How setup locale in Laravel Using InfyOm Generator | Laravel localization.

How setup locale in Laravel Using InfyOm Generator | Laravel localization.

Laravel Package Tutorial

4 года назад

1,348 Просмотров

Ссылки и html тэги не поддерживаются


@GoogleUser-tk3mb - 27.06.2020 11:09

to switch between languages ​​still manually? by replacing locale in config / app.php
is it possible with the dropdown language option?

@Marchoso.Benito - 10.04.2020 21:09

thanks for the tutorial, but when I arrive to:
php artisan vendor:publish

I have the next error:
?[37;41m ?[39;49m
?[37;41m Aborted. ?[39;49m
?[37;41m ?[39;49m

Tico@tico-i5 MINGW64 /e/wamp64/www/laravel-locale
