Reunion: A Mother & A Daughter After 24yrs

Reunion: A Mother & A Daughter After 24yrs

Paul Garcia

9 лет назад

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@the-watch-man - 06.07.2015 02:56

The baby pictures of her looked 100% like my sister and me when we were that age

@WibbyLou - 31.01.2016 18:00

Are you still in contact with her?

@ericavarela6246 - 25.02.2016 00:21

Is there an updaye to this story , this was so sweet to watch

@relaxandgrowwithMegan - 28.02.2016 11:33

Congratulations on reuniting. :)

@dlldll9754 - 31.03.2016 10:43

So funny how her voice and mannerisms and personality seem so similar to her mom, so weird the things you wouldn't think are genetic that are. Great story, seem like all very nice people.

@geoffpoole483 - 13.05.2016 15:35

Very moving and uplifting. What's best about this film is hearing directly from you, your mother and your sister. Thank you.

@notebookluvr - 17.06.2016 11:15

What a BEAUTIFUL story! There is so much love in it that it really brings up a lot of emotion for me. You are all very blessed! I am close to the same age as Jennifer, and my name is Jennifer too. I went by Jenni when I was younger and some of my family still calls me that. I lived in Cali during the early/mid 80s, in Ventura county. I wish my birth mom had given me up for adoption. She was only 14 when she had me. I am sure I could have had a much better life. Your mom made the right choice.

@kingdombanner2312 - 18.06.2016 15:37

family are foundation of society....may they find peace in God

@kingdombanner2312 - 18.06.2016 15:43

wonderful amazing story.....

@Nivasi - 01.07.2016 14:14

as happy as I am with this reunion.. its not always this wonderful. My birth father was wonderful reconnecting with, but some of his children still doubt. & because of his age,, they pretty much control things.. It's ok, I got the best hug ever from my 'daddy' at the ripe age of 54.

@Som-Hanoolaato - 25.08.2016 15:11

Wonderful story,
Thanks for sharing.

@mriver2906 - 03.09.2016 22:22

how can I get help to find our 2 oldest sister she was taken from my mom in manati PR in 1962???? mom call her lucy.

@MysticPrairie - 10.09.2016 20:04

This is a beautiful story. I always get the feels for the adoptive parents as well, who took the baby in and loved that child as their own. How do they feel? I would feel happy for my child but a little left out, in a secret way... If you know what I mean.

@relaxandgrowwithMegan - 01.12.2016 11:40

My name is Megan, and all you need to know about me is that my biological family treats me like crap and would rather pretend I don't exist to maintain a good image of themselves. They refuse to even say hello, and biological mother refuses to communicate anymore because I am "such a terrible person" for telling a few adult family members that I exist and she was given time to tell because it's not very nice being someone's dirty secret. Cousins, sisters, uncles won't even say a simple and kind hello because they're told it's disrespectful if they act like I exist. I have tried nothing but positive energy, kindness, and love towards them, and being loving but honest about my feelings, but it has been all in vain. I have tried to be helpful too. I will not lower myself to their standards (what standards?) by giving away their names. However, I will let the world know if someone treats you badly, even if it's your own family, the best thing you can do is stay the awesome, loving and kind person. My family had a chance in meeting a very altruistic, kind, and hilarious person their unintelligent loss. I was even going to dedicate my novel to them, but that wouldn't be worth it. Never think for a moment just because you're unloved by say your own mom or dad (or even find out your spouse of 20 years doesn't love you) that you don't walk this world with a purpose. Keep your heads high. I do have some cousins who are kind to me and I value them more than gold.
