[Vinesauce] Vinny - Half-Life: Echoes (part 1)

[Vinesauce] Vinny - Half-Life: Echoes (part 1)

Vinesauce: The Full Sauce

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@Bolloxed - 25.08.2018 15:59

I approve of this product and/or service.

@Jake48898 - 02.12.2023 22:56

I turned off adblock to watch this, regardless of you saying you don't mind.

@brickthecreator777 - 07.09.2023 17:19

vinesauce think he gordon freeman he candiate 12 fr

@SpaceSkeletonDragon - 27.04.2023 02:28

Responding to the Steve Jobs thing - eating a fruit-only diet didn't kill him, he changed his diet after his cancer diagnosis. Ashton Kutcher is just a pussy.

@awesomegamercz - 16.09.2021 23:09

I really enjoyed Yooka-Laylee and got 100% but that might just be because I never played Banjo-Kazooie. Also could be that I've played worse stuff before.

@ihatethis103 - 19.08.2021 18:06

If you guys think about it hl echoes is literally the polar opposite of hdtf
-its really good
-doesn't have cutscenes
-the protagonist doesn't have name or Voice
-its free
-uses a old engine
-was made by 1 person
-its one of the best mods on the community
-looks really good for a game that uses the goldsource engine

Now look at hdtf
-its terrible
-has cutscenes
-the protagonist has name and a Voice
-you need to pay to play that shit
-uses source engine
-was made by a entire team
-one of the worst games on steam and on the half life community
-looks terrible

@ihatethis103 - 19.08.2021 18:01

Where tf did he found that that shotgun on the area filled with zombies?

@ZAdist1709 - 21.06.2021 21:58

HDTF was released in 2018 for $10 on steam, made by an entire dev team on the more advanced source engine.

HL ECHOES was released the same year in 2018, as a free mod on moddb. Its made by ONE GUY, on a game engine over 20 YEARS OLD, ECHOES IS STILL BETTER THEN HUNT DOWN THE SHITMAN

@SomeGrunt_On_Youtube - 18.04.2021 02:44

Most half life mods and the original half life look a bit krusty

This mod has some great textures tho

@jellybeaner118 - 06.04.2021 12:04

my one issue of this mod is later on the enemy factions all target you with what feels like the full brunt of their forces when your just a rando scientist

@thomaspark3475 - 08.02.2021 04:13

If the window was broken earlier at the tram. would've been able to escape.

@mrpumperknuckles1631 - 08.12.2020 08:38

Steve Jobs died from cancer...

@toxic_shr00m - 03.10.2020 09:08

Vinny being genuinely bad at Half-Life is painful to me

@yonre2674 - 26.09.2020 09:04

HL:Echoes Mod use SCP:CB OST

@AudioEsoterixxx - 17.09.2020 21:18

People in the chat are little piss babies who think that everything is loud

@somedumbbum - 09.07.2020 18:36

I'm sad that Vinny missed the vox saying "Hey there, amigo!"

@leontst497 - 30.04.2020 12:01

God, this mod is awesome!!! But I still think that it's held back by the GoldSource Engine. Don't get me wrong parts of this mod look like they're made with the Source Engine! But just imagine how good this mod could look if the creator decided to make this a Half Life 2 mod. I hope someday someone is going to remake this mod in Black Mesa Source, like the people who are remaking Azure Sheep in Black Mesa

@MarissaChillya - 16.04.2020 18:28

Colombus found America in 1492

@Mag0lor - 11.04.2020 15:57

he was not using his lab coat becus you were using the hd textures pack

@kristinabeleviciute9854 - 27.02.2020 08:07

Fack ju

@invalid_user_handle - 16.02.2020 06:35

I think he missed the part where another scientist says one is Freeman and he keeps denying it.

@mcsquizzy440 - 05.02.2020 09:56

Bro I caught the ut sounding music when the marines showed up

@hamza4gaming902 - 25.07.2019 18:19

At the start of the game it was using soundtrack from scp containment breach

@maireadroche6901 - 21.06.2019 13:51

Who the fuck needs valve software when you have got the guy who made this

@stevethepocket - 27.05.2019 04:02

Valve please just hire this modder to make Half-Life 3. He could probably do it all by himself.

@ironiso411 - 20.02.2019 13:48

Vinny playing fun/non serious mod: full attention into the game
Vinny playing serious mod: attention is out of the window

@ace_ofchaos9292 - 20.01.2019 21:28

Why is their scp containment breach music in this half life game?

@four-en-tee - 19.01.2019 11:50

o cool, so its an unofficial Gearbox Half Life Expansion?

@iamnotcool7222 - 14.01.2019 05:26

vinny wants to kill every zombie with a crowbar in the beginning which can kill him

@shingshongshamalama - 25.12.2018 22:42

The very reason people pay for your service is to get rid of the ads. If you run ads on a service people are paying for, people are gonna just leave and not give you money.

Don't be Twitch.
Don't be a shit.

@shingshongshamalama - 25.12.2018 22:05

One thing I will say about this mod that I don't see people talk about very often in games is that this mod has incredible set dressing.

I don't know what I'd say about the level design, speaking in the sense of how the level geometry and gameplay space is designed, but the design of the architecture and the arrangement of decoration and furniture in the worldspace is amazing. It makes Black Mesa feel like a real place. It's the most believable, natural feeling I think I've ever seen the Half Life 1 aesthetic look.

@GalaxOperi - 24.12.2018 01:17

People seriously don’t want to mess their shoes, I mean like I collect dirty boots and dirty socks, but that’s because a fetish

@GalaxOperi - 24.12.2018 00:59

Rdr2 sucks, fallout 76 is a good SHOOTER and West Virginia simulator, smash bros sucks, so Christmas gaming is meh

@phillipconner3258 - 22.12.2018 00:54

What about tekwar that game was never fully completed

@MrMastercrazyrj - 25.11.2018 22:48

When I went to see you. I was given free candy. Don't regret that.

@jay_boy193 - 13.09.2018 15:22

Next stream stone skimming

@filthypeasant4346 - 03.09.2018 06:28

Hunt Down the Freeman got an update?

@migueldourado6891 - 02.09.2018 15:30

