ОтветитьRarity wights just don't work for me for whatever reason. They have equal probability when genereated. This used to work in the previous engine version.
ОтветитьIs your art engine capable of gnerating NFTs in SVG format?
ОтветитьDoes anyone know if the metadata for Fantom is the same as for Solana?
ОтветитьIs there a way to get all the metadata into one csv file?
Ответитьcan it be that the nft art engine changed completely from the first turorial video?
ОтветитьFor the sol meta data, where it says sellerFeeBasisPoints:200, is that a 2% royalty?
Ответитьwould be cool for some way to detect a rare nft and have the generator place a badge on it. maybe even have it randomize the badge add more variety in the rares. just using badge as an example, could even have it add a shiny random overlay
Ответитьany on having issues with options not being found when using sub directories?
Ответитьhey Dan, I was wondering if there's a way to create "sub-collection" and for each trait category we can type the trait we wanna use?
Instead of making a separate folder, which can get very messy, and messes up the rarity as a result!
Hey man, how does Bored Apes have 7 Attribute types and soooo many different attributes per layer?
ОтветитьHi can I ask will this support gif files?
Ответитьthe discord link is expired or invalid it says.
Ответитьthank you so much for your tutorials! quick question, is it possible to generate .svg images instead of .png?
Ответитьso fucking complicated
ОтветитьI had started creating a collection though without a rendering engine just by "hand" so seeing this is pretty exciting and lets me focus back on making some unique artwork without having to manage it by manually creating each outcome.
ОтветитьHi @HashLips NFT... Thanks to you I have created my collection of 10,000 NFTs, YOU ARE THE BEST!
THANK YOU! .... Each of them with its "rarity" folder (.JSON files). BUT I NEED YOUR HELP: how can I use the "rarity" files I generate (the ones in the "JSON" folder) to upload that rarity to Opensea without having to write those rarity levels one by one (so I don't have to write ten thousand times the process of typing the rarity in the opensea boxes when loading the NFT).... I would really appreciate your help and would be happy to give you some of the NFTs from my collection for your help.... thanks!
How to generate 10000 nfts using this engine sir please reply 🙏🙏
ОтветитьHi Hashlips, really appreciate you build the great tools for us. I'm currently doing my first 10k collection, I have Male dataset and Female dataset, can this generator make them into 1-10000 with completely random sequences instead of Male 1-5000, and Female 5001-10000. I have zero coding base, really hope you can help me on this.
Ответитьwhenever i run the code i face this error over and over in my terminal:
DUplicate DNA entry, generetaing one more...
Whenever I try to load the contract I get this error code. I learned a lot thanks to your tactics, but this incident makes me very sad. Can you help me? Please help me!!!
{"jsonrpc":"2.0","error":"gas required exceeds allowance (569883)"
thank you
ОтветитьDiscord link not working for me 🥺
ОтветитьHello HashLips! I really Love your work❤
I have one question.
if I add hair and caps in my nfts but i dont want to show when hair come in my nft dont show caps and when caps show in my nft dont show hair.
Please give reply. I really very worried about this 🙏🙏
Flawless!!! thank you so much!!
ОтветитьHow do I change the output image name as order number instead of DNA?
ОтветитьI followed all steps but when i run in terminal node index.js .. its doing nothing !!
ОтветитьWhen will it be completely available to use ?
ОтветитьLegend has done it again, thanks HashLips. Our first collection was rendered using your Art Engine v1 and it made the top collectors buy and trending in Membership category on Opensea for 2-3 days straight!
ОтветитьHow are the name and description values set in the metadata files?
ОтветитьIm frequently facing the error..
Art Engine 2.0.0-alpha4 👄
Loading data...
triggerUncaughtException(err, true /* fromPromise */);
[Error: Input file contains unsupported image format]
Node.js v18.15.0
Ive check every image and opened in photoshop.. each image is 2836x2836 and PNG with alpha.
ive created a collection on different site with the same images and image size.. but hashlips gave me error.
need guidance please!
Thanks Hashlips! Can you create a video on Opensea SeaDrop step by step tutorial?
Ответитьvisual studio doesn't run for my windows 7. any substitute or do i need to update to windows10
Ответитьthis is very dope, one update that would be great would be to have the ability to use either folder data config or taking in a json config
Ответитьamazing engine! i love you man! thanks for the amazing showcase!
ОтветитьHow do I make it where shirts don't show up sometimes?
Ответитьwhere do we write how many we want generated
ОтветитьI'm stuck, (SOLVED)
When I run the node index.js I get this error.
"UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: ReferenceError: performance is not defined"
I've watched both videos a few times already I don't think I'm missing anything.
How would I add 1/1 nfts to this program and get proper metadata? I would like to generate around 2k random images and get that part, but also I would also like to put 20-30 1/1 rares that I already have made (have all layers seperate ofc)? Thanks for help in advance. Have nice day.
ОтветитьBrilliant, I'll be using it for my new collection. Your original art engine was ahead of it's time <3
ОтветитьMy boy Daniel looking clean with the haircut 🔥
ОтветитьGreat tool. I just can't get it to work.
Have all my artwork, just need a way to generate the collection. Was hoping this was the solution. Back to searching...
Tried the plugin, is super nice and easy to use. Would like to have an exception function for some layer will skip for certain images
ОтветитьHey @HashLips NFT ! Thanks for all this information. You sound South African, did I get that right?
Anyways, I'm getting stuck in getting the art engine to work on my end (Windows). I have just finished my collection's art work and would now like to generate it.
I'm getting stuck at the point where I have to input 'npm i' into the terminal. When I do so, it gives me a bunch of errors. I'm not a coder (still in the baby stages of learning) so this is all foreign for me. (Art engine template)
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Bro hashlips, can we learn about breeding from you ? can you teach us breeding our nft ? please aka daniel, teach us about this breeding nft method to your nft collection
ОтветитьCan you export svg images (implementing svg layers instead of png)?
ОтветитьNoob question here. How to assign random name to the name attribute? I've got error that name attribute is not a function?