The Backwards Logic of the Man Who Can 'Take Down' Obama

The Backwards Logic of the Man Who Can 'Take Down' Obama

The Young Turks

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@travissowards3490 - 23.05.2014 01:30

you guys are morons, I feel dumber just listening to you.

@redmeth6549 - 26.05.2014 01:00

The right wing loves minorities, as long as they spread their bullshit. Also, no one fucking cares if this guy is a professor of neurosurgery, because he isn't a political scientist! That's like saying "Bill Gates is smart, so obviously he is qualified to do heart transplants"! The only people stupid enough to believe that would be Republicans. Lastly, why is Ben Carson even talking? Cliven Bundy needs help with his ranch, and as that CONSERVATIVE REPUBLICAN said, blacks were happy picking cotton,;So hop to it Ben!

@codypasko8382 - 30.05.2014 00:56

I wanna say that normally I really enjoy the young turks channel and all the stuff they point out, but this was just stupid. The mans logic isn't backwards nor is it directed to attack a certain group of people. He is a devout christian man that believes in the "traditional idea of marriage," or the new testament biblical version between man and women. He also speaks against divisions of race in this country that come from everywhere i.e. media, statistical measurements, standardized forms that ask for race, etc... He has a solid character and is well informed. To only interpret his words in the darkest light shows the backwards logic of the young turks. If he ran for president it would be a step up from the last two guys.

@UNbowed62 - 31.05.2014 02:29

He's a very skilled, notable, respected doctor, not to debase his medical and historical accomplishments. BUT he's a backwards-thinking, pandering to the crazies, would-be "politician".He is also a foolish passive-agressive. Stay off of Sean Hannitys crazy show because, as a so-called christian, you are a joke~pandering for $$$. Your integrity has been bought, Ben.

@potatotofilms - 03.06.2014 09:51

wtf Ben Carson saved children from brain cancer and these liberal cunts hate him?
I think the man is an angel.

@ericburbach632 - 17.06.2014 19:11

Stand up for what you believe in Ben

@x4servicex - 18.06.2014 03:32

TYT's are absolutely ignorant. What kind of degrees do you have? How long did it take to get them. This man Carson is BRAIN people are WANNABE media puppets lol.

Carson was very polite about what he said. He did not slam gays in anything he said. but that is what you bleeding hearts always say. If someone disagrees with you it's always 'hate! hate!'. Totally pathetic.

So what if gays get 'offended'? they offend others ALL THE TIME. This show TYT offends others ALL THE TIME. But thats ok right? Gays can offend all they want right? The turks here can offend all they want right? But it's not ok if gays get offended or turks get offended right? Hypocrites.

Gays and TYT can just get over it. The fact is that homosexuality is a filthy sinful lifestyle CHOICE. yes i said CHOICE. AND I said FILTHY. No man is forced to have sex with another man just as no man is forced to have sex with a woman. They CHOOSE it.

and as for 'gay rights' they already have the same EQUAL rights that heterosexuals have. A straight man can mary a woman and a gay man can mary a woman. A lesbian woman can mary a man and a straight woman can mary a man. exactly the same. equal rights.

If gays dont like being told it's wrong then they need to stop rubbing it in everyones face. It's not normal. It's abnormal. If you want to live that way it's your choice. But it's wrong. Period.

@UNbowed62 - 27.06.2014 06:56

Ben, just say something that is all inclusive and stop putting your surgical foot in your mouth. You never belonged to a political party before; declared that you were of an Independant mind. So when President Obama took office, why did you come out of the woodwork like the rest of the crazies and NEVER ONCE question the policies of the War Criminals AKA BUSH/CHENEY&Company?

@coliseum1671 - 09.07.2014 00:39

god forbid he speaks his mind, Oh wait should i be censored for using the word god.. Sorry forgot liberals like to force their beliefs on someone  because they think its right.. Oh and the Dr. was wearing his coat because he performs over 400 surgeries a year
thats over one a day.. 

@coliseum1671 - 09.07.2014 00:42

these dudes are soo hurt by a man trying to really speak his mind.. This dr. works on children, so many lives literally have been in his hands, but yet you don't trust his motives... Plain in simple he has his viewpoints and the liberals don't like it and want to make him out to be something he's not.. He speaks his mind and isn't scared to go against the politically correct bullshit these liberals want to force on people.. 

@brainiaccarter1499 - 12.07.2014 01:29

I hope people know that NAMBLA is 100% Gay. Harvey Milk ,when he was in his early 40s, had several sexual encounters with a 16 year old minor (that we know of).

Now if Harvey Milk was black, I know he would be in prison. A white liberal does it and he is a hero.

Liberals are racists. There is no denying that. Ben Carson is absolutely 100% correct.

@josonsop - 12.07.2014 21:03

The y turks are clearly making comments wayyyyyy above their pay-grade. They are afraid and against common scene.

@josonsop - 12.07.2014 21:04

Young turds...lollll

@2FINE4YOUBABYGIRL - 25.07.2014 08:07

This man proves that stereotypes aren't always true. Pediatric Neurosurgeons at the top teaching hospital in the country can still be as close minded and dumb as a post.

@socalsun7 - 27.07.2014 13:29

These arrogant, little, young "turds" think they are so smart.  That's why this show is so big.  Their comments are absolutely WORTHLESS.  

@BlueonGoldZ - 31.07.2014 01:42

All Ben Carson was saying is that you can't use the terminology of 'marriage' for same sex couples. You can still be 'unionized' and recognized legally that you are together and obviously this will reflect on taxes, wills, estates, legal documents etc. He just wants to reserve 'marriage' between a man and a woman.

@michaelleighton6460 - 04.08.2014 12:13

Lol the 21st century of the 3 stooges right here aithiest piece of trash

@General-Sun-Tzu - 11.08.2014 12:17

The gay marriage debate?  Is that the best you have against Dr. Carson?  Its going to take a whole lot more than that.  Dr. Carson is a true American.  Unlike Obama and his scandal filled, lie filled, incompetency filled, socialist presidency.  And unlike the weak Hillary Clinton.  You're going to have to do better than that Young Turks.  But, you're the Young Turks.  We don't expect much more from you anyway.  Long live the republic.

@moosestorybooks - 15.08.2014 00:21

Its easy to sit at a desk with like minded others and to criticise topic by topic, story by story. The young Turks might be more affective in using their intellect to be part of the solution rather than join the plethora of sceptics who prefer to pick and pull apart, without constructing anything worthwhile. Come on guys you're intelligent, use it for something worthwhile.

@cryingzombie - 01.12.2014 21:52

Separating conjoined twins is great as an achievement, but, irrelevant to the governance of America! Mark my words: President Obama will be scratching his head over Dr. Carson--just like with many of the other GOP ''saviors.'' I'll have my snack ready to watch this debate...

@jesusvera6301 - 09.12.2014 10:08

 i feel like ashton kutcher is gonna come out and tell me I'm being punked

@Thetonemaster1 - 15.12.2014 19:18

Yep you heard it here first! the left are the real fascist racists!  wake up.

@coach9208 - 30.12.2014 18:52

Apology? Yes, but no matter how much you sugar-coat words people will still interpret as they wish, and when they do, should we blame the speaker of those words?, not necessarily. The meaning of those words are what's most important. As Carson rightly said a lot of people are attacking his diction (despite understanding what he meant, ) as a plot to eradicate the true meaning of his statement.
Furthermore, when we are debunking a statement politically we should not only dance around how he should have said it, we should also focus primarily on the meaning of the statement.

@stevenguyen8262 - 05.01.2015 10:09

Ironic how these guys are deriding an accomplished, educated black man who overcame single parent, inner city life in Detroit of all places to become one of the top members of his profession and respected worldwide. Shouldn't these guys be promoting Dr. Carson as an inspiration to all inner city youth instead of bashing him? I mean, wouldn't all Liberals want their kids (whether they're from the inner city or the suburbs) to aspire to become just as, if not more articulate and successful?

And be able to think for themselves, to formulate an opinion based on factual evidence, not just blind faith in something fed to them.

@truthbeknown21 - 02.02.2015 14:04

You funny liberals you... if he wants to wear his coat anywhere, He has EARNED that right. Morons. 

@haywoodjablowmi4271 - 04.02.2015 10:34

Levi might be in the running for top 3 most annoying people in America, but you got 1st place locked in.

@jcmeromero - 08.02.2015 12:55

These Guys!

@rexgrl3 - 13.02.2015 01:47

What a bunch of losers, Odumba is the worst president and human...Oh, do I sound racist??? NO, I LOVE Dr. Ben Carson...he's awesome!!! PC IS DESTROYING THIS COUNTRY!!!

@tenok1o - 05.03.2015 03:05

Three idiots at their best hahaha

@tread_well_frank2772 - 07.05.2015 06:58

he must have operated on his own brain.  he's a strange oreo.  dr victor frankenstein-carson.

@MrEng113 - 15.05.2015 15:06

3 confused Americans expressing their folly

@Deadlytank3 - 15.05.2015 19:38

This is completely more bias bullshit from the left wing, when they said how does a doctor like Ben Carson go from surgeon to President.. Look at Obama he didn't even finish his first year of being a congressmen before ditching it to become president.

@mattcotton0 - 21.05.2015 23:49

These guys are racist ? Dr carson 2016

@Drago6220 - 04.06.2015 07:04

these guys are absolute morons. the fact that these guys have a show and can say all this crap blows my mind. this is beyond left or right wing. Ben carson is smarter than all these guys combined

@pse11150 - 01.07.2015 11:20

Do we want another hack political thief or do we want a new outlook? Do we want a country of, by and for the government? Ben Carson can change the downward spiral this nation is experiencing. Unless this trend is arrested, America will go the way of Rome. The parallels are exact. Personally, I'd prefer to avoid another divisive, thieving nitwit... Who are these clowns anyway? Am I supposed to get all goosebumps and gush... "Ooh, journalists." Give me a break... It's three jerkoffs with a webcam.

@rubyrose8622 - 02.07.2015 20:47

There never mention the very successful companies he has been involved with or the work he and his wife did starting reading rooms. The words they write at the bottom of the screen don't even match what they are actually saying so how competent or trustworthy are they to transmit what someone else said.

@MightyDemocracy - 03.07.2015 01:48

Carson isn't apologizing for what he said, he's only clarifying that he doesn't hate anyone. You're still not engaging with his point. If only love wins then what argument is there against nambla or polygamy etc? Marriage needs a definition. Interracial marriage also doesn't exist - we are all the same race.

@christianleftwich314 - 12.07.2015 23:26

The problem is we have uneducated and informative peasants running our country..."dont beleive he's a doctor? You're the typical leech on America.

@lisacheney7812 - 30.07.2015 23:33

He's not politically correct. And believe as I do and many others we need to stop worrying so much about how we say things. This man wouldn't hurt a fly. If people can't handle the heat stay out of the kitchen.

@pocu2005 - 11.08.2015 05:03

I think Carson was saying that the definition was set by God. Period. I think he's right.

@dannyb8847 - 12.08.2015 07:06

Your stupidity kinda hurts... between the three of you don't have Ben Carson's hemisphere... neurology joke. I really do wonder why you don't have a TV show you make MSNBC or Fox look like Walter Cronkite

@stephon55 - 12.08.2015 08:46

This show represents stupidity at its finest.  I feel "dummer" just from watching it.....  What they need is an education so that they can at least have a better chance of grasping the subject of what they are talking about.  Stupid as stupid gets.

@FlitcraftEvanidus - 17.08.2015 18:40

These guys are morons.

@ebaiewinna5360 - 29.08.2015 09:11

Wow, I watched the entire video. I'm middle of the road, but these guys are the reason I think I'm middle right. The 3 are not funny and all there doing is trying to put people down because they don't agree. Bad post, completely disagree with them...

@Pepechu - 07.09.2015 07:22

I like how TYT is silent about republicans being racist when talking about ben carson... interesting...

@BF2Cavs - 06.10.2015 01:20

Hahahahaha you thought he was gonna disappear and now he winning the GOP. And the definition of marriage he is talking about is in the Bible. Not this arranged crap

@cyberblade6669 - 23.10.2015 14:34

commies all of them

@dennisstephen6716 - 14.11.2015 09:08

All of a sudden all of these top institutions and corporations defend gay marriage. What a crock. Just bending into pressure. These young turks don't belong on the same hemisphere as Ben Carson.

@chrisdale5443 - 12.12.2015 22:13

Johannes Fatio was the first surgeon to successfully separate conjoined twins in 1689

@UNbowed62 - 30.04.2016 02:10

Moot Point now. Carson is Donald's waterboy.
