Zhongli's War Against Erosion (And Why It's Important) | Genshin Impact Theory

Zhongli's War Against Erosion (And Why It's Important) | Genshin Impact Theory

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@DragonMJE - 22.04.2024 22:51

I have finally honoured my contract... This video was supposed to come out at the end of December 2023.
Notes and Corrections Below (As I find them)

- I played Zhongli's second Story Quest during version 1.5 (right when it came out). As it turns out, after version 2.1, the following changes were made to how Zhongli addresses Erosion:-
Old: Zhongli: People abandon and surrender the things they love to pursue the right path. Perhaps this is the erosion imposed on me by the natural order of this world.
New: Zhongli: People abandon and surrender the things they love to pursue the right path. Perhaps this is the erosion imposed on me by the Heavenly Principles.
This is actually a big deal, I should have been more careful... (In the footage I have Zhongli still used the term Natural Order).


- I removed a section about the Aranara and their relation with memories. I will reuse it in a different video.

- Ilmenite and Magnetite are common minerals so there isn't anything special with them in particular. It's just that being able to see a clean Ilmenite matrix is tough due to how that mineral crystallizes. So while an Ilmenite matrix in itself is not special, it is cool to be able to see how it actually looks in 3 dimensions for the first time. The main catch is that it happened naturally too, so that grain is literally the needle in the haystack.

- The colours of the visible electromagnetic spectrum don't have to align with those of the Seven Elements. It's more about the concept itself.

- The way Morax values "order" might be related to his story about erosion and the natural order.

@nothmm8582 - 21.06.2024 12:54

Azhdaha's voiceline is interesting. He says "It is I Azhdaha, older than the Mountains and Oceans that Judge".

"Oceans that Judge" is probably another way of describing the Dragon Sovereign of Water. The one whose ideal is Justice. So Azhdaha is potentially even older than Neuvillette's predecessor

@ramikpark8387 - 13.06.2024 01:21

The zhongli deepthrxxting at the beginning wws craaaayzay

@BurghezulDjentilom - 12.06.2024 09:22

"the god of war". Murata: "am I a joke to you??"

@glittery_crocs.7490 - 01.06.2024 04:25

Apparently, according to Zhongli (as well as azhdaha) it’s implied that Zhongli’s erosion has to do with loneliness rather than memory. Since Zhongli has this curse that like, any person he befriends dies somehow and or looses theirs shit. Like, him and azhdaha were like, besties (azhdaha even writing moral a poem that might be about him) and he’s sealed away after erosion basically melted his brain.

@fhrog - 31.05.2024 01:18

didn't zhongli technically create azhdaha? or well brought him from the ground or something like that. the sovereigns definitely existed before that so I don't think azhdaha is one

@Fledor. - 29.05.2024 21:41

You yourself said that "Adeptus" is just a title and we know that many of the adepti (or all) have an animal form. We also know from Xianyun's story quest that Yuandai was an ordinary crane that gained sentience and started learning the adepti arts. She is confirmed to not be an elemental being, just an ordinary animal. So Xianyun's story quest and friendship lore texts are contradictory.

@Fledor. - 29.05.2024 21:03

Firstly, Alatus is Xiao's adeptus name and not his real name. Secondly, Morax said the name Xiao came from "another land" and not another world entirely. You did two mistakes in under 2 minutes, that is impressive.

@scerius4074 - 26.05.2024 22:38

7th grade science biting back

@StellaLuxNebula - 26.05.2024 03:44

He gave us a science lesson in a genshin theory video. HE HAVE US A LESSON ON EROSION

@OnigoroshiZero - 22.05.2024 03:25

The fact that some people think Capitano is stronger than Zhongli is hilarious.

@cooprh - 18.05.2024 22:35

ventis been figjting erosion since day one

@ezgtaiko - 15.05.2024 05:33

I decided to stay when I heard Ludwig's theme

@RenakoAmaori - 11.05.2024 17:24

Amazing video,new sub here ,will be waiting for more videos like this and all the efforts you put in this video and all the extra important in making comparison to make us understand the story/speculation ❤

@the_spider_in_your_bed - 11.05.2024 12:36

i just became a geology, biology and chemisty major when i watched this

@tracychallice1099 - 10.05.2024 16:58

was here for genshin but damn science rules

@3u760 - 10.05.2024 05:41

I don't know if I should say this in this video or not, but a bit of an update because I can't stop thinking about Nuvilet.

So, I might be wrong about a few things (especially my comments on other videos) but that's completely unrelated to this right now.
Also about Nuvilet too (and elemental beings).

Okay, so, I'm thinking about Egeria. Which I consider her as either a dragon or a god (and it doesn't have to be so strict) and I might also compare her to Azhdaha (his stone form = Egeria's heart = 1st Hydro Dragon). Basically I want to promote Egeria could be very well a dragon. (remember both dragon and god are elemental beings)

I forgot the part that Nuvilet has ancient dragons' power (I don't know if that's really plural or not?) if it is, then, maybe he really was born human from an impure hydro dragon. I've always been sceptical of him being a dragon, like I said before (he also explicitly said that dragon and human are inherently different in his SQ) and I did say that his power might be came from a 'vision' /bond of life (I know that bond of life refer to specific thing but I've been saying this before Arlecchino) and the stone on his chest came to mind.

And, he could also draw the hydro power by blood too (reminiscent to Arle), which is fine. Honestly I'm fine with him calling himself a dragon now, I don't really care anymore. Maybe he really was qualified and I'm just being denial.

And since I consider Egeria to be a dragon too, let me tell you my old crack theory:

Dragon = land.

I mean, credit to Nahida SQ, I guess. But the way I see it, him being a dragon who is the sole cause of Fontaine's rain doesn't bug me. Because, I think everyone in Fontaine are dragonheirs already (before I knew they're Egeria's oceanids). Actually that's not a proof for Egeria being a dragon for me (I didn't know) but somewhat an arguable 'disprove' that Nuvilet is 'the hydro dragon' of Fontaine. Because everytime so-called hydro dragon 'cries', he doesn't seems to cry. Navia is the one who cried before the rain came, Furina is the one visibly cried when the water about to rise and rain (I mean okay, somewhat a weird alternative assumption to think that they're the only one in that instance who cause the rain, and there's a span of time AND the whale) but that's how I judge it 🙂. Ok, excusable that he might cried in hiding too but also Nuvilet SQ cutscene when a kid believes that the rain was because it's a hydro dragon cry, he didn't shed a tear (or that's just a flashback, idk man)

Another thing to judge from Nuvilet: Perhaps he wasn't the one who 'forgave' Fontainian's sins. Why? Because I saw a striking similarity between Focalors' dead and Rukkha's deletion. (I could explain more, but I don't want to) More than that, he claims to had acquired both Pneuma Ousia power. I wish I could see his Ousia power but sadly, it's only Furina who shown to had it. Her vision constellation also reminiscent to an Archon's constellation despite her losing her divinity ((destroying the hydro archon throne)) and (giving it back) to Nuvilet.
After watching the cutscene back, maybe Nuvilet help enhancing the power to forgive Fontainian's sin (he's like a repeater)

Actually, I could be too harsh on him. Furina/Focalors implied to know and the one who suggest Nuvilet became a human so I can't blame him for that ._. And perhaps those are wrong accusations (on some parts, actually I believe I'm onto something).

Also honorary mention: I don't know if it's my English but apparently Egeria is needed (after she come back to Fontaine?) to get a new Hydro dragon to be born (?)

@meisstupid - 07.05.2024 17:27

Crack theory, what if the Memory of Dust holds the key to Zhongli’s erosion?

@kagurakawaii1616 - 05.05.2024 17:19

Why are we suddenly yapping about geology ToT

@my_life_is_a_pit9023 - 05.05.2024 01:56

i suddenly have a gcse in geography after this video

@seph4707 - 03.05.2024 21:34

When Zhongli finally drops a line saying he "Can't Remember" something I'll be so sad.

@nagorepalaciosdelafuente - 03.05.2024 14:43

You gain a subscribe, I loved this video, and even made me appreciate and respect Zhongli more than ever, also the way I learn so many new things, I can only thank you for this

@anonymouscommenter2425 - 03.05.2024 04:34

Meanwhile nahida with the encyclopaedic history of teyvat at her finger tips

@user-ps5cn1bo5v - 03.05.2024 03:44

oceanids and thunder manifestations and vishaps count

@toshi386 - 02.05.2024 00:18

Why Azdaha as dragon sovereign, Zhongli seems to fit more as dragon just like Nuvilette. Maybe that was the first contract of Morax as dragon reincarnated as human, he took the role of Geo Archon. He even had the dragon avatar that he used in the quest when the Traveler arrives in Liyue Harbor.

@SmugHomura - 30.04.2024 18:23

What a cool video, really enjoyable and educational!
Your enthusiasm, narration, knowledge, editing, examples: Superb.

@Trapp7 - 28.04.2024 23:30

If pure elemental beings are closer to the truth wouldn’t that mean this all goes back to the hypostases?

@_HuaCheng - 28.04.2024 22:28

Zhonglis lore is so interesting I swear 😭 thank you for this video 🙏

@Dinofrog17 - 28.04.2024 21:55

Sometimes I wonder if zhongli is secretly the geo dragon sovereign. Maybe his secret contract is about him being silenced and keep his powers whilst serving under celestia.

@omarqataberi - 28.04.2024 20:23

man I was reading the quest monologues in your voice 😭

@meda4385 - 28.04.2024 01:26

Perf video

@meda4385 - 28.04.2024 00:45


@trashbuilds8351 - 28.04.2024 00:40

This is the most incredible lore video I've ever seen - you are able to take all these easter egg details and put them together into one cohesive story from start to finish with a plot climax akin to an epic movie - bravo!! I actually think watching this was more exciting than any of the actual game story/archon quests lol

After watching this, I actually get a sense of what is going on in the game lol

I also love the science lesson with Alhaitham & Zhongli as my teachers lol best science class ever

@jemarijohnson1757 - 27.04.2024 22:58

bro is that ludwigs theme in the background???

@Nauda999 - 27.04.2024 21:48

From this video I got the sense that erosion is due to water interacting with minerals, but in desert with almost no water presence wind can erode rocks, even on the Moon, without any air or water, the radiation from the Sun can erode.
Definition of erosion : Erosion is the geological process in which earthen materials are worn away and transported by natural forces such as wind or water.
I still think it is just manifestation of entropy and laws of thermodynamics.
I would say that erosion doesn't affect hydrogen, helium and probably every other element, only chemical compounds.
Erosion doesn't affect fundamental particles like quarks, leptons or bosons, at least I don't know how that would happen.

@EchoNoir- - 26.04.2024 20:15

I love this channel so much man.

@AntoniaSorell - 26.04.2024 10:27

You cooked a Michelin meal with this one. Honestly, this might be the best video you’ve done. Thank you so much for your work!

@3u760 - 25.04.2024 19:11

I want to rant a bit. I actually don't believe Nuvilet is a dragon, since the start of Fontaine until now (I mean, despite I believe dragon is just a title to use, however the game like) simply because what's written in Byakuyakoku collection. One about if the pure dragon become impure that the next thing that born from them wouldn't be a dragon (presumably human), and one riddle that suggest that human couldn't morph.

If, he was the second one (able to morph instead) I suppose I could let him pass. But if he was the first one, I kinda think of other thing to support it, like, vision/bond of life. *A stretch*, but, I will still side eyeing him together with Elynas. Tell me why the game let that hanging, "Nuvilet is the only male Melusine" and yet, the last time we met male Melusine was Elynas. 😐

I was thinking the cause was because he probably likes to drink dragon blood, I also somewhere thinking about Xianyun SQ in between (about recognizing familiar). But Elynas barely recognising Jakob despite Jakob consumed his blood.

Or, I really missing something. I haven't played Remuria quest too. (and barely read Fontaine/Remuria lore🙏)

I also inclined to think that Elynas' mother is not Rhinedottir (simply because she gets too much credit) but I guess I'm just denial.

And... something about Primordial Albedo with Durin. Although maybe that could be Rene's case (and Melusine?)

@klo-szard5101 - 25.04.2024 17:51

Ladwig the holy blade ost... Nice

@Lucy-og1ex - 25.04.2024 13:40

I want to show this vid to those claiming that genshin plot is stupid, flat and boring

@conffetigirl3977 - 25.04.2024 13:28

made my week thank you you are my favorite theory chanel

@steeljaw19 - 25.04.2024 09:17

🤯 dude..

@jirohhh - 25.04.2024 08:56

Can somebody correct me...

Venti and Zhongli are the ONLY original winner of the Archon War.

Makoto, Egeria, Rhukkadevata died in khaenri'ah event 500 years ago.
How about the original Pyro and Cryo archon? How did they die?

@MithrilArtsandJewelry - 25.04.2024 00:45

Is that why albedo is geo?

@epicwyvern8713 - 24.04.2024 18:52

Very interesting video! Pat yourself on the back dude, you cooked once again.

I think its really cool to think along the lines of the elemental energy/knowledge paradigm that you have brought up in this video, such as erosion being a result of elemental energy returning to the light realm (which has the effect of making elemental beings lose their memories/mind), and also such as Neuvillette regaining a bunch of KNOWLEDGE after coming into possession of the authority of hydro.

I think trying to understand what FORBIDDEN KNOWLEDGE could mean in this context is an interesting avenue to explore.
