Top-4 Best Microcontroller Boards to Learn Embedded Systems

Top-4 Best Microcontroller Boards to Learn Embedded Systems


3 года назад

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@khomo12 - 05.08.2023 22:43

Very nice!👍👍👍

@andrewandrosow4797 - 02.04.2023 20:34

I read on the Internet that esp8266 not using in any commercial/industrial product. It is only for learning? When it is true - why spending time to learn the one?

@henricoderre - 23.10.2022 17:15

I have 1 Arduino Mega2560 r3, several Arduino UNO r3, and 4 Nano boards. I also want to add the STM32 and ESP8266 or ESP32. The Raspberry Pi 4 is just too expensive right now, and I sob every time I remember putting off buying one when the prices were affordable about a year ago. I did however acquire the Raspberry Pi 400, and my research showed that it's almost as good, if not as good, as the Raspberry Pi 4. Your video was brief, yet extremely informative. I enjoyed it. Thanks.

@antonio270156 - 19.07.2022 20:53

Very good introduction. I already have 3 of the 4 boards described except the STM32, which I plan to try. I am using also the BeagleBone Black, which is comparable with the Raspberry Pi, and has lots of I/O pins. Thanks!

@buzztime8199 - 13.02.2022 11:28

I want to get a job on embedded coding on controllers, currently working as a java developer can I change my job to embedded coding is it possible is there opportunities in India ??

@jakaregariemmaneulprajeeth2971 - 25.01.2022 22:15

I want to work in medical device development and i have graduated from electronics and communication engineering from india and work as Embedded software , is it possible?

@poojav2735 - 19.01.2022 05:33

Thank you So much ...!
Which microcontroller board have the operating temperature range from -60 to + 80 celcius ?

@Somesh-Ji - 01.01.2022 22:17

Hi, this video is really helpful.
I want to make a touch screen controller where i can set temperature and it could controller two compressors. (-80 deep freezer)
I think your suggestion will be good n helpful.
After that my plan is make a more complicated controller for a centrifuge machine.
Can pls suggest something on this. ??

@shashankagrawal1058 - 04.10.2021 14:52

Hello sir
great video, after watching it i really wanted to buy one of these and get started
can you recommend me from where should i buy in india?
and what is your opinion about buying a genuine board vs fake/copied/cheaper one?
Thanks in advance

@retrorocketman6969 - 15.09.2021 09:11

Very good video. Thanks for the information.

@selvarajasendilkumaran3282 - 25.08.2021 08:41

Which is best for beginner

@sameerk12982 - 31.07.2021 16:25

Thank you very much for this easy to understand and very helpful video... Subscribed to your channel... Requesting you to make video series about STM32 boards and ARM programming.. It would be great help.

@bhuvanachandrabr4890 - 14.06.2021 05:23

Do u have a telegram channel ?

@nikhilbaravkar9109 - 27.05.2021 22:09

Sir what about beagle bone black ?? As I am a newbie in this field and If I purchase it for practice

@nikhilbaravkar9109 - 27.05.2021 22:02

Very nice video sir... Thank you. Will join you soon 👍👍

@MrChrisiscool15 - 26.05.2021 04:15

Thank you! Great content on embedded systems

@mhaelsubasic9975 - 18.05.2021 10:04

Great videos man

@SergeBrazuca - 04.05.2021 03:08

Very good! Greetings from Brazil

@victory-path101 - 30.04.2021 11:14

THANK sir for resolve my confusion

@felipecavalcante6203 - 30.04.2021 01:45

Very nice! Thank you :)

@abuthakirn2489 - 27.04.2021 09:16

Awesome explanation. 👌

@jasper5712 - 24.04.2021 20:51


@anujparekh752 - 24.04.2021 17:11

Any simulation software/tool there we can easily learn and code Arduino , in case of didn't buy board
