Should your kid be on ADHD medication?

Should your kid be on ADHD medication?


6 лет назад

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@CoolChannelName - 16.01.2024 22:10

These children have ADHD because that man sitting at the table has zero authority in his household. The mother is to blame for most of this. Hey Dude, take your house back.

@nexus6163 - 25.12.2023 02:14

love your kid the way they are.

@BrianMendoza-nn5iv - 06.12.2023 19:54

My son has ADHD but I’m good on medication his dad was on it when he was a kid and it didn’t help

@jessicawinslet684 - 23.11.2023 00:26

omg these women turned me lesbian!!

@Yourfavcolorist - 01.11.2023 03:31

I think life style change is best for me!

@marcocattaneo9974 - 17.10.2023 02:18

Kids have an insane amount of vital energy, whereas parents are often too busy staring at their mobile phones trying to find quick "solutions" on how to cope with all that energy. Guess what, the big pharmaceutical companies have just the right solution for you. Just drug your child into docile obedience and all will be fine, so you'll have time for your "smart" phone again. Weird world we're living in. You may want to read "Cracked" by Dr James Davies, just saying. Also, stop buying %$#%$# energy drinks for your kids!

@crabmannyjoe2 - 10.09.2023 07:32

I see so many comments on other videos saying how people diagnosed in their later life, 50+, cry when they try medication for the first time because they think how much different and better their life could have been if they had gotten the diagnosis sooner. It really has to be a case by case basis. The doctors and psychiatrists need to know the kids. And the parents need to be in the mindset of whats best for their children. There's no good answer.

@postskeetclarity - 14.03.2023 20:29

when you don't expend a meaningful effort to get food, shelter and companionship, this is the byproduct. kids have a hard time with the concept of surrogate activities.

@966aAad - 24.02.2023 11:54

no sugar might make his syptoms less but it won't solve anything. Why are you guys even bringing a random mom who is opposed to it instead of a profesional . or at the very least bring someone who benefited too so people will hear both side of the coin. But no even from start you decided that meds are evil and just ran with it. Shaming many parents who just want to help their kids in the process. I am not saying every kid should be the meds. But they should be guilt free if they do.

@Duhbaby2348h - 21.12.2022 01:55


@966aAad - 29.11.2022 19:58

No no no! You don't have to have school problems to have ADHD. I have higher IQ than most of my peers and generally interested in most of the subjects. So I never had low grades. That caused me to not getting diagnosed for a long time. And that caused me to have many non school related problems. If you think your child has a problem visit a doctor even if that problem doesn't reflect on their grades

@lemonypeach6866 - 06.08.2022 10:01

The problem with getting your kids or your self on medications is the medical system is a nightmare to navigate.

@IzzyB516 - 14.07.2022 04:11

My son is now a moody psycho on meds and suicidal he was just silly loving and happy before duck these meds I hate them. They are dangerous period.

@cocoa8274 - 05.07.2022 18:14

Teachers are so power hungry and impatient these days, a kid can’t even spin run jump or play in any form without having ADHD! Smdh as a child gets older they learn how to behave according to their age! Why do the system expect 3 + year olds to go to school and not play and just be enthused about learning they are naturally energetic! They will tap out of it by middle school at the appropriate age! Stop meditating your kids under government watch! Instead let’s hire better teachers and get these hot tempered impatient adults out the school system!

@ramonacarter6918 - 15.06.2022 18:24

The brains are wired different. Right i have that and dysleksia. Now got to drink meds due to doing drugs and drinking.

@givingtree9619 - 04.05.2022 02:05

We should end the things that make us take adhd in the first place: horrible and demanding classrooms, overwhelming social situations, etc

@ankushmanhas5194 - 10.03.2022 16:13


@timohara7717 - 05.03.2022 11:52

Its usually drugs so no

@ruinjohn10 - 06.09.2021 12:38

I was medicated when i was young and it changed my personality and the doctors told my parents not to tell me that the pills i was taking was for my adhd. It helped me to focus in class but hindered me in social situations made me sleepy and depressed . After a period i of 7 years i refused to take them anymore my grades dropped hard and i had to learn social situations. my doctor had given me too strong medication and kept ramping it up. After that i refused to take any sort of medication didint finish my studies and have a hard time getting stuff done. Im gona start talking to a doctor about getting medication again but at a lower dose. Dont ignore ADHD but maby wait and talk to your child about the possibilities of starting a medication and then test it out dont listen to random morons on the internet that have no idea what they are talking about.

@kitcathuff1591 - 07.03.2021 06:57

Quick message to those who came here looking to find out if they should medicate their child. Do not take conclusions from the comments or news outlets. Many comments are from normal people who don’t understand the medicine and may have bias. News outlets like controversy. There’s a video on here about how adderal is linked to psychosis. But that’s what amphetamines do when you take way too much, all they did was grab a snappy title and prey on the stigma regarding stimulants. I take an amphetamine for my adhd and have been for over 10 years now. I’m completely healthy and the medicine has done wonders to help me with my focus and many other adhd symptoms. This is because the medication I have works for me and I take it at the right dose. Talk to a doctor (ideally a psychiatrist that specializes in childhood adhd) and ask their opinion.

@katherinerempel1363 - 20.02.2021 08:16

Sugar is sugar is sugar. The nutritional changes necessary to turn this around are significant.

@TKD187 - 06.12.2020 19:53

That number is growing because the older society gets the lazier it gets , and it is easier to just put your kid on some medication that's going to make him a zombie then to deal with the problem in most cases

@rooftoplotus7360 - 12.10.2020 13:29

It’s really bad for growing kids makes the zombie do if u want you child to grow up and be themselves do not give your kids these meds

@naudiabarrett4481 - 30.05.2020 01:05

Do not medicaid your child one pill trigger my child to be worst.
