Plus-Size Fashion Tips | Cosmopolitan

Plus-Size Fashion Tips | Cosmopolitan


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@j3n14 - 21.09.2013 22:23

tip 1...dont wear horizontal stripes...

@carolinaescalante5034 - 21.09.2013 18:57

being "Big" is just as bad as being skinny, is unhealthy!

@annamarieh333 - 18.09.2013 09:30

I have NO style sense do I wish u would model clothes or show samples!

@iCoffees - 25.05.2013 16:26

No, I make everybody obese feel like shit. Not just girls.

@InigoStar678 - 25.05.2013 08:54

And it's people like you that make girl's feel like shit for not being stick perfect.

@iCoffees - 27.02.2013 18:45

Haha, what the fuck, you can't even out your proportions when you're that fat. Even if you did dress to have a slimmer silhouette, you'd have a huge fucking fat face you can't hide. God damn, just lose some weight.

@crijevitis - 22.02.2013 22:52

Nicolette is so hot!

@viannaposadas - 21.10.2012 01:59

afraid?!?! what they are?!?!

@FlypaperGirlSangue - 21.10.2012 00:30

but at the same time I cannot get why people are so afraid of being called what they are, I am wide shouldered I know it, I am not offended, so why when I say fat just as a descriptive characteristic cause she askked me if she was fat, she says something - how dare you I am not fat, why she even asked, all I want to say to girls like that -.well you are, not that there is anything wrong with that, but if cannot see that , well you also have vision problem, see a doctor

@FlypaperGirlSangue - 21.10.2012 00:25

do not worry you weren't mean in any way at all, I just ry to explain what it feels for us too and I find that calling anybody names is ugly and just shows that nothing can hekp them become pretty inside, it is just I see a slim just slim girl and people would say she doesn't eat or is anorexic and that women with no curves suck, it seems like often people pour shit on those who differ from them, no matter big, small, tall, short, it just sucks in general

@viannaposadas - 21.10.2012 00:12

I am happy u are a slim healthy woman, and I did not say u were skin and bones, u are beautiful in every way, but i just think it's offensive when slim girls call bigger girls names and such.

@FlypaperGirlSangue - 20.10.2012 23:36

soorry but let me then explain what I think people normally mean when say fat, they mean that a person has a high percentage of fat, which is true for most big people except sumo guys, but since it is too long to say people with high percetage of fat, we just use fat, by the way as a slim chick I find that skinny is more offesive, what does it even mean that I am skin and bones or have bigger amounts of skin? that is so lame, makes no sense at all

@Amberishottsex - 20.10.2012 19:42

Thank you so much for the great tips! Very helpful :)

@FlypaperGirlSangue - 20.10.2012 12:53

why not try a long dress, with leggins undernearth for comfort that might help getting used to dresses or dress up the pants with high heals and bold jewelry

@FlypaperGirlSangue - 20.10.2012 12:50

the best part is that most people just assume that they have slow one cause they are fat, but when they test it, they become angry and frustrated cause it really most of the time is not slow at all, it is really a matter of too much, too little moving around in space

@FlypaperGirlSangue - 20.10.2012 12:47

I would say a belt to define the waist, a good bra cause the bigger you are the bigger the girls are and they need proper support, good pair of pants or jeans, womanly shoes like pumps, the rest is matter of taste.and style cause some would be all over dresses, others are like no way in hell, just cause I am a girl doesn't mean I should wear that, so that is really hard to say what is best for whom without knowing the person

@FlypaperGirlSangue - 20.10.2012 12:42

sorry for being a bit doubtful, but I am so sick of metabolic rate excuses and skinny friends who eat what they want stories. people think that I am a skinny friend who eats what I can get, but truth is I work out a lot, I rarely eat anything bad for me and I cut down on food, I just do not compain about how hungry I am every 5 mins, so I wonder if your metabolic rate been tested or you just though I must be that way

@FlypaperGirlSangue - 20.10.2012 12:38

I think you mean slow, by the way have your metabolic rate been tested? what did it come out as?

@Amberishottsex - 07.10.2012 20:21

What are the most important items and plus size gal should have in their wardrobe?

@XxdeathlovesusxX - 03.10.2012 08:59

Sorry, her and my fathers anniversary. U made me upset, hard to type when my hands shake

@XxdeathlovesusxX - 03.10.2012 08:57

So what ur saying is stop looking up tops for ur mom bc shes trying to put together a nice outfit for hers and her fathers aniversary and stop being a nice person. So u know I used to be really big too, But thats cool, I'll stop being nice to ppl and be a troll like everyone else

@mysticnekoji - 25.08.2012 07:59

im not comfortable in dresses but i feel like dress pants are not girly enough for a date or a night out and suggestions ?

@cosmopolitan - 08.08.2012 01:18

We totally get why you're upset. Please help us to keep this space positive, though :-)

@cosmopolitan - 08.08.2012 01:17

We get that you're upset, and we appreciate that you're commenting here. This is a public discussion about plus-size fashion, though -- if you're looking to discuss health or fitness, or to engage in one-on-one conversations, this isn't the appropriate place to do so. Thanks!

@viannaposadas - 01.08.2012 03:41

@clintredhot who said i was "fat" fat is not considered a term...but what EVERYONE HAS IN THEIR BODY Geez Im 11 so stop hating on me b***h

@clintredhot - 01.08.2012 02:58

Then don't complain that you're fat. We are sick of hearing about it. Go out and DO something about it. I did...hence the reason I have a right to an opinion about this. Apparently you didn't and you're upset about it. Not my problem...yours.

@clintredhot - 01.08.2012 02:56

I don't know the struggles? Do you know ANYTHING about me? How much I USED to weigh due to HEALTH PROBLEMS? Instead of being LAZY, I decided to get healthy and I lost the weight and now I'm thin and have been. It's kind of ironic, isn' are complaining about thin people making judgements about fat people without knowing them and yet, you just made a blatant statement saying "you don't know". How would you know what I do and do not know, what I have and have not been through? Hypocrite.

@clintredhot - 01.08.2012 02:53

It does...but many people do not come across that way at all. For instance, a few days ago I saw a photo and it showed a larger woman and a thin one. It crossed out the thin one and said something along the lines of "who ever decided THAT was pretty? THIS is pretty" (and it pointed to the large woman). That is one example of many, hence the reason I stand in my ideals about what I said.

@cosmopolitan - 01.08.2012 00:56

We appreciate that you're commenting here, but please help us to keep this conversation focused on fashion. Thanks!

@cosmopolitan - 25.07.2012 01:24

Definitely :-)

@cosmopolitan - 25.07.2012 01:24

No worries if you didn't like this video, but please be respectful here.

@viannaposadas - 24.07.2012 01:19

OK 1. Just because women say "Fat is beautiful" doesn't mean women who are thin are ugly or hideous! And 2. Offensive?!? Don't you think women want to be thinner? And give compliments to women who are thin? Like "U look great!" Some women would kill for a thin figure! And some people can't help being obese! I will just tell u that I'm 11 yrs old and am 5'10! I was BORN WITH A BIG BODY TYPE WHICH INCLUDES HUGE SHOULDERS AND A BIG STOMACH SO DON'T BE COMPLAINING THAT UR "HEALTHY" AND THIN! :(

@Limayyy - 15.07.2012 05:06

same here!!

@lyssajacelyn - 12.07.2012 00:49

Help me find the perfect skinny jeans for plus sizes! especially ones that are brown or floral :( i can't find them anywhere. And then i find some they are too big around the ankle :( help!

@TheMonsterprincess02 - 10.07.2012 23:31

Thank you! And I will thank you!

@indiefilms111 - 10.07.2012 22:43

you know if it FITS.. wear it. Skinny people wear whatever.. so FAT people do the same. don't be worried about what other people think.. either way you're gonna be FAT... May as well have FUN!

@indiefilms111 - 10.07.2012 22:42

ok sorry. should i repost it? the clean version?

@KellsMTV - 10.07.2012 22:05

How are you gonna reply but delete my comment? Why don't you be more smart and just delete the comment? Damn.

@cosmopolitan - 10.07.2012 21:50

Thanks for the tip! We love reading all of your fashion ideas :-)

@cosmopolitan - 10.07.2012 21:49

Love that! Such a great idea :-) We've got a few budget shopping favorites -- check out our playlist for ideas xoxo

@cosmopolitan - 10.07.2012 21:45

Nicolette isn't answering these comments, our style team is. You're entitled to your opinions, but please be respectful here. Thank you.

@cosmopolitan - 10.07.2012 21:44

Again, we're trying to keep this space positive and focused on fashion. Thanks.

@cosmopolitan - 10.07.2012 21:42

Thanks for the feedback!

@cosmopolitan - 10.07.2012 21:42

Check out our playlists -- we've got a whole episode about plus size shopping on a budget :-)

@cosmopolitan - 10.07.2012 21:42

We're hoping to keep this conversation focused on fashion -- thanks for commenting, though!

@cosmopolitan - 10.07.2012 21:41

No worries if you didn't like this video. We're trying to keep this conversation positive, though, so we'd appreciate it if you kept your comments respectful here. Thanks!

@cosmopolitan - 10.07.2012 21:40

We get that you're upset, but we're trying to keep this space positive -- please try not to curse here. Thanks!

@cosmopolitan - 10.07.2012 21:40

Like Marcy always says on our show, style has no size. We think women who rock their personal style are beautiful, no matter what! Please help us to keep this space positive and supportive. Thanks!

@cosmopolitan - 10.07.2012 21:39

Love your attitude -- we think style has no size! We're trying to keep this conversation friendly and positive, so we'd appreciate it if you didn't curse here in the future, though :-) Thanks!
