Metro Exodus - Caspian Level:  Both Endings (Damir Stays or Leaves)

Metro Exodus - Caspian Level: Both Endings (Damir Stays or Leaves)


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ThePunisher243 - 16.11.2023 05:00

So I don't know why he stayed. I didn't kill any slaves and took on 😢 posts and did all the sneaky portions. So I'm confused

Smug_cat - 13.11.2023 13:24

Wow glad I didn't get the good ending on this one


Edit: got good ending in Forest it sucks too

Best good endings
Bar non

Saahil Shaikh
Saahil Shaikh - 24.09.2023 19:03

this sucks I thought doing all the side quests will make him stay

ElRealoide - 13.08.2023 06:54

Wow. I did everything I could to get Damir's stay ending, freed slaves, tried secondary missions. And when he said he would stay to fight i thought that was his good ending...I guess i was mistaken!

noTsobiGpoTATo - 08.08.2023 18:00

Bruh i saved all the slaves , didn't kill any tribal still damir chose to stay.

J D - 27.07.2023 14:18

Dude I free the slaves and as far as I know took out all the strongholds but somehow got the bad ending? I love this game but hate it sometimes too

Hussein Mahmoud
Hussein Mahmoud - 20.06.2023 02:31

Thanks god I saved all the boys I really got attached to them ❤

gladias9 - 29.05.2023 05:14

wow... i literally scoured the map taking over their camps and freeing slaves.. even got the woman her damn picture but nope.. bad ending..

개혁자 - 10.04.2023 02:01

Damir staying with gul to fight for his fellow kazakh people is one of the most epic moments in the metro trilogy.

The Vinh Luong
The Vinh Luong - 14.02.2023 14:01

This is just my speculation but with enough slaves freed Damir would think those freed slaves would join Giul and with those numbers of slaves under her banner Giul would have no trouble liberate the land, that's why Damir will stick with us.

OsinakiKun - 09.01.2023 13:11

What ending did I got? I forgot

meysam Heydari
meysam Heydari - 21.12.2022 02:49

i don't like that they make good or bad ending, why not more good ending by different methods or senarios, it just makes me angry, i did my best, but still getting bad ending, there isn't an indicator to see what are you doing wrong morally, and how many stuff are you missing, and there isn't a way to go back either, i did lots of time sneaking, hiding at dark places and retiring saves, which i don't like, its an fps game i want to shoot and winning through that. they want me to watch every walkthrough videos before playing which ruins lot of joy, or starting all over again, hell no i don't have time for that.

Steven Stirling
Steven Stirling - 15.09.2022 02:49

I thought the good ending was where he stayed…

Burning Sorrows
Burning Sorrows - 12.09.2022 10:58

my first playthrough is bad ending which i didnt realise til now, glad Damir stayed with me and the crew

Justin S
Justin S - 12.08.2022 04:15

I keep accidentally getting the "good" ending (I can't say if this is really good or bad). I've just finished the caspian level, and got the good ending without meaning to. You can also imagine my shock when I got the achievement "Duke" and realized he actually could have died. I don't even know what I did to keep him alive lmao

LN - 15.07.2022 06:45

I like this because at the end when Artyom goes to get everyone from the metro they can come back through here & pick up Damir

thomnich374 - 21.06.2022 03:04

I thought him leaving was scripted, I didn't even know that each chapter has a unique ending until I saw this. I thought morality only impacted the ending of the game. Nice little touch. Artyom says in his journal that Damir might've fallen in love with Guil, compelling him to stay with her to help defend their people. How is that a bad ending? The send off was brilliant and is the best outcome for Damir. Game even says they'll all find their own place to settle down and call home, eventually disbanding all together. So Damir reaching this conclusion shouldn't be considered "bad". Although the good ending is still easily achievable either way. Seems like you have to get the good ending in 2 out of 3 chapters for the good final ending.

Marcus - 05.04.2022 15:56

I shot every one who shot at me. I freed all the slaves. I got the picture. However, once they surrender, I never shoot. Also, I always choose to punch instead of knife when sneaking. Here's a tip, even in a firefight, you can run up to an enemy and melee (punch) him. That's an easy way to eliminate hostile, shooting enemies without having to kill them. I played on normal mode tho (Survival).

Nur Uyar
Nur Uyar - 03.09.2021 16:24

Dude i got the picture of Guil's mother, i went almost every area in the map also i only killed bandits. I saved slaves, and in the Baron's tower i saved 2 slaves too with punching bandits. But still i got bad ending. What did i wrong??? I think i did everything right.

Modesztusz - 08.08.2021 15:44

This is fucking bullshit. Duke died in my playthrough before i looked up the requirements for the good ending. i freed the all the slaves i saw and didnt kill those that surrendered and even searched for that fucking picture for giul and this mf damir chose to stay. Which now means im going to get the bad ending for sure, the game is great but this hidden fucking honor system sucks

Tomás Aliste
Tomás Aliste - 27.07.2021 10:40

i think the bad ending could be the good one, i'm happy that he stayed with giul keep helping people

Chicken nuggets Are eternally awesome
Chicken nuggets Are eternally awesome - 07.06.2021 03:15

I liked Damir but I was happy he wanted to help his people.

Hegazy - 06.05.2021 04:38

He left in my playthrough , but i still got the good ending.

Rick Riot
Rick Riot - 16.04.2021 03:21

I took out all enemy strongholds, I freed slaves, I saved those two slaves getting beaten jesus christ what does this game want from me? My left nut too? Damien still left

bamb blamb
bamb blamb - 07.04.2021 04:35

Damir is the hardest for him to stay

Brodie Ramsay
Brodie Ramsay - 04.04.2021 23:31

Before I saw this I thought I did get the good ending, just seems more suitable

RajJ Gaming
RajJ Gaming - 30.03.2021 20:18

Personally he stayed for me but I feel it's for the best. Good on him

Kermit - 05.03.2021 23:39

So that's Damir leaving! 👍

I got all three colleagues to stay + good ending on my initial game without knowing of the moral requirements! YES! 🎊🎉

Eri - 19.02.2021 01:29

I got good ending by just jacking around and shooting up anything that shot me

Dom - 13.02.2021 19:43

tbh next playthrough i'd like him to leave, this was such a strong moment. Him coming with us feels a bit unjust for his character.

Anif Nawaz
Anif Nawaz - 02.02.2021 04:56

i think damir staying with giul is the happy ending. they can be togather.

Savage Shot
Savage Shot - 11.01.2021 20:03

I got the photo for giul, I freed the slaves at big prison ship, I took out any slavers I came across and didn't kill a single slave. I came across a small camp with slavers too which I killed. Damir still stayed...the fuk?

Thomas K
Thomas K - 31.12.2020 21:55

i did everything on the map and more and got the bad ending?

Witcher HAVI - الويتشر هاڤي
Witcher HAVI - الويتشر هاڤي - 27.12.2020 15:08

believe it or not
i didn't kill anyone in Caspian level
even the guys from the ambush in the airfield

SmoothOthello - 17.12.2020 03:35

I never hurt the slaves and also explored many enemy strongholds and freed the ones at the ship, still lost Damir but still makes sense for him to stay tbh. He's with his people and has a love interest.

Reckless - 20.11.2020 09:53

How to get good ending:

1- when going to the outpost where you first get the car spare Saul (the guy with the axe tryna kill you)

2- when driving to the lighthouse you will find a ship on land, knock the guards out and if you have to shoot a slaver,equip a suppressor

3- when you get to the lighthouse knock everyone out, don't kill anyone

4- when entering the spider bunker find Giuls picture

5- when exiting the bunker you will meet Anna at a safe house, she will give you 3 side quests, DO THEM and don't kill slaves, only slavers

6- when you go to steal water from the slavers with Damir, use the bucket lift, (saves a lot of trouble) and complete the mission stealthily

7- when you get to the final mission and sneak in through the sewers, DO NOT KILL OR PROVOKE SLAVES, they have guns and if they fight back you might as well start all over, BE STEALTHY

8- when you get to the barons tower and take the elevator up the will be a guy who says "I will teach you how to serve" and grabs a pipe, follow the guy in the dark room and knock him out, DONT KILL THE GUY

8- (if you followed all of the above, this is optional), when you save the first slave from baking beat the will be another one you can save (this slaver will be right in the open you can't miss him) knack the guy out and then run to meet the baron before getting shot at

Did you get the good CASPIAN ending? No? Your game is glitched pal

Zucc - 14.11.2020 16:22

Not sure what difficulty I play on now but as an experienced metro player I chose a hard one. I try to avoid killing innocents but I am sure I shot a few people that surrendered and probably killed some slaves in combat at the tower in caspian too. Still got every good ending up to taiga. Maybe the harder difficulties allow some mistakes made.

Some random Guy
Some random Guy - 13.11.2020 22:51

I got the “bad” ending for this level and yet somehow got the “good” ending in general

Random Person
Random Person - 10.11.2020 09:23

I freed all the slaves I found, defeated all the strongholds, and didn’t kill a single slave and I still got the bad ending but I just saw the good ending and I like the “bad ending” better because I think it’s better for him to stay with his people. On the summer mission I was on the aroura and I tuned in to a frequency and he was talking to me

damier - 18.09.2020 19:26

why me?

Gaurav Nigam
Gaurav Nigam - 16.09.2020 07:17

when you are atop, you see slaver shouting and beating bunch of slaves on alter where they are harvesting water. In order to get good ending towards Damier's fate, free up slaves that are at top left of the corner. you have to shoot the rusted lock and free them.

AKSpeedy - 15.09.2020 20:59

metros moral system and endings are weird, i honestly don’t even think it matters that much on how much you do on the map. you just have to do certain things and then you’ll get the good ending. i hate that, i don’t know why it can’t just be collecting points and then getting the good ending.

lucutes - 03.09.2020 00:02

So he dies basically

Hutch60Xx - 01.09.2020 01:57

it’s so infuriating i saved every single slave i came across (2 strongholds) never killed any slaves, killed plenty of bandits and i still get the “bad” ending

ShadowReaper - 06.07.2020 14:16

but the bad ending in this chapter is actually better ending like wtf

Kevin Salinas
Kevin Salinas - 30.06.2020 01:54

Didn't kill any slaves
Took down multiple enemy strongholds
Retrieved Giul's photo
Freed tons of slaves

Damir still leaves

Giorgio Felice
Giorgio Felice - 26.05.2020 06:19

Yea I always see him staying as the good ending as well

W W - 25.05.2020 10:07

Giul is pretty hot. I would have stayed too.

Music Sleet
Music Sleet - 12.05.2020 23:08

damir joined me back but i dont see him in the train going to taiga ?? why???
