Champion Points 2.0 - Here is what you need to know - Elder Scrolls Online ESO

Champion Points 2.0 - Here is what you need to know - Elder Scrolls Online ESO


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LCT - 25.11.2021 23:38

Lol thought I'd come back to ESO after a few years. All skills reset, all CP reset. Entire new CP tree.
Seriously fuck this, I cba to redo 10 fucking characters ALL OVER AGAIN.

disky - 14.11.2021 08:06

I had no idea how to start applying points within the trees. Didn't realize that there were prerequisites within the trees that force you to begin there before moving forward. So thanks, this really helped a lot.

wesley stogner
wesley stogner - 07.09.2021 10:53

It got nerfed again with the Blackwood Edition I'm fairly certain the one that you said needed a hundred it don't need a hundred no more

Tony Hibbert
Tony Hibbert - 16.08.2021 18:55

most of the skills you can spend points in are totaly useless ! I get the impression that these trees were designed purely to help one of the devs kids , after the kid had made a really bad avatar !¬ ... CP totaly devalues this game ! . Far better to throw the cp system in the bin and just raise the cap from 50 to 75

Tony Hibbert
Tony Hibbert - 06.08.2021 20:28

My first impressions of the new CP system is simple ... i am not sure its worth playing the game now ! ... Certainly i find i no longer feel excited to play ! ... thats why i am here rather than playing ! i am bored !

J B - 29.07.2021 00:31

I'm trying to figure out which healing abilities are affected by which stars. For instance, is illustrious healing and AOE heal, or a heal over time? Or is it affected by both of the appropriate champion perk stars since it has both components in its function? I'm hoping someone can give me examples or a way to figure out which stars affect which abilities without having to spend a shit ton of gold to do trial and error.

Don Gallup
Don Gallup - 27.07.2021 03:08

Dude can't hardly speak English I can't understand him.

The Gr8Black
The Gr8Black - 19.07.2021 16:26

I'm. Champion lvl 60 how com I'm only able to slot 3 Champion points? Will that change as I level up or what?

casey guercio
casey guercio - 31.05.2021 10:14

Can someone please tell me why I can't move my cp points now?

OMEN Ill - 19.05.2021 09:03

At what CP can I get max damage ?

Eugene Smith
Eugene Smith - 30.03.2021 16:14

I'm an old player and took a break for a year. I have 1,121 CP. What's the new CP for vet trials? I've heard different numbers. I run stamina necro, temp, and NB.

telepathy90 - 22.03.2021 18:06

I’m confused, every time I level up and get a new champion point when I go to try and spend it, it says I can’t allocate it anywhere and it jus says confirm. I’m confused as to where the point keeps going when i zoom in to try and spend it and what it’s askin Me to confirm

Charles Angel
Charles Angel - 21.03.2021 04:35

Great job on helping explain the system

Uriel Septim
Uriel Septim - 19.03.2021 03:00

I love this. Most of these on cp tree aren't worth it because it doesn't effect your character but worth 8f you want For now I feel like I would just focus what will help a little in pve but again these cp don't give any benefits for pvp except the extra resource which is great both pve and pvp.

Erin Crow
Erin Crow - 13.03.2021 23:53

Yes!! I was messing with it the other day and I needed way more blue points. I can use some of the green but the red one is unusable for half my characters

Green Nature
Green Nature - 12.03.2021 18:05

omg i leaving from this game soon :(

Plush Lord Of The Seas
Plush Lord Of The Seas - 11.03.2021 20:41

I really only have three major concerns:
1. am I going to FEEL weaker when the patch hits?
2. am I at 810 going to have to grind grind grind again to be viable in dungeons and stuff? (linked to my first concern)
3. is my Ring of the wild hunt going to be useless with that steed's blessing thing because of the movespeed cap?

Teresa S
Teresa S - 09.03.2021 08:56

this guy is hard to understand

Cookie and Coffee
Cookie and Coffee - 05.03.2021 02:46

My two cents by raptor...

The biggest hit the new system might have, is on the new players, those who started the game recently or moved on a new server, while giving a huge boost to the veterans whom played the game since beta.
Things that might happen is that many players whom are around 500-1000CP currently, might get a big hit by the next patch especially when it comes to raid and dungeon progression. But we will see more as the patch will hit the live servers. Will this new CP create an even bigger gap between entry level and end game or it is there to reduce that. If this patch aim to help beginner players to obtain better survivability and damage in content it would be very welcomed. But if it will push content more and more towards end game, and making content such as vCR3, vAS2, vSS HM, vKA HM even harder then this might be a problem. Personaly I would love a huge DPS nerf or "cap" just because I think "burnning and skipping" doesnt teach a player how to play the game. Going through mechanics do.
New players however might end up pretty discouraged when they start the game and see some players at around 2000 and 3000 level. And judging by how many guilds or groups are asking about your CP level rather than experience this might be a bit demotivating.

RenTGen - 01.03.2021 11:56

So people with 3600cp can unlock every single perk?

Nana Lu
Nana Lu - 25.02.2021 03:11

Just when I think I get the game, it changes completely again...

just h3r3
just h3r3 - 24.02.2021 13:06

As a player with close to 1500 cp and nothing to do with it this change is good. Honestly don't know why people are complaining, it's a grind to chase to progress your character.

Craig - 23.02.2021 08:12

This looks like shit honestly, and wtf, 3600 CP's now???? THEY NEEDED TO REDUCE IT FROM 810, NOT QUADRUPLE THE AMOUNT!!! Holy fuck they are dumb

X 1NoTn X
X 1NoTn X - 19.02.2021 09:23

People with like 1500 plus cp seem to love the system been playing for 6 years never cp grind just hit 810 a year ago n honestly about to just stop after this comes in the amount of damage im going to lose is honestly ridiculous gotta get my titles n silver purple before this bs takes place

Christian Härtl
Christian Härtl - 13.02.2021 19:21

Hey Big Question!!
"You have a 20% chance to gain double the yield from normal resource nodes per stage." does this affect the Rexource nodes u can find via Fund reports (the ones as craftig reward)?

Elias Rabeder
Elias Rabeder - 13.02.2021 14:06

more base health? Perfect.... PVP is getting worser and worser

arurian - 12.02.2021 17:04

this game is so newbie unfriendly, i started playing 2 months ago and almost 400 cp and finally able to do vet dungeons and less harrasment from elitist, now the gap is bigger and i can say bye bye to even try vet trials anytime soon.

Sheryus Skiell
Sheryus Skiell - 11.02.2021 14:42

Pls test build tank with vampire stage 3-4 with balorg set and Fury ans goliath... Use Fury when u human and when its to dofficult to hold start goliath.... Wrecking ball

craygroup - 11.02.2021 12:45

I am so glad I quit this game, lmao. This is awful.

Supermagoo25 - 11.02.2021 00:02

NO ONE IS TALKING ABOUT THEM TAKING BEFOUL OUT OF THE GAME?? Please someone explain to me why it's not in the new cp system!

Fish Bike
Fish Bike - 10.02.2021 18:18

Uncapped Skill points once again? Installing my game now, no coming back.

Ultimate Blue
Ultimate Blue - 08.02.2021 22:07

Cant we just get six man variants of all the trials 😫

Fluffles - 08.02.2021 21:28

So far my understanding is that since I’m only at 270 cp, I’ll lose most perks since you have to spend a lot more to make a difference.

WPN-X - 08.02.2021 10:01

Is t it better that damage output and damage mitigation is all in the blue tree so that you can’t be super tanky and hit like a truck at the same time?

Prachlo The Hobbit
Prachlo The Hobbit - 06.02.2021 19:13

Well they redesigned the entire champ system, but didn't bother to make some preset options. WTF??? if you want to change champion point setting you still have to do the stupid redistibute thing. FFS 5 year older games have presets for character skills. Really a big PITA in ESO not to be able to use presets. Gear/skill presets are possible with addons, so kinda solved. WHY didn't they make that option when they redesigned the interface?

L - 04.02.2021 22:07

I just hope they took into account the fact that it took months (years) of grind to reach a certain cp, and when you are in this position and see a new player reaching this in less than two months it will be highly frustating and unfair. Hope that for one time, they took this into account and reward old player for continuing this. For example make cp 840 old sys = cp 1000+ new sys would great :p

eet T
eet T - 04.02.2021 13:56

hey Alcast where are u from?

MGCXIII - 04.02.2021 03:36

Will we be scaled up? I have 300+ points atm, will I have more since the new system requires more?

Bastelkorb - 03.02.2021 14:38

As i understand the Patch notes they increased the HP because they get rid of all the dmg mitigation from old CP system. So when you get about 20% more dmg you should get 20% more HP than previous Patch. That should be around 20-24k. Or did I miss something?

nothing nothing
nothing nothing - 02.02.2021 20:43

Hello Alcast what does Anyukov mean?
I cant find a fk on google.

Useless machine.

Mathieu Dufour
Mathieu Dufour - 02.02.2021 17:11

All modifications are stupid without good performances... we cant test all new stuff properly ...

Mohamed Ali
Mohamed Ali - 02.02.2021 13:56

This literally screws low level players - & I just started this game with some friends too. Probably gonna jump off. This is beyond a grind im literally gonna have to no life this game & rinse dumb hours to even catch up to these high levels.

Harsimran Singh
Harsimran Singh - 02.02.2021 08:01

So maybe similar to Skyrim point system?

Noah Burkett
Noah Burkett - 02.02.2021 07:26

This system is fucking horrible. Gg to all the new players

Alex Pitt
Alex Pitt - 02.02.2021 07:06

I’m glad I have 2700 plus cp I should be op in pvp n pve

RockCh4lk - 02.02.2021 05:18

I'm at like 840cp and was thinking about coming back. Then I heard you say you need to be at 1,200 to be at full effectiveness. I turned right around.

nobody important
nobody important - 02.02.2021 04:37

Well, all of you Master Writ junkies will use up all the Master writs in the game to boost your CP to cap.... Lots of gold to be made on those CP whores :)

BrenturoX - 02.02.2021 04:13

I just hope that there is going to be a new CP Calculator to help me out :D thanks for the Video tho!

Zim Zimmerman
Zim Zimmerman - 02.02.2021 03:48

perhaps if they half the amount of xp required to level at least otherwise this game is now only for the old players, way to kill you game I guess
