Pains of making a movie in Singapore【在新加坡拍片的煎熬】| R U OKAY 【你OK吗?!】

Pains of making a movie in Singapore【在新加坡拍片的煎熬】| R U OKAY 【你OK吗?!】


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@ChimeraPearl - 16.12.2024 09:33

So cool to hear the stories from the Director, EP and Jaime. The movie is such a touching story and sooo good for families and children to watch! Thank you for making such a gem of a local movie!

@putigumut6772 - 16.12.2024 16:16

Finally! Been waiting for your videos, can’t wait to see the whole gang back!

@saydaryt1900 - 17.12.2024 09:54


@QDPenguin - 20.12.2024 11:59

I just skived and ran away from work to watch "Hi Noel". 😂

"Hi Noel" really impressed me and I thoroughly enjoyed the show. The cinematography, the execution, the soundtrack, acting and unexpected comedy are lots of little things done well. I don't really like the appeal of children and the common Family Message don't appeal to me, but I think the parental quarrel is only the premise and the star of the show is truly Jared and Noel. When all the elements come together, I think there is a special chemistry in the 90 mins and it produced quite a magical effect for me. I think it's been quite a while since I got this special feeling since I last saw "12 Angry Men" some years back . So I can say this is probably a hidden gem.👍

@xordinaryx - 12.01.2025 14:49

Jamie Teo still so pretty
