Knowledge Vault – Notion Knowledge Management System (Life OS)

Knowledge Vault – Notion Knowledge Management System (Life OS)

August Bradley - Life Design

3 года назад

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@Martin-sr8yb - 11.09.2023 00:12

i mean this is super good but my life is full of chaos. Therefore, I choose to be more flexible than organize all of this stuff

@jamescarr99 - 01.02.2023 18:18

Thanks August, this is great. I am curious if you capture conversations with people the same way? Been thinking about having several "meeting notes" templates that I assign participants and attach to a knowledge lab.

@johansandberg7407 - 29.01.2023 15:29

I finally got this concept 3rd time looking at the video:) 

Its this the right way of thinking ?

-Information from thoughts meeting and such decomposed into Knowledge to be used in Projects/inatives (that off course contains the acionts) that's within a Pilar.

I don't understan the reason you don't also have media vault I t tagged to the specific knowledge and embedded.

Maybe you have some really nice video or book notes that you read that's in a page in the media vault / book vault. They should also be referenced into the right knowledge vault topic?

@samuelitooooo - 18.10.2022 11:03

It just hit me that a knowledge vault is comparable to a Wikipedia article. A Wikipedia article is an aggregation of the best knowledge and research (as well as writing skills and upkeep) pulling in from many sources across the Internet, listed as references and footnotes. And the best articles are built up over time, little by little, thanks to contributions from many individuals.

Knowledge vaults are really one-person Wikipedias, doing the same except pulling in from your own saved sources (which resurface in context here in PPV).

This has helped me organize my PPV system. Thanks!

@frederikchristiansen2252 - 11.08.2022 16:27

Hey August
I got recomended to watch your videos by a friend of mine, and i have almost powered through your notion playlist during my summer brake!
I was just wondering why there is no relational link between the knowledge lab, and the book- and mediavault? It seems like a greate place to put a link to already have the knowledge you consume connected to a knowledge field. Is there any reasoning behind this choice?
Im looking forward to completting the playlist and really feel the systems power when i get back to studying

@philippmerk5980 - 30.04.2022 18:21

Ive devoured all of your content throughout this series... im just speechless how coherent this system is and how well everything fits together...

@2mins2midnight - 28.04.2022 22:32

So useful thanks for these ideas! great to have so much to get started with for free. You're helping a lot of people! I was wondering with the knowledge lab you have the self-referential database linking the notes for a specific topic. But you don't link the books or media related to this topic? Is it because you've already transferred the most useful parts into the topic entry, so it would be redundant?

@Max.Greger - 17.03.2022 00:42

I'm so overwhelmed by your system. It helps me so much (even after 3 weeks already). I hope that notion exists a life long 😀

@kalcalater - 12.03.2022 19:24

please put ads in your videos man. Make your money you deserve it !!!!!!!

@MomenKhaiti - 24.02.2022 13:43

You might find it funny to see this comment this far in the future after this video was created, but what you presented here is timeless! Thank you so much for all the value you're offering. You've opened my eyes to a world of possibilities. This is both exciting and encouraging. I'm obsessed with organizational processes, statistics and keeping things consolidated. You have no idea how rewarding it feels having such a system in place for pretty much everything I do in my day-to-day life! Thank you!

@stansvitsa1 - 12.02.2022 17:42

What if knowledge vault topics overlap, like for example Goal Setting, Productivity, Discipline, Time Management... Do you copy relevant broader/overlapping bits to every topic to have a broader, fuller perspective on it, or just focus on aggregating specific information to the specific topic?

@thomh7434 - 04.12.2021 14:06

As I personalize my Knowledge hub as I call it, I find myself wanting to add toggles for Media & Books vaults as well in the page content under the Notes & Ideas one. Does anyone else also use them ? I don't really see how we can't bring together all this data for one topic other than adding vaults into the topic page. Any advices ?

Thank you :)

@thomh7434 - 04.12.2021 13:44

Must agree with everyone here, we can't thank you enough for sharing all this. World needs more shared knowledge and especially as professional as yours is. Keep up your good work and thank you again.

@upzide-down-face9390 - 19.10.2021 11:09

Are there any templates for us slow folk

@MrInsider33 - 27.08.2021 23:36

I really wish this was one of your templates.... great video!

@VanessaMartinaSilva - 22.08.2021 03:49

Excellent. Thanks, thanks thanks!!!!

@mirandam8857 - 11.08.2021 04:07

This is amazing. Creating a knowledge lab to encourage synthesis is what I've been missing. Thanks for your wisdom!

@connectrend-haircommunity4773 - 29.06.2021 14:37

Hi August, you're great. Thak you for your work and for giving all this for free. I'm building my Life operative sistem on Notion and I really needed it. Thank you so much!
I've a question about this video. I'm actually using Roam, you think tath it can be easier to build my Knoledge Vault on Roam? Thank for your great help.

@kittyslayer5422 - 13.06.2021 04:00

If i join the community, do I receive the Master PPV Template? Im trying to dive into this right away. Thanks in advance.

@davidgiller221 - 02.06.2021 17:55

August - Your videos, your training style, your approach to handling various situations is....amazing! Thank you for everything you do. The concept of this Knowledge Vault, BRILLIANT! Is this included in your template pack? ...because I haven't found it. Is there anywhere that I could get a copy of this as a template? I do love it and would like to implement it. Thanks.

@balabunat - 28.04.2021 14:33

Well, THIS is the killing feature of this system. Interconnecting and connecting together different types of data captured from real life.
These context knots helps me VERY much not to forget any little thing or though.

@thelstan8562 - 01.04.2021 14:22

Love this channel!

@cristhiangallegos3784 - 02.03.2021 06:06

Hello, how could you create a database in Notion to add bibliographic citations to scientific articles, books with an endnote, zotelo or mendely application? Thank you very good contribution

@haythamalmedden6947 - 20.02.2021 10:45

Looking for the vault templates. Is it available to download or buy?

@florianfranco8523 - 18.02.2021 19:49

Mind = Blown!!! Just changed my Databaselayout in parallel while watching the video. WoW

@pglickman - 08.02.2021 11:48

This was so good. For the past year I’ve tried to build a similar system in ROAM. I always had a difficult time organizing and easily finding notes. Personally, I work better in a more structured environment like Notion. I’m looking forward to building out my knowledge vault. Thank you August.

@dwellman2 - 05.02.2021 00:13

OMG. I just discovered Notion and just discovered you. I struggle with information overwhelm constantly struggling to make the information useful and grow knowledge. What I am seeing in your video is amazing. I am implementing your knowledge. Thank you!!!👌🏾

@krishnabasude9365 - 18.01.2021 00:28

I found your templates but where do I download the mind exapansion workplace template? Notion noob here

@AVlzqz - 05.01.2021 21:39

I was looking for Knowledge Base Templates for Notion on Google. This is the first video I watch of you and from the beginning, I knew it is what I need. I've been wanting to create a system for content creation for marketing purposes, with a par of knowledge finding, capturing, synthesizing and distilling. I've been fiddling with notion for about a year or so, but immediately knew it has something. You have unlocked the full potential of this beauty. Thank you, Sir. For sharing the knowledge. Will certainly be looking to start implementing your methodology asap for my project. It also gave me a second perspective ( a more broad one) on systems and mind management. Wow!

@rowangrant2125 - 03.01.2021 03:11

Are you deliberately calling the notes 'note 1, note 2' etc, or are they just dummy names for your demo database? I feel like having a more descriptive title of the ideas and notes would help differentiate the note and idea context.

Great video and thank you for your content.

@moonbird4754 - 09.12.2020 20:17

Ich muss das mal auf deutsch schreiben, weil mir für das, was ich grade empfinde, seit ich dieses Video verstand, einfach die richtigen Vokabeln fehlen: Ich hab keine Ahnung, wie du diese ganzen Sachen im Kopf behalten kannst und mein inneres Vermögen reichte noch nicht aus, um für allein dahin zu kommen. BUT: es ist einfach ein Traum!!! Ich hab immer so viele Ideen an denen ich gleichzeitig arbeite und immer hab ich überall irgendwelche Zettel dafür herum liegen und NIE, NIEMALS sind diese Zettel zur gleichen Zeit am gleichen Ort. Und du zeigst mir eine Möglichkeit, egal wo ich meine Ideen hin schreibe, sie kommen immer da an, wo sie hin gehören, wenn ich mich dem entsprechenden Projekt widmen will!!! Wie geil is das denn bitte... tschuldigung. Aber wirklich wahr! Ich hab mir immer behelfsmäßige Systeme einfallen lassen, die zwar praktikabel, aber partiell ziemlich langweilig waren, was dann zur Folge hatte, dass das Projekt letztlich vergessen war und ich mir lieber neues einfallen lies. Dieses System hat so viel von dem natürlichen Verlauf der Dinge: Man tut einen Samen in die Erde, also eine Idee ins Lab und gießt es und düngt es und lässt es sich entwickeln, bis es durch die Oberfläche bricht und zur Welt kommt. Sagenhaft!!! You make my day!!! Thank you so so much!!! <3 <3 <3

@ludens1667 - 26.11.2020 06:03

Where is the knowledge Lab being place in? since knowledge vault is in the hot and cold Mind Expansion dashboard.

@craigecarrollocr - 15.11.2020 01:15

August, are your categories for your Knowledge Lab available as a part of the template, or have they been stripped down to just a few as examples.

@olgasinenko211 - 12.11.2020 02:00

I absolutely love your system! Thanks a lot for sharing it! It is pretty advanced and yet intuitive, and brings my Notion on a new level of organization!

@crawlinginfilm9683 - 04.11.2020 14:13

YT research methodology?

For writing up YT vids, complete with automatically inserted time stamps, I have recently come across VideoAnt (at but I have not yet tried it.

Traditionally, when I want timestamped notes to a video, I normally either stop/start/fiddle the YT player play head and manually enter the timestamp in my notes
Otherwise (when I can be bothered, and only possible on a mac) I download the vid then play it in Cineplay (an app that is part of a suite of video editing tools). Cineplay conveniently lets you shuttle back and forth in a video, using the (video editing standard) J,K,L keys, and intuitive combinations of them to speed-up/slow-down. Useful when something not heard clearly or attention temporarily wandered. More importantly, it lets you add timestamped Markers, optionally containing text notes. A set of markers can then be saved to a human-readable text file.

Anyone know of any alternative workflow and/or apps to accomplish broadly the same thing?

@pwhitty742 - 14.10.2020 15:38

Where do you get your shirts? I know that’s such a silly question in the midst of all this intellectual systems thinking, but I like your shirts. Oh, and I love what you’re doing with Notion. I’m building most of the system now, and following the videos as I build and connect the databases.

@plannergirl777 - 10.10.2020 11:49

I wonder how roam can do the emergence thing.

@addicted2learn203 - 08.10.2020 10:01

How to get this template? It's not available in the link which you shared in the video description?

@talpomeroy5808 - 01.10.2020 20:57

Wow do I edit the width of columns on iPadOS

@khalifaali5793 - 22.09.2020 11:14

Hello Sir,
I want to deeply thank you for putting together this amazing set of videos. I feel incredibly lucky to have found this at 20; you have helped me digitalise and streamline my system that was in note form before with many redundancies.

@jon8367 - 15.09.2020 22:55

Any updates on when you are going to do the Mindset & Identity Sculpting video? 🙏 :D

@maxlin5998 - 07.09.2020 17:27

Hi August, I noticed that in your knowledge lab under the "Systems Thinking / Systems Design" topic you linked to an external webpage that had some sort of drawing. Just curious, what webpage is that? It looks pretty useful. Thanks!

@karinamack - 07.09.2020 06:17

Hello August, I'm going through your videos again in a little more detail now that I've set mostly set up and begun using parts of your system (building up to the whole system), and in this video I noticed that there were no relational links connecting the Media Vault and Academy to the Knowledge Lab. If the knowledge lab is an aggregate of collected knowledge that you want to develop, refine and use, why is the media and course training not connected to the knowledge lab? I'm so grateful to have crossed paths with you online. Your systems have changed my life.

@jtmaldupana - 06.09.2020 06:20

Great video as always! I call mine a "Fusion Lab" where ideas and notes are fused into new material.
