Which CLASS Should YOU Play in Pathfinder 2e?

Which CLASS Should YOU Play in Pathfinder 2e?


2 года назад

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Lucas Bailie
Lucas Bailie - 14.09.2023 16:38

Gonna need a new one of these in a few months with (soon to be) 5 new classes added since this came out

Chris Bartleet
Chris Bartleet - 25.08.2023 02:59


DHxJarsyl - 07.08.2023 23:41

So the monk has stances which determine their feats? Normally your feets determine your stance.

calvinthegreat - 23.06.2023 09:20

Worth pointing out that the summoner starts with Act Together which lets gives one free action to either summoner or eidolon. So you get 4 actions per turn split between the 2. I think its kinda cool, as a player you get more actions than anyone else, but your characters get a little less than anyone else.

Educate Me, AJ!
Educate Me, AJ! - 24.05.2023 19:04

As someone who played DnD for years before burning out, I know you "should" pick you class and then your ancestry... But my husband only convinced me to join his Pathfinder game with cheek pouches.
Like, you can casually just pull a grenade out of your mouth mid combat!? But I digress...

I really want to build a "noble Reepicheep, defender of the helpless" type character, but my role play style needs to include flexibility - I get bored if i only have one effective combat option... so I was thinking Swashbuckler or Thaumaturge or even Magnus??
But I actually want to be good at what I do, I'm afraid I'll be too squishy for hand to hand combat.
How do I make a boss mouse without getting flattened in combat?

Breaking Stupidity
Breaking Stupidity - 09.05.2023 22:10

Currently made a swashbuckling pirate in the crown of candy setting. He is Captain (sour patch) Kid.

marcus salomon
marcus salomon - 05.05.2023 22:52


Solomon Caine
Solomon Caine - 04.05.2023 12:37

Single target, single attack for ranger. A rogue can still out damage them with multiple attacks on a single target, because sneak attack is not limited to the first attack. Sneak attack can be applied to every attack in a round.

Jason Ingram
Jason Ingram - 02.05.2023 09:15

So Investigator is a empowered Sherlock Holmes. Interesting. Don't say Batman.

Shane w
Shane w - 06.04.2023 18:04

Here me out: Maybe inventor's shouldn't add any new hoo-ha's to anything lmao

Ryan - 14.03.2023 00:34

Where's my fuckin THAUMATURGE

William Barnett-Lewis
William Barnett-Lewis - 03.03.2023 00:58

Sorcerer with rogue archetype :)

LtSarai - 19.02.2023 03:23

Played a bard for a while (only up to level 4, our DM took a job in a different state for a while and now that he's back we're starting a new pf campaign with a different DM) and was BORED TO TEARS in combat, not realizing that PF2E bards are pure support and no fun (imo). Rolepay was nice with stats like society, diplomacy, performance, and bardic lore, but combat was ALWAYS
1. Move to optimal space for 60' circle (1 action)
2. roll for lingering composition (free action)
3. Inspire Courage (1 action)
4. ??? Shield cantrip I guess???
I'm too far away to Aid so I Don't Get Hit, none of my other spells are one action, I used my movement to be in an optimal space to cover my allies, and if I do get Lingering Composition to work, freeing up an action on subsequent turns, none of my spells had more than 30' range. And as a squishy support bard, why would I ever use a movement to get within range of melee attackers' movement, fire off a 2 action spell, and then be unable to run the fuck away?? (Seriously hate not being able to break up my movement.)

All of this could just be the way I thought the class 'needed to be played' to be any good, and if anyone has any advice on how to make bard combat a little more interesting than 'set up composition cantrip and fall asleep for the rest of the battle' hmu.

But The Guys™wanna play PF2E instead of 5e, so I guess I'll try a Ranger this time......I hear they're decent in this system.... Or maybe a swashbuckler?

civilbeard - 16.02.2023 05:35

Great video! This helped get a good sense of each class.

DemonItizeMe - 11.02.2023 09:06

Which class should you play, and why is it fighter?

Sam the Actual Kenku
Sam the Actual Kenku - 07.02.2023 08:47

so I've been wondering, will Paizo put the Slayer class in 2e? I have a similar question for both the Shadowdancer and the Shifter as I have a 1e character with all three classes that I've been playing for almost 5 years and I wanted to see how I could build them in 2e.

Monkey - 05.02.2023 18:36

Holy shit your canines are long

Farisca - 05.02.2023 12:03

Now, how many books do I need to learn all these classes? 😅

Solrex the Sun King
Solrex the Sun King - 03.02.2023 01:40

Fighter Magus dual class combo?

Solrex the Sun King
Solrex the Sun King - 03.02.2023 01:22

Would fighter rogue be a good dual class combo? What about fighter champion?

Anthony Lyon
Anthony Lyon - 28.01.2023 21:13

Monk stances sound cool.

Laughingpug - 28.01.2023 05:52

So mounted archer is ranger ?

Brian Watson
Brian Watson - 25.01.2023 20:25

So from what I've been scouring on the webz, it seems like Pathfinder 2 is like a D&D that is better in every way, though crunchier. 20 classes is cool. Feats are cool. Actual rules for non-combat stuff is awesome, because Three Pillars my ass, WotC. Hated 5E because of that. It looks like 3.5 on steroids, and I'm here for that.

Christos Giannopoulos
Christos Giannopoulos - 25.01.2023 17:36

I think I like these classes more than the 5e ones

David Kordesh
David Kordesh - 25.01.2023 07:22

None of them. Stick to 5e. Kobold Press will come out with a compatible system in no time and I won't have to switch to a worse system.

Euro Añez
Euro Añez - 24.01.2023 15:06

My first character theory craft was a Tailed Gobling Monk, who speciallicy on Gorilla Stance and grapling, and climbing, i call it Golden Monkey :)

EMSAxe - 24.01.2023 10:20

A friend asked me to play pathfinder and I told him I would, but it just seems a lot more complicated than it should be? Or is that just me

Larry Blevins
Larry Blevins - 24.01.2023 08:13

But can you play a dragonborn or an Orc because these are my favorite player characters.

GluttonusRex - 24.01.2023 03:52

Ok I didn't know theres this much choices I can choose from, I only have the core Rulebook that I am currently in the middle of Reading. This Video definitely helped but imma stick with Martials first, hopefully I can join in my campaign in the near future

Gavin DeVore
Gavin DeVore - 24.01.2023 02:47

I love the music

Clay Suddreth
Clay Suddreth - 23.01.2023 23:14

Shout out to everyone that found this awesome channel from the 5e exodus.

Justin Leflar
Justin Leflar - 23.01.2023 18:01

The Pathfinder bandwagon concerns me

Christopher M Zdenek
Christopher M Zdenek - 23.01.2023 00:32

When Kineticist and/or Inquisitor arrives, I will be all in on PF2e. I look forward to the day it occurs.

Salvador Escrivá
Salvador Escrivá - 21.01.2023 23:14

Thanks for the work

gamewrit005 - 21.01.2023 07:28

Pausing after the Summoner section to say FFX is one of my all-time favorite games, and IDK that I can resist playing a summoner now that I know 2e has such a class!

Legendarydigitize - 21.01.2023 02:44

Pathbuilder made it way easier to build
I just finished a weird and possibly not as optimized tengu monk whom i got inspiration from 5e's open hand monk, the unkillable tankiness of the long death monk, and the capacity to heal and harm of the mercy monk
Then added katana and wakizashis because why not? I have Kurosawa samurai flicks and Ghost of Tsushima to thank for said weapon choices

Wyldheart - 21.01.2023 00:16

Love these videos!

SinnerBeta - 20.01.2023 16:31

No Cavalier in 2e?

BlueFrenzy - 20.01.2023 14:15

As a 5e player who is trying to get into PF2e, I am looking for something specific and there's tons of pages, so I would appreciate some help from the experts here. You see, one of the things I love most about 5e is all these subclasses that basically create a different and unique twist on a class. I am refering to stuff like Echo Knight, Wildfire druids, astral self monks, genie warlocks, etc... They all have their own powerful gimmick that makes them play in a unique way that no other character can mimic. I love how thanks to the multiclassing it's possible to create unique concepts by mixing those unique features.

Now, all the content of PF2e is overwhelming and it's too easy to trip on the "standard" classes and subclasses. So, I would really appreciate if someone could point to me some of these "character turnaround" subclasses, feats or whatever that feels less of a trope and more like an original character.

MiningwithPudding - 20.01.2023 04:00

I'm slowly building an Anadi Rogue. I accidentally got them 18 in Dex without trying to, just building them out to be a friendly Tailor who picked some pockets early in their life. (originally held captive for their silk, they escaped and figured out their natural shapeshifting, lived on the streets for a while, then became an apprentice under a Tailor and left their pickpocketing behind. Still have the skills, as you never truly forget how to ride a bike... They sleep with a dagger under their pillow as they're paranoid of being captured again)

Tabletop Worms
Tabletop Worms - 20.01.2023 01:45

Thank you for this! We are transitioning to Pathfinder 2e and this has been very helpful.

Mikaeus, the un-hallowed
Mikaeus, the un-hallowed - 19.01.2023 19:49

Pathfinder is blowing up rn right?

Brandon Young
Brandon Young - 18.01.2023 20:13

Wasn't there a Cavalier class as well, or was that only in 1st edition?

TechnoEevee - 17.01.2023 17:43

Get ready Nonat, you're about to win the long game

BDK - 17.01.2023 10:43

Just came across your channel in my recommendations. After everything happening with the OGL I'm strongly considering switching to P2e so watching this video this looks so cool. You've got a new sub.

Unlucky - 17.01.2023 07:34

Preparing for the switch to Pathfinder after the shitfest that is DnD OGL, im kinda mad I didn’t start out with Pathfinder first this is sick

Dat Boi
Dat Boi - 16.01.2023 23:36

"The ranger works!" - done, I'm sold
