Logan Paul's Terrible Review of NOPE

Logan Paul's Terrible Review of NOPE

Elvis The Alien

1 год назад

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@NaNa-rb7ou - 04.02.2024 08:52

This movie was trying too hard, and everyone too afraid to criticize it. I hate Logan Paul but I hate to agree that this movie sucks

@Sybilisation2010 - 03.02.2024 07:27

Wondering if LP watched Nope or maybe another film.
At least it got us a great review. I agree with your points, really enjoyed Nope like no other film for a long time. Beautiful pictures, great acting, suspense. The characters Brilliant. (Also quite a few people weren’t aware that the other survivor of the chimpanzee attack was in the audience or probably often 1/4 of the audience.)

@wesleyprince3465 - 01.02.2024 08:35

Logan Paul is an ignorant dbag about most things but nah he was spot on with this one.

This movie was just pretentious, boring, and just bad.

Yes I get it.

A movie can have a meaning or even multiple meanings and still be bad.

Pretending to like a dog turd while screaming that it's actually gourmet fudge doesn't mean it still actually isn't just still a dog turd.

People pretending to like this movie because they think it makes them intelligent and enlightened deep thinkers are gonna enable Peele to make bad movies like this one again. It's okay not like something even by a director who's other work has been spot on up to this point, which his has. Us and Get Out were amazing.

Jordan's biggest are becoming as obnoxious as Kubrick fanboys. Which is not a good thing.

Nope is literally the definition of pretentious.

@StoicVeR - 21.01.2024 05:15

maybe logan did get it. maybe that's why he didn't like Nope. It was the embodiment of every flaw represented of himself and his limited character, and it made him insecure.

@XperimentorEES - 13.01.2024 10:03

I agree his acting was great, he was uncomfortably convincing as someone that'd recently witnessed their parent die in front of them.
But I gotta disagree about the alien merely being an animal, it seems to have no sensory organs to perceive it's environment which suggests it's a psionic creature; explaining why it only hunts those who look at it since it'd be reading minds, and it's intelligent since it demonstrates understanding object permanence by camping outside their house when they hide from it. However given the perpetual proximity emp around it while flying, shows it's manipulating it's local electromagnetic field; which suggests it also has electroreception similar to how a shark sees, detecting the innate pulsing electrical charge of other creatures. It going after the fair balloon just makes it look stupid since it'd be producing neither effect to attract it, but is a quick and easy to end the film that doesn't give the protagonists anything they can do.

@austind9675 - 10.01.2024 13:06

The fact that Logan gave overly enthusiastic compliment sandwiches (actually, it was a compliment followed by shit, so maybe compliment open faced sandwich?) tells me he didn’t actually like any of the people working on this film and was probably upset the attention wasn’t focused on him that summer? Just a thought.

@user-fv6mg7ki5l - 10.01.2024 06:59

I mean its Logan Paul... Why even listen? Also, its subjective... I thought it was great, but it takes a deep thinker to like it.

@superfurryfox1 - 27.12.2023 18:24

England is my city

@fredburgerzz - 18.12.2023 21:53

What a genius movie peele is a smart man I just imagine the work that went into it and I’d never be able to do it

@Mx._Samael_07 - 12.12.2023 01:55

I think Jean Jacket is terrestrial as Roanoke Gaming said in his video he's a biologist

@boythechoi908 - 10.12.2023 08:19

One thing I'd add- I believe Jean Jacket associates the horse statue getting stuck in itself with the string of flags, hence why it dodges the horse OJ is on when he pulls out the kite. the kite itself wouldn't hurt it, but it's recognizing a pattern like an animal!

loved this, I love the film when it came out, and it's honestly one of my favorites to rewatch or show people.

@818cookies - 07.12.2023 21:56

He’s just mad he doesn’t get it lol

@drfr0stii704 - 22.11.2023 10:55

I mean, this movie does suck.

@hopepapernacky - 21.11.2023 02:18

If Logan Paul doesn't like something, you know it's good

@acreativename-nz1jl - 15.11.2023 03:29

be kind he has holes in his brain

@KYRUOLIO - 06.11.2023 01:30

His review is so layered somehow LMAO how did he manage to dodge all of NOPE's messages directed at people like him, but SOMEHOW he likes US?? Which is SO deep and convoluted i had to watch multiple videos to really understand it all (especially as someone who doesn't live in america) Unless he just likes the shock factor of US but complains that NOPE is just shock factor.... he is a confusing one

@Dillonkkk - 29.10.2023 04:30

My girlfriend hated it too lol I’m dating a Paul

@allbutcomedytv4350 - 16.10.2023 23:35

I genuinely didnt think of its final form being for people to look at it, i thought it was just because it realized it needed to work harder to deal with these creatures that keep screwing it up when it wants to eat, the idea of it morphing because they werent looking at it is way deeper than i was thinking holy shit i love this movie

@thebicycleman8062 - 16.10.2023 19:48

Nope is a BORING movie..point blank. Don't care what the themes r, if u can't entertain the audience with the medium u r given then maybe just write an essay

@axelcoombes604 - 07.10.2023 16:46

"Its a good movie logan, youre just loud and stupid"

@empiricalsmut9419 - 04.10.2023 19:30

Jean Jacket's capabilities of flight, transformation, camouflage, and electrical disruption are evolutionary features, in the same way that a bird can fly, or an octopus can camoflauge, or a dog can recognize faces. These capabilities don't necessitate hyperintelligence.

@christianpoint0888 - 29.09.2023 16:06

I bet Paul did this review in crayon while sipping a juice box!

@jackalsoknowasthejack1404 - 29.09.2023 10:49

Logan after giving bad reviews to Oppenheimer and Nope: 🤓

@Sosozanyway - 19.09.2023 03:46

Logan's head would explode if he listened to a Tool album.

@Truckerbyday735 - 14.09.2023 21:44

What's Really amazing is how many people Logan has ripped off and acts like he is a victim

@matthewfarley8340 - 14.09.2023 08:17

I don't know how someone could not get the message of this movie. It's like he was waiting for the shoe to drop lol

@MarioGamer002 - 13.09.2023 20:04

When i watched NOPE, i thought it was just a weird bad movie, or a movie made for those pro-alien hippies.

But in reality NOPE is none of that, it's just me that i don't enjoy that kind of movies, where i have to think about simbologies and the meaning of the events. I'm more of Marvel's straightforward action and comedy lol

@theincrediblehorseman - 06.09.2023 18:24

the movie was made for people that can use at least 50%of their brain

@yamisukehiro2643 - 21.08.2023 04:41

Logan is like the type of people who says they love anime but their top 1 is one piece.

@DavidNewton - 31.07.2023 04:24

Dante missed a circle of Hell for the critics. Yes, Logan. I'm talking about you, you waste of air.

@captainawesome0711 - 25.07.2023 07:35

Out of all of Peele’s movies, this is the most straight forward and blatant with its theme. Of course it went over Logan Paul’s head, self awareness has never been his strength

@billbill6094 - 23.07.2023 22:02

Daniel Kaluuya's character being quiet and reserved was the point, he's painted himself as an animal of prey, and can't look at the hollywood people in the eye, as they're predatory animals. That is not at all them making him "act poorly"

In the same way, Jean Jacket sees eye contact as a threat and when viewing eyes will lash out to protect itself. Just the way OJ's horse did. Here we begin to mix metaphors a bit, as while JJ is averse to eye contact as a prey animal would be, it also behaves like a predator, too headstrong and unpredictable to be "tamed." However, when it begins to view OJ as a threat, it goes into a defense mechanism, those quick green flashes from its eye. Or its "lens' rather, taking still shots of a black man on a horse, exactly like OJ's ancestor who was in the first motion picture in human history. None of it is without meaning.

Oh and the balloon used to kill JJ wasn't just any cowboy, it was Jupe. That's why he had that theme park, it was based on the show he was on immediately following Gordy's Home.

@billbill6094 - 23.07.2023 21:44

I see a lot of people confused still about the shoe and Jupe. The shoe is another "bad miracle" that Jupe in his trauma tries to find purpose in, but that's all it is, a way to cope with trauma. It standing upright in all that chaos is strange enough to stand out, but all it is is something with really low probability that managed to happen, like a coin landing upright.

It has no meaning, but like us the audience at the beginning, Jupe has assigned it meaning, and in Gordy not attacking him sees it as a sign of being" chosen." He can't talk about the event honestly with himself, he can only describe the SNL reenactment with any fluency, but he clearly romanticizes what happened to him, which is not that uncommon of a coping response to trauma.

When he thinks Jean Jacket is a ship, he envisions the "aliens" on board to be a combination of the film reels on the studio cameras and Gordy's body. He misunderstands the animal, and much like Mary Jo Elliot and Gordy on Gordy's Home, takes advantage of it to make a "spectacle." Until the laws of the animal kingdom catch up with him.

Gordy, Jupe, Mary Jo Elliot, and Jean Jacket were all beings failed by the entertainment industry. Mary Jo was clearly unhappy behind the camera, and gets her face ripped off from a show she was likely being overworked on. Jupe gets his trauma then has to see it made fun of on national TV. Gordy and JJ are not given their due respect and lash out because of it. Hollywood mistreats children and animals. Hollywood takes tragedy and turns it into a spectacle.

@leviettri3576 - 23.07.2023 16:22

Logan Paul is too dumb to understand complexity

@pcapusso - 22.07.2023 00:23

Daniel had the most intense acting in this movie. His eyes said everything.

@godzilla44556 - 17.07.2023 17:54


@platypus7 - 13.07.2023 17:44

Also another thing, the “cowboy theme park” was only put there 2 years ago… I believe they mentioned that early in the movie.

@SoSoDEVIL - 12.07.2023 08:17

I wanna go to a cowboy theme park in a RDR2 all black try hard outfit and start dynamite arrowing people 😈😂
and wow Logan is brain dead lmao

@deathseekr1537 - 12.07.2023 07:50

Irony could never hit Logan even if it hit him in the head and bash his head in over and over again

@moosey7165 - 11.07.2023 09:48

While watching this movie I noticed a blurry record in the background (which Keke plays when they fire up the balloon men) that looked oddly familiar, and I pretty quickly realized that Spotify had recommended me a song from that album earlier the same day on my Discover Weekly, the thing thats weird is this artist (his name is Exuma) has like 10k monthly listeners, completely obscure. I was so freaked out I almost posted about it on my snapchat story which considering theme of the movie is hilariously ironic, making a vapid spectacle out of something coincidental.

@privateauditor562 - 11.07.2023 03:59

The TMZ guy wasn't even "set up" as an antagonist with a "grand reveal" he was a complete joke used to mock the "pull out your phone and record" attitude of the world today, and also quite literally a mockery of TMZ and their whole schtick of getting gossip by filming people all the damn time. He got knocked off his motorcycle, whined about needing his camera, and eventually got left behind to die because the only thing he cared about was getting a good story. If that's Logan Pauls definition of "an antagonist with a grand reveal" I can only assume assume he's used to watching movies made for 3 year olds

@notavailable4891 - 10.07.2023 14:01

My biggest problems with the movie are still that it works less on repeat viewings because you know some scary things aren't actually scary and it kinds just ends with the characters not really having a plan or anything interesting to do. Idk was still just a bland movie to me.

@AColonDashSix - 07.07.2023 10:28

What sucks most is the fact the movie is C tier trash by a one hit wonder director
Get Out wasn't even that good, just pretty not bad
He screwed up Candyman and I'm not about to forgive him for that

@patrickboyle932 - 04.07.2023 17:05

I can’t believe I’m saying this but Logan Paul was correct. This movie was very well made, however, Peele should have brought someone else to help in tighten up the script. It is a bit meandering and the verticals shoe is a good example of that. Peele needs a bit more discipline in his scripts or he’s going to go the way ofShamylan.

@anannoyingorange - 03.07.2023 23:44

"He's willing to die to get a good shot" Logan says this as if he didn't kill his entire career doing the same thing the guy was doing
