Schwannomas are nerve sheath tumors that arise in peripheral, cranial, or visceral nerves at any anatomic site of the human body. These tumors commonly arise from the cranial nerves as acoustic neurinomas but they are extremely rare in the pelvis and the retroperitoneal area (less than 0.5% of reported cases), unless they are combined with von Recklinghousen disease (type 1 neurofibromatosis). Neurilemomas are nonaggressive, slow-growing, solitary neoplasms with an extremely low possibility of malignant transformation or recurrence after excision. Macroscopically schwannomas are solitary, well-circumscribed, encapsulated tumors. Histologically, neurilemomas are characterized by the presence of Antoni A and Antoni B bodies. Antoni A bodies represent a disposition in a Verocay body, and Antoni B tissue is a loose hypocellular myxoid region of microcysts.Immunohistochemistry is positive for S-100, vimentin, and neuron-specific enolase but negative for SMA and CD117.
As a result of their slow growth rate and anatomic location, pelvic schwannomas remain asymptomatic and are either incidentally discovered during a medical investigation for unrelated symptoms or are discovered as soon as they are sufficiently large to cause a mass effect. This mass effect can lead to pain in the pelvic area and lower back and a sense of heaviness accompanied with urinary and digestive symptoms caused by bladder and bowel compression. Pelvic neurilemomas are not easily diagnosed. The clinical signs and symptoms are not pathognomonic for this pathologic situation.
Dr Mangirish Kenkre (MS) , is an advanced Gynecologic Laparoscopy Surgeon who has performed over 5000 successful Laparoscopic procedures and specializes in treating various gynecologic diseases such as Fibroids, Adenomyosis, Endometriosis, Ovarian tumours , Congenital Anomalies (MRKH- Vaginoplasty), Fistulas and malignancies (cancer) of the uterus , ovaries and cervix. Dr Kenkre has to his name multiple research papers published in various national and international journals of repute. He has also delivered many presentations on Advanced Laparoscopy at numerous conferences.
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