माडर्न बहु ने बनाई चाउमीन | Modern Bahu Ne Bnai Chawmin | Hindi Kahaniyan | English Kahaniyan...

माडर्न बहु ने बनाई चाउमीन | Modern Bahu Ne Bnai Chawmin | Hindi Kahaniyan | English Kahaniyan...

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#माडर्न_बहु_ने_बनाई_चाउमीन_Modern_Bahu_Ne_Bnai Chawmin_Hindi_Kahaniyan_English_Kahaniyan...


Written by - Arish...

Title --- Modern daughter-in-law made chow mein


Modern Multi-Aniya...
Age – 23 years...

Mother-in-law - Swarnkha...
Age - 50 years...

Sister-in-law - Manisha...
Age – 22 years

Husband - Varun...
Age - 26 years...

Side characters - Father-in-law...

Narration - Aniya lived with her parents...her father was very rich...

Aniya - What..(chatting)...I will ask him right now...(connecting the phone)

Aniya - Hello... What is this Manisha... Are you all planning to go on a trip without telling me?

Manisha - Hey man, this plan was made suddenly... now leave all this and pack to go tomorrow...

Ania - Hmm... Is packing so easy?... I don't even have new clothes...

Manisha - oh ho fashion diva, there are no modeling shows happening there... just walk in home clothes...

Narration - Manisha and Aniya studied in the same college... and they were both very good friends of each other... but there was a difference in their families... Manisha was from a middle class family while Aniya was from a middle class family. Was a high class girl...

Scene 2

Narration - By morning, both the friends packed their clothes... and then they all left for the trip... There were five people in their trip, Ania, Manisha, Manisha's brother, and two girls. Who was a friend of Aniya and Manisha...

Aniya - Manisha, this boy?

Manisha - He is the idiot who is taking us on a trip.. He is my elder brother... Yesterday my brother returned home from university... Let me introduce you to him.

Manisha - Varun bhaiya, meet him, this is my bestie Aniya... and Aniya, this is my brother Varun...

Aniya - Hello...nice to meet you...

Varun - Me too...

Narration - Aniya and Varun shook hands with each other and then they all sat in Varun's car and started going to the place of their trip.. in mild cold weather, they all went towards the valleys... and after reaching there they saw their small We set up a camp...by then it was almost night and the stars were clearly visible from the middle of the forest...

Manisha - Wow brother, what a view?...

Varun - You all liked it... Ahhh... I wanted to come with my friends but my dear sister did not agree... and brought me with her...

Aniya - No one, it is on this pretext that we too were able to meet you...

Narration - After speaking like this, Aniya started smiling... She had liked Varun at first sight... Varun also laughed after hearing her words...

Varun - Ha ha ha (laughing sound)...you are absolutely right Aniya ji..

Narration - Varun also liked Ania... They all talked about many things together.. And in the meantime, Ania and Varun also became friends...

Scene 3

Narration - Next morning everyone started preparing to return home... Aniya's heart was sad...

Aniya - That's enough...I will express my feelings to Varun today...then whatever happens remains to be seen...

Narration - Aniya came out of the camp... At that time only Varun was outside who was sitting outside the camp in the morning to feel the fresh air...

Aniya - Varun...

Varun - Hey Aniya you...

Aniya - I want to tell you something... Look, I know what I am saying is a little stupid... No no... It is very stupid... But I still want to tell you... No matter what you want. Whatever you decide, I will accept...

Varun - Tell me...

Aniya - I... I like you very much Varun... I know you will find this strange...

Varun - Who said this is strange?...

Aniya - What do you mean?

Varun - I also like you... but I did not have the courage to say this to you...

Narration - Both of them were talking like this when suddenly Manisha and Aniya's other two friends also came out from behind and everyone started clapping...

Manisha - Wow brother... you have hit a straight sixer... by the way, both of you are looking very cute together...

Aniya - Shut up all of you...

Narration - Ania started feeling shy...after some time they all returned from the trip and Ania and Varun told their families about each other...Varun was a good boy so Ania's family accepted her without any complaint. She said yes to the relationship... and Varun's mother had to succumb to her stubbornness and confirm Varun's relationship with Aniya...


#मॉडर्न_बहू_ने_बनाई_चाउमिन #Hindi_kahaniyan_with_stories #English_stories_in_hindi #entertainment_kahaniyan_with_stories #Ghar_ghar_ki_ladai #Ghar_ghar_ki_kahaniya #Ghar_ghar_ki_story #sas_Bahu_ki_kahaniya #sas_Bahu_ki_ladai #sas_Bahu_ki_story #Hindi_kahaniyan #Hindi_Stories #Moral_Khaniya #moral_story
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