Hey, I'm looking for a good mmo to get into and this looks interesting, but if you get really committed to the game, is it hard to progress without microtransactions? (Besides dlc, I'm just referring to the subscription and expansion) I'm just not looking to buy a game to spend more money on it.
ОтветитьI was bored as fuck from the combat only a few hours in lmao I guess everyone has their taste
ОтветитьI have 1000s of hours in the game. I am returning after about a year break and have so much to do. My to do list is so so long but in a good way. And on top of that, I find pvp really fun (albeit frustrating because of the performance) so on top of many accomplishments or goals I have, there is also just fun gameplay to take up my time. I am having trouble balancing questing, farming, leveling, crafting, trading and the parts of the game that I do for the gameplay aspects, such as pvp, and that is a good thing. I think new players will get discouraged either at the very start or when they hit 50 and dont know what to do. so sad :( ps: bg's had group q'ing removed because a coordinated group vs 4 randoms is way too unfair. Highly coordinated groups (you know, all have synergistic item sets and skills running in a ball) are high-key over powered in this game. If one of those came up against randoms, the randoms would legitimately not get a single kill. its a double edged sword I guess. the only solution is to add a group only q and a solo only q, but I dont think the pop would be there to support that.
Ответитьgroup battleground will return on 2.11, but u wont be able to chose what battleground u want to play anymore to compensate for finding the match quicker
ОтветитьI don't know if it's this way for anyone else, but I personally haven't had any problems with the game on steam. Granted I haven't played for that long, just a little bit a few years ago then I uninstalled it. But I've been playing for the past week because of a chapter sale on steam and decided to hop back in. Haven't had any problems with the steam version tho. Probably would of got it on the website. But at the time I didn't know you could. So too late
ОтветитьAs someone with 2500+ plus hours this was fun to watch
ОтветитьWhat's the UI addon?
ОтветитьShort answer: Yes it is 😁
ОтветитьAs a 5 year ex-player of this game I will give you this information. This game was great to play at sometimes with a fluid action combat style and only a little lag. Currently the game has ruined the combat system, removed skill, and has lag that is unacceptable to anyone who plays seriously. The balance of the game has always been up and down and if you are one of the people waiting for the game to get "better". Then I am sorry you got so invested into this game because to fix 1 thing they will break 3. 10,000 hours of gameplay in with 2 accounts and 30 characters and 2020 has retired many players. People have more time than ever to play but the gameplay will being so hit or miss makes most new players quit in the first 6 months.
ОтветитьJust what I was looking for. Thanks for the informative video.
ОтветитьFirst off, nice video! My only gripe with ESO (this is coming from someone creeping up on 1000 hrs played) that eso plus ends up being kind of a necessity if you plan on making a serious run at this game. You don't need it to play by any means, but like dude said, the craft bag alone makes it worth it. I wouldn't really say that's pay to win. More of zos cornering players into subscribing. My advice? Play through your original zone's story - ebonheart pact, aldmeri dominion, dagerfall covenant. Hit lvl 50...maybe get a few champion points, and THEN ask yourself: "do I see myself making a serious run at this game?" Only then should you consider getting eso plus. For me, with the hours I've put in over the past 9-10 months. Been completely worth it. I'll also say this. ESO is second to none imo in the seemingly endless amount of content. For the first 1-2 years of playing, you'll pretty much ALWAYS have something new and interesting to explore. And as far as the quality? What mmo has literally every single side quest voice acted? Like I said. Second to none.
Ответитьi played a while back looking for an mmo looter to grind worth playing in 2020 or any suggestions?
ОтветитьShame the combat isn’t all that glorious, can’t build guild bases or anything like that, no super rare weapons, armour or potions, can’t have NPC followers, no pvp at all in the main aspect of the game (e.g can’t ask people to dual, can’t rob people stuff like that) there really is no true goal, just killing AI, collecting gear and weapons, “making friends” would be nice if a game like DayZ existed but with swords, bows, feature to build long lasting guild bases or property’s, can’t stake a claim to some sort of territory.. A game like the Anime “Overlord” is based in is what an MMO should be like but it will never come to pass
ОтветитьSolid video man. Love your positive attitude and passion for a good game.
I found the community really welcoming as well, only time I kinda rolled my eyes was when like 3 people out of the 100’s of hours I played got a bit elitist about having high damage but most players don’t care about getting the you to do the maximum dps to the tenth degree and just want to chill and laugh and help each other out.
Overall a fantastic community who is super friendly and passionate about their outfits and doing things and just loved it.
Thanks for doing the game and the community a service Noble. :)
Only thing i hate is the high ping :((
ОтветитьThe game is great, the base game alone will give you several hundred hours of gameplay before you event get to DLCs. The game does have quite a lot of things that you have to do a little bit of research but that’s mostly going to do with set ups, little bit of crafting research and what not. The nice thing about ESO is that you can play how you want, there’s many classes to choose from and you can go at it at your own pace. The community is great so there will be people that will help you with things specially if you end up joining a guild. They can help you level up, farming gear and more. For all we know, ESO is probably gonna keep going for several years and while some are barely starting right now, you can still catch up and believe me, it’s easier than ever to do so. All areas can be access even at lower levels which is nice because you can basically go everywhere unlike before where you had to clear one area before you could move to the next area. The downside to starting the game late is that it could be easy to get burned out if all you are thinking is levels, if all you do is grind for xp then yeah the game does get boring pretty fast, however if you just play the game you’ll be leveling up at your pace and actually have fun.
ОтветитьYou are very positive about ESO I have about 1000 hours in ESO, but I stopped playing a couple of years ago. I think it's a good game for a mmo. I liked leveling up a new character and doing quests way more than the endgame. My biggest complaint is that the PVE before the endgame is too easy, PvP is fun in small doses. I find it gets repetitive. My favorite thing to do is the PvE content in the PvP zone. Hardly anyone does it and it and there are a lot of quests that most people do not even know exist.
ОтветитьThis game is epic
ОтветитьI've got 502 hours slapped on the game starting since January 2018. Didn't play it for a while, but I've been obsessed with it again since this summer. Feels so good to finally be learning the game properly and also reached my first champion level guy! He's around cp270 or something like that now, but I still definitely feel like a noob still. I just avoid PVP and set myself personal goals to have fun.
Ответить500 hours? You gotta pump those numbers up, those are rookie numbers in this racket... 😆
ОтветитьEverytime I play, I get to level 20 or 30 and then stop. The game is so overwhelmingly intimidating. Not to mention, ESO plus just seems like a must in order to actually get anywhere. Not bashing the game though. I'm glad people enjoy it.
ОтветитьI really enjoyed the game when it first came out, but I just feel overwhelmed when I get back on.
Ответить500? I remember when I had my first beer lmao
ОтветитьLet me know if u still play and if u made it to 1k hours...i guess i could sub and check out page huh?? Lol
Enjoyed video i am currently lvl 31 on my very first character...a breton templar dps...having fun with it...see ya
İt is of course worth it
ОтветитьIs it worth playing ?
Nope, ESO sucks so bad
It feels burn out 😭 Ive been here since beta! Need a new TES game
ОтветитьThis dude said six hours was a long gaming session. Cya normie
ОтветитьESO is fun, i just wish there was an earnable mount system.
ОтветитьIm Cp 525 and still scratching the surface
Ответитьcan tell you play mostly pvp when you are standing like that in cloudrest :P good video thou
ОтветитьI don’t think a game is ever worth 10/10 . All games has flaws to where it should never be a 10/10 . Especially if you are doing a review . I did play ESO and i keep giving up and just staying in FF14, and i just got the greymor expansion cuz its on sale just so i can try it a 3rd time to see if i can stay in . There is just some basic things that i find a bit not appealing in ESO. Like gears don’t really look good, especially coming from ff14, ESO doesn’t even have good cape physics for example. Its really basic stuff but its kinda important. Like investing long hours in a character, you actually want some good looking gears as rewards or what not. Some of the animations don’t look good either. And what’s with the dungeon stuff where if i disable a trap it doesn’t disable for everyone , everyone in the group still has to disable it ..kinda immersion breaking.
I hope i don’t just leave it after buying it again on console this time cuz my friends are on console. Like i hate that too...not being cross-play.
Dnt get me wrong tho, There is a lot of positive i think with ESO but some stuff that just kinda of a deal breaker. The crafting isnt really that engaging as well, in ff14 it actually feels like a whole new class where you actually have to use crafting skills and abilities.,and sure i dnt really like the rng part of it but its definitely more engaging.
ESO needs some kind of upgrades, not just content but like the physics and graphics. Cuz the CGI cinematics be looking damn good, i want the game to kinda feel a bit like that,,,at least in some aspect of the visuals.
I extremely love the fact that everything is voice acted tho.
And how the leveling kinda works, where you can go anywhere and quest anywhere because the world scales to your level; rather than being stuck in one area . Definitely a plus on that.
I'm a noob at this point and I don't really understand how gear upgrades work. I see lvl 50 gear that has about 1200 armor and lvl 15 gear that has same stats. What is the difference?
Ответить500 hours is nothing! :)
ОтветитьVeteran here after 3.5k hours stopped playing in 2018. no its not its waste of your money and time
ОтветитьDo you think this game will do well in. 2021 and on ps5 for a long long time. It looks cool
ОтветитьHow is it solo fun
ОтветитьGreat video i enjoyed it
Ответитьi just don't like that there are maybe 10-15 same types of enemies slapped in every aspect of the game from open world to dungeon and raids just with different size.
Ответитьdude, you need to breathe
ОтветитьLike almost all Bethesda games, It's too bad it has such a weak art direction :/
I'd otherwise play it more.
Do you have a video for people who used to be heavy players but now your stats are all reset? I don't remember how to set up my character.
ОтветитьI’m thinking about buying this becouse Skyrim is one of my favorite games ever . I would like to be a werewolf if that’s possible I’m not highly educated on this game yet but I can’t wait to play it when I can purchase it :))))))
ОтветитьYou were right about the community I once asked for an urgent 10kgold and said will pay back and I got tons of people say come take we dont need them back or u do a little help people say we are here if you want something in the future
Oh and now I have 15000 hrs community ever
Or play the witcher 3 instead.
Ответитьin this game metal armor on characters behave like leather armor...
ОтветитьLet me know what you think about game in the comments below! What are your questions? I’ll try my best to answer them all!!