Why EVERYONE Plays: Zed | League of Legends

Why EVERYONE Plays: Zed | League of Legends


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@stumpedtroper - 18.06.2021 03:13

What I really liked about zed is he thematically also borrows from the kinkou trio: He has a free cast dash (like shen), a shuriken throw (like kennen) and an aoe attack (like pre-rework akali). And like the three of them he also has a marking ability, which is his ult in this case.

@mikkytheshut6012 - 04.11.2023 22:45

cus Zeddy cool ninja

@Adam-yy6im - 16.10.2023 17:07

I love zed not for the being animu ninja but for gameplay and theme(I like shadows)

@jasonduncan660 - 16.08.2023 00:09

Can u do talon plz good vid

@racingneko - 17.07.2023 12:08

In short
-Because they are edgy
-Because they think that Zed is broken
-They love meta more than their mother

@fatboyrebel1644 - 11.07.2023 15:03

Zed is not a fair champion- never was but the modernisation of league’s item and bounty systems exasperate that reality. The champion is playing urf in ranked after like 2 items. There is no assassin who has a 3k dmg burst combo and everything mentioned in this video about neutral and “outplay “ potential essentially means all counterplay is removed in the hands of the right zed player. Sure he can’t aoe entire teams or carry the game after a certain point, but neither does anyone else in his class, except maybe Quiana but that’s a whole different kind of unfair

@roycekennethminordevera2870 - 22.06.2023 08:43

Why everyone plays Zed?
You will look and feel cool because in your mind you think that you are using a high difficulty champ 😂

@angelortiz7231 - 23.05.2023 10:54

Rule number 3 of league of legends. Beware of Zed because if Zed gets fed then your already dead

@NoImNotJapAnese - 07.05.2023 13:03

Its da best dont think it isn't

@baronbacku9984 - 17.04.2023 21:30

anyone has a good guide on getting better with neutral?

@lostmysanity7752 - 08.04.2023 03:07

everyone? i play him cuz as i started playing lol he was costing 2400 and had shadows which i liked thats all and i didnt knew he was hard until getting him at 30k mastery

@claudiocosta6348 - 05.04.2023 21:35

Zed is the weakest assassin in the mid lane too

@vario6492 - 27.03.2023 15:48

But that's not fair and should be eradicated from their kit.

What's the point of playing a long range poke mage if you can do the same thing with a super mobile, super stealthy assassin!?

Assassins shouldn't be allowed to have long range poke / zoning. They should rely on OTHER members of the team to do that.

@aviel5576 - 16.03.2023 17:07

main reason for me is just zed playstyle same with ap shaco just felt very compatible to me. when i started playing zed i actually didn't search him in yt for tutorials same with ap shaco. i just went to vs AI and normal games and found out that i was playing them quite naturally. for my ap shaco i started playing him before i found out about pink ward and when my friend told me to watch pink ward i said sure then when i watched him i was amazed cause it was similar to how i played ap shaco.

@Dielock123 - 26.02.2023 00:21

because shen is tank instead of being assassin like zed

@ishaghcheikhsidiya8713 - 19.11.2022 12:35

Great video but do one on leblanc !!

@endbosseleven8907 - 30.10.2022 15:49

Robot Shredder Guy

Maximillian Dood

@unofficialskins624 - 06.10.2022 04:54

me listening to vars explaining what neutral game is for the 3729th time

@Merlin_YouTube - 26.09.2022 19:37

He is just really fun to play

@ZeRedSpy - 20.09.2022 02:39

Personally, I find the idea of burst assassins (champions who lack the ability to escape after killing) to be a horrible idea balance wise. I would much rather deal with champions like Zed or Katarina who can escape back out after getting a kill because their damage is (typically) spread out over a longer period of time. Not much longer mind you, but that extra two seconds of life can really be the difference between winning and losing a teamfight. Comparatively, champions like Rengar and Talon who cannot escape after striking down a target have to have all their damage front-loaded so you die before you even comprehend whats happening. These champions either kill you instantly or die instantly, and need to trade at least 1 for 1 to do their part in a teamfight. If their kit spread their damage out across an extra 2-4 seconds and gave them a method for successfully escaping, even if its difficult to do like getting a kill to reset an ability, they would be in a much healthier spot.

@disgracecentral - 10.09.2022 19:15

I love Zed because when I first started playing in s5 I remember my first time in the Mid Lane I got trashed by a Mastery 5 Zed (this was before mastery 6 and 7 was even a thing) and I was just unable to do anything against him so I saved up all my IP cause he still cost 6300 and it was also way harder to even earn currency then and bought Zed. Haven’t looked back since

@Jacob-sbg - 29.08.2022 06:36

I love one shotting ADCs and 1v9ing every game

@TheRiverCry - 27.08.2022 23:39

zed is fun! enough said

@rendesu2301 - 23.08.2022 06:33

Because he's fun to play.

@thedeathhq4101 - 11.08.2022 08:18

He's just good

@monthycristo - 08.08.2022 14:48

I remember playing against a Zed as Asol, the dude told me that he can't wait for his montage. By the end of the game the guy was 1/5, didn't even manage to kill me once.

@roycekennethminordevera2870 - 29.07.2022 23:58

I think Riot should nerf Zed, just a minor twicks to his abilities just to make the risk higher for the reward
-make the range and hit box of his Q slightly shorter
-shorten the range of his W or lessen the AOE are of his E
I think this adjustment will make him play like the traditional assassin because let's face it, Zed plays like a Mage because his range as melee assassin is larger than a artillery mage.

@microwavechan5164 - 23.07.2022 10:23

He’s just fun as fuck

@krayne7186 - 13.07.2022 23:10

@Vars I main Zed for the gameplay aspect. The same reason you gave towards the end of the video. There are times where I can't bring myself to play any other champion because it's just not the same. There's always something I could've done better or improve on.

@Barnesofthenorth - 30.05.2022 21:10

Id say everybody plays him because he's so incredibly safe yet has huge burst. I don't even bother trying to peel against a Zed because without HARD cc you can't stop him killing your carry and you can't stop him escaping again after it.

@brutalmadness9099 - 22.05.2022 11:07

how i wish every champion in lol got mana just to balance everything out. zed must be only for elite players who should not be spamming their abilities over and over again (manaless). some champs should be difficult to play and only for a select few who knows what they are doing and not just plain spamming skills in a very safe distance.

@TheMinionDominion - 08.05.2022 03:09

what is that starting song?

@indifference6004 - 28.04.2022 04:04

Everyone has had that moment where one of your shadows are in the middle of a teamfight, and you know you will die but still blink in.

@dsitan1900 - 21.04.2022 11:43

funny how Yasuo & Yone get all the hate when this ass hole piece of shite Zed and Irelia exists

@arteshinobi10.2 - 19.03.2022 16:45

Because he have everything. Perfect lore, escape and damage. He looks pretty cool and looks like a villain and Riot even make him look like a villain in every cinematics and ads but in lore he is the good one and the ionias are basically the asshole ones. Also let's not forget most people play lol are around 10-25 years old males who obliviously wants to play character that looks badass and not like Seraphine or any pinky girl champ (because using that characters to them they would think that would decrease their manliness, I know it's modern but that's still happens)

@ilikeeatingbutter3449 - 19.03.2022 03:54

Legit the only thing i play zed is because of his weird laugh emotes

@TheBlackKyurem9 - 24.02.2022 06:09

I am not a Naruto fan or a edgy fan but I still main Zed and Kayn because I like assassins and ninja in general in video games :)

@fadeddragon123 - 09.02.2022 15:51

Fun fact. I originally quit 8ish years ago because it was zed and/or yasuo EVERY. SINGLE. GAME.

@beanskurt3 - 06.02.2022 03:48

the worst part of being a zed main is that you never actually get to play them

@YuriDSC - 05.02.2022 11:31

“A jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one.” Formerly intended as a compliment, the phrase means that a person is a generalist rather than a specialist, versatile and adept at many things, the thing about Zed is that he can easily become a master of any trade if he so fits and using this makes him so fun to play.

@blindmanzeye3932 - 30.01.2022 23:19

This video did NOT age well

@raychristianTV - 28.01.2022 19:05

Because everyones a LL stylish faker wannabe and this champ is brain dead af

@Duothimir - 25.01.2022 03:37

I just came here to say I don't play Zed

@McMillionX - 24.01.2022 04:41

riot rewards flashy full damage high move speed champs its cringe. along with yas yone

@rizatursunov7286 - 20.01.2022 08:14

I simply started playing him because his ultimate is like by far the coolest ability in the game, but his in game playstyle is so fun and u have to be so focused the whole time that he's my favorite now.

@Tikimohn - 31.12.2021 09:12

He's simply fun to play with a high skill ceiling.

@chrismarple - 28.12.2021 18:02

The reason characters like zed, Kayn, and Yasuo are popular is because they are cool. I mean let’s be honest when people start this game or decide to play a character they want a character that just looks cool honestly.When you look at the character list who do you notice for first? Taliyah or Rakan lol?. No it’s those kind of designs like zed, Yasuo and Kayn that people will always cling too. I’m very surprised you didn’t even mention that.

@maliqscott5320 - 25.12.2021 16:09

whats the song used in the vid?
