How to Reverse Boost in MW3 | Works Every time

How to Reverse Boost in MW3 | Works Every time

Chuck Fraggin

6 месяцев назад

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@protoman2260 - 13.11.2023 19:49

Doing Gods work. Thank you. It’s truly a shame the lengths we have to go to in order to simply get a normal lobby. It doesn’t have to be this way, but Activison chose it.

@haywardgg - 25.01.2024 10:49

This game doesn't have the player base it used to.
So they are throwing casuals in with sweats. We're literally there for sport, to keep the sweats happy!
SBMM makes this game feel toxic and sweaty, period!

@QraixSaiko - 19.01.2024 15:01

I admit that im new to mw3 but can someone explain why i need 5-6 shots average with an AR to kill someone within 10 meters when they only need about half as much with another AR? Im really getting discouraged playing this game. Every engagement i need a rediculous amount of ammunition to kill someone who usually smacks me with little effort at any distance with less than 4 bullets.

@thedicksons1284 - 19.01.2024 00:38

Your not going to like this but, in my opinion, reverse Boosting is just a method of cheating.
If you play well enough to be placed in competitive and challenging lobbies then that's where you deserve to be. If you cheat to get in easier lobbies then it ruins the game for those of us in those lobbies. I'm 64yrs old and play maybe 3 or so times a week and enjoy it, I like the challenge of grinding gold camo but I'm basically crap but don't care.
I've been in lobbies where there are one or two players with very high kill scores, usually 3 or 4 times the average in the lobby and those players can obviously anticipate the spawns, have good map awareness and use the mini map to their advantage. That's not your normal player and those types of players completely ruin my experience because they are so obviously reverse boosting or have another account and they are much, much better than most in the lobby and stand out as such in the final scores.
My advice is to stop cheating, man up and play at your own level and, if you think winning a few reverse boosted lobbies is satisfying, then I don't understand where you find a challenge when it's so easy. When I see crazy high scores in my lobbies I immediately report the players for suspected cheating or boosting and that is usually done early in the game because they are so obviously better players than their rank or lobby would suggest.

On the plus side, I still enjoy your video and watched till the end to help the algorithm. Please don't take this personally, this is my opinion only and I thought it important to let you know the negative affect reverse boosting has on the casual player.

@NotJohnquell - 18.01.2024 18:13

does this work for warzone ?

@grumpster - 17.01.2024 19:15

Kids these days are always looking for the easy way out. Why waste your time even playing this game if you do not want to be challenged. You guys need to get lives!

@keelancross38 - 17.01.2024 05:18

Spend more time tryna die than tryna get better lol

@alexisgg6480 - 14.01.2024 22:37

Doesn't work with me, I play 15 matches and im still with CDL lobbies...

@jeffreyramsaur796 - 14.01.2024 09:39

Ur spending more time purposely dieing then u do actually playing the game. Totally not worth it imo. At least Zombies is somewhat fun 🙄

@uncomm0nslop - 13.01.2024 18:22

imagine being this bad you have to use brain dead tricks like this

@ChristinaMagma - 11.01.2024 07:18

Record your reverse boosted lobbies! Especially the part where you say you get a hitmarkers from holding a frag. That should go viral and expose it very clearly

@alexwilliams9016 - 10.01.2024 20:44

Ya sbmm sucks, but also having to deal with loosing match after match cause 2-3 players on your team are reverse boosting.

@itsregular8875 - 10.01.2024 18:17

Idk why but this video had me dying lmao this channel deserves to blow this year good stuff man earned a new sub

@optomysticartist7768 - 10.01.2024 16:15

I just ignore all this bs and dnt buy anything and just enjoy the game by grinding the camos having to play 3 waste games is a waste of time bcuz I would already be sick of playing any video game after playing 3 games just getting killed lol and I’m not sweaty I play cod an hour a day bcuz no matter wat its not that fun just the same shit over and over again regardless lol

@optomysticartist7768 - 10.01.2024 16:14

This is the biggest waste of time ever lmao I dnt even notice sbmm it’s way more apparent in halo wen u go 5 and 26 every match no matter wat u play u guys have no idea how good u have it with this easy ass game lol i still go positive 15 in games in cod and u ain’t doing nothing close to that if u go try to play halo now loo

@icrypttoo2624 - 10.01.2024 13:28

It’s called: stop playing this trash game lol.

@elpeltys - 10.01.2024 01:44

Fixing all of the problems with this game is easy. At the weekend I deleted it and put the discs for MW3 & MW2 on ebay. I have been playing Black Ops Cold War for 3 days and it is great. I can hop on for a casual game to de-stress after work and I come off feeling chilled. Even when I hit a bad camper lobby I don't rage because I know the next lobby is probably ok. Why play these games when they are so bad? Because they are the "new thing"? We all have older titles, just play those and have fun. You're welcome.

@hugivachit6441 - 09.01.2024 12:33

I just want random lobbies that isn't all bots or all sweats. Pubs shouldn't be sbmm

@GweGwe-lu9ob - 09.01.2024 09:20

Honestly it’s not difficult to do this put a ranked playlist and keep pubs as normal matchmaking I just don’t understand cod has been around for years and they do this not to keep the shit players in the mix thinking they are good they do this to make you addicted and forces you to lose games and win games to buy bundles. I’m at a 1.00 kd flat rn and I no matter how hard I try I literally go 2 kills over 500 in a game and I’m dropping like 37 kills a game and my longest gun streak is 23 so again I’m not bad but definitely I know I’m better than a 1.00 kd but it seems like the matchmaking doesn’t want me to go pass 1.00 kd man

@johnb94 - 08.01.2024 17:22

Does this kill your kd

@mdgardner70 - 07.01.2024 18:09

Dude, I was overcooking grenades just out of pure frustration. At least I got a kill.

@RythMNaughT - 05.01.2024 00:32

So wait a second... you are a streamer who wants to be able completely wreck lobbies... but you aren't a "pro" and don't want to play against good players because that's "not fun".... this logic just makes no sense at all.

@eljjtp - 03.01.2024 23:44

This is loser behavior. Is your life so terrible that you need to cheat at a video game to make yourself feel good. And who are you lying to the internet nameless people who you said you don’t care about. Their praise not makes you feel good even though you don’t care. You still know your cheated. This thinking is what’s wrong with society. If you aren’t good at something work harder get better or do something else. Cheating so you can win and feel good is so machiavellian and sad because it’s literally just a video game. It’s pathetic.

@rickteixeira3585 - 03.01.2024 02:28

my big issue most of the streamers they have some kind of cheat,wall,cronus,windowsdot4,or anything else, and dont get ban,also in warzone 60%cheats

@toddterzinski1599 - 01.01.2024 02:46

Thats sad that this is what you gotta do to get good fun games... 😭💀 Smh... Doing this your kd is going to be 0.000001% and thats crazy imo

@holymacr0 - 29.12.2023 05:03

1 time I got 5 consecutive kills with the sniper. Then 3 more spawned where I was aiming. The game had aim (resist). It wouldn't let me shoot them. It was like after scoping in on the torso the cursor would move off the enemy. I have very precise custom controls. I even use foot pedals while gaming on my pc for extra controls/macros. I never miss 5 shots in a row ever. It wasn't letting me kill them 100%. I've gone 50-0 with sniper in other shooters not cod. But still i have a VERY consistent shot. Hell I've been kicked in certain fps games because people thought I was cheating. This game I can wreck at the start of a match and then my sniper magically misses enemies until I die a few times. I've gone back and looked at my game recordings in slow motion. Sometimes my bullet goes right through their chest or head with 0 hit marker too. Always after getting to many kills to fast. Its even happened to people camping not moving so can't be lag. This never happens in my recordings for other fps. My connection is top of the line. If you do too good the game only allows it for so long. I've quit. No more cod purchase from me ever again.

@centralbasedagency9334 - 28.12.2023 23:23

You should branch out in different games like Valorant or The finals and educate gamers. I could see your channel growing from that.
SBMM is ruining all modern online FPS, not just cod.

@delusion2x291 - 27.12.2023 18:27

Does this method still work?

@xAlphaSpiderx - 27.12.2023 16:15

We feel your pain brother. 😖

@juicy9592 - 27.12.2023 03:27

How long will it last

@jasonj5292 - 26.12.2023 12:43

I literally have like a 1.5 ks in multiplayer and every lobby im in is so sweaty to the point I need to like sweat my ass off or else I wont get kills

@WoAMortis - 24.12.2023 09:05

the grenades and clare mores gave hit markers only... NO Fing way lololol

@rickylal9824 - 23.12.2023 04:26

so people actually have the time to lose a bunch of games on purpose so they can have one goood game, yall need to get a life bruh, just play the game, it aint that bad, i dont consider myself good at all, im average and i do average and i still have fun, lol y do u need to play against kids or bots to have fun

@emgex - 21.12.2023 15:46

Oh man how i miss the old CoD4 MW and Black Ops 2 days.. No sbmm, no restrictions, skill pure.

@mrhammerzz1643 - 19.12.2023 17:37

Question is the algorithm the same for warzone? It feels like if you have a good game you get punished and put in like a shadow ban lobby full of sweats and cheaters?! It's infuriating toobsay the least! I won't give these assholes any of my money, I bought one battle pass a while ago and just keep the cod points for the next season rinse and repeat.

@mikecobb9826 - 16.12.2023 12:39

Just go back and watch your own video and listen to the s*** you are

@CantStopTopher - 16.12.2023 03:37

I love spending 45minutes dying over and over to get 10 minutes of fun… fuck this game just don’t buy it

@zae_thunder4541 - 15.12.2023 09:49

i think i found a new thing in the SBMM on MW3 i think it reads how well you do on a certain mechanics as well. i quickscope with snipers alot. one mechanic i was starting to use more and more since MW3 has it and MW2 didnt was slide cancelling. now i had a very very good game with quickscoping with the longbow during meat 24/7. i was also sliding and slide cancelling alot and getting lots of kills doing so. then a game or 3 after doing that consistently i swear i couldnt slide anymore. it was like the game forced me to only run, crouch or prone. and i just couldnt slide at all. when i tried to slide or slide cancel i would only crouch. but couldnt slide. i swear thats one thing the SBMM does. it cancels out certain techniques you prove to be good at and makes the momentarily inaccessible

@zae_thunder4541 - 15.12.2023 09:45

i know SBMM has always been a huge thing in COD idk if it started back in MW 2007 or if it was a bit later like BO2 later. but it has always been there. but in more recent years they ruined what SBMM actually meant. its completely altered into something its not. back in the golden era of COD SBMM was a hidden feature. you didnt know it existed. you couldnt see it. it was like a silent predator just waiting in the distance. it was so well hidden activision themselves had to make a public statement saying hey SBMM exists in this game. in the newer era of COD SBMM isnt hidden. its right there in plain sight. and its different. golden era didnt nerf guns, didnt cause lag, didnt disband each lobby forcing you into a new skill bracket each lobby nothing. they played the same each game. only difference was youd be grouped with people around your same skill bracket but the gameplay was still the very same. nowadays it interferes on your gameplay with increases lag and latency to bullets not hitting to delayed controls ect.

@judasbmx7731 - 14.12.2023 10:29

Breach drone ur self while stationary, I went 0 and 250 and not booted, I drop mgb when I pop off and it’s the only way to counter the program

@mela6979 - 13.12.2023 09:15

Reverse boosting doesn't seem to work I play on a Ps5 and I have 2 laptop to reverse boost. Is there a certain level you have to reach for it to work? This isn't the first time I've tried reverse boosting I did it on Cold War and it actually worked then I tried it on MW2 and it seemed like it didn't work I still have sweats now it's the same for MW3. I tried everything like movements, have other players kill you or having to kill urself in the game and doesn't seem to work like how it was on Cold War.

@ridemx323 - 13.12.2023 03:00

Randomized lobbies is the only answer. That way, when you get smoked 4 rounds in row, you know it’s just random.

@monstermunch2682 - 12.12.2023 20:23

Beat the system and stop wasting your time by killing yourself.


I remember the good ol days of boosting by getting in a lobby then my mate joins and if it put him on the other team we would run to a hiding spot with tac insertion taking turns killing each other. 😂

What have these games become when we spend 1 hour killing ourselves then 2 minutes of playing normally. 😂

@stephen7124 - 12.12.2023 13:09

that is absolutely disgusting and corrupt that you can’t even destroy your own stats to FIX the gameplay

@Hybred - 07.12.2023 12:14

Can you do a guide on Warzone 3? I seem to get hard matches no matter what.

@willieyork6999 - 05.12.2023 15:32

I love your content. Your voice is easy to listen to and you make me laugh

@stonedraza6442 - 05.12.2023 01:26

I really don’t have trouble being top 3 every game but I can see why people hate SBMM because I can’t play with my cousins they have lower KD I’m at almost 3.0 and their around .7-.85 and they simply can’t have fun playing with me and it sucks because my cousin gifted me the game to start playing like old times and we can’t even enjoy it !
