ESO In 2020 | Is It Worth Playing?

ESO In 2020 | Is It Worth Playing?


4 года назад

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@pixadavid - 18.03.2021 14:15

I hope you do a new 'first impressions' video for ESO after this year's expansion lands - one of the things it will include is a new tutorial allowing you to choose where you start (Like you suggested in this video)

@grympus1005 - 16.02.2021 01:37

Great informative video :D

@alexromm9126 - 09.01.2021 21:57

Combat is sooo boring so a would say no, is not worth it.

@ishirutaekakura308 - 10.06.2020 17:55

The only issue I have is, not enough solo content, before anyone says "but you can solo stuff theirs builds for it" I mean solo as in not some other player being involved in your zone story quest and coming through overpowered as heck killing a boss in one hit, such a disappointing feature, because champion points make peoples alts overpowered. It's wrong and dumb. The one thing I like is some of the world events that aren't easy and can kill anyone even the cocky overpowered players.

@NauticalNomadUK - 07.05.2020 00:05

Yes 100% worth playing in 2020. The content is incredible!

@Nerex27 - 05.04.2020 21:23

I really love eso right now, but I also just really love elder scrolls in general

@corlinedits - 31.03.2020 16:33

I've played ESO since the beta in 2014, and it is still a game I absolutely love, and that I can always recommend!
In terms of tips for new players, then try to use your basic casting as much as possible, instead of just spamming one ability. Resource management is a big deal in this game, as it will be quite hard to survive if you run out of Magicka or stamina. By doing basic attacks in between casting your abilities, you will gain either Magicka or stamina back, depending on what weapon you're using.

But all in all, this is a really great game, and yeah, especially the questing and immersion are one of its core strengths. Getting into the lore of the elder scrolls will also really enhance that experience ;-)

@ROcraftable - 31.03.2020 14:13

questing could be done better if they hired more writers so npcs have more personalities and more voice actors
great video btw

@Mystra - 21.03.2020 18:34

I love this game

@ima6pack - 19.03.2020 03:35

ESO is such an amazing game. The aesthetics, roleplaying, community, quests, etc. make the game feel so alive. The only thing I struggle with is how difficult it is to get good at it in multiplayer. I've found that once you get to higher levels, you'll often times get kicked out of groups for not carrying enough dps, tanking, or healing if you aren't wearing the perfect gear setup, eating the proper food, using the perfect rotation, crafting with all your characters, etc. It often times feel like you do have to grind to get good. Don't take my complaints as disdain for ESO, I absolutely love this game and play it all the time. I do, however, wish that group play at higher levels was a bit more "casual friendly". I seriously can't recommend this game enough

@darbersgaming3635 - 19.02.2020 13:45

what i would recommend for new players is to see the game as an MMO and not as an RPG, there is grinding, leveling, sets and at the end skill required to reach the end game and its one of the hardest, what i mean is that 12 man content {trials} and 4 man content {dungeons and arenas} are pretty unforgiving for new players (on veteran mode, or even hardest on veteran Hard Mode). there is also a solo arena called maelstrom arena! with 10 different stages you have to go through each with its own waves and bosses, so every player that want to reach end game needs to work on their DPS, practice tanking or healing like you have to do in most mmos, im saying this because the game comes out of a great series of RPGs and most ppl think its just an online skyrim, and they tent to disappoint themselves after trying the RPG aspect of the game, not that is not good, its great, but not like skyrim or any other elder scroll game! so plz, if you are an RPG player dont say the game is bad cause there is so much more in it :)

@Aerisskyritalee - 17.02.2020 09:30

do you recommend this over wow or bdo?

@raymacz1922 - 13.02.2020 14:40

ESO combat is so lifeless. The animation gets cancelled just to increase the DPS, where is the fun in that? It's like watching a DC action movie, & batman is just standing with no visual action, & his enemy just drops dead in front of him. Lol, sorry diehard fans of ESO.

@VindensSaga - 31.01.2020 17:06

Selecting starting location would be absolute amazing. I have no idea how many times I have been running through the latest expansion starting zone by now ... >.<

@TheCooderix - 26.01.2020 19:03

If the game actually had the combat system you see at face value, I actually wouldn't mind it. But this mandatory animation-cancelling really, really sucks.

@retromastery7010 - 25.01.2020 02:09

Just so you know, the factions in this game are not that important, at least not anymore since they got rid of the limitations it brought to most players who wanted to play with their friends, but it still does matters for PvP and some other minor activities or choices, but even that is not that big of a deal since every zones are unlocked for you to play through with their respective story, it used to lock the dungeon queue to only those of the same factions as you but they got rid of that too.

As for the instanced content, which is what you're probably looking forward the most, it is VERY good, there's literally variant for almost every group size, "Delves" are solo dungeons in the open world, "Public Dungeons" are for groups of 2+ people but are STILL soloable if you have potions and other items to help you sustain, "Group Dungeons" are traditional 5 man content with 2 difficulty levels "Normal" and "Veteran", and then you have "Trials", which are literal 10 man Raids

I will say this though, the game can get quite expensive in the long run, and if you're, like me, not very rich and can only spend money on very little things, there is something called Crown Trading, it's basically the process of trading your gold for crown items like DLC's or anything in the crown store by trading with another player, it's a whole economy that a lot of people use and Zenimax knows about it, they even sent their blessings to the people managing the crown trading discord servers. I could give you some discord links if you're interested :)

@nfb4027 - 24.01.2020 07:03

For me the problem has always been it's not a buy once, with micro-transactions. ESO's ridiculously small inventory system requires you pay the monthly sub to be able to craft which is a necessity at higher levels. The idea that you would spend hundreds of hours in the game and then just toss everything you're getting because 'shrug give us $15 a month for that,' is garbage. GW2 is maybe the only fair business model I think when it comes to MMOs as it is a true 'buy once' for a full satisfying game without major parts of the game taken away from the player and hidden behind a paywall.

@gyalsnextman4725 - 20.01.2020 03:23

For people who don’t own this game, what have you been doing for 5 years I joined 4 years into this game was pretty noobie for a year, started understanding gear sets and how to get them, and now in 2020 I have achieved emperor in pvp, I am in a 10 man guild with pvpers and high value players, started understanding crafting and how to speed level it, but one thing I can’t do is quest so if you love questing you’ll love doing them
Till your level 50. If you love pvp there is options for you to hit level 50 pvping and will continue till your level 810, I’ve played for 4 years and I am still 500cp but that’s due to playing on multiple platforms as I’m 700 on xbox and 250 on pc and trust me it’s worth it

@VirtualTeds - 19.01.2020 00:23

I am glad you are enjoying the game.

I was surprised to see the base game now starts players in Morrowind. These stories actually come after the base game main story, however if someone wants to start at the real beginning you’ll need to go to faction starting cities, Vukhel Guard in Auridon for Aldmeri Dominion, Davon’s Watch in Stonefalls for the Ebonheart Pact, and Daggerfall in the Daggerfall Covenant. There will be a quest asking you to meet a contact on a ship (at least in Vukhel Guard) and then you will start play at the very beginning of the story and end up on your appropriate starter island and faction zone. When you get to one of those cities you’ll be hailed by a hooded figure and they will send you to a benefactor which starts “Soulshriven in Coldharbour” quest (original tutorial) and the main base story. This content along with NPCs will reappear as you experience ESO.

Doing the content out of order isn’t really a problem, but at times it may seem your missing something and that’s because you’re playing out of order.

Not a spoiler, but the tutorial you played is not the first time you meet Naryu in the game, you meet her in the Ebonheart Pact storyline first and in other content later, but before Morrowind.

@leonbrooks2107 - 17.01.2020 23:44

Welcome to the ESO community.

@nakudu4847 - 17.01.2020 00:47

"In a lot of games you are going to slay a giant creature right after learning to play the game..."
Me: Didn't I beat up on a dragon 2 mins into Elsweyer?

@an9ryb34rd4 - 17.01.2020 00:20

I'm by far not a vet at ESO yet, but one of the most helpfull things i learnt was 'animation canceling'. Its super helpfull in boss fights and definately helps in battlegrounds games. Lots of tutorials on here to teach you too.

@Denis-TheLyndin - 16.01.2020 18:43

Overwhelming would be the adjective i would also use to describe ESO.
Even with my years of experience in many other MMORPG, i felt really lost when i picked the game

up about half a year //a year ago.

It is so different from many other MMORPGs.

@BrokenArrowGames - 16.01.2020 12:47

They're actually gonna announce the new Chapter (or expansion) later today, make sure to check the stream out if you're interested!

@LinhLe-xs1bd - 16.01.2020 06:26

agree they should give us option to chose where to start

@micahmahaffey5919 - 16.01.2020 04:57

ESO is seriously the best game out currently, not just the best MMO but best game. I'm really glad I found it 2 years ago, im 2600 hours in and it only gets better. There's so much content you'll never need another game.

@caveman3461 - 16.01.2020 04:50

I have never played ESO myself but from what I've seen from you this game looks like most other Elder Scrolls games and with the online part it looks like it has more to offer than what most would expect! I look forward to seeing more impressions of this and maybe someday I might try this out myself!

@Double_Cheeseburger - 16.01.2020 03:09

Oh boy. Now it's gonna take even longer to get to shadowbringers. 😂

@MokonaNL - 16.01.2020 02:17

Seems to me you have the base game and Morrowind expansion, they sell those together these days. Every expansions changes the tutorial area. The base game had you escape a prison in a realm of Oblivion. And Summerset and Elsweyr both have tutorials that lead into those respective story lines. You learn the same things obviously, but the tutorials lead you towards the main story of whatever it is you're playing. You'll always be thrown into the tutorial of the latest expansion you have, unfortunately it's not possible to choose.

I think one of the best parts of ESO is the fact everything scales to you. Yes, dungeons are still locked behind progression, same with Trials and Veteran dungeons, but every area and every expansion is playable and doable from the very start. No need to catch up, and yours to finish in any order you want.

One piece of advise I can give: Don't invest too much time or money into upgrading gear, until you reach champion level 160. That's when gear stops scaling. You'll out level any gear prior to that fairly quickly.

@blackh9604 - 16.01.2020 01:54

This game looks awesome. Neat video!
