Sends & Returns EXPLAINED (Ableton Tutorial)

Sends & Returns EXPLAINED (Ableton Tutorial)

Reid Stefan

4 года назад

127,326 Просмотров

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Vidaxata - 14.11.2023 08:14

It sounds like crap

leeyum - 04.11.2023 11:32

Puppet is so distracting :/

Combo Jerman
Combo Jerman - 26.10.2023 12:54

all this puppet thing makes at least this video NOT complete useful. i didn't got anything of this video because is sooooo distracting. this video is very bad.

KrumpCakes - 14.10.2023 20:59

I like your funny words magic man

Kranx - 23.09.2023 09:59

Of course this guy comes up when i look this up

ProfessorSaibertin - 16.09.2023 17:36

Thx for the tips man.

Piotr B
Piotr B - 06.09.2023 00:23

God damn man, If You cloud just do it quicker, and reduce Your speech to minimum, would be great. 12 minutes for this topic is 10 minutes too long

Pro Audio Najia
Pro Audio Najia - 27.07.2023 22:15

Love your tutorial videos (all of them). Would be great to have you implement your Ableton moves in traditional DAW like pro tools or studio one. Keep up the good work.

Treyari Junior
Treyari Junior - 06.07.2023 17:37

The head is giving me anxiety every time he moves it really hard to the shit beat

Treyari Junior
Treyari Junior - 06.07.2023 17:36

The puppet is making me mad 😅

Luciano Drossi
Luciano Drossi - 04.07.2023 12:56

Of course the returns are bussed… :)

Neo Connor
Neo Connor - 03.05.2023 02:17

Am I the only one who finds this channel to be super annoying? I am trying to learn and they're trying to entertain me with puppets. It's really distracting.

Trevor Keller
Trevor Keller - 04.04.2023 06:30

That add was fuckin awesome organic sauce ohhh boi..... Whos that lady really in realation to you did you hire her i bet it was craigs list

props so many props

Claudio Terán
Claudio Terán - 26.02.2023 17:10

You're too awsome Reid, love you!

DaBeats Freak
DaBeats Freak - 23.01.2023 09:13

Too fast with a very small arrow you barely see. And I feel like this video is chopped, meaning I’m missing some vital information to keep following. I’ve seen better tutorials. It was funny with the puppet in the beginning, but the fub went away when I got frustrated by repeating parts of the video over and over.

Conal Flood
Conal Flood - 17.01.2023 23:34

lmao, only finding this channel

Arthur Hakobyan
Arthur Hakobyan - 05.01.2023 15:35

why just don't use ext out in reference track instead of routing tracks to PREMASTER and moving master plugins to PREMASTER. just leave master channel with its plugins and just create new audio track and put output to ext out 1/2. it's simple fast and clean

mk - 23.11.2022 16:06

somebody told me that you use a plugin to make the puppet move to the wave?

Athinagoras - 16.09.2022 22:29

Hello! Thanks for the video! I have one question:
You are about to record some vocals and you have some vocal tracks (lead vocals and vocal layers) that require the same default plugins to get started. For example, you might have a standardized plugin chain like EQ, DeEsser, Compressor, Saturator, Reverb and Delay with default settings for every vocal track you produce.
To save CPU, instead of inserting this plugin chain in each vocal track, people usually suggest using a Return track and inserting the plugin chain there. Then, it's advised to increase the Send level of the vocal tracks to let the audio pass through the Return track and then to the Master.
However, unless the output of the vocal tracks changes from Master to Send Only, you will have double audio going through the master (the audio from the vocal tracks and the return track).
You could also group the vocals and send them to the return track, which leads to the same issue but with less flexibility in the individual tracks.
My question is what is the best practice in the above example, considering the need for further effects per track down the road, as well as gain staging and mixing overall?
Thank you!

chrispysaid - 01.09.2022 10:17

So Reid, why are you comfortable with the master levels blasting at red the entire time you're playing a song? Is there something I'm missing here, or is red bad?

NOAH VANDEN ABEELE - 30.08.2022 16:34

Thanks for your video. However you forgot to mention something very important, when you route your return channels to your premaster audio in, you shouldn't forget to disable the sends of the premaster, because otherwise there is no delay compensation from the sends and you can have combfiltering (ableton instored this to avoid infinite loops). I experienced it myself and the difference is quite important.

Kolyo Vanchev
Kolyo Vanchev - 09.08.2022 00:47

I've primarily been mixing in Pro Tools and arranging/making instrumentals in Ableton, but I have been considering using Ableton for everything. This was really useful, especially the idea about using effects racks instead of return tracks

KalleosMusic - 15.05.2022 01:09

Hey Reid ! Thanks for that excellent tutorial. However I'm new to Ableton and as a former FL user, I'm very confused with the bus management in Ableton. Like how do you deal with the situation when all your background vocals are linked to the same effect bus but there's no way to control the send level of each one ?
The way I'm dealing with this is by copying the exact same effect chain to each track, however that quickly leads me to CPU overloads...
Thanks for answering if you take the time to !

Ben Wexler
Ben Wexler - 04.05.2022 19:48

Can we not with the puppet

Kevin Branson
Kevin Branson - 07.02.2022 09:58

Very helpful and so many ideas I'm going to try! Thank you so much! First time checking out this channel but I will be back!

Mark Dalton
Mark Dalton - 29.01.2022 11:30

I have Ableton 11 crashes all the time since my last update..

I have several songs lost by crashes. Ableton sucks as far as I'm concerned at this point. Get another Daw, save yourself a major headache.

AARON BAZIL - 13.01.2022 17:00

This is why it's always useful to know another DAW, because this subject is easier handled in either Logic or Pro Tools. Their mixer process is so much easier to use than doing this with return and sends.
It's kind of a struggle for me every day when I produce, to switch between multiple DAWs sometimes when I produce because they all have their pros and cons.

Although that new Satellite Sessions free plugin has been a godsend for working between multiple DAWs better than REWIRE ever did!

Anyways thank you for this tutorial! I still didn't know how to do this in the arrangement window of Ableton. I knew you could always switch to session viewer to see exactly which returns and sends you're using.

Han Solo
Han Solo - 31.10.2021 23:08

The puppet is totally unnecessary.

Mauricio Torrelio
Mauricio Torrelio - 29.10.2021 21:13

okay so say i have all the vocals in a group, and one of the tracks in the group has a delay send... does it go through the send before going through whatever is on the group track? Or does the track go through the group chain before going to its own specific send??? this is so confusing bc the group track has sends too!

Arsadaul - 29.10.2021 15:42

What a cringe

leXel - 06.09.2021 12:59

Very very useful vid, thanks 👍🏻

Colin Lawlor Audio
Colin Lawlor Audio - 08.08.2021 00:06

There is literally a puppet teaching music production theory.... What a time to be alive!

ppdlive - 24.05.2021 22:22

route aux signal to track before master create delay for me

SAMIL - 26.04.2021 16:46


ppdlive - 25.04.2021 22:30

with PREMASTER mix channel, I cant solo my aux channel, I always hear all others channels routed to PREMASTER . How we can solo AUX channel with this routing?

Amadeus G
Amadeus G - 16.04.2021 23:18

Great video! Thanks for that one 🙏🏼

JD Nicoll
JD Nicoll - 15.04.2021 04:55

Mad respect man. What may not be obvious to people is that the puppet is speaking WHILE all the Manipulation and Ableton is happening on screen. Think about what you have to do to reproduce that.

That being said, my hunt for send return info continues…

The Zoo
The Zoo - 15.04.2021 00:05

Nice Video.Regards from Portugal.
I Have a problem i need Help for this
Can anyone explain me ?

In Protools i bounce several tracks
in a group track with all pan worked
but i dont Bounce in Stereo, i Bounce
in Multiple Mono.
Than i Open a project in Ableton Live
and import the 2 Mono tracks for 2 tracks in Ableton
i assume the 2 tracks together its a Stereo File in ableton right ?
in Ableton , the 2 tracks i put in Center ( C )
Than if i want export again the 2 tracks in Ableton
but in Multiple mono ?
In Ableton i only see ( Stereo ) or ( Mono )
if i export in mono one track than the other
i need to change the Pan all to Left and the
other track all to R ?
Or i export the 2 tracks in Center ( C)
Preserve the Stereo fild ?
Ableton dont have Multiple Mono L and R
Thanks !

Dez - 13.04.2021 17:18

The puppet is goofy but knowledgeable

Nate Williams
Nate Williams - 10.04.2021 23:36

Any improvements on sends in ableton 11?

muhruki - 05.04.2021 18:07

why was the shorty from the whole loops ad so fine

Jay's Domain
Jay's Domain - 02.04.2021 19:58

Love this

Shubham Lad
Shubham Lad - 24.03.2021 22:13


Felix Dorn
Felix Dorn - 24.02.2021 12:37

Hey my littal muppeteresk Friend, thx for the explanations. With the send & return channels i always run into the problem, that if i send for example the snare into one and later need to reduce the volume of that snare track, the amount of the volume of send & return fx changes also. Which i thought first is a good thing, that it matches to the track. But the amount of fx also changes. So i have to rearrange the reverb afterwards again. even if he was perfect with the first volume setting of the snare. Any way around this? can the send&return channel be independent from the volume of the original track? i hope that wasn´t too confusing. :D cheers

Jov Brza
Jov Brza - 16.02.2021 03:09

dude where are you producing its frkn gorgeous

Jov Brza
Jov Brza - 16.02.2021 03:08

hey man, love the videos, would still be good without the puppet ftr thanks bro!
