Create Expandable Dependent Drop-down List in Excel with Multiple Words & Spaces

Create Expandable Dependent Drop-down List in Excel with Multiple Words & Spaces


3 года назад

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Talent Hwandih
Talent Hwandih - 18.06.2023 00:21


Ashish Kamble
Ashish Kamble - 15.06.2023 14:18

When I get select the formula =indirect("XXX[XXX]") this formula is not working, which excel version needs to use , I have Mulitple station and Defect w.rt. station so not able to make the formula, what was worng in the excel

MovieBuff Telugu
MovieBuff Telugu - 01.05.2023 01:04

Thank you so much. It has helped me a lot

JASMINE LEE - 06.04.2023 16:15


Oscar Ramos
Oscar Ramos - 11.02.2023 17:56

Excelent this video, I'm really greatfull, that help me to improve the report in my job. Thank you so much....!!!!

Kami Ghadoushi
Kami Ghadoushi - 03.02.2023 05:47

Looked at a lot of videos. This one is the best solution out there. Thank you, it was very helpful.

Ra Mage
Ra Mage - 30.11.2022 00:22

Hello Teknisha, huge fan.

I would like to know how you solved the "This needs to be delimited error"?

It only occurs on the browser version of Excel. Everything works fine in the desktop version... But on the browser version it returns that error

Yurleidys Monroy
Yurleidys Monroy - 24.09.2022 02:55

You can't imagine how grateful I am for this video!
You're amazing! :)

Annie Key
Annie Key - 16.08.2022 23:49

Hi, are you doing this in desktop Excel or 365? I'm trying it in the web version and when entering source information in the data validation box for my second (dependent) column, I get the error message "list source must be a delimited list, or a reference to single row or column". Any feedback on ways I might address this issue would be wonderful. Thank you.

Παναγιωτης Φινος
Παναγιωτης Φινος - 08.07.2022 12:24

Thank you my friend for this tutorial.

mm - 28.03.2022 09:55

ITS WORK. Thanks for this tutorial. already subscribe n like. :-)

Graham Gaming
Graham Gaming - 27.03.2022 16:51

BE CARFUL! If you use a formula with a & between the row & column, It's going to get data from the first value!

✔=INDIRECT("Countries[$B5]") or works with =INDIRECT("Countries[B5]")

Mushtaq Qureshi
Mushtaq Qureshi - 23.03.2022 17:36

please explain how to sort (A to Z) a list within the table

Uka Ram Choudhary
Uka Ram Choudhary - 13.03.2022 13:37

Sir i am having two doubt 1. When at last only one option is there than why not coming automaticaly 2. when we are selecting some other name in any dropdown then why previous data is still there

Ferdinand Maxalo
Ferdinand Maxalo - 10.03.2022 23:15

Very helpful to my work

Thomas Buess
Thomas Buess - 09.03.2022 22:00

Thanks you for this tutorial.
This is the best way for multiple dependent dropdown list as long as you can accept the empty entries in a dropdown list (if you have empty cells in a table column).
Using the Offset function to avoid this is much more complicated.
You just got a new Subscriber.

surendra pandey
surendra pandey - 12.02.2022 12:50

Bro Thanks so much. One Question Though: After we select "Africa" in continent" and "Nigeria" in Country, in the city column under drop down it also shows BLANKS as a Valid Option, How shall we remove those BLANKS from being available as a valid option coz they are invalid.

MAHAMAT BENAMOU - 06.01.2022 18:49

God bless you my dear

Bedah nim
Bedah nim - 03.01.2022 16:41

This is so nice of youu.. kudosss shud have more likes, its very simple and helpful

Lucy M
Lucy M - 23.11.2021 19:45

Thanks so much for this. Is there a way to get rid of blank cells appearing in the drop down e.g. columns Nigeria, Kenya, South Africa don't have as many values as the others and as such creates a blank cell on drop down options. I have columns with 10 entries in one and 50 in the next which means scrolling through to find the selection in drop down. Thanks

S M - 21.11.2021 08:49

First one to explain how to create multi level dependent drop down lists without complicated formulas - Just two steps - Format Data as Table and single Indirect function to call dropdown lists! Thanks a lot.

Jayesh Tale
Jayesh Tale - 14.11.2021 21:03

Dear Bharah, Many thanks for such an informative and useful video, this approach is quite easy and my long search got ends with your videos. I was desperately searching for exactly this kind of dynamic dependent drop-down list with a formatted table

Vedic Soul Meditation
Vedic Soul Meditation - 06.11.2021 08:45

Dear Bharah, Many thanks for such an informative and useful video, this approach is quite easy and my long search got ends with your videos. I was desperately searching for exactly this kind of dynamic dependent drop-down list with formatted table...need your help as while executing dependent dropdown with cell reference i am getting an Error message " The List Source must be a delimited list or a reference to a single row or column. just sent my file to🙏🙏 your email ...many thanks in advance for your help..

Atiqur Rahman
Atiqur Rahman - 14.09.2021 21:54

Hi, Can You Please give me a link to download this excel file? Your existing link is not working.

RanC19 - 20.08.2021 17:33

Hi, i want to ask. Can we auto populate which country is the city from? For example, if i just type the name of city, the it automatically fill which country it is from

Sruthi Boddu
Sruthi Boddu - 08.08.2021 12:46

HI, thanks very much for the video. It is crystal clear. But, I am unable to refer it on another worksheet and it's giving me an error. What to do in this case ? My actial table is on another sheet whereas the lists are on another sheet. Please reply.

Gary Joaquin
Gary Joaquin - 13.07.2021 22:58

Of the 20+ videos I have watched describing how to set up dependent drop down lists, yours was the easiest to follow and to implement. Its dynamic update capability enables content managers with zero knowledge of Excel functions to maintain their drop down lists. Thank you for this elegant solution.

Nova Mae Fesalbon
Nova Mae Fesalbon - 13.07.2021 03:29

I can't also do this in Microsoft Excel 365 Online :(

Jonas Esguerra
Jonas Esguerra - 10.07.2021 15:04

Hello.I badly needed your help.I just created similar project by following your instruction step by step.Unfortunately I cant finish because I am lost.I am doing 5 expandable.Please help me to finish my file.Really appreciate

Jasmine Sayedein
Jasmine Sayedein - 09.07.2021 23:20

great video
thank you so much!

Redha Akhund
Redha Akhund - 30.04.2021 16:59


Mommy Faye
Mommy Faye - 24.03.2021 09:50

Thank you for this! How can we remove the blank cells from the drop down lists?

jean nettie
jean nettie - 10.02.2021 17:20

New subscriber here. Your video is very useful. Thank you so much!

emz eguna
emz eguna - 31.01.2021 02:07

Let me try this with MS Office Excel 2013 if this will work.

xmbonk - 20.12.2020 21:03

great!! thank you for the tutorial.. absolutely cool !!
can i go further? for instance, to create dropdown list for province and then districts and so on?

update: yes i can expand it up to as many levels as i want..
thank you again
