I Think I Might Be Autistic... Now What?!

I Think I Might Be Autistic... Now What?!

Mom on the Spectrum

3 года назад

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@amandabrown7074 - 12.02.2024 05:32

how do you deal with your autism ?

@ooulalah4333 - 06.02.2024 21:38

Getting a diagnosis doesn't mean you have to change your life. If anything it makes sense of so many frustrating aspects you've wondered about a long time.

@atlanticjem2012 - 05.02.2024 05:50

What sort of jobs are there for us to help adults with autism that are autism friendly? I looked into a state job once for an agency that runs a housing system for people with autism who have higher support needs. The entire application process was not ND friendly in the least. I work with kids on the spectrum as a nanny. But self employment as a nanny is not really a "steady" job. And taking care of kids with violent tendencies, while a passion of mine, is taking a toll on me physically. I would love to translate my experience and expertise into a position that my family will worry less about in terms of steady income, but also be helpful to others. I used to wonder why I related so much to these kids I've worked with, while not necessarily seeming to qualify as being on the spectrum myself. And I wondered what "high functioning" adults looked like in the real world, as I could never figure out how to identify one or learn about them. Now, with the newer guidelines in the DSM, it all makes sense and I can see that I'M what a high functioning autistic adult looks like. Now I understand why I have always related to these kids so well. But I know I can't do what I am doing forever. There's certainly no retirement in it. I would love to find other job opportunities to keep me feeling like I'm making a difference, while also finding something that I'm capable of sustaining long term. A typical office type job just wouldn't be sustainable for me.

@bsbfan4life26nkotb - 03.02.2024 21:31

Hello there! I wanted to see if you could help me get the help i need. I am involved with cps (child protective services) or in my area is called dcf (Department Of Children And Families) i was diagnosed with Autism and adhd on June 15 2021 At 39 years old. I feel like they are using my autism and adhd Anna my mental health against me. My 8 year old daughter was taken from me from neglect alligations. I feel like the Department dcf or the school could have offered me support before they reported me and/or took my daughter away. It only caused us all more trauma (me, my daughter, and her dad) my daughter's father and I are no longer together so Reunification is going to be with him. That is a short summary of my situation. I feel ok putting my info out there for the purpose of letting everyone know that they are not alone. Is there a way to get in touch with you somehow? If you decide you can help?
Thank you for reading my comment.

@nellahermes9032 - 03.02.2024 15:53

I struggle so much with those tests. I tend to overanalyze everything and have difficulty putting things into perspective. It's challenging for me to find 'honest, real' answers. I can't always tell if I am exaggerating or not. The test suggested 'highly likely autistic,' but as always in my life, I keep doubting myself. Anyway, thank you for your great content!

@missy3086 - 28.01.2024 08:11

I think I have autism and it’s becoming more um obvious the older I’ve gotten and I am struggling

@augurypleasant4506 - 27.01.2024 12:57

Just landed a 99% likelihood of being autistic from the Aspie Quiz, just as I suspected. Still doing my research on specialists to see who to go to about getting an official diagnosis, but I'm VERY certain at this point lol

@elektroflut - 26.01.2024 23:14

I don’t get what will change in my life if i am labelled as autistic or not. I don’t think it is important for me.

@louisehampson9510 - 26.01.2024 22:51

Still waiting for a diagnosis

@joshswenson8390 - 25.01.2024 02:04

I'm 31, and I don't think it is a coincidence that I'm watching this video right now. Trying to find a professional currently.

@ljbanksgocrazy344 - 23.01.2024 18:27

Here to say autism doesn’t mean your disabled in any way . We just think different if u ask me it’s a super power from god honestly

@robinblossom5197 - 20.01.2024 20:13

Thank you for sharing. I think the frame of paying or investing in a diagnosis is somewhat misleading. You’re paying for a thorough assessment. Diagnosis is not necessarily the outcome but the data will be enlightening regardless of Dx.

@dmora2386 - 19.01.2024 02:45

Uh I took all of the self tests and... I scored off the charts on everything 😂. I don't care about the title, I just want to know. I'm not after any special help or handouts or pitty. I just want to know if this is what has been my issue my whole 40 dang years on this planet. Changes nothing however Im already very successful in my career... Not so much on the social side of things which is what's really driving the diagnosis. I don't drop 1-2grand if it didn't mean something to me, especially when I have nothing to gain from being diagnosed other than yes or no. I just... Want to know...edit: I have adhd, but I always felt like that wasn't the whole story.

@VioletFoxisms - 16.01.2024 06:16

I got my official diagnosis today. In case anyone thinks they can’t afford it despite having insurance, there’s a service called Prosper Health that specializes in adult autism diagnosis. Mine was covered and I paid $25 per assessment (a total of 3, plus my diagnostic results appointment). It’s an online service that pairs you with a local provider that is licensed for your area. I’m I also got scheduled within a few weeks of reaching out. It was a speedy process.

I’m not really sure where to go from here. I kind of feel paralyzed by the diagnosis (although I know the label is a good thing.) I’m a bit overwhelmed right now. Where do I even start? Does anyone have any tips or recommendations?

@jaydoubleu3419 - 16.01.2024 01:13

My daughter wants to get tested for autism but it cost so much
They want $1000s and up ?

@Nodsbane - 01.01.2024 01:10

I'm just learning about this myself and I'm in my late 30s. I actually think it's amazing to know, it makes literally every issue I've had in my life make tons of sense. I always thought I had brain damage or something and I heavily related to aliens because I always was so weird I had 0 friends or like 2 really intense friends that were a lot like me. Anyway, I'm wrestling my insurance but my mental health people are trying their best for me since they want to be able to write some scheduled meds and such to see if it helps but they can't without a diagnosis which I'm 100% sure I'll get if they let me go there.

@SAMIIIB - 23.12.2023 11:25

I’m so sure I’m AuDHD, I’ve been diagnosed with ADHD since 12, but I’m so confident that’s not all, especially because my twin brother is AuDHD…. Like hello… I’m so grateful for people bringing more awareness to female based experiences with autism, it’s so overlooked

@oliviersoable - 21.12.2023 23:38

I like your nuance 😊❤

@paulrobertson2453 - 21.12.2023 02:44

I'm in my mid thirties and honestly feel completely baffled by how I slipped through the cracks. I haven't been able to find anyone who does actual screenings that takes our insurance, but I'm pretty confident I'm on the spectrum because of our oldest kid. He was diagnosed at 6, and watching his behaviors is like looking in a window to my own childhood. So much has started to make sense to me through an autistic lens than just ADHD, and all the research and self-tests I've done strongly support me being autistic, but between finances and availability (mental health services are ABHORRENT in my state), I might never be able to get an official diagnosis as an adult. It excludes me from a lot of autistic spaces that don't accept self-diagnosis, and while I understand the arguments against self-diagnosis I also believe firmly that there's a big difference between taking a few quizzes and saying "I'm autistic" and doing quite literally years of research and learning on the topic while identifying closely with autistic experiences, plus having close relatives (like a parent or child) with professional diagnosis. It feels so restrictive to be shut out of autistic spaces that could be genuinely benificial to me just because I haven't been able to find a doctor willing to even consider me when those spaces could provide comfort and support that I pretty desperately need. I have a hard enough time finding a therapist who'll prescribe the meds I need for my ADHD (which I DO have a diagnosis for) and an even harder time finding a pharmacy that actually stocks said medication, so on top of the financial struggles and the lack of proper mental health care in my area, I have to deal with the memory issues and lack of focus/follow through on top of that and it's just so freaking exhausting.

This comment got away from me, I don't really know what point I'm even trying to make. I just feel like I'm screaming into the void.

@Lavendercreates - 20.12.2023 04:49

I have felt like it made since finally when i heard about what autism truly is and i feel like im autistic. But my mom wont have it. Because of one psycyatrist who saw me once thought i I wasn't autustic when im pretty sure it should be more than a 1 hr appointment to figure it out. And i did so much research on it (me being 16) so i tried to explain to my mom but she got mad.

@Lavendercreates - 20.12.2023 04:48

I have felt like it made since finally when i heard about what autism truly is and i feel like im autistic. But my mom wont have it. Because of one psycyatrist who saw me once thought i I wasn't autustic when im pretty sure it should be more than a 1 hr appointment to figure it out. And i did so much research on it (me being 16) so i tried to explain to my mom but she got mad.

@Contessa998 - 19.12.2023 14:54

Is there a good online test for diagnosing autism? Help please?

@amytrottier8836 - 15.12.2023 22:49

My husband is on the spectrum, but he refuses to even admit this, never mind acquiring a diagnosis. The frustration I experience as a result, is boundless.

@johnpierce2095 - 14.12.2023 10:44

Where i live theres no where that test adults. Its all for kids. Soo what do i do

@mr.mountvillain362 - 12.12.2023 03:34

Welp, I took the quiz and got 100%! Chance of being autistic/neurodivergent. Guess it's time to talk to a doctor...

@aikoaikoaikoaikoaikoaiko - 09.12.2023 18:52

i have almost all the symptoms of adhd, and my mom has adhd
it drives me to the point i forget everything - i cant remember to do my chores, i always lose track of time, i cant focus in class, i cant focus in literal sports games and conversations, i get multiple missing assignments, and my hyperfixations make me forget to brush my teeth, go to my classes, eat, sleep, and i just feel burnt out :[ maybe im just lazy thiugh…
so im wondering if i actually do have it or if its just my anxiety
also my sister who studied psychology and had seasonal depression said that i have seasonal depression??? i mean i do feel unusually tired in winter so maybe i do…

@ashleylitton9487 - 09.12.2023 01:05

Does anyone know of doctors in Las Vegas NV, that can diagnose adult autism? That’s my struggle. I’m grateful that my hunny understands and accepts the self diagnosis, but most people around me don’t seem to accept that answer. I feel almost pressured to do it, so people would believe me. I’m 36 now, throughout the years I’ve have finally learned how to live as myself, the way I am, but simply learning about autism has helped me really understand myself so much more. It gives me so many answers I’ve been seeking. It would’ve been a blessing to know when I was young though lol.

@truthsleuth945 - 08.12.2023 04:14

Only just self-diagnosed 'AuDHD. Had misconceptions about what Autism and ADHD are which definitely delayed the discovery plus growing up with the pervasive social myth that 'we're all the same'. Labels and nicknames given to me growing up were, with hindsight, strong clues before the long process of figuring myself out had really started. Hard to say which has had the biggest impact on my life. At present I think CPTSD (only recently discovered this condition was a thing) is the biggest single challenge day to day as I don't seem to have evolved the same degree of coping strategies with that one.

@jamesmarsh9370 - 06.12.2023 19:07

luckily, here in the UK our healthcare is FREE, so it didn't cost me to get my diagnosis

@shanechang2015 - 05.12.2023 02:46

I'm 55, agoraphobic and I live off cannabis. I just scored 99% probability of being atypical (autistic/neurodiverse). I've suspected for years that I might be.

@TheMusicalElitist - 02.12.2023 18:45

I got diagnosed at 33 (I'm 38 now). I always knew I was "different", and even my mom did too. However, thanks to the gaslighting, and also my own GP stopping me from getting an official diagnosis, I didn't get something official until I was in my 30s.

Thankfully I did have the money (and it was well spent). But like in the video, there is little to no help for adults. It's almost like people expect we'll "grow out of it."

@zxracat - 02.12.2023 06:07

i’m so confused and i don’t know what to do, am i supposed to just go up to my therapist about a diagnosis? i feel like i show the clear signs but i don’t know how to ask for a proper testing and everything is so difficult and stupid right now with school and i don’t know what to do

@75pdubs - 01.12.2023 10:06

@Mom On The Spectrum what type of doctor should be seek out for a formal diagnosis (for work arrangements)? Psychologist, neurologist, etc?

@sharpjs - 27.11.2023 04:09

Did I miss something, or did this video not address the title question, "Is self diagnosis valid?"?

@andrewlutes2048 - 26.11.2023 20:55

It will be used against you whenever you being yourself is inconvenient to others’ agendas.

@Orianamelody-go6yn - 25.11.2023 06:32

I've taken like all the autism tests you can take (online) and they all say yes.

@ido12100 - 24.11.2023 03:53

You’re not autistic… you’re just a bored woman that need to be explained to

@doobieddooo - 21.11.2023 00:43

I scored very high on the Autistic quiz, but my symptoms are from another condition. It doesn't make sense to use a self-diagnosis, bc you’re not objective.
You could have another issue that isn’t being addressed.

@rebeccaturkey7303 - 14.11.2023 20:29

I recently found your videos and I love them. They are so full of interestign information. The first time Autism was suggeted for me was when I was in Univeristy and again later by a boss and mentor at a child care I worked at. I didn't think much of it then. Now, it's back on my mind again. I am trying out the autism label and I find so much of it fits and makes sense. What's preventing me from going for a diagnosis is several things. I live in Germany, and I do not speak German fluently. I can get by in German. This puts up a barrier in that not everyone has the patience to deal with my imperfect German. I also don't fully understand what the consequences of getting a diagnosis in German society might be. The rules here are different, for certain diagnoses you have to let people like your employer know. I am trying to get citizenship and I don't want a diagnosis to hurt that process. In Germany society, a diagnosis like autism is not as accepted as it is in US society. There is still a negative aspect around it. For now, I'm choosing to do my own reserach and to identify as Autistic to people I trust. I hope, in the future I can get a diagnosis. But, I've made it 38 years already without one, so there isn't a need to rush it.

@camrynross - 14.11.2023 08:07

in class a girl with autism came up to me and asked if i had it and i said "um i dont think so?" and she fr said "i think so" and walked away so ive had that on my mind and i just took the aspie quiz and got 175/200 and it said 100% chance of being neurodivergent. i do have anxiety is that it??

@cherryfieldsinc - 11.11.2023 23:00

I'm currently self UNdiagnosing myself. I just dont see myself on this spectrum anymore since theres so many people on it now. I think all these diagnoses lately are a result of social distancing and a world that is in disorder. Sensitive humans struggle in a world like this... ...

@roberthopkins7142 - 10.11.2023 22:19

I can't follow this video because she's speaking too fast, and without pauses, for me to take in what she is saying.

@Ignasimp - 03.11.2023 20:50

One of the things that scare me about being diagnosed as autistic is that people could downplay my opinions on topics because my brain is "wrong". I'm very opinionated, and very argumentative, and I don't want my arguments to get discredited with a: of course you think that, you are autistic.

@Volkbrecht - 30.10.2023 23:43

While not on the spectrum myself, I am interested in psychology, so I ended up in this corner of the internet. There is something in these comment sections I don't understand: a lot of people with late diagnoses seem to be oh so happy to finally get a label attached to them. Personally, I'd say that there is no such thing as "normal". We are all a little different, and we all have to spend our lives discovering ourselves and putting our personality into some context with our environment. When I read that people at 40, 50, sometimes 60 "finally" get diagnosed with some degree of autism, I don't understand what changes at this point. Does autism affect self-consciousness somehow? Is the condition associated with a weak ego? Or in other words: shouldn't you guys, after decades of having to live with yourself, have figured out how you tick and how to interact with the world in a somewhat bearable manner?

This is a serious question. I really don't get it, and would appreciate some insight into the world of autists and how that changes after being diagnosed.

@PrincessofKeys - 29.10.2023 20:28

I took the Autism Spectrum Quotient Test and got a 28 out of 50 or in other words it's between the 26-32 range showing signs of Asperger's Syndrome.

Of course I'd like to get a official diagnosis especially since I feel like I could have OCD as well from my hair pulling, trichotillomania. Of course also self diagnosed but I know that for sure.

@scandelicious764 - 28.10.2023 11:31

I wasn’t even half way through the Aspie Quiz before I started to realize a lot of these traits are familiar. I’m turning 49 tomorrow and I keep fluctuating between relief and mourning for all of the unnecessary suffering. The result was 100% likely I am on the spectrum. My graph was very lopsided. I was surprised and, naturally, started to cry. I can best describe it as the moment I understood what a person feels when a cochlear implant is turned on for the first time. I’m overwhelmed, relieved, and things are finally clear. Mostly I feel relief, but I definitely want to get a professional diagnosis.

@patharris3197 - 27.10.2023 02:46

i am currently self-diagnosed. My PCP told me it would not be worth a psychologists time to diagnose a 54 year old that has been living with it his whole life, as there is nothing that can be done for it medically. My AQI is 42 ish.
