The Scandalous Life of Peggy Guggenheim. The Queen of Bohemian Art.

The Scandalous Life of Peggy Guggenheim. The Queen of Bohemian Art.

Mythic Women

55 лет назад

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Step into the remarkable life of Peggy Guggenheim, an iconic art collector and socialite who reshaped the modern art world. Born into immense wealth on August 26, 1898, Peggy's early years were marked by tragedy when her father, Benjamin Guggenheim, perished on the Titanic. Despite this loss, Peggy's passion for art drove her into the bohemian circles of Paris, sparking a lifelong dedication to the avant-garde.

Join us as we explore Peggy's adventurous, often scandalous life, from her marriages to Laurence Vail and Max Ernst to her affairs with Samuel Beckett and Marcel Duchamp. Her friendships with luminaries like F. Scott Fitzgerald and Alfred Stieglitz propelled her into the modern art scene, leading her to collect works by Pablo Picasso, Jackson Pollock, Salvador Dalí, and Yves Tanguy.

During World War II, Peggy’s heroic efforts to save modern art from Nazi persecution cemented her status as a protector of the avant-garde. Her Venetian palazzo became a sanctuary for artists and art lovers, solidifying her influence in the art world. Today, her legacy endures through the renowned Guggenheim Museums and the Peggy Guggenheim Collection in Venice, which continues to showcase groundbreaking exhibitions, including the restoration of Picasso’s The Studio and a retrospective on Jean Cocteau.

Discover how Peggy navigated love, loss, and a lasting legacy, transforming the art world with her indomitable spirit and vision.

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#PeggyGuggenheim #ModernArt #IconicWomen #ScandalousWomen #AvantGarde #HighSocietyScandals #BohemianLife #Heiress #WomenInArt #ArtGallery #ArtExhibition #VeniceArt #JacksonPollock #PabloPicasso #MarcelDuchamp #SalvadorDali #ConstantinBrancusi #FScottFitzgerald #SamuelBeckett #MaxErnst #GeorgiaOKeeffe #20thCenturyArt #ArtInfluencer #Biography #ArtLegacy #CulturalIcon #Titanic #JeanCocteau #PicassoRestoration #womensbiographies


#Peggy_Guggenheim #Modern_Art #Art_History #Guggenheim #Avant_Garde #Bohemian_Life #Women_In_Art #Art_Gallery #Art_Exhibition #Jackson_Pollock #Pablo_Picasso #Marcel_Duchamp #Salvador_Dali #Constantin_Brancusi #F._Scott_Fitzgerald #Samuel_Beckett #Max_Ernst #Georgia_O'Keeffe #Alfred_Stieglitz #20th_Century_Art #Historical_Figures #Female_Pioneers #Cultural_Icon #Titanic #Jean_Cocteau #Iconic_Women #Art_Scandals #Scandalous_Life #Influential_Women #Art_Controversies
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@MythicMindScape21 - 29.08.2024 21:06

Hope you enjoy the video. Please let me know who else you would like to see us cover.

@marianmoise4809 - 13.03.2025 15:37


@andreamarin4296 - 27.02.2025 14:36

These videos are such an escape into worlds I never knew existed!

@DebraChmielewski - 25.02.2025 02:44

Would you consider a biography of Coleen Moore and her famous doll house

@TeresaGradolf-hu5fk - 12.02.2025 20:37

Psalms 136 mercy

@TeresaGradolf-hu5fk - 12.02.2025 20:36

JESUS came to me he lifted me up looked in eyes hugged me ,we walked hill on top hill he lifted his arm waved his hand over israel

@TeresaGradolf-hu5fk - 12.02.2025 20:33

American legion Tigard Oregon Lebanon Oregon golf course jimmy Glasser Lester Glasser bogart true story uncle Lester faked his death the LORD had me run into him Anchorage Alaska 77 KFC again golf course Lebanon Oregon 91 Peggy Delbert best friends mickey jimmy Glasser I liked them Psalms 136

@MaryVaughan-c9q - 06.02.2025 06:40

I love your videos but I love the music in the background please can you tell me the name of the piece and artist
Thank you 🙏

@BradMiller-l9t - 04.02.2025 22:07

Thank you for a wonderful presentation of Peggy’s life…fascinating and informative…I always learn something!!

@sarah3796 - 02.02.2025 21:51

Amazing story. I’m a bit sad she and her husband didn’t show more love to third kids. Like it sounds like a cycle of wanting to be loved started up again

@sharonthomas865 - 22.01.2025 21:59

Thank you for sharing your documentary .

@GohAhweh - 17.01.2025 01:02

We have a pair of her shoes.

@PamelaTitterington - 07.12.2024 00:12

What an extremely interesting lady , fascinating,and i am sure some men loved her money, but the remark about having a bag over her head to do it,says a lot about the person who said it,she did a lot for art,loved her little dogs,nothing wrong in that, thankyou for the story,well read,enjoyed it.🎉

@wendydevereaux4282 - 12.11.2024 04:24

So thankful for her foresight

@sonnygirl8823 - 06.11.2024 18:05

thank you for the video

@joymcguire - 03.11.2024 20:39


@mariawilson2595 - 28.10.2024 23:50

Another treasure xxx thank you have you researched Tamara de Lempicka as yet ? xxx

@karamuenster - 26.10.2024 16:04

Great channel! Kudos 🎉🖼

@idagreenfield8569 - 07.10.2024 23:51

I have visited her palazzo in Venice - what a gift to all of us - an amazing collections of art.

@IngridSaybe - 04.10.2024 16:34

Thank you so much!

@orion8835 - 27.09.2024 17:00

Peggy was a very annoying woman by accounts. She baited leftist influential people with her ugly, mannish almost drag queen style. Highly exaggerated for her time she bought her way through France, Venice and New York with all that lovely trust fund $$$ she had. No one in the upper class society whose parents married into Jewish money tended to be united. The children were usually ignored and the men always had paramours. Arranged marriages were fake. Women back then were burdens as children especially. Peggy was a tough, boyish person and an excellent vanguard for art dealing/gallery life. Many Jewish deakers cornered the market. Modsrn art was the buzz as Victorian paintings were becoming seen as tiresome. Photography art boomer as well. Most artists resent the people who deal/ show thier art so she was not well liked by them. She was into drugs and most certainly was not the only person in Venezia to have thier own private gondola. Not sure where you got that from. I knew many people that socialized with her over her life. All dead now. The reports were very much in that vein. Personally I think she beat the odds as a non artist creating a museum monument that we all know today. Furthermore Peggy got laid a lot more than people would ever had believed possible as she was not attractive. A true protean sorceress who transcended much. Her resented funds, her depressing (and no doubt sexually abused childhood by lesbian Nannies ), a mother who hated her and endless extremist left wing masculine alliances. The latter that roughishly robbed her financially whilst playing sub/dom games with her as a distraction. All to emerge with a modern art legacy. For the facesless Joe Public to see in perpituity. No small feat. Brava.

@AnnFetherston - 24.09.2024 23:56

I would like to see you discuss Leonard Cohen, Jewish Caniadian poet and songwriter.

@hilarylaw8415 - 23.09.2024 06:23

Thank you for posting this! So enjoyed it (and your calm voice.)

@annomanatofu3628 - 22.09.2024 00:36

Really excellent narration ! I am so picky. Could you do one on Ronald Reagan??

@BlackCatBonkers - 17.09.2024 17:07

Peggy’s home in Venice is so much more worthy of a visit than the Murano glass factory that nearly all tourists go to. (Including me.) Her home is beautiful, calming yet exciting, and is full of incredible modern art.
If you go to Venice, and you love modern art, go to Peggy Guggenheim’s home.

@ceecee30 - 17.09.2024 15:49

Sad that she had the worst of men.

@slicktheslickster - 12.09.2024 20:00

Funny all the men shown had mustaches

@sandie683 - 12.09.2024 16:58

Wow, truly enjoyed this video, especially. Fascinating. 🙏

@Tatteddaddydc - 11.09.2024 01:39

Meh. She was mediocre. Sad about her daughter, though.

@truecynic1270 - 09.09.2024 16:26

Interesting person. Considering all the wealth and connections she had, she was tremendously creative. Tragic emotional life but very curious intellectually. Sad to think that she craved love and acceptance by having sex with multiple partners. ( I totally get that) Sad, too, to know that she was abused by her husbands. They obviously could see how vulnerable and desperate she was for love and took advantage of her. ( I get that, too) Thank you to her for collecting art.

@trudyaddis681 - 06.09.2024 05:02

She's not sexy

@trudyaddis681 - 06.09.2024 05:00

She's not pretty

@susanno9570 - 04.09.2024 01:32

Am I the only one who thinks her life was an utter failure as surely as she failed her children and her own inner child. I am not saying her gift to our culture through her appreciation of art weren’t great but to herself and her children not so much.

@lindabay1491 - 01.09.2024 09:13

I don't understand why these wealthy progressives think communism is an answer to societal woes. She is out of touch with common people. She was degenerate and immoral. It is true that modern art does not require great technical skills regardless of how interesting it might be.

@jimihendrix991 - 31.08.2024 19:56

1000 lovers = Hooker (and STD central)

@robertodebeers2551 - 31.08.2024 16:22

The Guggenheim mining company smelted ore one the open streets of Anaconda, Montana, before the giant smelter was built. Wealth was extracted in the Montana "colony" and sent east, leaving miles of country downwind barren for a century. And these are the people that rapacious greed gave the world. Disgusting.

@candrabird7676 - 30.08.2024 23:47

No mention of her museum seems odd?

@hondorama - 30.08.2024 21:46

Fantastic job. Thank you. what a remarkable woman.

@jammasterjay4298 - 30.08.2024 02:44

All the men wore evening clothes on the titanic even to the last day!!! Get your facts correct

@jammasterjay4298 - 30.08.2024 02:40

She wasn’t scandalous at all,just ahead of her time! Your sight would do anything for a click! SHAME ON YOU!!!!

@melwitzfolino3941 - 29.08.2024 13:40

Absolutely Fantastic
Iv been a very big admirer of Peggy 💎

@SorinSorin-y3j - 29.08.2024 07:38


@autodidact537 - 27.08.2024 05:00

Poor Peggy, when she turned 21 she inherited the equivalent of over $8,000,000US in 2024 currency. Oh, how she must've suffered!

@deirdreloraine5653 - 25.08.2024 14:44

Dogs never fail, so much more reliable than men

@pprehn5268 - 24.08.2024 06:58

Frankly, I admire her wisdom to follow her gut hunches and be bold enough to be herself. Judge not lest we be judged. At 80 I have followed many of my dreams and done things which at their time seemed like disasters but which ended up teaching me a way to live that didn't have the demands of profit, the right snob house and car and clothes and snob title, but to try to live doing what I like to do. My mother gave me good advice one day, when I whined about not being quite like another boy and wishing for a new role when she said. Why do you want to be someone else, they're already taken.?

@Carlo.brenna - 19.08.2024 23:53

Oh! The original scumbag. Yay!

@MadawaskaObservatory - 19.08.2024 00:02

That's the kind of woman I like. Free.

@larryzink8978 - 16.08.2024 20:42

Nothing to admire here.

@donniemoder1466 - 15.08.2024 21:40

Why the weird music playing loudly throughout?
