Build a Simple PWA based on Basic JavaScript using Google's Workbox

Build a Simple PWA based on Basic JavaScript using Google's Workbox


5 лет назад

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@ryderxu3105 - 06.08.2022 07:43


@sabuein - 28.05.2022 13:29

Thank you, very helpful.

@osmanaktas77 - 12.01.2022 16:10

thanks bro

@Machiuka - 21.11.2021 15:41

It gives me an error: Cannot access 'li' before initialization. Anyway awesome tutorial, thank you!

@jacktyson9247 - 02.05.2021 21:38

Nothing works anymore. I tried following the tutorial. import statements don't work in custom service-worker files and the docs don't mention apart from 'use a webpack'. How do I use a webpack? I searched everywhere on the Internet I can't get workbox working.

@creaky2436 - 09.03.2021 20:06

For those following along this tutorial now, it will throw an error when trying to use command injectManifest. All you need to do is replace the empty array ([ ]) with self.__WB_MANIFEST like so: workbox.precaching.precacheAndRoute(self.__WB_MANIFEST)

@StijnHommes - 01.02.2021 08:03

What good stuff? You're teaching people how to code malicious spam! Do you feel no shame?

@JeanAlesiagain3 - 20.01.2021 17:46

Great tutorial. But please don't say "crap" anymore

@apall2764 - 06.01.2021 20:58

(2021-01-06) browser 'Service Worker' features are still experimental unfortunately!

@MauriceWilliams - 02.08.2020 01:30

Brother you should really quit drinking because it's bad for your mind and body.

@alberts6096 - 22.05.2020 11:09

Doesent work, because of new version of workbox (date:22th May 20)? All the files generate by WB look totaly diffent from video. After WB content is not cached, tried to download repo and after WB setup same result, site not cashing.

@edustreamimg - 20.05.2020 21:33

Hello Gary. About caching endpoints what about dinamical endpoints. For example i have a list of products <domain>/products and I can request <domain>/products?s=some-text-to-filter this last one is related to a search form how can I configure wb in order to perform a search offline?

@lukaszglowacz8578 - 12.05.2020 10:38

Great tutorial. One remark: it seems that in some cases Workbox 5.x causes problems. For me reverting to 4.3.1 did the trick. Thanks!

@refayetshanto - 11.04.2020 00:41

Hi Simon, I had to pass "self.__WB_MANIFEST" as follows for injection to work, just my comment workbox.precaching.precacheAndRoute([self.__WB_MANIFEST]);

@wrushu - 06.02.2020 02:41

Getting below error. workbox 4.3.1.
Error: That is not a valid source service worker file. Please try again with a file containing 'self.__WB_MANIFEST'.

@mykelchang846 - 06.01.2020 01:39

It could have been better.
You're not explaining all the files you create.
You look way too much on your cheatsheet, like you were basically rewriting all the tutorial.

@aungkoung0075 - 31.12.2019 01:46

Hi. Are those refresh needed for just development? Or do users need to refresh their page?

@etng183 - 27.11.2019 10:27

i did all the above manually without Workbox... It takes days to understand PWA codes and research, including manually sizing Manifest icons.. You just did in 30min!

@debr-kx2ut - 04.11.2019 01:08

Can't open localhost:1336 - it says corrupted content error. Opening index.html looks good though.

@VladimirBrasil - 13.09.2019 23:38

Wow: perfect! Very clear, very concise. Wow!

@imomer - 28.08.2019 12:04

Hi! i didn't get that notification for adding it to shelf or home... I wonder why, did I miss something?

@tseringpaljor5726 - 19.08.2019 04:15

How to add fetch-eventlistener to google workbox. In order to get beforeinstallprompt for pwa A2HS

@shilpasareen9404 - 27.07.2019 17:42

Can we secure the cache data in any way? Like Encryption of cache data? How risky is to save static content and api response data into cache memory?

@hamzafaqhi6785 - 25.06.2019 18:38

im unable to access through local host

@abhilashraj4663 - 24.05.2019 10:35

Hi Simon, Is it possible to remove website or Localhost link from the Desktop shortcut App icon that I have created using PWA. Please do reply.

@abhilashraj4663 - 23.05.2019 15:51

Hi Simon, Wassup , I really love the way you teach , it's amazing as I am new to PWA , I want to know how I can make a static and dynamic website into PWA. Because as you told in the video , it's all about getting data from API, If you any course or special classes about this , I love to purchase that course as well.

@parthsolanki5641 - 16.05.2019 07:46

can i get your email address ? i have query regarding pwa

@mohammedshopan2226 - 03.04.2019 11:31

It is very good from google , how can i add my app in google play store

@TomHermans - 02.04.2019 22:39

Thanks. This was very clear. And thanks to latest chrome update I have a working app on my computer. Pointless users app from some dummy JSON on the interwebs, BUT A WORKING APP nevertheless :D

@gatsdev - 18.02.2019 20:32

service worker not getting added after adding the script at end of html document

@9930527194 - 09.02.2019 10:22

background sync example ????

@ManlyStump - 24.01.2019 15:30

OK I've followed along with this perfectly and everything is working except when I hit "Add to homescreen" on the App Manifest tab nothing happens! :( Any idea why that might be?

@sarkoreto - 17.11.2018 14:39

What about background-sync? Can you show us ajax request and fetching example? :))

@anthranilate7183 - 08.10.2018 01:08

It was really helpful! Thank you.

@andresmontoya7852 - 23.08.2018 07:25

You should create a beginner course about workbox making a real PWA app! It'd be awesome!

@vigilantezack - 20.08.2018 07:57

I'm confused. It seems the workbox is there to help the app cache things and work offline. But it's the manifest stuff that actually let's you make the app icon shortcut.
If I didn't really care if my app was dead without internet, could I leave workbox/service worker out and just have the manifest?

@code4chaosmobile - 28.07.2018 06:30

Excellent video. Going to go through it again much slower tomorrow. Got to love it when when you were missing something and suddenly it presents itself and now things make sense.

And doing it the pure vanilla way is icing on the cake

@danielakachi3666 - 26.07.2018 13:40

Awesome !!

@joelrodriguez4119 - 26.07.2018 04:30

I would like to see how to implement workbox with push notifications, i like very much how you teach, thanks for sharing.

@mubarekabdi - 26.07.2018 01:19

51, 100 hours on Computer and you're not wearing glasses. It took me days to create PWA with vanilla js and without workbox This is so time saving, thank you !

@Alessandro-nq3tm - 26.07.2018 00:02

Can I add webapp icon on Android home screen?
