How To Change The Folder Colors On A Mac Computer

How To Change The Folder Colors On A Mac Computer

Craig Neidel

3 года назад

8,476 Просмотров

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vic ajl
vic ajl - 22.09.2023 05:08

Can you change the white font that is under the folder icons?

KAWS - 18.09.2023 18:52

Way too much work. thanks tho!

Coco Goddess
Coco Goddess - 13.07.2023 18:48

Really loved your instructions, mine work on Ventura OS. I was having issues with the copy to clipboard being grayed out I went to the activity monitor and typed PBOARD and selected STOP then QUIT. Thanks a lot

Julie Nielsen
Julie Nielsen - 12.04.2023 09:15

I have Folder Forge from Apple App Store on my old MacBook Pro. Might put this on my new iMac instead.

Robert Dorr
Robert Dorr - 27.02.2023 07:04

Thanks,; changing colours of folders can be very helpfull in organizing folders. I wish Apple would make it easier as they did years ago but then dropped it. After all ,it is supposed to be a graphic interface!

Jordan Shanley hiphopmusic
Jordan Shanley hiphopmusic - 17.02.2023 23:04

Wow Thank You so much!

Manchester Stress
Manchester Stress - 17.02.2023 12:46

Brilliant thank you! We were looking for ways to simplify our filing and this is perfect. Thank you for taking to the time to record there - they really do make a difference to us small companies 🙌

El Shanio
El Shanio - 31.12.2022 12:52

For me it doesn’t work when I want to do “New from clipboard” pls help 🙏🏼

ICan'tGiveCredit - 19.10.2022 23:21

Very creative! I used to do this to change icons altogether, but I never considered changing the lighting/color properties of existing icons. Back in the days of classic MacOS, this was a stock color label feature: a color overlay, from a list of about 5-6 colors, could be given to a folder/file of the user's choice. Later, with OSX, a file's being labeled resulted in its text description being encapsulated by the chosen 'lozenge.' (This is the style I prefer.) Ever since Mavericks, labeling a folder involves selecting a respective color of dot that's placed beside the file's description — my least favorite.

Edith Ayer
Edith Ayer - 05.09.2022 18:17

I'm sorry but you talk way toooo fast.

Tamsen Aeolian
Tamsen Aeolian - 29.12.2021 07:29

Thanks for the walkthrough. But I'm with you. This is WAY too complicated. Apple. Do better.

CS77 Smith
CS77 Smith - 26.10.2021 16:48

It work perfectly for me 😊 thanks 👍

mario11xx - 15.08.2021 03:37

Have a question I'm running Big Sur on my 2020 Mac and I noticed the new from clipboard is grayed out I want to know what's going on it... used to work now it's grayed out any suggestions

Vijay Krishna
Vijay Krishna - 29.05.2021 18:54

Thanks for the tip. However, this works only on non-stock folders as am unable to change the stock folder colors like downloads/desktop etc

Eduardo Watkinz
Eduardo Watkinz - 29.05.2021 01:24

Thanks for the tip.....
