The Disturbing World of DeviantArt

The Disturbing World of DeviantArt

Visual Venture

1 год назад

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@colinyourube2005 - 09.12.2023 00:38

I have safe mode on

@jameswinslow6937 - 08.12.2023 23:16

So you're telling me artists used a service they never had to pay for, and then found out that when you don't pay for a product, you are the product....... Absolutely shocked

@maxderholzrusse - 08.12.2023 13:44

Who cares. You know that the whole Internet is with porn 💀

@RyanMartinez - 08.12.2023 12:42

My deviantArt account used to be my "home" on the internet. After being scared away by art theft and honestly the really "I like everything, no criticism here" feel of all commenters I stopped using it. After first hearing about the current AI trend (back before it took on generated art), I deleted my account because I saw the writing on the wall. No art was safe online. I mean, that was true before, but this is turbo-charged art theft. To me, showing any of my art online is dangerous as a working artist. I used to embrace using the internet to promote my art, now I sound like a Luddite who would never put his art online for any reason. See that icon for my profile? That is literally the only thing left of me in terms of art that is currently online (I mean, unless you can find something I've forgotten about).

@GateKeeper_Systems - 08.12.2023 10:45

Do Furaffinity next!

@Exencia - 07.12.2023 21:52

I hate that anime is often associated with all the porn of it instead of some unrecognized anime artists/animators that do amazing work.

@battlesister1559 - 07.12.2023 03:05

DA lately has been quite vanilla if it weren't for all the AI stuff and other dramas that always happens every year. The stuff before 2016 was far more cursed.

@buttercupcat9886 - 07.12.2023 02:48

Alot of times devinart posts alot of cringe!!! It's not art and not only that I don't wanna look at some of those inappropriate stuff anyways its like some people have no life at all what's so ever

@everythingthrice2582 - 06.12.2023 08:51

You don't even need an account to find the strangest things on Deviantart

@Talgoth666 - 04.12.2023 15:53

I've long stayed away from DA after something that traumatized me tbh. I didn't have an account and I mostly checked it out for wall papers for my computers. One day I go on the site and on the main freaking page front and center there was something highly illegal posted. And it wasn't art work either, it was a real life picture. It shocked me to the core. I never went back to that website ever again.

I know I generalized but I simply branded everyone that was posting on this website in the same category as those monsters who uploaded that stuff and it was shown on the main page. Now a decade later I still avoid going on the site unless I have a direct link to the gallery of the artist I'm looking up. I'm actually surprised the website is still up tbh.

@miglenakostova9378 - 04.12.2023 15:33

The real reason why I hate deviantart

@JohnAlbertRigali - 28.11.2023 23:34

I've been harassed on DA by several users for not "tolerating" (accepting) some of the social and political stances that are popular on DA. Because DA supports those stances and even promotes some of them, I didn't even bother to ask for rescue from the harassers. The harassers apparently got tired of harassing me and eventually left me alone.

I haven't spent much time on DA in the last three years. I wasn't aware of the AI thing. I only have one work on DA, but because I made it under contract (and I have permission to publish it on DA), I added the "NoAI" label to it.

@FurrendlyVR - 28.11.2023 19:15

There's also viruses trojans and malware thru the big sur rain meter skins and wallpapers and things and a lot of nsfw which should not be allowed and it's against tos

@Mohammad-pm9ow - 27.11.2023 20:49

3rd Internet law of Chihimanjaru-
Every massive community rots over time.

@zyxwvutsrqponmlkh - 26.11.2023 06:09

If someone is stealing art take them to court. Not the websites problem to fix if you cant figure out how to send a DMCA take down request.

@kikudesign - 25.11.2023 11:11

have you look into a user in deviant art "tweehooligan" ?
It seems very dark..and maybe you can find out the truth about her.

@frenchiesottises8193 - 20.11.2023 22:15

Idk if anyone's told Visual Venture, but, not too long ago, DeviantART made a statement of sorts to enforce their ToS about the kind of NSFW content that's allowed on their platform. The Twitter post was full of users who didn't actually read it, saying that most of dA's content is fetish content and how it was going to "destroy their platform", but it was clear that the company was actually making a point to ban outright illegal content, not ban it altogether.

If it weren't for their constant disrespect towards artists in general, I would consider coming back.

@thisdefinitelyhasnotanynam358 - 20.11.2023 08:51

Go cry your momma

@imxbubbles - 15.11.2023 08:50

I go on there looking for wallpapers, and find thirst traps of Ed Sheeran 💀

@addhoardingprocrastinator - 12.11.2023 04:49

we don't need more wolves to combat the wolves, we need more sheep dogs to rid the world of the wolves . Especially those wolves who attack sheep and sheep dogs.

@bridgetmistryable - 07.11.2023 10:47

Well in the marvel section there is a art that I like called Wanda and Vision (Wake Up) which is Wanda kissing Vision while he is asleep which is a Sleeping Beauty reference

@RainTheStrawberry - 06.11.2023 08:55

I used to post on DeviantArt and I am so glad that I left before everything went to crap, I still feel so betrayed about what they did.

@captaintorr8740 - 05.11.2023 19:20

Interesting doc, I'm a regular uploader to Deviantart. As a platform it does have problems, but what is the alternative?

@TheyOutpizzadTheHut - 05.11.2023 01:58

Tori the Wolfy is the Sephiroth of Deviantart, he always comes back.

@zufalllx - 03.11.2023 13:26

Can we stop calling every group of people a 'community'?

@coolguy14006 - 03.11.2023 11:42

why i thought i heard seven nation army at the start i think i need hearing AIDS

@TimidGhoul - 02.11.2023 21:23

DA was a wild, wild time especially as a preteen lol

@kamalionify - 01.11.2023 00:23

Honnestly, the fact that dA added Ai technology before even considering adding a simple "report account" button is concerning to me and just speaks volume to their lack of values.

@kamalionify - 01.11.2023 00:11

Why do all the fucked up people have "wolfy" "wolff" or any other mispelling of Wolf in their name wtf. it looks like a trend. I can't even trust anyone having a mispelled wolf word in their name anymore

@lambdastorm7787 - 31.10.2023 13:10

A decade ago my deviantart feed looks like someone who spends too much time on the internet. Nowadays I check the site every 6 months. There are still absolutely breathtaking art there and right along side them some disturbing one. I for one am kind of nostalgic towards DA. It was the one site that I religiously used for 5 years, and not much has changed, at least to me.

@Ellaisapotato - 31.10.2023 05:42

What is actually funny is that I was about to create an account of Deviantart because I wanted to see Dream SMP, Demon Slayer, and other animes and TV Shows and those types for fanart as well as create some and post them.

This really... made me turn back, to say the least.

@bandit5561 - 30.10.2023 17:18

"Most of the inappropriate content came from the anime category"
Yeah, I'm not suprised

@MrReaperofDead - 30.10.2023 08:02

There are a lot of unwell people on deviant art. You can even tell just by looking at the artwork that some original posters are unstable. DA tends to draw in that crowd

@jonpato - 28.10.2023 20:32

Wow, this video is pure Karen cringe.
Oooh noooo a boo bi

@QookieCrumbles - 24.10.2023 19:51

You can pick any random social platform and tell the exact same story to be honest.

@kengamezph3509 - 24.10.2023 14:30

I only search on deviantart megaman arts

@The_Peanut_Thing - 23.10.2023 08:54

Nah bruh they add ai arts and most of us artists take hours to make an art, bruh im leaving this shit fuck deviant art

@_theLore - 23.10.2023 08:49

The first time I ever went on deviant art was because i saw a twitter user's bio had their deviant art profile linked.

I saw 18 cp drawings in a row.

Never again 👍

@potatoboi420 - 23.10.2023 01:53

bro why did that sound effect at the very beginning of the video give me a heart attack

@IPlayAPixelatedMonkeyVRGame - 22.10.2023 08:56

i saw jake pauls feet

@Nwjns_number1bunnie - 22.10.2023 01:09

OMG yesterday I searched up Lindsay from total drama island and it said deviant art and I didn’t know what it was so I pressed on it and it was absolutely disgusting😅

@aporue5893 - 21.10.2023 14:03

deviantart is the art version of tumblr.

@madcat4563 - 20.10.2023 17:34

Damn that's shady to use the creators artwork as data.

Without permission.

@Mizutsuniee - 18.10.2023 02:48

I just knew creepshow art was going to be in here as soon as I heard "Has done things to another user that's even more illegal"

@MrVidification - 17.10.2023 00:27

Counterfeit works online? Welcome to the internet, where any method possible is now adopted for getting ahead. As for adult content on deviant art, it took me about five pages to find anything. There seems to be less amateur art on there now. It's full of what I believe to be either AI generated or copyright works, with the occasional art which isn't really art, but a thumbnail ad with a domain name showing for adult content. It is also selling art, which I don't believe it had done the last time I visited (years ago). Almost as if bots are uploading anything and everything. It must be under new ownership. Encouraging AI use will just turn it into nothing more than a googleimage search.

But seriously, this site isn't a huge problem when it comes to adult content. The bulk of parents give their children smartphones from a much younger age than 13. Ironically, for safety. Yet they then have unlimited access to any kind of content. How many check their child's internet history? Children will talk with friends at any age of what crazy content they've found online. How many bother adopting a provider's controls that filters out questionable sites? Media reports mention elementary and middle schools finding kids sharing adult material.

They play adult 18 or M rated videogames online. I have no doubt it isn't limited to fps shooters, but perhaps even those visual novel games on steam and indiegala, some of which on par with what you'd consider the worst of deviant art. I'm not sure if Play allows any of that. From relations, some kids also know the acronyms which lead to adult content.

The problem lies with the parents. They do not care enough, or just don't bother to find out about what content is being taken in, as that would mean having to take their eyes off their favorite social media app too. The parents are also bowing to peer pressure in not limiting access or taking away a device away as a timeout. The child at worst ends up addicted to social media, bullied or the bully online, and evolves into an introverted and hypersensitive adult that struggles to adopt critical thinking or to be open to opinions that greatly differ from their own.
