Why General Tullius Is A GENIUS - Skyrim Civil War Lore

Why General Tullius Is A GENIUS - Skyrim Civil War Lore


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Nazeem - 09.10.2019 17:22

I met General Tullius once. Brilliant strategist but he'd never been to the Cloud District in Whiterun. I didn't care for him.

Anthony Sauls
Anthony Sauls - 09.10.2023 16:29

The issue is so many Skybabies first exposure to the elder scrolls is the opening scenes of the game and they get the wrong impression.

TheMasster - 08.10.2023 10:54

still not better than ulfric

Will F
Will F - 06.10.2023 07:48

General Tullius loves being bent over by the Thalmor and the dying empire.

Jorge Solorzano
Jorge Solorzano - 06.10.2023 03:12

So many people are disregarding that a skyrim free of the empire will be stronger for it, but to remain under the rule of(lets be real) the Thalmor, will make them weak and unmotivated to fight for the empire with courage and fearlessness. The reality is the empire is not looking like it will win, and even if it does, the thalmor have already infiltrated and corrupted its politics(the spirit of the empire is lost either way, actually its already lost)the imperial city got sacked the first time, it WILL get demolished with nothing left to come back to the second time around, the only hope left are people who will stop at nothing fight for there freedoms, ie hammerfell, ie argonia, and skyrim if they gain their independence, and all these forces will likey aid the empire against the thalmor, because nobody likes the thalmor! People fight best when they fight for what they believe in, but the empire is just trying to keep itself alive for the sake of survival itself, the empire has already given up spiritually against the thalmor, theres nothing left to save but a kingdom that has forgotten how it was built in the first place.

Jorge Solorzano
Jorge Solorzano - 06.10.2023 02:25

All of assumptions in this video

Blake Mcbeth
Blake Mcbeth - 03.10.2023 03:18

It doesn’t matter about politics and military strength, whatever side you choose, that’s the side that will win against the thalmor. They have the dragon born.. that’s how I see it

Blake Mcbeth
Blake Mcbeth - 03.10.2023 03:10

This guys a tool, skyrim is for the Nords

Robbie the weirdo
Robbie the weirdo - 02.10.2023 10:46

tullius is one reason i like the empire, that and I tend to not play nords so why would I join the racists?

Olli Koskiniemi
Olli Koskiniemi - 02.10.2023 04:16

What is the evidence for the claim that the Thalmor are funding, aiding and "giving weapons" to Stormcloaks? I have never heard this.

Da Boos
Da Boos - 24.09.2023 03:31

Fuck them both, glory to the Kingdom of The Reach and to the Forsworn

saeid zargarian
saeid zargarian - 23.09.2023 18:31

llllll suck it astormc,ock

No Name
No Name - 23.09.2023 16:37

Remember this. He had the war won BEFORE the game even started. He had Ulfric captured, and was on the verge on executing him.

The the fire dragons attacked.

Jake Stalter
Jake Stalter - 21.09.2023 01:38

I personally prefer the stormcloaks. But heres my thing. This specifically applies to general tulius and the legion. Everyone knows that apparently the legion were biding their time for a counter attack on the thalmor. Why the fuck was there a civilwar in the first place then? How hard would it really be for a secret meeting between imperial and stormcloak higher ups and be like "aye dawg. We dont actually like the thalmor. Were playing hookie to bide time. Lets pretend were really doing this civil war thing and attack together". Bunch of bs.

derek wassenaar
derek wassenaar - 20.09.2023 16:06

Tullius is trash he winds up in a stalemate with the nords, with or without the thalmor getting involved.

VerDe - 18.09.2023 16:04

So there’s been a 10 yr Cold War?

Prism - 17.09.2023 11:10

Skyrim still belongs to the nords

Killercoldice22 - 16.09.2023 06:40

People in chat defending tullius and empire lol bunch of morons. This video is clearly false state of empire love. Let me ask yall something. You're reasons for not fight the thalmor is * wait for the perfect moment to strike * Well the ttime is now. Skyrim is stronger then ever, they are stronger then hammerfell and have enough power and magic to fight the tthalmor. Imagine if the rebels acted like yall imperial fans and never fought back. Then vader and palpatine win and continue to blow up planets with the death star and after about 20 planets blow up yall keep using your excuses * we are just waiting for the right moment to strike back * Just wait till all the citizens of skyrim are dead,,or in chains and the thalmor conttinue to have more kids and spread there power....Guys even Todd fucking howard said the Empire should have started this war against the thalmor a long fucking time ago. He gave the player choice but stated a few times now is the time to fight and thats why ulfric and the nords are fighting. The empire has no right to murder people in the streets cause they pray to talos. The empire surrendered to the Thalmor,,,nott the rest of the world 4 of the other countrys rejected the thalmors claim over the empire. I've introduced about 6 friends to skyrim and 5 of them choose to side with the stormcloaks cause they all thought it was pretty clear well you gota fight back. You can't let women and children be kidnapped and never seen again and husbands slaughtered by thalmor guards. Then once they learned the Lore and the histtory of the empire,,,all it did was strengthen their choice to side with ulfric and the empire. Yet people who already know the lore,,,still side with the empire lol. I mean its your opinion and you can do what you want,,,but in logical terms of lore,,,its still a wrong opinion lol. The empire is a former shell of its self and its pretty obvious. Stormcloaks were right and its time for skyrim to fightt back. Guys this isn't OBLIVION where the empire was actually powerful back then. Its skyrim and during skyrim the empire is weak,,,have no army,,,they kill men and women in the streetts who dare question thalmor or who pray to talos. Empire is bad and evil end of story lol.

A R - 15.09.2023 00:45

Stupid, the Nords hated foreigners, wich includes Elves. Granting independence with an alliance against the Elves would have preserved resources and granted acces to the military capabilities of the nords wich outways the advantage of a unified command between nords and empire, it was nothing but pettiness on the side of the imperials that squandered their best chance of defeating the elves.

F4T4LFUS1ON - 13.09.2023 16:50

I guess but if that's the case why didn't he execute Ulfric first?

Moronic - 13.09.2023 16:33

Genius but has a random stormcloak soldier and a random person crossing the border executed before ulfric yeah sure

Braeden R
Braeden R - 13.09.2023 09:57

I agreed with the Imperials fully, but my main playthrough I was leader of the thieves guild and figured i'd have a much easier time robbing people with the stormcloaks in power. I prefered the people in power be distracted with politics and grudges rather than actually making Skyrim better. My dragonborn was an adventurer and treasure hunter. My only goal was wealth and fancy loot. But on all subsequent playhtroughs, i side with the Imperials. I like being the good guy. But as a thief i had to hinge my bets on who would be least effective in stopping my guild's plans.

Saber's Roommate
Saber's Roommate - 13.09.2023 09:05

I like Martin Septim, and decided to help preserve the empire he couldn't rule.

Jordan Tooker
Jordan Tooker - 13.09.2023 03:10

I really wanted a dlc that starts the second war and you get to lead either the empire or rebellion against the thalmor

Lizzhm - 13.09.2023 01:48

I love daddy tullius

Ulfheim - 11.09.2023 09:47

Thalmor delivering weapons to the Stormcloaks? Since when ? You clearly have a biast. The Empire is dead and burried in this timeline for multiple reasons , including the actual stupidity of Tullius. This stupidity comes from the fact that the imperial government wasn't able to discuss their actual intentions with their vassalised states, they only implemented the regulations without discussion. Any project is deemed to fail when your upper management doesn't share any key details with their employees.

Cole Ozaeta
Cole Ozaeta - 10.09.2023 20:10

Bruma in a Skyrim video, that’s it. That’s it.

Cole Ozaeta
Cole Ozaeta - 10.09.2023 20:04

I just always thought “civil war” is quite an oxymoron.

Zayd Targan
Zayd Targan - 09.09.2023 13:47

Okay the logic up to the minute and a half in my opinion hasn't no logic or reasonable sense. The thalmor supplying the stormcloaks. There has never been any evidence of this and let's not forget that the ulfric and the stormcloaks hated the thalmor as much as they hated the now disgraced empire. Why on earth would they accept help from another enemy they want to kill.

I will say this, you are right that Tullius is trying to quickly end this civil war to prevent an even bigger war between three states, the empire skyrim and the thalmor. But this does not make him a genius. There is no evidence that he is making a dead or that the thalmor is trying to stop the execution. If qbything the most logical explanation for why the thalmor had arrived at Helgen was to get assurance from tullius that ulfruc would be killed. Him dead meant that the stormcloaks disperse and talos worship has fewer followers and less attention and protection. Because when you look at from a strategic point for the thalmor. Religious causes are great for rallying people, and if skyrim is half way there then it won't take long to convise a higher majority. If there were no Religious reasons for the thalmor to hate dkyrim or nords in particular then it would make sense for them to help the stormcloaks. So to wrap Tullius is doing what any general or commander with a common sense would do. Not a genius.

Iwan - 08.09.2023 19:59

Skyrim belongs to the nords

Igor Sousa
Igor Sousa - 08.09.2023 04:23

Latin mindset: defend the weak
Nordic mindset: save your arss

MTheMan - 07.09.2023 22:42

Its a shame base Skyrim doesn't let you try to make peace between the two sides, even if you find the Thalmor writings detailing their plans for Ulfrick.

Gus Fring
Gus Fring - 07.09.2023 09:49

Some guy I watched put it like this: Uriel Septim sent Tullius as his trump card - he’d make a victory possible, even with very little troops. All of them are needed at the border between the Empire and the Dominion. If you side with the Stormcloaks, a legion is said to have amassed at the pass south of Skyrim, meaning you’d lose anyways. If you side with the Empire, Tullius can either be put somewhere else or back at the border to assume command of all the forces in the South, and use his big brain to help defend against the High Elves.

Iraqi Food Cart
Iraqi Food Cart - 07.09.2023 06:32

After watching your Why Ulfric is an Idiot video, I have come to realize that, from an intellectual standpoint, the Imperials are the only ones actually worth fighting for

Dinjur - 06.09.2023 02:08

Ill take the side of nationalism over imperalism any day. Just because skyrim gets its independence, doesnt mean they cant fight the thalmor with them in the future. Same goes with the other proviences. In fact, the empire has shown to turn tail when other proviences are in danger anyway. They left morrowind during the oblivion crisis for the sake of Cirodyl. They arent the good guys. They did nothing during the Argonian invasion either. They dont even control Hammerfell anymore. Fuck the imperials. They're weak.

MK-Ultra Violence
MK-Ultra Violence - 05.09.2023 15:24

To be fair I think anyone can be considered a genius next to ulfric stormcloak

Wilson - 05.09.2023 07:59

fuck the empire, all my homies hate the empire

Dylan Estes
Dylan Estes - 03.09.2023 14:11

"Compared to Ulfric Stormcloak".. insert any name here.."is a genius."

Andrew Stewart
Andrew Stewart - 03.09.2023 12:30

There are some deeply antisemitic themes here.

Daniel Godfrey
Daniel Godfrey - 02.09.2023 20:14

If they gave back skyrim to the Nords (or a treary) and teamed up with them.
They would have a chance against the Thalmor.
Remember the civil war started because of the Thalmor

raddacapo - 02.09.2023 01:30

opinion rejected, Ulfric stormcloak on top

Intenseviking - 01.09.2023 16:42

Always remember this line “what the rebels like to forget is that the empire is what’s keeping the dominion out of Skyrim”

King Deplorable
King Deplorable - 01.09.2023 16:05

Ah yes. And there isn't a version where the empire leaves Skyrim alone peacefully and allies for the war with the thalmor. That. Wouldn't make a good story. Shame. Because realistically both sides are dog shit.

Robbedoes - 31.08.2023 23:27

Nope, Tuluis couldn’t quell the rebellion and Skyrim can hold the Dominion better, as the imperials have failed multiple times (such as the Alik’r warriors).

Mr Bonjangle
Mr Bonjangle - 28.08.2023 18:10

In 1776 the colonies declared independence. In 1783 they won the war against a vastly superior nation. They stood on principles. Much like how Ulfric stands on his. It doesn’t matter if the Empire hates the Thalmor. The Empire allows the Thalmor to MURDER its people. To enslave and torture them. One nation cannot control the world. One nation cannot occupy every corner of every street in every country. It will become too spread out and weak for insurgencies to rise up and overthrow them. So instead a rival empire must control the other empire. This is known as a vassal state. With this “treaty”, the Empire is effectively a vassal state to the Dominion. Through this the Dominion does not need to control the people of the world. It only needs to control one other group of people. The Empires council. There is no freedom when joining the Empire. They are forever slaves to the dominion.

Mr Bonjangle
Mr Bonjangle - 28.08.2023 17:48

“I disagree with the Nazis. I disagree with everything they do. But since I’m a scared bitch, I’m gonna go along with their commands. Even when it means killing people who formally fought alongside me.” - Empire supporters.

Mr Bonjangle
Mr Bonjangle - 28.08.2023 17:44

Hey man it is ok to be a pussy and allow your people to suffer under tyrannical rule, because the empire needs a breather.

Lizzie - 26.08.2023 23:12

I never had much care picking a side, the sole reason i play Skyrim is because of the Dwemer and their artifacts 😂

Арсений Корчевский
Арсений Корчевский - 24.08.2023 01:12

In russian version of Skyrim you are just not able to choose the empire side, because Ulrich is dubbed by Sergey Chonishwili (Сергей Чонишвили) - a guy with a REALLY deep sigma male voice.
