After Serving In The Civil War, He Formed A Rebellion Against The Government

After Serving In The Civil War, He Formed A Rebellion Against The Government

Recap In Minutes

2 года назад

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Charles Darwin
Charles Darwin - 06.08.2023 15:27

Distortion of history to hide their racist identity

John Terran
John Terran - 05.08.2023 18:58

Propaganda film.

Дамo Хріс
Дамo Хріс - 31.07.2023 18:37

Lol. The ending of the Movie make me still question why are people still voting for the democratic party. Lol.

Chris VanCott
Chris VanCott - 03.07.2023 14:48

What movie is this

Justin Berryman
Justin Berryman - 28.06.2023 09:53

In my opinion this guy was no different than John Brown only worse he deserted the Confederate army then armed slaves and led a revolt against the South treason of the highest order you don't betray your own I don't care if there right or wrong you ride or die to the end my friend

The Sacred Atheist
The Sacred Atheist - 11.06.2023 04:47

the owmen in black shooting and killing the soldiers is the most ridiculous scenes ever in cinema,, this movie is crap. What a way to ruin the movie.

Dave Mons
Dave Mons - 08.06.2023 20:09

Now, let me get this straight. The AFRICAN-American was lynched by the Klan, who were all Americans? Right? So, it seems to me that the USA is populated by VERY few Americans, and they are vastly out-numbered by AFRICANS, or CHINESE, or JAPANESE, or HISPANICS, or MEXICANS, or FIRST NATIONS, or IRISH, or ITALIAN, or SPANISH, or FRENCH, or PORTUGUESE, or POLISH, or RUSSIAN, or INDIANS, or PAKISTANIS, or FILIPINOS, or CUBANS, or ARGENTINIANS, or CHILEAN, and many more nations. All of whom have the word "American" tagged onto their ethnic origins?
So, the USA is STILL a segregated country, composed of most of the people NOT BEING REAL AMERICANS? And the ones who seem to think they are the real Americans are only the WHITE, ANGLO-SAXON, and PROTESTANT? Have I got that right? That the Kennedy's were murdered because they were Catholic? That Hispanics are murdered because they are Catholics?

Is this REALLY the nation that was established in 1776? The one with a Constitution that claims that all "men" are created equal, but that is only applied to the RICH WASPs?

Have I gone wrong anywhere? Please be accurate. And if there are any GOP members here who think my summation is incorrect, perhaps some corrections, with dates and reasons, would be most welcome.

From an Irish Irishman, whose grandfather fought in the War of Independence, and freed Ireland, less 6 Counties, from occupation from the ENGLISH.

D Sacrod
D Sacrod - 05.06.2023 06:48

"Free State of Jones", is the name of this movie. A number of comments asked the name of the movie. Starring Matthew McConaughey.

Jim Thomas
Jim Thomas - 03.06.2023 05:33


jccbakery - 02.06.2023 19:02

The Library of Congress should search the archive, so we can put the land and the mule out of their misery 🤨

Seanautilis - 31.05.2023 00:57

more garbage. there was no draft in the south.

G H - 30.05.2023 07:22

Feels like a year four EU student wrote this, or an eighth grade US student 😂😂

Rob Jord
Rob Jord - 24.05.2023 15:15

What is the name of the movie?

Myke Ford
Myke Ford - 02.05.2023 19:03

Sadly this movie was all but ignored!
It was a great & eye opening movie

mastermonarch - 30.04.2023 06:36

Newton had 5 kids with his first wife

Wright Family
Wright Family - 08.02.2023 04:58

Is there a lot of action in this or is it mostly ant the end

Robin - 08.12.2022 01:24

That's it??
