Why should I learn assembly language in 2020? (complete waste of time?)

Why should I learn assembly language in 2020? (complete waste of time?)

Jacob Sorber

3 года назад

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@edwardellwanger2603 - 25.07.2023 07:21

auto. bat!

@edwardellwanger2603 - 25.07.2023 07:16

Have to comment! Decompile Fortran the auto.exe is the key to super computers.

@alperen880 - 03.07.2023 12:03

Thanks Jacob, this is really good and an answer I was looking for

@astra0602 - 03.07.2023 00:40

One of the reasons the industry has degraded in quality of programmers is because many new gen programmers don't learn about many low-level systems. it's not supposed to be easy if you want great code.

@somnvm37 - 12.06.2023 23:38

tbh Id want to learn assembly just because its interestinf
kind of curious (tho, in a python backend dev, couldntve been more useless for me I think)

@gethriel - 25.05.2023 02:24

Assembly language is my FAVORITE. I need to re-learn it for the new architectures; I learned 8086 assembler.

@ericturner267 - 26.04.2023 17:19

My best advice: Trust your compiler!

@TomokoAbe_ - 26.04.2023 14:03

ASM is the best language ever -- device drivers is one example how important it is.

@glentrudgett5877 - 04.04.2023 05:59

Thanks for the great video content. Wondering if you might address this for 2023 and possibly which chipset / tools you would suggest to "get enough" experience to help along the embedded path. Thanks again and keep up the great content.

@faithinverity8523 - 25.03.2023 16:50

Superb video. Superb advice. Your students are lucky to have you.

I loved my computer architecture classes. Learning how activation records are handled, for example, sharpens you.

And when I came to understand that authors of the compilers and the assemblers choose how those tools create their output, it kinda blew my mind. It also kind of forced me to experiment with writing op codes with a hex editor. Which is a bit like reading/understanding Joyce.

@fifaham - 20.03.2023 16:25

For embedded designers, like myself, that design around high speed applications and high MIPS the assembley is a must, and that depends on the application and the tasks that the design perform. Certain tasks can not be performed by C or Java because they can not run at the same speed of assembly. I used it in many of my projects.

@leifh - 09.03.2023 21:20

Yes assembly is a waste of time

@Oi-mj6dv - 18.02.2023 21:13

This is the only way one can truly appease the machine Spirit. Even maybe become a machine wisperer

@pavankumar-sp3rp - 29.12.2022 17:14

what are the companies and jobs on this assembly language

@mjovanc - 21.12.2022 13:13

"Human readable language", I get what you are saying, are learning Assembly right now. But it was a bit funny though :)

@colinmaharaj - 19.12.2022 10:03

I'm a speed demon, addicted to it. Haven't done it in a while, but I've used ASM from time to time to make things a bit faster.

@wristocrat - 06.12.2022 02:02

That shirt is amazing. It's like a combination of star wars, abbey road, and darwinism. If that's made by this channel that's really just a testament to how well you know your audience lol

@azophi - 03.11.2022 01:04

It is a waste of your time but sadly one you have to go through for class

@nickgennady - 25.10.2022 21:54

If I was a computer engineer teacher I would teach C first and make students do 2D game as final project. Than do assembly next semester. I would not even touch c++ the first year as I think it’s a awful foundation

@johntoe6127 - 09.10.2022 22:28

Not learning assembly language is like....
Learning everything about how a car runs, but never starting it.

@coffeebirdtree - 08.10.2022 23:51

It's thanks to people who work with assembly language that you have your high level languages developed in the first place. How could you possibly complain about learning something so awesome. Sigh.

@skylergaming6265 - 20.09.2022 17:23

Imo its actually a waste of time to learn assembly language while learning c language/css are more worth time

@joaopedrovoga5497 - 16.09.2022 23:18

Sometimes I feel like learning assembly but when I look at assembly code and how intimidating it is, every cell on my body just screams "No thanks".

@cd-stephen - 13.09.2022 18:35

when you know how it works under the hood, makes you better

@ElMaestroEstudiante - 13.09.2022 16:56

I disliked this video so nobody finds my secrets to the universe. 😅

@omkarpathak9880 - 02.09.2022 16:46

I want to learn assembly language. Can anyone tell me how should I start and resources?
Thank You.

@ramadhanafif - 27.08.2022 09:27

Wearing watch that can fit your belt is complete "waste of time"

@ratasan8928 - 04.08.2022 23:02

What's the name of the girl that wrote the first assembly thing? I'm not a native speaker

@victorcossio - 17.07.2022 20:43

how to learn by myself? online resources o books? I saw some cpu emulators, are those useful for this?

@imcleo7631 - 12.07.2022 09:24

self-taught here. i really like assembly and low-level stuff, been messing with x86 and disassemblers for years now, reverse engineering games as a hobby. it's just endlessly intriguing to me. i wonder what sorts of jobs demand this kind of skillset.

@presauced - 25.06.2022 01:38

Good for learning assembly information compilers produce.

@MrSirmay1 - 17.06.2022 06:37

Interesting video please keep on creating content like this, not many content creators don't or can't create this type of content, thank you.

@kentheengineer592 - 16.06.2022 08:43

First Off What is the state of inquiry coming from when u say why is learning assembly code a waste of time if learning assembly is a waste of time then clearly u don't have an interest in designing computer languages from scratch because you don't have a goalp

@illegalsmirf - 31.05.2022 18:50

If you can't code everything in raw assembly code (or C at the most) then you're not a real developer, you're an impostor

@raym6415 - 21.05.2022 19:48

It’s funny in this talk, C is a higher level programming language but in comparison with Python, C is considered a low level programming language🤣. My opinion: is is high level programming language.

@BryanChance - 19.05.2022 01:39

I think assembly is one of the languages every computer science or software engineering student should learn. I suppose it wouldn't be useful for a PHP web developer or product manager. LOL

@klausehrhardt4481 - 08.05.2022 23:56

If you happen to be idle enough, have plenty of leisure time and strong interrest in learning machine computer (opcode), I sugest you to pick a simple midrange microcontroler as arduino's atmega 328p, download its IDE, read documentation (part datasheet, instruction set, compiler manuals), learn the basics of digital eletronics, pick a development board (or build it yourself) and go ahead.
There may be joy in it, but not without many tears.

@klausehrhardt4481 - 08.05.2022 23:31

Strangelly enough I have come to earn a living by programing embeded firmware apllication in assembler language for industry. A high tech company? No. Just an ordinary electrician that happens to have leisure enough in his job to improve and retrofit the old machinery in the plant I work.

@jacko314 - 26.04.2022 18:33

if you want to do any serious debugging especially at the kernel level you will be looking at assembly almost entirely as it is hard to debug timing issues without running the actual release binary and debugging crash dumps from the field. i also wrote wrapper functions for an intel instruction that runs through memory for bit set runs. which is used heavily for file systems and allocators ect. to debug root kits you need to look at assembly. there was one bug a coworker and i debugged in which a user mode application code pages out a driver then searchs through the page file and corrupt it with a root kit and when that driver get paged in later voila. you are running a kernel mode virus that can do what the heck it wants. even store its self inside another kernel drive so that is runs durring boot. another case was for shrinking down a MBR boot driver to support certain disk configs. itanium assembly is a nightmare.

@NeerajGupta-fy1bv - 19.04.2022 12:59

More interest is out there for assembly related content.

@ULTIMARAGNAR0K - 19.04.2022 10:49

problem learning assembly language is that youre learning from the current architecture you are learning. as most processors are now ARM. Apple is an example that makes M1 chip but the problem is you dont know the registers because the chip is a patent that they wont release to the public for security reasons.

@igboman2860 - 31.03.2022 15:53

I studied Electrical engineering, 12 years. I've completely forgotten about computer architecture and assembly language.

Now that I'm a developer, I am relearning assembly and architecture

@DevDungeon - 05.03.2022 08:42

Learning Assembly is mandatory. It is fundamental. You don’t need to use it every day but you must use it at least once to write some bare metal code like a simple boot loader.

@dontaskwhojoeis3283 - 19.02.2022 08:53

him: human readable
me: sipping my coffee
him: shows picture
me: spits out coffee

@garretthamilton9220 - 17.02.2022 04:19

Taking computer arch this semester my head hurts!

@nanvirentertainment7692 - 16.02.2022 19:25

Does terraform inherited assembly language?

@myklbarbosa - 15.02.2022 00:54

CS students complaining about assembly language classes are like med students getting angry about taking biology classes. This is literally the building blocks of most computer systems.

@btno222 - 13.02.2022 20:25

does knowing ASM help you in understanding, to make an innovative ISA for like let say the new ARCH = RISC-V and in coming up with a starter? I would want to make a computer that is in-line with future tech that is coming out, where Neural Kine-sis is involved! to come up with a low energy mobo, and to have some CO who like snap-dragon, or amd that can make a (diamond Computer utilizing iR so that heat will not be an issue!) Ground up starter! i know in my dreams right?!
