Case study clinical example CBT: First session with a client with symptoms of depression (CBT model)

Case study clinical example CBT: First session with a client with symptoms of depression (CBT model)

Judith Johnson

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protection - 26.09.2023 21:49

If someone repeats this several times a day for three months, you are a dumb, stupid, stupid person
The listener believes that he has these characteristics
In this case, how can you discard this belief?
And believe that he is smart!
My self-confidence is destroyed
I think I'm dumb, I stopped doing everything, even studying
It's bothering me a lot that my sister fights every day several times a day for two to three months and she calls me a dumb idiot. Really, my self-confidence is the only thing I lost.
I am afraid that the voice of that stupid bitch is really ringing in my ears.
Can you please answer, thank you in advance

Shariful Azwan
Shariful Azwan - 30.08.2023 08:47

Me watching this when having depression is helping me a little

Adriana Pérez
Adriana Pérez - 29.08.2023 23:46

Me, having a therapy session video analysis assignment for uni, finds this vid: huh, depression. Sounds like an easy topic to work with

Me, after the girl starts describing exactly what I’m going thru rn: 😳

Ms Ann Throup
Ms Ann Throup - 28.08.2023 00:26

I have severe chronic depression. It hurts emotionally and physically. You can't be around people without anxiety and hate to leave the house. Its a self pity party. Everyone wonders why you don't just live life and do more. I'm not suicidal but I think of death a lot. Everything she says are real feelings. Its hard to find joy. I don't like medications. I've tried a few but it doesn't help. I don't like feeling fake and I don't care that I'm destroying myself with cigarettes' and food.

TEELOCK Mithilesh
TEELOCK Mithilesh - 14.08.2023 15:56

her hair, eyes and teeth. she's beautiful. 😍

Satish Kumar
Satish Kumar - 25.07.2023 21:37

I was crying saying about my childhood, teenage, heartbreak, bullying, suicide attempt, sleeplessness and many , to my therapist in my college, but my therapist sits infront of me and watching me crying , haven't said any consolation or anything. She isn't helping me. I thought i will feel comfortable to talk about suicide , but she doesn't even talk. She just suggested a breathing exercises. I am going to quit my therapy with her.

Porterville Times
Porterville Times - 16.07.2023 20:53

We don’t need motivation we need discipline

Alexa Ambrose
Alexa Ambrose - 28.06.2023 19:31

Just had my first therapy session and I might say... this girl is an ACTUAL REPRESENTATION on me when I just had my session a few hours ago.

Jąʍҽʂ - 27.06.2023 03:13

Good start, wouldve been nice to hear more insight on her thoughts and situation from the therapists point of view but i suppose a thorough slow approach is what they were going for

you_gotta_eat_here - 19.06.2023 13:20

In this modern world with life so fast, we barely get time to speak and to be heard till we develop mind full of negative thoughts which is worsed by family issues / bullying / Breakups and financial crises, all these things need a listener before it gets into any psycotic disorders.
Psychologists play a vital role not just making early intervention but also making critical analysis but also strategizing the everything to help the person get out as soon possible..
Undoubtedly most people cant feel power of session until they get through same breakup or else.

Shariqson In Da House
Shariqson In Da House - 18.06.2023 05:54

I told my doctor... I hurt my foot cuz of a suicide attempt which is why im orginally here and the cops wont let me go home without a mental evaluation as i came to hospital in hand cuffs and a broken foot but the doctors was so lame, he said "ya foot is fine, and you also seem fine to me, your free to go"(literally the only words he said) next thing ya know the receptionist stoped me and said "if u aint had a mental evaluation done, u cant leave otherwise authority will be alerted"

so i started acting mental and told the receptionist "That NHS DOCTORS CAN GO SUCK A FAT one,ect ect ect" i said that, because he made me feel weak for LOOKING NORMAL even when i said my foot is broken cuz i tried killing myself... he didn't even tell me to take medicine for my feet and didn't even ask any questions about my health.... its been 4days and i still can't walk and im pissed off at the NHS service for being so shit at their job. Respect to the cops, they knew i needed help asap and did their best and actually comforted me but the nhs staff....suck! heck they even took the wheel chair off me when i decided to hop on one leg to the smoking shelter...they said "You dont need it, i saw u walking perfectly" that pissed me off SOO MUCH

Use Archive
Use Archive - 17.06.2023 11:43

Big hugs, I hope things worked out. ❤

yash joshi
yash joshi - 16.06.2023 18:14

I laughed after she said her exams didn't go well. I guess i am a sociopath. 😂😅

George N
George N - 15.06.2023 07:58

What you mean by low mood ????
If Lucy is not interested in anyone the question of low mood does not arise .
Mood changes should not compelled.
Mood cannot be a cause but is the only cause of behaviour changes .
Anyone who is forced to similar situations are for multiple trauma ..just like a trauma patient ...who cannot recover immediately ..but needs continued care within the family ...
Do you mean female members are treated unfairly by thier family members or members who are not part of the family reining the host by bit and bridle the victim is technically in low mood .........
There is no need to be in mood swings when in post menupause ......
Often ..people try to aggravate or agitate with anger ......, Dissatisfied even when there are loads and loads of gifts, loads and loads of cash prize by various non government , loads of events and cultural events , loads and loads of bucket biryanis, sweets, cakes, free foot ware, free ward robe, free cosmetics, free transport , free resort luxury , luxury cabs, drop and pick from door, free workshops, free textbooks , free writing materials , free drawing colours , paints to keep your bloody mood in high spirits ....
Why the hell are these discussions of low mood a bothersome issues for the stinking rich ??!!!!!!!!!!

Houston.713 - 14.06.2023 15:29


Joseph Mills
Joseph Mills - 25.05.2023 23:13

This real or fake,

Joseph Mills
Joseph Mills - 25.05.2023 23:05

Bless u flower I didn't get depression till I was in thirties really

Flo Jo
Flo Jo - 20.05.2023 15:30

Depression is
Repressed rage/ anger

John Smith
John Smith - 13.05.2023 20:14

clinical question: she is laughing and smiling a lot, how do we interpret and respond to that what does the literature say?

Chubbz 007
Chubbz 007 - 10.05.2023 00:45

👍actively listening was great

MR KO - 26.04.2023 16:39

I think depression is not real, and you shouldn't go to a "psychologist" $150/hour, not worth it. I would say this is a "real disease" of the rich. Low class people should not get this disease. Imagine you go and tell your story to a stranger, and in the end what you get is "eat on time, don't stay up late, have to get up early to exercise, play sports, etc. ' that's silly, you know it yourself. You're just having a hard time financially or someone is bullying you, or you've been somewhere too comfortable for a long time and you can't stand all the bad things happening at the same time. In the end, don't go to the doctor, it's not worth it, you just need to quit your job, find a transport job such as doordash, uber,... it will help, be active, and stress-free, and have income, it will gradually make you better.

Forsen Stunlocked
Forsen Stunlocked - 15.04.2023 00:36

CBT BillyApprove

aushaf ahmed
aushaf ahmed - 08.04.2023 10:59

But the girl,she is so beautiful

Kathy Maxted
Kathy Maxted - 24.03.2023 01:16

Jesus cares for you Lucy xx He cares about all your emotions. He wants to be your friend.

lily - 23.03.2023 18:39

I can feel her ....hope she is doing well❤️‍🩹

maverick - 16.03.2023 16:50

Isaiah 55:11-12 KJV

11 So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.
12 For ye shall go out with joy, and be led forth with peace: the mountains and the hills shall break forth before you into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands.

tejpal Singh
tejpal Singh - 08.03.2023 12:37

I need help to came out frm death so disturb

shivesh - 07.03.2023 16:49

me as an indian chad feeling this like from months and still haven't use therapy as a solution, I use myself and thoughts only related, effected, affected to me!!!!!!!

Zek Allen
Zek Allen - 11.02.2023 09:31

I'm going to have my first therapy session on Monday. I'm desperate of happiness. I don't have it anymore. I missed the feeling of joy.

Maritsa Diacou
Maritsa Diacou - 05.02.2023 18:33

So wheres the rest?

BrightLight - 29.01.2023 10:56

That girl seems to be holding back her tears behind her smile. If allowed, she could burst out crying...

J B LAKSHMI 20224023
J B LAKSHMI 20224023 - 24.01.2023 21:04

well i think sh edid an amazing job acting. most people dont even show the depression signs, they smile and talk like normal people, they have the brightest smile, that you wont even recognise they are probably going through something. my brother never showed any signs of depression until it was too late, so never judge anyone and think, "oh, they dont look depressive." coz I strongly believe that sadly that's not how it works. I wish I knew it back then and so I felt the need to say it, as someone pointed rightly its the first session, how can they trust to openly show how they feel. now also that doesnt mean those that appear gloomy and sad arent depressed, im just trying to say, lets not judge by how they appear to us, until we talk and understadn from them we cant say.

SENSITIVE CONTENT - 20.01.2023 07:49

Thanks a lot for this video

Carmen Parker
Carmen Parker - 09.01.2023 10:57


P H - 08.01.2023 21:27

People are people. Some people smile when they are nervous, look around a lot…people with depression don’t always show it physically.

Blitz - 02.01.2023 13:28

Lucy is pretty relatable man..

DY DaYana
DY DaYana - 29.12.2022 17:25

Exactly, the same situation & going on through right now 😢

explainous - 29.12.2022 16:30

I had my first therapy session today,; this is exactly how I behaved in front of the therapist.

Ãnkit mehta
Ãnkit mehta - 27.12.2022 20:49

I'm hoping she is doing wonderful now

anonymous girl
anonymous girl - 01.12.2022 02:43

and how this "therapy talk" helps? some of us aware that we have depression, and aware that people dying from starvation while other from over weight, while we say to ourself that "we can't do anything" because it's the government fault, but governments are maybe 1% so we all to blame for our suicidal sick and psychopathy society life style.
btw, if (or more plausible when) the eco-system will collapse enough for lack of food, the "man" will drop their bombs, with or without the threat from war, just because they see how we all just wanting someone to choose for us, and take the "heat" but we are all to blame. money paper is not digestible, so, yea, of course we have a lot of mental issue people, that's because our life is a deception, we are just fslaves/cowards/psycopath/"crazy"

D.mohamed salah aldeoshey
D.mohamed salah aldeoshey - 29.11.2022 00:56

Thanks doctor

Sarah Fuller
Sarah Fuller - 24.11.2022 21:03

This is a great representation of counselling. She could almost be me!

Simple Idea 💡
Simple Idea 💡 - 20.11.2022 20:15

I do the same smile as she was doing while talking...

Asher Wade
Asher Wade - 13.11.2022 17:10

CBT is just simply Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, the combination of the two overarching schools of therapeutic procedure, …nothing novel, nothing unique, …actually, in itself, ‘nothing’ at all.

For every [‘good’ and honest] therapist, one takes a Case History and thereafter follows & determines the strength and/or the legitimacy of the patient’s disorders and/or syndromes {not discounting psycho-somaticism, hypochondria or malingering}. - The plan of procedure will undoubtably be a combination {of varying +/- degrees} of Cognitive and/or Behavioral intervention. People, I’ve noticed in my retirement years, are ‘spoofing’ patients with a “smoke-&-glass” usage of the term “CBT” as if it is a ωοηδεr-strategy, a miraculous panacea in psychotherapy, when in fact this has been the approach of every psychotherapist ever since Freud, himself. smh

Lisas Lifestyle
Lisas Lifestyle - 10.11.2022 16:26

This was a great counselling session and very true to life. I've had these types of thoughts before with depression and it was interesting to see someone else in a session and understand it from the counsellors perspective and see the different types of thought and the cycle that keeps people stuck in depression.

ummm - 02.11.2022 22:50

This is so good

matanyesu allforjesus
matanyesu allforjesus - 25.10.2022 19:14

I wonder if she knows she can have a coping mechanism. I listen to music and feel a lot better.
