Azure Data Factory | Continuous Integration & Deployment with Azure DevOps

Azure Data Factory | Continuous Integration & Deployment with Azure DevOps

Kamil Data Geek - Azure explained

4 года назад

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Talib Butt
Talib Butt - 29.08.2021 21:54

Hi Kamil, Thanks for sharing the usefull information. I have a question If you can help with. We have a shared integration runtime that we are sharing with two data factories Dev and Prod. How can i deploy the release while using the same IR for both data factories. In the release pipeline while deploying to produciton i need to use powershell to first grant access to IR to the prod data factory and then deploy it. How i can use the powershell in this scenario. Thanks in advance

Vibhavari Vyas
Vibhavari Vyas - 20.02.2021 03:02

Very useful .. thanks for sharing .. how do you put check to ensure that you are not deleting any tables / other objects ? Assuming that code review process is not tight..

clapton79 - 27.01.2021 16:41

very useful, thank you for the walk through.

Leroy Mason
Leroy Mason - 11.01.2021 07:37

great step by step demo

Bharanidharan M
Bharanidharan M - 26.10.2020 12:27

Hi Kamil, i have a data lake storage which is authenticated thru service principal. i am struggling to assign the client secret in config-uat.csv to override parameter of linked services. could you pls help. thank you.

Klinok - 20.09.2020 11:30

Hi Kamil,
what about Self-hosted Integration Runtimes?
IR does not work in the new Data Factory after deploying.
What is your idea how to fix it?

Santosh Singh
Santosh Singh - 10.06.2020 15:31

sir, I have created a feature branch in ADF but forget to delete it. When again I am developing new changes with this branch and pull into master I am getting merge conflict issue and also don't know how to delete my unused feature branch. Please help

Kristof Van Engeland
Kristof Van Engeland - 26.03.2020 20:14

Fantastic explanation, Kamil! I'm currently trying to implement CI on an ADF with a more complex structure (including a shared IntegrationRuntime from another factory and a linked service to a Databricks workspace) and multiple parameters/variables, and I hope your next video will give me some inspiration on how to create a solution.
