Battle Brothers Complete Review (Tactical Turn Based Game)

Battle Brothers Complete Review (Tactical Turn Based Game)


2 года назад

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@chitin122 - 22.10.2023 03:28

Is he insinuating that women are fantasy creatures lol

@faranglao8006 - 04.06.2023 18:50

Nice review, man.

@carolusrex9138 - 22.04.2023 15:11

Why can't i have trans people in my party ??? Or non binary??? Or gay ?? This game is so toxic!!!!!

@RudeFoxALTON - 01.04.2023 13:06

Really excellent review. Very helpful overview of the game.

You should check out solasta at some point, it's basically 5th edition DND in a videogame.

@carlhvs9437 - 21.03.2023 21:42

Looks like an awesome game but I can't get past the bobble-head art and lazy animations..

@Yoni123 - 19.03.2023 13:12

2023 and the still doesn't have tooltips....

@memeoverlord-pz5ns - 12.02.2023 00:18

BB is not hard, there's just too much RNG. When devs are lazy and don't want to make good game, they tune up RNG.
BB is a bad game, with repetitive content. Your company will die, not because you are bad at the game, but because of RNG.

@Chris-zw8xn - 14.01.2023 08:15

You can fix alot of "lack of explanation" stuff with some easy to install mods.

@OxyGenFLt - 26.09.2022 18:35

Complains about there being 0 women, then instantly a punchline about hookers 😀 How is it a con even, it makes sense that in a dark grim world there would be no women fighting...

@TRANCERwin - 14.06.2022 18:53

Im a xcom's widow like may others.. .i bought this game and i have like 8 hours of playtime, it didn't hook me at all.. .I think ill give it another chance (:

P.D. :Hopefully there is some mods to improve the UI and general info of the game (like the wonderful tooltips mods for Pillars of Eternity ll (: ) .. .Cool vid Keep it up !!

@AR-ob2jo - 17.02.2022 18:48

There are witches the most prevelent female form in reality as well. :D

@itsme3550 - 26.01.2022 14:06

I pretty much did the war if the nobles and feel like there is no goal now, does the dlc mean starting a new campaign or can it just run on my current base game save as I feel restarting just for dlc is gonna be the same out come of basicly nothing to do after one of thr crisis things occur

@kerravon4159 - 19.01.2022 08:30

Good review, but that whole cant play a woman 'con' was really weird... Seriously who gives a crap?

@wayner396 - 16.01.2022 01:25

Great review. I've played this game some and enjoy it but totally agree about the difficulty and lack of explanation on what anything is. I love the living world and it's actually really fun to explore the map and figure out who and where everything is. I hope it'll get a sequel or some more dlc and content.

@Justin-nd5so - 12.01.2022 18:28

Spectacular review man

@redbeansdice6151 - 09.01.2022 22:37

Solid video!

@messerschmitt7041 - 06.01.2022 15:57

Great review for this little gem. I was initially reluctant to try it due to the visual style but changed my mind after listening to some of its soundtrack - I love the score in BB, it give a lot of atmosphere to this game. After getting used to it I also really dig the art-style and like how raw it feels. Anyway, if you like challanging, turn-based games I can definately recommend Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous - it's tons of fun and a lot of combinations for many playthroughs. Cheers!

@honshu7390 - 19.12.2021 02:03

Great review. Real nice channel like the mix of Board games reviews as well.

@Gunboatjingoist - 26.10.2021 05:48

A great game and a wonderful review. Lamenting over you not being able to be a woman seemed odd.

@zifnow - 03.08.2021 19:28

Beware, this game looks nice but it suffer heavy from grinding necessity and grade of punishment, due to a terrible RNG addiction. What is bad it is not the RNG itself: it's the same for you and your AI opponent. What is bad is the counterplay to RNG availability, which is limited to:
- Mercenary build (slowly adding abilities lke Rotation, while leveling up)
- Market availability and price of items (smoke pots, nets, etc).

You will find yourself reloading a combat which took a bad toll on your team, purely based on few lucky/unlucky rolls and coming out off the same next combat with a perfet score, playing the encounter exactly in the same way. Even having continuously disposable (meat shield) brothers won't save your best men.

The veteran community is very prone to help you in explaining and optimizing build and strategies, but it becomes quickly elitist when you point out the games intrinsecal flaws (l2p, git gud and trash talk like this is often used on the forums to overwhelm new players rants). So either you play the game like a pro (yes, even the Beginner mode), or get used to get frustrated in most of your game sessions. The AI does a very good job on engaging you properly depending on your team composition and AI one. This get problematic when the developers assigned a better average stat and qualities to AI compared to "same class" player party, i.e. players human warriors recovers 15fatigue per turn, while AI's recover 20. This make a huge difference. The justification on this is that the AI doesn't have a human brain, to work around engagements.

Again, how to counter the player party getting slowly better? Spike up powercreep on mobs, in a way that your early game noob warriors will struggle in the first days like your veteran seasoned warrior will struggle after months of battles due to extremely powercreeped spawns.

I tried to point out this in several Steam forum session, to be shut down by elitist "pro" (quite few players active since beta time and so with a deep knowledge of all game mechanics and extremely active on the Forums, to defend this product) and in the end when I bursted out my disappointed I gained a permaban from the moderator. I am quite proud of this, actually I feel like having been permabanned from the Nazi party.

Add that the game is lacking a decent Tutorial, and the info are only available on Wikis and discussions. My suggestion, if you want to try it, is to get this at half price, but i strongly reccomend, if you can't stand the random bad events which can be triggered by RNG, to avoid this title. An extremely lucky rolls from AI will have much higher impact than an extremely lucky roll for the player, killing a bro which you have spent hours on, only for the sheer fact that AI has infinite resources while you have to grind each new level, item, and gold piece by a very painful process.

This game is addictive, but in a bad way. Avoid it if you can.

@weairdguy - 01.08.2021 22:37

great review! nice job, game looks awesome
