Full History of the Sumerians Ep.1 | Sun People: Earth's Oldest Civilizations & Conquests |

Full History of the Sumerians Ep.1 | Sun People: Earth's Oldest Civilizations & Conquests |

Astral Legends TV

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The Sumerians, known as the "Black-headed people /Modern Day Indo-Arabs & Ethiopians," represent one of the most ancient multicultural civilizations on record. Sumer , the first asiatic civilization is considered founders of the 12 Tribes were the great grandchildren of a Sumerian citizen, Abraham/Abram who encompassed African, Indo-European, and Asiatic people, Sumer was a multiracial and multicultural and integrated civilization of African & Indo-European (Afro-Asiatic) people which thrived in southern Mesopotamia, modern-day southern Iraq, which was historically part of the African continent, from around 4500 to 1900 BCE, however conquerors have notably rearranged maps to separate territories and people of Africa & The Middle East. This civilization is credited with pioneering many achievements, including the development of one of the world's earliest writing systems, cuneiform, as well as significant advances in mathematics, astronomy, architecture, governance, and unfortunately, slavery between Pre-Sumerians (African-Asiatics) and Post-Sumerians (Arabic-Asiatics/Indo European).

Following them, the (Post-Sumerians, referred to as the "Brown-headed people," conquered the early regions of the Pre-Sumerians and established territories that split the connected African continent into the Middle Eastern and Arabian Peninsula territories. When they were once a fully multiracial and multicultural people, the Hittites (Post-Sumerians) separated themselves and other "Black-headed Sumerians" out of their home regions. They established trade routes that could have extended through the Arabian Peninsula to the Horn of Africa. These routes facilitated the exchange of goods like ivory, gold, and exotic animals from Asia Minor, to Africa.

Afro Asians were the predecessors of both the Mesopotamian and Egyptian kingdoms, which were later invaded by their ancestral cousins... Indo-Europeans/Asiatics. Both Africans and Indo-Europeans are Sumerians and Egyptians due to invading each other's territories, enslaving each other (Exodus) intermarriages, interbreeding and becoming a integrated but still hostile/racist society to each other.

References & Research:

When We Ruled By Robin Walker

Sapiens: History of Humankind: https://a.co/d/eRML5kf

Earth Chronicles: https://a.co/d/5vycw8w

The Lost Book Of Enki: https://a.co/d/3oUT7H6

Twelfth Planet: https://a.co/d/0o2fp2

12 Tribes of Israel: https://www.britannica.com/topic/Twelve-Tribes-of-Israel

Tribe of Judah (Hittites, Indo Europeons, Persian, Turkish, Post- Sumerians) etc

Tribe of Gad (Africans, Ethiopians, Nigerians, Pre-Sumerians) etc

Black Headed People: https://archive.org/details/the-lost-book-of-enki-memoirs-zecharia-sitchin/page/n287/mode/1up

Zecharia Sitchin was a controversial author who proposed alternative theories about the Sumerians and their interactions with extraterrestrial beings. He claimed that Sumerian texts, particularly their mythologies and writings, contain evidence of ancient astronauts visiting Earth from a planet called Nibiru. Sitchin's interpretations suggest that these visitors genetically engineered humans to serve as a labor force. They believed in multiple gods (aliens) and not one god.

- CIA Reading Room - UFO Documents
CIA UFO Archives

-NASA - Archaeology, Anthropology, and Interstellar Communication
NASA Report

-Robert Morning Sky - Terra Papers

-UFOs, Ancient Texts Such as Egyptian Book of the Dead, and Ancient Civilizations' Communities
Bashar, Dolores Cannon, Billy Carson, Elena Danaan Bob Lazar, Z.Sitchin, Steve Greer, Graham Hancock, Ancient Aliens, Akashic Records, and Much More.

00:00 Introduction
2:11 Early History of Sumerian Civilization
2:52 Cuneiform Writing/ Ancient Clay Tablets
3:55 City of Ur
5:09 Archeologist Findings of Ancient Sumerians
6:30 Multi-cultures of Sumer & City Structures /
9:30 Annunaki-Mesopotamian Gods / International Trade
13:41 Middle History of Sumerian Civilization
16:40 Invention of Astrology, Calendar, & Astronomy
19:40 The Regions Of Sumer / Agriculture, Economics / Legal Systems
24:27 Physical features of Early humans/Sumerians/Vedic Texts
27:30 The Third Region of Sumer Invasions
32:00 Late period of Sumer
35:45 Sargon of Akkad
36:44 Poem By Enheduanna

For Researchers:
For those seeking further references and scientific resources, the following databases are recommended:

Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature (ETCSL): Link
Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative (CDLI): Link
Pennsylvania Sumerian Dictionary (PSD): Link

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