How the Baby Boomers Ruined Society

How the Baby Boomers Ruined Society


1 год назад

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kasra khatir
kasra khatir - 18.11.2022 11:10

We used to live in a society 🤡

Purpinkn H
Purpinkn H - 24.09.2023 04:19

Wtf is that beeping sound?

JamMaster Jay
JamMaster Jay - 24.09.2023 03:27

I can’t watch anymore of this misinformation

JamMaster Jay
JamMaster Jay - 24.09.2023 03:23


JamMaster Jay
JamMaster Jay - 24.09.2023 03:17

Who the F are you? Do you have a degree in anthropology? Sociology?

Eric Brown
Eric Brown - 24.09.2023 01:13

Boomers are pie-in-the-sky idealists whose greed and narcissism spent the WW2 surplus and saddled future generations with debt.

Duck Shoes
Duck Shoes - 23.09.2023 21:57

As a milennial, this is horse shit.

Gregory Estep
Gregory Estep - 23.09.2023 21:35

I’ve been saying for year’s only way forward is backwards making people toe to line but it wouldn’t take long for me to be labeled a evil authoritarian when those policies are for the peoples best interests when your always telling the people yes the man who says no is evil Socrates warned about these problems over 2500 years ago

Oganes Mkrtchian
Oganes Mkrtchian - 23.09.2023 19:11

Good video, too bad you're a moron that believes the same boomer propaganda about Assad and chemical weapons and other crap.

Paussums' Morgue
Paussums' Morgue - 23.09.2023 16:41

All the reasons their retarded they failed the up coming generations again and again. That's why gen Z is losing their fucking minds.

Bobby Z
Bobby Z - 23.09.2023 14:41

i happen to agree with you about them. i have to go to wine parties with them otherwise they get pissy and i might not inherit anything. they're like teenagers with hearing problems and joints that don't work. for them, it's just about collecting more and more luxury and they have no concept that they take those liberties at the rest of our expense. instead of leaving their kids their ill earned nest eggs, they replace their new cars every 2 years. everything they do is to ignore their own mortality and they don't care to know why voting dem is bad for the future. they're just on the team, they don't care what the team does. i could complain endlessly about them. let's just be glad that they will all be dead inside 10 years.

Pimp Daddy Disco
Pimp Daddy Disco - 23.09.2023 13:23

You obviously don't know many Boomers.
Most are terrible people

jason mckay
jason mckay - 23.09.2023 13:17

Boomers are selfish people are selfish u cant blame the boomers its human nature. You would have done the same thing in the same situation, but yeh i agree with most of these points the 0 fuks about the future kinda fuked the next generations over.

Chris M
Chris M - 23.09.2023 07:33

The African birth rates are off the charts!

Philip Heisler
Philip Heisler - 23.09.2023 02:25

Holy hell man change your goddamn smoke detectors batteries I desperately want to listen to your videos but that occasional beep is infuriating

G33_Wizz - 23.09.2023 00:02

Can't wait for the next generation to blame this one. This will age like a fine brie.

othernamesweretaken1 - 22.09.2023 21:54

Leftists are the obvious continuation of this shit every regard.

Michael Bread
Michael Bread - 22.09.2023 19:22

My parents are pretty cool, and are worried for my future/want me to succeed. We never went on vacations, or went out to eat. Lofe was oretty frugal. But my mom would buy me a book a month, or i woukd have enough birthday/christmas money for 3-4 games a year. But we love and respect one another. Don't get me wrong, we've had issues almost mom divorcing issues., but we grew stronger.

ALIENS ARE REAL - 22.09.2023 19:17

The real truth is, all humans are shit. Doesn't matter your generation or how you were raised. Its your genetic code to be shit.

Duke Nukem
Duke Nukem - 22.09.2023 18:44

u talk bad on trump , meanwhile u pay 3x the price of goods under biden . ur an absolute clown who knows nothing of what’s going on

The President's Nurse
The President's Nurse - 22.09.2023 13:42

I was sad that covid didn't get more boomers.

African Butcher1971
African Butcher1971 - 22.09.2023 12:25

Well, you're obviously half woke/half neo con, you are just as unconsciously brainwashed and arrogant as the baby boomers before you.
But what did i expect, it's modern America, one of the worst and dumbest places on the planet today. I wish you collapse, for your own good, with a collapse comes multiple types of reforms afterwards, after all, no union or empire lasts forever

Dylan Archer
Dylan Archer - 22.09.2023 08:27

Judge the allies and the baby boomers by the effort that they put into protecting their kids/grandkids from the people that the allies saved from Hitler. Negative infinity is their score :(

Jelton Inc.
Jelton Inc. - 22.09.2023 06:35

The beep on your video is driving me insane you mother fugger

will kleppin
will kleppin - 22.09.2023 03:57

Keynesianism is the epitome of boomer economics and they single handedly made capitalism out to be the boogeyman even though Keynesianism is a disgusting amalgam of private and public cooperation. Keynesianism is a superficial form of collectivism and is akin to fascism. I wish all Keynesians a very explosion. Austrian economics as developed by Ludwig von Mises, Frederic Bastiat, and Frederick Hayek is far superior to Keynesianism in every way shape and form

OldGreg - 22.09.2023 02:14

"the nazis made it untenable to be racist" uhhhhh, think there might be a bit more to it than that?

HEAVYWALL 70 - 22.09.2023 00:30

Boomers ARE the cancer cells that started this decline.
God help them when a real GenX feralchild gets in office.
Actually, that first GenX president, will clean up the mess Boomers made and never bitch about it or get any credit for it.

Sir Sancti
Sir Sancti - 21.09.2023 22:47

No, they didn't.

Riley K
Riley K - 21.09.2023 22:46 the battery in your smoke detector dead? cuz there's a constant beeping

Maria-Melek - 21.09.2023 19:52

If you want a pin point exactly on the day America changed forever into the America it is today, November 22nd 1963 is your answer. Morals and tradition were slowly rebelled out by the boomers, their parents were born into nothing and grew up with nothing, nothing but wars, when the war was over all the parents of boomers wanted was the best for their kids, so they built their wealth (thanks to a economic boom post WWII) and gave their kids everything they didn’t have, while keeping modesty and being conservative to oneself. However post John F. Kennedy years, modesty and whatever the adults thought went out the window, it was time for a new demographic to take the spot, (those born between 1940-1946, boomers were born in 1945-1964, so) when those kids grew up they took the freedom they saw say The Rolling Stones portray and wanted that too, then because social and political chaos ensued the world in the mid 60s (1967) everything completely changed, no going back from there with the hippie, counter culture movement( free love, Bose, dr*gs, and ofc s*x) oh and if you admire Mick Jagger, Jimi Hendrix, Jimmy Page… I got news for you, life was so free that they would have groupies and most crimes the groupies would be from 13-18 years old however as much as the artists wanted it, so did the groupies. Where were the parents I have no idea either. In the 70s and 80s and so forth, their wealth and good quality of life only kept on going. Now remember when I said hippies? Well there were 2 kinds those who really were in for it for the cause, and those who were rich but only wanted to be a part of something rebellious, those who really didn’t care became the Yuppies of the 80s, working in office jobs and financing and such like WTC or Wall Street. The reason why Gen X are latchy kids…well their parents (the boomers) were much concerned with work rather than their kids, so the Gen X would come home, open the door with the key under the mat and just be all alone binge watching MTV or perhaps babysitting their other siblings, then the Gen X grew up tired and full of angst and either formed a punk band or whatever they became in the 90s really fitting in or firming grunge groups in the 90s…and that cycle still continues. Scary thing is I see a hybrid but mostly Boomerism in my generation (Gen Z /2002 born here) wanting to make a change but only protest after protest, only words, not really giving too much of a damn, soft parenting skills, and soft language to avoid confrontation, like the parents of the boomers, but the anger of Gen X. In conclusion the boomers messed up society because they only never were brought up tough and certainly didn’t allow their children to struggle, show them the real world unlike the parents of today for obvious reasons, they just taught their kids how to tie their ties, how to wear their dresses, no bad behavior, they were basically trained like dogs as kids, and expected their kids to be that way well into their early adulthood, however that wouldn’t happen, the boomers got the soft side of things, everything given, not earned, their lives sprouted on the greener side of things unlike the generations before and after them, guess you can also call them the Goldilocks generation.

Sorry if it was long, hope it helps those who read the comments, instead of watching the video 😂

Mike Row Wave
Mike Row Wave - 21.09.2023 19:50

Boomers were awful, but I'd say the majority of the younger generations exhibit the "boomer tendencies" you talked about but on steroids. They're horrible, and the next generation incoming is raised purely off of TikTok with zero principles at all. I'm in my late 20s, I feel completely alone because so many just believe in this madness with blindfolds on. Impossible to have friends when most folks around you are that bad. Politically I dont fit in anywhere because both parties in the US have gone mad. I make what is theoretically good money ($95k) and live like a pauper to save as much as I can but each day real estate seems further and further away from a reality. I don't think anything will change for the better, and it will get significantly worse from here and hopefully it does if that means things can be good one day for someone in the future. We just have to consign ourselves to a miserable life and hope someone else will do better.

Caius Keys
Caius Keys - 21.09.2023 18:49

Most of today's problems begin with the 60s hippies, and Gen X was a reaction to their awful excesses.

Tingus Pingus
Tingus Pingus - 21.09.2023 18:18

If our grandparents beat enough hippies up and didn’t let Liberalism reek hell in this country we would be alright. Liberalism made women looser than spare change and men weaker than ever. All society is nowadays is high body counts and no aspirations to create the family unit. Men are going to be so miserable in the future with what they have to settle with and women will follow the trend of being unfaithful. I see it everywhere I go and men in their 30’s don’t even want to get married. Truly a twisted society because people are bored of tradition, they are mentally 11 years old and have voting power.

Evan Cribben
Evan Cribben - 21.09.2023 17:50

My father who was born in 1940 was going to college full time and had a part time job paying his rent and college. Make it make sense.

Vassk - 21.09.2023 17:31

in there generation climate change was a huge topic. nothing changed. worked very well. but i think this is the wrong place for this, this compilation is researched poorly.

John Wotek
John Wotek - 21.09.2023 15:26

Mate, why the fuck is there random bip in your video? For a moment I though it was my fire alarm calling me to changes its battery.

Thakisher - 21.09.2023 14:41

wow dont start blaming for are joke of a world at the baby boomers ,the not the marching to mutilate kids n you actual comon sense in those days today is just planly obnoxious and stupid.

Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence - 21.09.2023 05:44

Dude, I like the video, but I think you're waaay off the mark. Who do you think raised the boomers, who designed the society they grew up in. The place was trashed by the time the boomers came into enough collective power to do anything about it. I don't disagree they had it pretty easy compared to later generations, but at best, they can be blamed for just going with the flow and selling out their kids just like they're parents did. The millenials will likely do the same.

Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence - 21.09.2023 05:31

You might want to check the battery in your smoke alarm. I think I can hear it beeping in the background.

N P - 21.09.2023 03:49

You cannot blame the older generation for your problems. You can easily vote them out of office, but you keep voting them in. We have people in their 80s in office.... That should tell you something, or the fact they run continuously with no opposition for 40-60 years.

Zephyrus Asmodeus
Zephyrus Asmodeus - 21.09.2023 03:08

Great video, definitely enjoyed looking into the topic but man, i can't help but picture your brother or someone constantly turning their game console on and off in the background lol

MisterRose - 21.09.2023 01:10

Birth control has done more damage to society then nuclear weapons.

CAMSLAYER13 - 20.09.2023 18:42

The boomers lived in a literal golden age. Large parts of the developed world just got blown up and were entirely dependent on the US. Say what you will about them, they could have done more to keep the wealth around but things moved on. They couldn't have kept things that good even if theh tried

Bryce Y
Bryce Y - 20.09.2023 18:30

Change your smoke alarm battery!😂

Madd Maxx
Madd Maxx - 20.09.2023 18:10

"baby boomers trying to be the exact opposite of nazis ruined society"
"b-b-b-but muh nazis bad!"

pick one and only one.

Gengar - 20.09.2023 16:54

Nah, millennials are by far the worst generation of Americans to exist.

Lalavava666 - 20.09.2023 09:42

You have an annoying voice

Depressed Brahmin
Depressed Brahmin - 20.09.2023 06:10

One reoccurring theme I see from this generation, every boomer guy thought he was a revolutionary

Mat Helm
Mat Helm - 20.09.2023 03:25

Young people today DO NOT face hard lives... They moronicly make their lives hard.
