from perspectives both pro and against, and always cite your sources in the info. Bravo!

@susanahlor1748 - 30.06.2022 23:37

Amerikkka is killing itself

@aanchalagarwal7306 - 13.06.2022 07:18

not me getting a ben shapiro ad before this

@lucasmurphy740 - 08.06.2022 23:22

"It wasn't until the development of global capitalism that we have viewed other humans as enemies to be defeated rather than brothers and sisters"

This belief is beyond ignorant. And an easy target for anyone who wants to refute the rest of this video.

@jeremiahbaxter6887 - 20.05.2022 22:05

Question: how does socialism fit in with the idea that we're headed towards collapse? Most of your videos show how much better life could be if we ditched capitalism and overhauled our political systems, but they all seem to assume that we have the time to do something like that. What does it mean for socialism if the end of capitalism is concomitant with the end of our complex way of life, and the largest political unit becomes the community?

@beans1557 - 03.05.2022 23:05

Survival of the fittest is the law of the jungle. We survived by unifying. Not only are we an exception to the law of the jungle, we aren’t even in the jungle anymore. The law of the jungle cannot apply to the societies that escaped the jungle by defying it.

@The_Story_Of_Us - 29.04.2022 12:15

Capitalism is the delusional belief that if you just funnel more money into the personal pockets of the owner class, they will magically make life better for everyone. There is ONLY evidence to the contrary, that the money stays in their hands and fails to get reinvested into businesses and workers to any remotely adequate degree. Any idiot with a phone can PROVE that capitalism fundamentally on paper and in practice doesn’t work. That’s how brainwashed society is.

@ErutaniaRose - 14.03.2022 00:02

I know this isn’t the point at all….but why does Jeff Bezos look like Gollum before he went fully of the cliff in LOTR.

@emmasilver2332 - 10.03.2022 07:44

I'm a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Our church as a whole has no paid clergy. Our church leadership is not based on who has enough money to get a college degree. Our church encourages collaborative self-sufficiency. Our church's members donate an astonishingly large percentage of their income (compared to the average) towards feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, sheltering the homeless, providing healthcare to the sick and afflicted, providing education assistance to the impoverished, and helping the jobless to get jobs. Latter-Day Saint Charities operates purely off of volunteer service. Because of this, 100% of the donations go directly towards helping the people who need it. And those funds don't discriminate based on race, gender identity, sexuality, political affiliation, or even religious ideologies. In the face of crisis, be it economic, environmental, or anything else, our church devotes more of its resources towards helping those people out of it than any other charitable organization, whether religious or secular. We have always operated on the principle of doing good for the sake of doing good. That's not to say that we're without flaws. After all, God only has imperfect people to work with. Church leadership consists of imperfect people who make mistakes. Quite a few of our members have adopted a "holier than thou" mentality despite the doctrine that we should treat EVERYONE with respect and kindness. Plenty of our members have used religion as an excuse to be unkind. But that's the case with every organization. If an organization is composed of imperfect people, there will always be someone who gets the raw end of the deal. And since no mortal being is perfect, then achieving a system where no one is taken advantage of is impossible. Not to say that the world's crises are completely out of mortal control; we have proven that it is possible to create a society that operates on generally collaborative values. From a very young age, I've been taught to give of my excess, be it in time, talent, or material wealth, towards helping those less fortunate than I. Key word being . I was never told to give more than I was able if I wanted to be saved. I was never told to put myself in harm's way for the sake of people I don't even know. I was simply encouraged to share what I could spare with those in need. And because of this, I also know that if I ever get into a financial crisis, I have people around me to help get me back to my feet.

@tuber6382 - 20.02.2022 02:54

People do share they just do that with their own family not with stranger

@someguynamedsteve203 - 02.02.2022 02:48

Only sultion to the profit motive Terroism sorry captialist your sytem does nothing but destory

@bobbiecat8000 - 14.01.2022 16:07

Today you, tomorrow me.
A Lannister always pays his debts.

@warbear3863 - 05.01.2022 18:52

Unity is the strongest force in nature. Devided were only useful for generating capital. That's what's happenening.

@sstarklite2181 - 15.12.2021 04:12

Americans really hate me for saying we need to eliminate every vehicle
and start building only Tower cities connected to maglev Trains worldwide,
and destroy the capitalist wage system! It’s very funny!

@Loganl1980 - 12.12.2021 18:28

How do we build a good model for how to run a worker co-op?

@TimXDDDD - 03.12.2021 11:56

Good luck dreaming about your utopia. People won't stop wanting more just because their basic needs were met.

@georgepalmer5497 - 25.11.2021 11:19

One of my biggest problems with capitalism is that in this system we have to produce and we have to consume, and the steady drain on natural resources and the pollution of ecosystems this scheme engenders. I guess I am echoing Greta Thunberg. But I also wonder if a socialist system could have produced a computer operating system like Bill Gate's Windows. I really don't know. With socialism there is the potential for corrupt officials to abuse the system. With capitalism there is the inevitable boom and bust cycle. I think any system run by imperfect humans is going to have problems. We just have to live with them.

@mrthinker210 - 24.11.2021 14:44

I feel it would discourage people from doing something hard. Making a company to change everybody in diffrent way.

@based9152 - 18.11.2021 03:24

I mainly listen to this guy's videos for background noise but one good thing to come from it is that the videos have no ads so that's a plus

@michaelcrockis7679 - 14.10.2021 19:48

What?! You say people can be HUMANe?

@arkoprovo1996 - 06.10.2021 20:29

Today You, Tomorrow Me: The exact feeling I had after I started using Linux and learnt about FOSS

@arkoprovo1996 - 06.10.2021 20:25

Also, survival of the fittest isn't even what Darwin said. In English, the verb fit and the adjective fit differ in their meanings, which is what Herbert Spencer exploited while creating the quote. In nature, and everywhere, the species that survives is the one that fits their environment best, i.e. is best adapted to their environment. Thus, over generations, the species that emerges is one which is best suited for that environment. Now, the environment isn't a constant thing, which is why the survivors are the ones that can change most, since one can't climb down mount improbable. Again, the environment isn't a result of just non-living, geological, and similar processes, but also of the actions of the different species themselves. So, even on the cellular level, where consciousness is inexistent, such relationships can be found, the best known of which are the 1.5-2 billion-year-old symbioses of the mitochondria and chloroplast, and most probably, even the nucleus; the mitochondria and chloroplasts are "remnants" of oxygen using and photosynthesizing bacteria and cyanobacteria that started a symbiotic relationship instead of being digested with their hosts to give shape to eukaryotes. They still have their own separate DNA and reproduce separately, but in sync with the host cells. Another fascinating example are lichens, which feature none of the master-slave aspects that one may stretch from the previous examples, despite it not being so. Lichens are a group of 3 organisms: 2 fungi and 1 alga, which can grow separately by themselves, but when bound together, reproduce together, and organize together, giving them the appearance of one single organism. So mutual-aid — lichens. Which is also a possibility for eukaryotes — instead of a random mutation preventing digestion of particular bacteria, maybe 2 previously externally 'symbiotic' organisms moving things inside the cell membrane. But that is all speculation.
Coming back of course, are the conscious, higher level creatures which Kropotkin talked of in his book. So yea. Survival of the most fitting or most symbiotic organisms. Not the fittest.

@subrje5546 - 01.10.2021 08:00

First time I like a "political" video of yours

@subrje5546 - 01.10.2021 07:57

So you are describing non-beurocratic, small-scale, with real effort on the side of the human, or in other words, real, charity.

@bonniewatson178 - 27.09.2021 17:39

News flash, it has been every man for himself Forever and if you wanted a space heater you should’ve been at store when they opened or purchased one the year before seeing how crazy the weather is. This may sound cold but it’s the truth people are going to look out for their families first it’s called survival of the fittest.

@robertsmith1865 - 24.09.2021 05:15

Hey, during WW2 people made sacrifices, rations for food and fuel etc. Americans were asked to sacrifice for the good of all, and to share by the media and government.
Now today they tell us the opposite, be selfish

@mypropmp4057 - 16.09.2021 06:28

“How Can I Help” | Mutual Aid lol

Uh I mean 101

@kalimanbuda6501 - 15.09.2021 23:56

Thanks to saint internet the hoax of Religion cannot deceive us , nor politicians ..good education is free for those who know where to find it ...seek and ye shall find "

@TRIELUS - 15.09.2021 03:32

Maybe your not religious, second thought, I don't blame you. We've done a bad job with representing God. But, what you're describing here is..... Is who Jesus IS. THANK YOU 😌!!!!!!!!!!

@xxcrazymanxx1001 - 11.09.2021 17:33

The common people should unite and form there own independent community that’s self reliant eliminating the need for big corporations numbers would accumulate over time if Uncle Sam won’t help his own people let’s help our selves they need us we don’t need them

@pennykhamsa4704 - 06.09.2021 03:17

Also, mutual aid typically trusts the needy unless proven wrong, whereas charity requires the needy to prove their need and what they will do with the support offered.

@sirnikkel6746 - 02.09.2021 16:53

Ngl, i prefer x10000 times voluntary mutual aid before more power to the goverment.

@Andre-qo5ek - 02.09.2021 16:50

the Texas document you linked to, is there a persistent billboard with information like this for ALL available information like this across the globe? a centralized area of organization? a mutual aid map of sorts? is there no consolidation of information for this stuff?
it would be great to hear about this stuff and be able to act in solidarity ... but if we don't know we can't send the needed aid ( or would sending aid be considered charity since the aid would not be generated from the people being impacted? [sometimes i really get the feeling that mutual aid is just "pick yourself up from your bootstrap" in disguise]).

thoughts, opinions , clarifications would be appreciated.
resources and solutions to a, what i am gathering to be a weak, mutual aid information network would be doubly appreciated.
