Gotham Knights 30 FPS on NEXT GEN? WTF IS THIS?

Gotham Knights 30 FPS on NEXT GEN? WTF IS THIS?


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@bcd398 - 12.12.2022 21:50

Thank you for coming with the correct energy on this game and these devs. There are a lot of weird content creators protecting this game and the developer giant Montreal WB. Not only waa the performance target unacceptable in Gotham Knights, the performance at 30fps was very poor, the graphics look last gen, and they cancelled the last gen versions. Complete garbage. They wasted a great story premise but tanked the actual game.

@adk4986 - 10.12.2022 14:19

Welp here we are, the game doesnt even reach 30fps on console. Trash game

@technologylord4017 - 26.10.2022 03:57

PlayStation 5 / Xbox Series Are absolutely more than capable of running the game @ 60 fps as it’s got nothing to do with the hardware but rather it’s the devs not wanting to do the extra work required to maximize performance on Consoles, and so long as people buy this game devs have no motivation to give us what We want

@geert574 - 24.10.2022 09:59

'untethered co op' bish 99% of gamers have no friends 😆

@brendenmoran5246 - 23.10.2022 07:54

I know I am late to this but I am going to be honest, At this point I not even going to get the game just after watching this video. Just hear me out, Do we really want to buy the game after hearing about all the negative stuff about the game? I mean come on now, For one thing 30 fps on next gen. and plus the fact that they are only having it on next gen, That basicly sounds like there are doing the same mistate to what they did with Arkham Origins. Yes I know they had a lot of delays and what not but I just feel like that this will be 2013 all over again.

@Oldman78 - 23.10.2022 04:54

Blah blah blah. Sure it is that's a good one.

@nonsequitur3455 - 20.10.2022 21:25

30 FPS!?😱
I thought they Outlawed Abortions?🤔
Not in Gotham Knights🤯

@sooperfy - 19.10.2022 03:27

I was actually excited til my friend told me about this. I may not even buy now. Why would I give $70 for standard version for a game that doesnt even run at 60 fps. Charging for xbox series x version when its not even an xbox one x version lol

@crankcuffin1948 - 18.10.2022 12:52

Mmmm your tears is tasty AF

@seafirend - 17.10.2022 20:40

I’ve never really minded 30 fps

@spawnersiak - 17.10.2022 20:22

But this game don't even look good/next-gen :/ are they retarded? Look at CP2077 or FH5 or Spider Man lol

@blackparadise5975 - 17.10.2022 18:00

Yeah, I remember the Arkham Knight release on PC. It was completely unplayable and crashed often, I had to buy the PS4 version 2 weeks later and it ran really well. I enjoyed it a lot!

@ukaszprusicki6464 - 17.10.2022 15:25

this game looks like last generation 30fps on ps5 and xbox series x for 70 D game hahaha

@THEJAKESGAMES - 17.10.2022 12:42

“Next Gen” Idk what their version of next gen is bro.

@chrisworley23 - 17.10.2022 06:13

I gotta say if they focused Gotham Knights as a full single player experience then they probably wouldn't have as many issues. I mean the COOP stuff isn't interesting to me.

@kchuckles1 - 17.10.2022 05:15

I was already considering waiting for a sale weeks ago since everything already looked mediocre.

@mackey5054 - 17.10.2022 03:45


@Veronica102788 - 17.10.2022 03:19

This is why I gave up playing consoles because they make these next generation consoles just to slap players in the face with this . I would rather always pay 4000 dollars for a pc . The price I’m willing to pay for freedom to tweak files is always worth it . Paying a sub to playing 90% for most games in multiplayer games that are not mmo is bs . Then being limited to what types of mods you can can use , also not being able to personally edit the ini and or force the system the play how you want it to play . Till consoles can lift al these restrictions they are just not worth it to me . I value game freedom to edit as I see fit and will pay high for it . However , it’s just a strategic business move to get players to buy their new ps5 pros and what ever the new Xbox is called . Which in game history they tend to make next gen consoles then shortly after come out with a better version of their new console instead of just making it a godly rig to begin with . Double row profit . Consoles are still good to have just not something I wish to long term game on.

@gradygriffin7935 - 17.10.2022 02:35

The frame rate drops were most likely a result of the gamble may being fron an older build or just not being fully optimized. These past few months are the time in which games are polished and cleansed of the majority of glitches. Hopefully frame rate drops won't happen.

@adamcalebchloe8760 - 17.10.2022 01:59

The fact that you didn't think 30 fps wasn't gonna gonna be as big of deal as it is shows me how disconnected you are from most normal people, this is a huge deal to people who plays games regularly, the people who don't think it's a big deal is the casual gamers, believe me, people who love video games know the difference and can easily tell the difference between them.

@dahkwanzaasanders3840 - 17.10.2022 01:21

If the developers can barely reach 30fps on consoles then why would they even bother adding Ray tracing? Pathetic

@theotherguy21 - 16.10.2022 22:03

Does the 30frame thing mean it technically could have been released on ps4

@alliasstar7289 - 16.10.2022 21:50

To be fair. Warner bro's gaming studio is still relatively new. It's not fair to compare their stuff with Insomniac because they're just on a whole other level. They're leagues ahead of them and so is Rocksteady.

@artwork1285 - 16.10.2022 13:22

I have seen gameplay. It doesn’t even look that good.Worse than arkham knight.🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️

@HammerHead1507 - 16.10.2022 12:42

See I'm gonna be playing this solo buy they made the excuse of it running 30fps because on the untethered rope between u and your Co op partner and the Ray tracing, they could have added a setting to turn off Ray tracing and what about solo players they shouldnt have to run it at 30fps because they have no untethered rope cuz they have no partner like bro what

@JarmanGaming - 16.10.2022 11:29

They could always release a patch for 60fps right?

@dombuchanan1986 - 16.10.2022 10:08

I love me some 30FS

@SgtHeartmann. - 16.10.2022 10:04

Just asked refund.

@ezzahhh - 16.10.2022 09:58

I'm sure it's in the best interests of the console users after all it's far more cinematic in 30 fps 😂

@samthomas3383 - 16.10.2022 08:22

Its an overreaction its not gonna break the game.

@alial-hakeem9465 - 16.10.2022 07:35

For me, this is a huge problem.
Yes, I am so excited for the game since the very first reveal. However, in this case, I can forgive everything else, but 30fps on new gen consoles! I just can't..
I really hope we get a 60fps patch very soon.

@plug_hate - 16.10.2022 06:10

I’m about to refund my shi 😂

@blueblitz338 - 16.10.2022 06:10

Great video

@Jason_Todd_- - 16.10.2022 06:08

Hi sal
There is one preview that they played GK on ps5 on 30fps and looked pretty well

@markarthcityguardTM - 16.10.2022 05:44

This is an unfathomable L for GK😂

@gri22lybear - 16.10.2022 05:36

My $500 Series X VS a $2,000 PC for an extra 30FPS LoL. Y’all can keep it. I’m not defending it, but it has 4K, HDR10 and Ray Tracing. Still getting it, but I was on the fence for a bit tbh. 😮

@zerowing3213 - 16.10.2022 05:11

This really can't get any worse

@BzT1012 - 16.10.2022 04:50

Lol this games about to flob so hard because of this lol hopefually this is a joke

@derekrank4572 - 16.10.2022 04:10

i dont mind i would rather have the beautiful graphics

@SoSo-dg8hk - 16.10.2022 03:59

Microsoft's Gotham Knights introduction page in Japan states a maximum of 120fps

@hiibuddiie - 16.10.2022 03:59

I’m still locked in on my Pre-Order but damn we all got done dirty here.. It only makes me question how poorly optimised the game must be. Probably won’t play it for too long as 60FPS is the reason I went Next-Gen and 30 is like a fucking slideshow. 😂

@maxwallach47 - 16.10.2022 03:59

Look I'm not excusing 30 fps, bottom line I'm sure a performance mode could have been accomplished with more time. That said why do people keep pointing out last gen games that did 60 fps on current gen systems. I would expect last gen games to hit 60 they are LAST GEN... now Gotham knights truly pushes next gen fidelity then I can understand why it's 30 fps. I'm not giving the game a pass but I could understand why a new current gen only game would be more likely to ship 30fps then 60 and to be honest I'd rather have dope generational leaps at 30 fps then last gen graphics at 60. Gotham knights is definitely not the best looker out there (it is still impressive though) but I'm just saying I can see a point when games on these consoles target 30fps to get more GPU performance out of them . (Truth be told I think Gotham knights has more to do with peer to peer co-op net code then just graphics but still)

@kubsamv4601 - 16.10.2022 03:14

this is a next gen game and we’re paying 70 bucks for it. Not trying to compare it to arkham but it’s kind of hard when u see how good that game looked almost 8 years ago on a previous gen console. in 8 years WB games has managed to produce a product with arguably worse performance and graphics on a next gen platform. yes this game has a bigger scope but it’s on a next gen platform so as buyers we should expect next gen performance. I can only imagine how ass this game looked on ps4 and xbox one. lowkey might cancel my pre order and just wait for sale now.

@secretmulletman7984 - 16.10.2022 03:04

This game is TOA "Turd on Arrival"

@jcw8719 - 16.10.2022 02:41

I thought the PC version of Arkham Knight was the bad one


😂 30 fps omg they should cancel the game 😂 gtfo

@baki484 - 16.10.2022 02:19

Keeping it under wraps was a big mistake and they can't blame the hardware.

@septillion2501 - 16.10.2022 02:19

WBMontreal isn't a "competent AAA studio", they're a bunch of third rate amateur morons who have released ONE mediocre game, 9 YEARS ago and it shows. They should never have been allowed to work on this game in the first place.

@Darksydebill93 - 16.10.2022 02:18

What's crazy is the min PC specs are still for 60 fps and the specs are even a little underpowered compared to a PS5 or Series X
