No Mans Sky Freighter Guide - 2023

No Mans Sky Freighter Guide - 2023

Xxiou Games

1 год назад

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@tylerdurden4383 - 03.01.2024 03:43

Holy shit got an S class on 4th reload. Wasn’t the capital ship I was looking for but felt like I just had to take the S class especially being that it’s my first freighter.

@cmarchi128 - 12.12.2023 21:18

Can another player fly with you in your freighter?

@Recon777x - 19.11.2023 14:20

How much might it cost to buy a nice S class freighter?
And what do you do with your existing one if you buy it? Do you lose everything on it or what?

@DavidBuitragoSwastika - 30.10.2023 09:40

I just got one C Class but I was expecting some basic stuff, this is complicated, didn't know a lot of stuff here and how to get there.

@christophervandyke1342 - 26.10.2023 17:18

Got s class for my free one

@Everrrrr - 15.10.2023 08:02

Your freighter base looks clean! Very nice I like it

@IceMcFried - 13.10.2023 20:45

can you explain how ignoring the fight and going into the space station to save works? i have tried that and completely and utterly wasted my time by doing that as the freighter outside disappeared and now i have to do it all over again.

@HellionSol - 06.10.2023 17:08

I found a derelict freighter in space, but didnt realize I could go inside. How do I leave my ship to get into it ?

@quarteronline - 04.10.2023 15:23

On my latest play through I took the cash for my 5th jump and I immediately got an S class freighter on my 10th jump.

@mistyblackfoot3848 - 30.09.2023 22:24

Got an S class capital dreadnought in an hour last night for free. You don’t have to take the first free freighter, in fact you shouldn’t. The second one will be a capital class freighter. Then you will need to keep loading your save from before the fight and repeating it until you get the class you want. It took an hour of doing this save cheesing, but I finally got my S class. Worth.

@jonathanbaker4361 - 27.09.2023 12:49

I bought an A class Freighter. No battle, just flew on board. Saw it wS A class, went to the captain and gave him 12 mil.
Can you upgrade the class of your frigate fleet? I hired an S class Trade frigate, but my initial one, that came with the freighter was a Class C fighter.
Also, whe. I DO eventually trade up, can I take the frigate fleet with me?
I know, I sound like California woman, getting a divorce and taking the kids. But it's a game

@jonathangebert3006 - 22.09.2023 21:51

I was lucky enough to have a great S class freighter so up for my 2nd rescue event. Unfortunately, I had already took the C class on the previous one and since it was still early, I didn't have anywhere near the 135 million units required to swap. Now that I have the units, I am determined to find one again.

@suicidetony - 19.09.2023 10:23

I got an S class capital ship after 6 attempts. About 30 minutes.

@texasthib2029 - 18.09.2023 15:17

What a shit game

@MooseBeanZ98 - 17.09.2023 02:59

I randomly stumbled across an S class freighter yesterday but it was just sat there so I could land and talk to the captain, what’s the benefits to having an S class over my old C class?

@DirtRoadRemedy - 14.09.2023 01:19

This friggin' game... I was not planning on enjoying it after coming back to it after a few years. It was supposed to be a time waster. But as an older, more casual gamer... I'm here for it!

@BIA1hsjshs - 08.09.2023 08:12

You know that if you don't take the first freighter 3hrs/5warps later another option appears, rinse repeat

@yasyas2255 - 02.09.2023 14:25

Hey, thanks for the video. Can you tell if we can upgrade small frigates we send on missions?

@emerald6136 - 27.08.2023 06:27

Is your ship a sentinel ship?

@flowdaflava6574 - 26.08.2023 12:05

Ok, help would be lovely. I’ve been playing for a bit and got to my first freighter battle, issue was, it was a system freighter under attack, same kind of battle as the capital class. So I said “hmm I haven’t played it over a year, maybe this is new” so I grabbed the freighter. Fast forward another few hours, same issue occurs, ever system I jump into on my 5th jump has a system freighter battle instead of a capital one…Can anyone explain/help?

@EvilTeddie23 - 13.08.2023 20:31

I've been very lucky getting S-Class Freighters in Pirate Systems.
I had a Venator S-Class like the one you have - took about 6 rolls to get it.
Then I swapped for an S-Class resurgent. Took 4 rolls.
Then I swapped that for a Battleship class Sentinel. Took 6 rolls.
Finally went back to an S-Class Resurgent and the last time it took only 3 rolls.
Last night I tried to swap to an S-Class Dreadnought, but on a non-pirate 3 star system and rolled probably 100 times in 2 hours and gave up.

@tolstartheking - 13.08.2023 17:47

Here’s the biggest tip: Don’t build too much in them on Switch.

@nightlydrugs6927 - 13.08.2023 07:27

I got an A class today. First non-C I’ve seen. I took it.

@tlittlej - 06.08.2023 23:49

Welp I missed my free one 🤦🏾‍♂️

@sonnyday6830 - 30.07.2023 21:15

If I find another freighter that I like and swap, will I lose everything on my old freighter?

@kubilaykoymen6140 - 28.07.2023 17:12

The captain is chilling when 8 space pirates attacking the freighter. Then I accidentally hit the freighter with literally 1 photon cannon while trying to take down the pirates, then the captain; SUMMON THE SENTINELS RELEASE THE KRAKEN

@brianfrost7376 - 28.07.2023 03:52

WOW…likely one of his last uploads…

Hats off to you Xxiou!!
See you on the other side!

@samfinau3168 - 23.07.2023 06:58

Can I store ships in the freighter?, if so how many?.I've just started the game.

@killa1234560 - 19.07.2023 22:51

23 tries and got an s class freighter, go to a Pirate system where you start fight for a freighter, I think it's the 5th warp into a system that activates it then make a save point and fight till you get a s class

@christopherparks2987 - 17.07.2023 21:55

Second freighter I encountered was the free one I got. A class, looks like a destroyer from Star Wars, dunno what is called.

@samuelsummer3788 - 16.07.2023 19:43

Right off the bat you're mistaken.
If you dont accept the first freighter you rescue thats okay, keep playing after a few jumps you come across the battle scenario again and choose whether or not to accept that 1 for free, this will continue Until you accept your first free freighter, after that you will have to pay

@darkdeath47xxx - 16.07.2023 07:17

i just got the game this month on Nintendo switch and i just got my first freighter and its a A class 😊😀 go me

@podgo576 - 10.07.2023 01:16

Man, I got the fools luck on getting an S class freighter, 2nd pirate ship battle and it was mine 166m down.

@Bushmain200 - 08.07.2023 21:31

Found mine in about a week

@mr.woowoo8826 - 02.07.2023 15:19

RIP Xxiou o7

@xnappy898 - 28.06.2023 13:05

I just got a free freighter and it was S class. Guess I was lucky😅

@steveroberts6302 - 13.06.2023 17:51

Thank you for some really useful info which I didn't know.

Think it took me about 50 reloads to get an S class although the pirate battle was over so just had to fly straight to the freighter each time to check it out.

@thebulletkin8393 - 13.06.2023 17:30

I’ve had my freighter before endurance reshuffled them around, and I’ve not touched building at all yet since I’d rather have a good class freighter that looks nice first, but that is going to take an age seeing as I don’t even have the money yet.

Plus the building in this game is so deep I feel like I’d make something and end up not liking it

@jossmircruz - 04.06.2023 19:55

The freighter update was hands down one of my favorites. The new style of room and hallways is so much better. Having windows on the ship especially adds to the sense of natural atmosphere.

@KennyS16 - 01.06.2023 21:30

what’s the cooldown time for the freighter missions after debriefing the commanders from the previous mission

@samghost13 - 31.05.2023 07:00

Only build on your Freighter at the warp point. When randomly spawned items are disappearing

@Graybeard_ - 30.05.2023 10:10

I think the capital ships come in a lot of variations, but I get how some just see two. I always get my Sentinels freighters from Korvax systems, so I always have a Korvax captain and mission guy. They are always polite and respectful, which I aspire to be. 8-) The capital ships come in a variety of lengths, yes, up to seven sets of cargo pods down the sides. But you can get sphere cargo pods or rectangular cuboids. Then there are the bottom or belly pods. They are always spheres. But Sentinels can have one set of four or two sets of four belly pods. Of all the variations, I have found that the seven sets of rectangular cuboid pods with two quad sets of belly pod spheres, are the most rare.

@CodyDoodle33 - 30.05.2023 07:10

Can’t you just bypass the first fight and warp 5 more times to find a Venator for free for your first Freighter claim? I’m still on my first play through and am about to test it out.

@Bluetangg - 30.05.2023 01:03

Having a freighter is pretty fun. Building a frigate and fighter fleet is fun. Also seeing your crew walking around. Cooking from a freighter is super handy.

@KeLOut_Loud - 29.05.2023 22:21

Your Freighter is HUGE! Great video with a lot of helpful information. Blessed Bananas Xxiou!

@Lordoftheapes79 - 29.05.2023 20:14

When you start farming for that S class, take the time to find the one you like the looks of, then plop a base computer in an adjacent system, then name the base so you know what it is for. I tend to name it "Freighter in (insert the name of the system the model you want is in)".

After that, get in the habit of hopping in and out of your ship on the space station before warping. This way, when you're ready to put the time in, it will be easier. Now, when you encounter your freighter battle, immediately reload the save at the space station. Then use the teleporter to warp to the base you put down earlier. From there, warp to the system where you found your perfect freighter. Your freighter battle should pop with the exact model you wanted as the reward.

This is where the method has changed...

Skip the fight and land in the space station, remove anything you might have refining in your backpack, set your view to first person, and hop out of your ship to overwrite your restore point. From here, fly back out to the freighter and check its class. You can use your visor to see it from inside the hanger. When it's not your desired S class, reload the restore point in the space station.

Now, each time you reload, the freighter will be in orbit of the space station, tho its exact position and class/slot allotment changes. Rinse and repeat until you get your S class.

What this new method does, is remove the warp and battle time from the grind, making the whole thing faster and smoother.

If you did as I suggested, then you won't have your grinder in your ear the whole time and you can use your ship's view screen to find the freighter easily every time without having to make changes in every reload.

@Lordoftheapes79 - 29.05.2023 19:52

I just spent 3 hours hunting for an S class this week and came up empty handed 😮

@reniesboutique - 29.05.2023 18:11

Does building on the freighter count toward total base pieces for saves?

@Kokopelli-Bob - 29.05.2023 17:51

good job. Freighters are very cool, thanks for sharing
