I'm Gay and I Dislike the LGBT Community...

I'm Gay and I Dislike the LGBT Community...

Finding Sky

1 год назад

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@Marci-Ana-GMM - 05.01.2024 05:59


@pooferfloofer - 05.01.2024 05:40

as a bisexual, I only flaunt my sexuality for 1: the memes 2: the potential rizz recievers
I don't get why people are UNIRONICALLY acting like people are worse for being cis or straight- like I do it too but as a JOKE not LEGITIMATELY???

@alexius__ - 05.01.2024 04:21

as a Christian and then being gay for a VERY long time and now a Christian again, I pray for the people, hate the acts but will respect your beliefs and I completely agree with u when I was not Christian.

@TiktokBurnedMyCrops - 04.01.2024 21:57

As a bisexual person I don’t understand what leather harnesses have to do with us fighting for basic human rights.

@MGC_Saltlife - 03.01.2024 21:56

Great content! Keep it coming! Its needed!!

@not_funny_I_didnt_laugh - 03.01.2024 18:38

I'm sorry for y'all who had to endure the homophobia and the degen energy of the late LGBTQ+ community. It's pretty sad how they're trying to shove their ideologies on our reality, when they've completely lost the absolute sense of reality. I'm already guessing that some middle-aged pink haired lady would write a whole essay about "WE'RE NOT FORCING YOU"
While getting leashed and projecting it in public. These pride parades need to be monitored, when they started showing the most explicit forms of nudity, wearing BDSM gear, or having leashes or straps around them shouldn't be shown in the public, Just because there's alot of them doesn't mean we can't shut it down. There's always kids around the streets, and you're exposing them at such a young age, and i find it disgusting how they're also putting children under the agenda, I don't think kids are old enough to understand the whole gender identity and we should've left them to experience themselves, but no. I've met alot of these disgusting users online who supports this and it's downright unacceptable.

Now because of this, more of the LGBTQ+ gets hate and people like you would be discriminated even when y'all didn't do anything wrong. I respect the LGBTQ+ i respect you, but i don't respect everyone in the community. People say "only a few acts like this" no it isn't, literally half of the community acts like this. Face it, it's the truth. Otherwise the community wouldn't have this amount of discrimination.

It's pretty sad how our generation has became so sensitive at this point where they have to desperately find validation to everyone. It really sucks because I've met alot of gay friends and most of them are really nice and actually act normally.

Genuinely if anyone actually supports the current state of the LGBTQ+ are bound to be embarrassed by ben shapiro.

@Mi11imani - 03.01.2024 18:04

same vid could be made for all the fuss with PoCs now.
but i love the vid. i could have made the same vid myself. being gay or being black in america has become hysterical right now.

@genzi78514 - 03.01.2024 15:31

There's a huge percentage of straight kids inserting themselves. I knew a "asexual lesbian" girl, who also enjoys drooling over my super handsome, strong biceps, male friend with a girlfriend more than over her "girlfriend" XD.

@rimu8288 - 03.01.2024 15:22

Hyper sexualisation and pedophiles

@werewolfgirl1995 - 03.01.2024 14:51

As a fellow member of the LGBT community I completely agree with you. You can still be proud of being LGBT without being overly hypersexual. I wouldnt want my kid seeing anyone practically naked regardless of whether they're gay or not, its not about that.

@idkmate62 - 03.01.2024 13:02

I’m a genderqueer lesbian and honestly I just want to be treated like any straight person would be. I’m done with all this pride bullshit. Can we just be gay and leaving it at that?

@juanjoestar3380 - 03.01.2024 08:20

Weird parade I'm kinda homphobic but eh cool be gay just be chill about it but I am Transphobic 100% I'm just like your weird just weird if your Trans but be chill about it then I guess I'll get by it

@Lifeoutback220 - 03.01.2024 05:12

finding sky.. I agree with you 100%. 👍👍👍

@jacquiesbrood - 02.01.2024 12:11

Brave, intelligent woman.

@YourLocalFoxyBoy - 02.01.2024 07:10

That light in the background is annoying me

@jordanabarcelos3733 - 01.01.2024 19:44

ainda bem que ainda existem gatas decentes kkkkkkk

@user-iw2do8qo1k - 01.01.2024 16:26

Sometimes I had no idea why LGBTQ protesters are going insaine..

@mellykruger9495 - 01.01.2024 15:03

PT Barnum would have a field day in our society XD

@pillarsoflight2607 - 01.01.2024 09:18

As a member of the community myself, I am very disappointed by where it's currently headed. It's getting out of hand, and leading us to ruin.

@lifire2657 - 01.01.2024 08:44

You have the same views as me

@CelticChu - 31.12.2023 23:17

I've always felt the LGBT was a bit "too" prideful, and after watching this video, I feel the need to be more myself and try and stay away from trends regarding LGBT because at the end of the day, I am just me. I'm nonbinary and bisexual, and boy do I agree with this video SO MUCH after recent events. I'm glad I found this video and I commend you for getting this out there.

@Kiss_lynda - 31.12.2023 21:12

Thank you for believing we should act classy

@roguethearcticfolf - 31.12.2023 19:00

I am Pansexual, and I would like to say that people should know the true meaning of pride.
Not the bastardized version made by social and mainstream media.

@MaskedRiderChris - 31.12.2023 18:40

Boom. I couldn't agree with you more with everything you said. Straight Christian guy, here, and I spent tons of time around LGBT people in my youth to be able to agree with and back up everything you said here 100%. And no, I don't hate LGBT people, contrary to stereotype; unless they're targeting little kids to be a part of the cult, as it were, then I immediately grow a big fat hairy problem with them on the spot. Otherwise, I leave them be and treat them like...regular people. It's crazies like the ones you speak of here that ruined it for everybody else, because the deviant elements in LGBT circles are the problem, not being gay in general. I couldn't agree more with your assessments and as someone who remembers when Pride events used to be fun and positive and could be public events? Well said in general, young lady.

@iMysticCal - 31.12.2023 04:21

Hahaha oh my god I love you, this is everything I say too. And I’m a “gay man” for the sake of the label but I am so attracted to your soul! Love your channel, subscribed beautiful ❤

@mulleinflower3833 - 30.12.2023 21:15

Gay men staff harassed this lesbian @ Chuze Fitness & after I had a accidentaL , harmless , briefest , normal emotional outburst & apologized , they cancelled my membership , though I had been a peaceful , ■RESPECTful member for five years & got along w/ everyone , but did have to tolerate ongoing harassment by gay men staf . Wonder if I'm the only lesbian who has experienced hate & violence & sexual harassment & discrimination by gay men ?

@arawilson - 30.12.2023 08:05

Pride parades had a lot of exhibitionism from way back, esp from the boys, and some scenes were like that -- South of Market in San Francisco, Christopher Street, leather bars. Otherwise, social media has changed a lot.

@mangaart-mb1fn - 30.12.2023 04:57

sorry but i dont like gays at all and i dont like stuped stuff about sex

@sally-ov8kf - 30.12.2023 00:04

I'm bysexual and I don't konw why I got hate by the LGBT community people becuse I mispronouns someone by accident...and I just saying the problem of the community and I got so much hate...

@weebee876 - 29.12.2023 03:17

I grew up gay in a really small, conservative and hyper religious community in Canada. I was persecuted and terrorized by many in the community and developed severe anxiety and self hatred as a result. When I was older, I was finally able to leave and move to a large city with a large gay « community « . I was naive and thought I’d be safe there. I think it was in some ways worse than my childhood. People were incredibly cruel and less accepting than religious people. The gay « community «  can go f itself.

@goofy100phpguy - 29.12.2023 00:36

Not enough coping mechanism to like this video.

@mogznwaz - 28.12.2023 23:29

My uncle is gay and my cousin is a lesbian. They are lovely normal people who have zero time for rainbow activism. They just wanted equal rights and to be treated with respect. They have that - because they are nice people who don’t feel the need to make a thing about their sexuality like it’s a big deal. It’s not. We don’t care. And the law doesn’t either.

@fabianschafer5947 - 28.12.2023 13:14


@______-795 - 28.12.2023 07:17

You’ve earned my respect

@abujay1285 - 28.12.2023 04:54

This person might be lesbian due to possible childhood sexual trauma, lack of female role models and being raised as a tomboy.

@splinterbyrd - 27.12.2023 19:21

I'm gay and I agree. I've never liked the gay "community" much and I've always kept it at arm's length

@Guilherme_mamadas - 27.12.2023 17:34

Dude wtf, but ok (reminder: Im straigth)

@tobiushill6944 - 26.12.2023 23:41

You a gangsta. Tell it how it is

@AwGusTeen - 26.12.2023 18:43


@user-zx9id3zv3o - 26.12.2023 14:55

Real stuff dude 🤙

@LUNIX-STUDIOS - 26.12.2023 07:35

I used to have friend that is Bisexual, we used to be friends until, he started to backstab me, calling me a Homophobe and starting to tease me badly for no reason, i didn't do anything wrong, i respect the LGBT even when i am straight ://

I am glad that there are other LGBT Members that are acting normal and addressing this situation...
The world changes so fast...
Our Attitude and Behavior starting to change, all for the sake of pride...This generation is messed up...

@Lastjustice - 25.12.2023 09:05

You're on the younger side, but you seem years wiser than most your age. You did a great job expressing your stance and the path this is all headed in concise video. All this degeneracy will boomerang back and destroy what people have spent decades trying make good will out of. This all avoidable, but I feel like the attention whore bad actors lack the self-awareness to see how destructive what they're doing is. As straight white man I will get told stay in my lane, so it's good those with in the LGB are sounding the alarm against all this crazy. I'd rather head this off than see some sort of major backlash that regresses this country backwards.

@roses807 - 25.12.2023 00:45

You know our community is going downhill when a very respectful masc lesbian is also disagreeing with the actions of horrible people within our community. Thanks for speaking out. 😅😅

@Astrapionte - 24.12.2023 21:15

It’s ALWAYS the lesbians that are the finest lol

@Editzone__ - 24.12.2023 20:44

You need Jesus

@Neldot - 24.12.2023 15:29

You are a great person and truely a free thinker. You have all my unconditioned respect and support.
