FARM Primal Shards & Mythical Tomes In This New Update! Raid Shadow Legends

FARM Primal Shards & Mythical Tomes In This New Update! Raid Shadow Legends

Skratch Plays

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Myles Miller
Myles Miller - 17.11.2023 07:21

Skratch im really disappointed in how much you are simping for plarium. Its pathetic. I think im gonna unsub and disable notifications/block you. Im 100% done supporting bullshit that i dont agree with anymore. You simp for plarium way too fucking hard and it’s disgusting

Manu P.
Manu P. - 16.11.2023 14:49

Where is the artifact ascension reroll?? And permanent dungs superraids? CLICKBAIT

Rey Buls
Rey Buls - 16.11.2023 12:47

5y from start - game still trash ( time and money sink with illusions it will get better ) the fact that you need to watch tons of videos before maxing champ as there is no rollback mechanic makes it just a crap. The fact that CC's making conveyor method videos instead making grading via spreadsheet or website to read champion skills is even more embarrassing - yt clowns

Michael Hall
Michael Hall - 16.11.2023 11:42

Great. So the 2 things I hate most in Raid are the things you can farm primal shards from. That figures.

Arley Simpson
Arley Simpson - 16.11.2023 10:18

The only time Plarium listens to content creators or the player community is when the suggestions HURT the players, not benefit them.

McLovin It
McLovin It - 16.11.2023 06:42

I am not interested in hydra let alone clash! I cannot hit the minimum to get a chest so it is a waste of my time currently. I have many other things I am working on before hydra. I have mythrala and never use the gear.

matt davis
matt davis - 16.11.2023 06:01

Plarium will drop dungeon super raids then raise dungeon diver points even more to compensate. PLARIUM GONNA PLARIUM!

Shadowtheone3242 - 16.11.2023 05:48

Honestly i jyst hate hydra. Just feels so stupid and ridiculously hard. I barely get the 1st damage chest on hard an i been playing for about 9 months. I just hate the mode. I just want mithalla but building hydra teams is the least fun thing to do. Hydra is so unpredictable an specific

mike parker
mike parker - 16.11.2023 05:13

we don't need any incentive to play live arena...the more folks who abandon it, the faster the rest of us can get the champ.

KrypticArt - 16.11.2023 04:44

I don't like Hydra, and I hate Hydra clash. They lost me a while back and in all honesty I'm ready to just quit the game completely.

WhatisLife - 16.11.2023 02:08

At this point, I would legit prefer to be able to farm Lego books. I don't have any mythicals yet, but I have a ton of legos that I need to book out. Primal shards and mythical tomes are great, but the time investment into hydra and the amount of primals I'll need to pull before I finally get a mythical is rough.

James Hein
James Hein - 16.11.2023 01:30

So what you're saying is that people like me who can't get past Hydra Easy, can't do the clash and don 't do live Arena because it takes too much time just to cover the basics everyday are just as screwed as before the announcement? Until I watched the video I was briefly heartened.

Yellowtooth1 - 16.11.2023 01:14

I have a lot of accounts and each one can last around an hour to do. This won't encourage me to do hydra more often. They need the quick battle for hydra instead of demon lord. The demon lord is only 18 minutes and I can auto it.

WreckIt Nick
WreckIt Nick - 16.11.2023 00:37

I don't care anymore getting anything from hydra clash, we're not winning anyway. Always get 4th or 5th place. I just care about drops/key I spent, getting small ss, some stone skin/protection set per week isn't bad at all.

XbananaB4ndltX - 15.11.2023 23:35

I don't like the idea of changing the 1500 turn count. It's hard to get the top chest. Unless they clan on lowering the clash chest requirements

daniel - 15.11.2023 22:47

personally i would like to see some sort of participation reward for hydra clash. that way even if you can't hit the 35mill you still get something for trying and helping your clan.

Oleh Skliar
Oleh Skliar - 15.11.2023 22:14

I have always 20 quartz for last two month..

JrtheFreak - 15.11.2023 21:21

need lego book farming added

Jeremy Coccellato
Jeremy Coccellato - 15.11.2023 21:20

That's all fine but still not going to do hydra and live arena

Frederic Frese
Frederic Frese - 15.11.2023 21:10

I Love hydra... it's challenging, dynamic and a 'Not auto everything' mode 2 me

Aelin Stue
Aelin Stue - 15.11.2023 20:55

Cool, the 2 areas I actively avoid because I don’t play this game to manually play it for hours.

Shove whatever rewards you want there, I still won’t do it because they do not play like the rest of the game.

Money Ninja
Money Ninja - 15.11.2023 20:42

I NEVER participate in Hydra Clash unless at the end of the week, my clan is in 1-3rd place. It's not worth my time if I am not going to get a reward.

Draco Fireball! AKA Hemi Eater
Draco Fireball! AKA Hemi Eater - 15.11.2023 20:41

Everyone should get something from hydra clash

Ade Jones
Ade Jones - 15.11.2023 20:24

Hang her voice speeded up 🤔

DD_Zzero6 - 15.11.2023 19:55

This is all very positive and going in the right direction. Looking forward to it. Thanks for the info.

Mike B
Mike B - 15.11.2023 19:32

I’m definitely getting different opponents each week in Hydra Clash…. We’ve only cleared Normal Hydra once.. and I’ve maybe got the 35m+ chest once or twice..

Gave up on Live Arena ages ago… constantly getting the same champions that 1 shot my whole team..
Block Damage and counter attack., then Heprak or Taras wiped my team.. and the teams that don’t wipe me end up quitting because I have 3 revivers 🤣

The raid lady sounds American in double time 🤣

Nunya Bizness
Nunya Bizness - 15.11.2023 19:20

They are doing this because participation is so low in La and in Hydra.

They are going to add a small amount on Primal Quartz to these chests, so it will still take forever to get anything worth a shit.

Plarium is a shit of a company.

That being said I stopped spending and just do the minimum each day.

Danny G.
Danny G. - 15.11.2023 19:19

Big deal, more poor ass news, Plarium hasn't a clue....sad sad sad

R C - 15.11.2023 19:18

I've gotta disagree with Skratch here. This is a step in the right direction for Hydra, but a weekly boss that you have to clear 3 times with an average runtime of 45-90 min is still a ridiculous time investment. Even if you only do 1 attempt per key that's 2h15m-4h30m of hydra every single week. Unfortunately it's almost never just 1 attempt per key, because to compete you need to get a good RNG run, meaning you should probably double that time investment. So we're talking about 4+-8+ hours per week even if they reduce the turn limit.

I'm in a clan that is top 10 in CvC wins, top 50 in the overall rankings. We have some whales, but many of us are low spenders who play smart so we're able to compete with many of the higher spending clans in CvC. Hydra clash is a complete whale fest. The issue with Cadaver teams from the player prospective was that they were doing a massively disproportionate amount of damage compared to other teams. Trunda/Madman teams are similarly busted but Plarium isn't doing anything about them, I can only assume because they're worried about spending. Our clan can put up 30 billion or more points per Hydra Clash after the cadaver nerf, but we still have yet to place top 3 since the nerf. It's a slap in the face to have put as much time, energy and money into this game as we have and not be able to even be competitive. Instead we're treated as fodder for the whale clans who have multiple double yummy/trunda teams.

I'll never understand why Plarium is so ok with alienating a large portion of their playerbase, but I really hate the way this game is trending. Beyond the hydra clash issues they've significantly increased the resource investment needed to get fusions and complete events to the point where it's very challenging to complete them if you don't buy energy. I guess that's the point, but I've gone from spending ~$25-50/month to spending nothing.

I've shifted my gacha funds over to Watcher of Realms, a game that at release has many QoL features that Raid players have been asking for for YEARS, whose developers have a weekly Q&A with their players, who have implemented multiple features requested by players, and who just generally seem to be far more concerned with the players experience. I feel much better putting my money towards a game that seems to value me as a customer, and just beyond that you get a lot more value for the money you spend in WoR. I encourage everyone to give it a try, because it's certainly put my Raid experience in perspective.

Plarium has lost my patronage for now, we'll see if they lose my time too. I'm a very active 3 year player, with a 13m power account and I can consistently finish in plat, and I'm inside the top 100 of live arena. I take pride in playing the game at a low spending level and still being able to compete, and I'm sure there are many more like me. Plarium is going to lose all of us if they keep going down this path. As it stands now I see myself falling further and further behind because I'm not willing to pay to finish in game activities that I've been able to complete for free for years, and because their atrocious game mode (Hydra Clash) is now going to be the main source of progression for late game accounts considering it'll be a source of mythic books, primal shards and protection/ss accessories. The gap is just going to get wider. I hope Plarium makes enough off their top 100 accounts to keep their game going because they're losing more and more low spenders each and every day.

Kilo Hotel
Kilo Hotel - 15.11.2023 19:05

I've made the requirement for the chest for hydra clash

hasib reza
hasib reza - 15.11.2023 18:53

People who are not "winning" hydra chests probably dont need mythical tomes either, so i guess it's a good thing??

Slaadi - 15.11.2023 18:53

I think you nailed it. I don't have time for those game modes (live arena & hydra clash). So it really doesn't matter what they do with rewards, I won't be spending effort on them.

Mrtheunnameable - 15.11.2023 18:25

Hydra and Live Arena both take too much time.

Sam Solstice
Sam Solstice - 15.11.2023 18:10

750 turn limit Hydra would be a step in the right direction, for sure.

Lady Valkiry
Lady Valkiry - 15.11.2023 18:03

I also think they need to lower the amount of points you need to get a chest. Some of the lower clans may only get 10M with their 3 keys. Yup until you helped me build some better teams, so if we've won this one I'll get my first chest.

jwiz1911 - 15.11.2023 17:58

Without Corp my clan can't compete in clash anymore against Acrizia/Trunda/Yumeko teams, so what's the point?

silviuskirsch1 - 15.11.2023 17:56

But i need the 1500 turns on hydra to do enough dmg. My team relys on nekmo taking crazy amounts of turns i am only playing for one year i would not be able to do enough dmg for clash in 750 turns. My clan won a lot of clash me beeing the solo carry in the low brackets this would completely take away the chances for us to ever win again.

Vitalijus Ruseckas
Vitalijus Ruseckas - 15.11.2023 17:53

live arena feels like is p2w , i am free to play most of my opponents are super hard to beat even i am at 1k points

Jason Sisk
Jason Sisk - 15.11.2023 17:51

Makes things a little bit better.

Luffy Pirate
Luffy Pirate - 15.11.2023 17:50

Hydra Was Not Giving me My Rewards for awhile IDK Whats Up With that Shit wasted 3 r 4 Keys No Rewards 4 crap Either

VellaThor - 15.11.2023 17:49

wow one chest per week = farming

aaron schmitt
aaron schmitt - 15.11.2023 17:44

Got up to silver 4 in Live and havent played in 4-6 months. The time vs rewards is just not worth the effort. They could add a mythical shard per chest and I would still not play this game mode. Until they change the meta I will absolutely avoid live arena. If they gave out chests for just fights and not wins then I would gladly come in and lose 35 battles to others to get a chest.

Clint Stoner
Clint Stoner - 15.11.2023 17:30

Been playing for 4+ years, very end-game player. I absolutely despise 3v3 arena and live arena and only play the bare minimum. After picking up Mythrala I've lost almost all interest in Hydra (no Trunda or Acryzia). I'd possibly be interested in putting in some effort for Hydra Clash but, with the Cadaver nerf, it's tough to compete. I just throw my 3 fights on full auto and take what I get. Normally I have no problem getting top chest for each run, but it's boring.

James G
James G - 15.11.2023 17:29

What - save soulstones and get over 3K points? That's insane... at 10 points each, and the most I have ever received in a week is 10, that would take almost 7 months... so, not really feasible,

MosesPray - 15.11.2023 17:22

I've been playing every day for two years and I never break the 35 million point barrier. My clan wins often, but I get nothing.

Guillaume Mrn
Guillaume Mrn - 15.11.2023 17:20

We need the rework (or buff i forget) of ANGAR BECAUSE HE SU*** SINCE 3 YEARS please

Seigfreid Striker
Seigfreid Striker - 15.11.2023 17:16

and for the lower rank clans - give the chest to anyone who keys bottom chest at least - it's hard to push people in my clan when very few of us can hit the 35 to ask people to push more

pkessel333 - 15.11.2023 17:05

I updated before opening my hydra clash chest today. Got top chest. It was exactly the same as last week.

Dividend aPACOlypse
Dividend aPACOlypse - 15.11.2023 16:58

I updated the game b4 opening the chest. No updated rewards. So probably won't be live until the refresh this time around

Reborn Gt
Reborn Gt - 15.11.2023 16:36

Watch plarium only give the rewards if youre in gold in live Arena. This will be another great idea implemented poorly
