studying with albedo | a playlist

studying with albedo | a playlist


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@user-bv3hr7hh6g - 25.02.2023 06:16


@jeonsday - 02.12.2022 22:02

something about this playlist just gives me this intense nostalgia especially the last bit aaa love it

@4lm0ndt0fu - 26.11.2022 07:26

Why does he look like Mitsuri's male version tho-

@ila8067 - 06.11.2022 23:48

i was abt to lose my mind bcz its almost 5am here and im still working on my history presentation wish me luck bros

@Tokyo2626- - 25.09.2022 21:43

Literally was working on science work when this playlist started playing 🫶🏻

@deeznutsinyourmouth8599 - 01.06.2022 15:45

it's been a year and i still love this playlist so much.

I wish he were real </3 why can't he be real.

@K_11ii - 22.04.2022 08:18

Here is a pov! It’s my 1st one lol
Sorry if it’s late!

You enter albedos house quietly.trying to steal food for going out even tho you have a small chemistry test that you were supposed to finish by the end of the day.
Suddenly , klee yelled.
“Hello mr / mrs / mx honorary knight! What are you doing?”
And you quietly tell klee what ur trying to do,
And if she keeps quiet she can come along with you.
“Alright mr / mrs / mx honorary knight!Klee cant wait!”
Albedo comes out of his room , seeing you in the kitchen with klee jumping around like a bunny.
“Oh,hello traveller! Have you finished your chemistry test I have given you?”
“Oh uh..about that, I finish it later! Definitely yeah ehe..”
Albedo says in a sweet voice
“Come on,I’ll help you with it , then you can go where you want with Klee.”
You begged him to let you go out with Klee 1st,but he grabbed you by your hand and dragged you into his study with Klee following.
Albedo gives Klee a few sheets of paper since she has finished her tutoring session, so that she can draw.
He tells you to sit down and tells you to start with the small test , if you had any trouble he could help you.
But you decided to make a deal with him , if you finish this test he would come along with Klee and you.he accepts and begins to help you with ur test.

@obedient_maiden_of_Albedo - 13.04.2022 00:32

I love albedo so much. I really want to rant about it

@malvs9985 - 09.04.2022 02:22

i wish he's real>:)

@Anna-ro7ec - 13.03.2022 09:55


@vivid.ghost.22 - 12.03.2022 17:19

I have my coffee, i have clothing that is in Albedos aesthetic, i have the same hair as him, now i can study latin in peace.

@nico.kyan32 - 28.02.2022 00:20

If you guys use soundcloud for music, I made this playlist there for anyone who needs it✨ (its named "✨studying with albedo✨")

@elia8768 - 31.01.2022 20:16

trying to do my latin homework, thank you 😭

@kathryntorres779 - 30.01.2022 10:19

couldn't help it but here's a small drabble I guess haha.

~Pay attention.~
“Hey... Are you listening?” Albedo waved his slender hands before your eyes. The sudden movement caused you to jolt and become a bit red as one of his hands rested under his chin and the other twirled a pen around. “How can I help you with this Algebra assignment if you won’t pay attention?” From his seemingly soft lips, a soft sigh escaped. “Sorry... I’m a little tired... I didn’t get enough sleep as I was trying to finish some other assignments..” You mumbled a little dejected. “Let’s go over this once again..” Albedo let out a softer sigh. A small smile tugged on the corners of his lips as he began to point out a few mistakes on the paper before him. “I... I think I understand now!” Your heart began to race as you could spot Albedo smiling proudly. “Good... Re-work the problem and I’ll revise it once you're done.” Albedo went back to his own chemistry work, leaving you to your own thoughts. ‘Mkay... Let’s get this done.’ You raised your pencil up with determination and began to demolish the equations that blocked the path to victory and a nap. Albedo could only glance your way to watch as you worked with a small smile. ‘They look so cute when they’re motivated..’ He hid his small smile as he took a few notes of the expressions that adorned your face for a later portrait. “Albedo! I’m done! Will you look over them now?” You smiled happily, setting aside your pencil. “Of course.” Setting aside his notes, he took the paper from your hands and began to analyze it. “You’ve done them all correctly dove. Well done..” He smiled as he pat your head with a proud smile. “Thank you..!” You held your hands together tightly as a light shade of red flooded your cheeks.

[get your assignments done friends! :)]

@apatheiaa - 26.01.2022 02:30

amazing playlist i love it :))

@lucy270 - 20.01.2022 01:01

Thanks to my imaginary Albedo i could finally finish my evidences and homework <3
love you boy
(thanks to ventiffin too)

@-yaoyuri-9232 - 03.01.2022 06:15

I've been listening to this for 5 months already :DD thank you for comforting me by your playlist. 💗I hope you find happiness

@xoxobvrbie - 01.01.2022 09:36

help he’s turning into my comfort character and I don’t know how it happened
Edit: I am a klee main and kin. No idea how I didn’t see the correlation there

@yali12345 - 31.12.2021 23:14

I used to listen to the song named "Lover Is a Day" so much but then when I changed my phone, I couldnt listen to it till I saw it on this playsit because
I forgot the name of the song lol, tysm!
Btw awesome playsit, love it! <3

@charlie_6644 - 27.12.2021 22:49

I would be way too distracted by his beautiful face

@dearscaramouche - 15.12.2021 17:00

Listening to this for my exam
albedo please give me your intelligence/hj

@tsunnie69 - 14.12.2021 23:55

how am i supposed too study when im vibing to this

@tsunnie69 - 14.12.2021 23:48

i couldnt even focus

@noraibenitomoran9636 - 14.12.2021 22:07

more than a studying playlist it's like a try not to fall in love with Albedo challenge <33

@KizuKizuuuuu - 14.12.2021 02:31

Idk why this happens but if you copy the link of this video is gonna have SUS in the link

@rip_pancakes442 - 01.12.2021 06:33

back to study for my exams ! :]
also just got him this morning aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa<3

@honey_droplets - 25.11.2021 19:22

a little imagine here, hope y'all have a good day!!!

Imagine albedo helping you study for a chemistry test and he makes like templates and worksheets for you so you can practise and when you're done with your template/worksheet you give it to Albedo so he can mark it. When you got a lot of questions correct, he writes that he is proud of you on the top of the template with the same pen he use to mark your paper. When you have the test, he will give you an summary he made and he would write an encouraging but cute note on the side. You will also find a drawing he made of you on a sticky note on the summary sheet

@sugarcoatt_ - 25.11.2021 13:42

Listening to this while finishing my homework <3

@hzellea.9576 - 25.11.2021 05:22


@gabs3708 - 17.11.2021 22:10

i just notice how similar Nothing by Bruno major sounds like Albedo

@sugarcoatt_ - 14.11.2021 09:06

replayed this for 5 hours straight, I will never get bored of this <3
He is my comfort character

@sugarcoatt_ - 12.11.2021 15:45


@rowaninacorner - 25.10.2021 01:26

Writing the other half of my essay due tmr currently

@nataliamoreno5872 - 22.10.2021 22:13

Albedo mains have such similar tastes... i love it.

@victoriaji25 - 20.10.2021 02:12

perfect now I can do the rest of my science homework

@tri1496 - 12.10.2021 16:26

I'm studying for biology test while listening to this 😩 Albedo please let me get good gradessssssssssss 🙏🙏🙏

@chelsok - 12.09.2021 04:34

Starting school in a few days, I’m ready to study better thanks:)

@cupid3033 - 07.09.2021 03:15

albedo kins, we all know you're pretty, just hmu already.

@JinRyu-sr2eo - 27.08.2021 10:50


You were just helping Albedo doing his research, "I have to go somewhere traveler." said Albede, you said "Oh Alright!"
then you looked at his Sketch pad, then you saw a drawing you on Albedo's Sketch pad, you blush so much you cant stand, so you take a seat thinking about why Albedo draw about you, then you slept for a while because your sleepy then albedo came in and then said to his Mind : Heh, Cute.... he gave you a kiss on the chicks and got back doing his research,

1 hours later.....

You finally wake up , "Ah you finally wake up." said Albedo, you blushed and said " uhh uhh yes im not awake- I mean yes Im awake!, is somthing matter traveler? said Albedo, you said " yes im fine!, im going out and get some air!" Albedo said " Ahh Ok traveler, You walked outside on the lab and Albedo followed you ,hearing you saying: "Why did he draw me in his sketch book....AHHH how do i tell him I liked him too." Albedo blushed to much and came back to the lab. You came back to the lab
"do you really like me that much?" said Albedo then you became quiet and blushed and then you said........

Sorry guys I have Stop here heh ^_^

I add Part 2 to in the Replies Byeeeee

@zorkap3235 - 07.07.2021 23:00

i always listen to these character dedicated playlists when I make fanart for them so ty for this

@kaeimei - 06.07.2021 03:53

Just trynna do my test (⌒▽⌒)☆

@zayaniide7993 - 25.06.2021 07:51

this playlist helped me get through finals

edit: plus im a research student too so im rlly feelin it lmao

@akiraki6444 - 19.06.2021 11:14

i'm late pls forgive me and take this thing i wrote-
Second Person + Gender Neutral

You hold the mechanical pencil, hovering it over your math assignment and pondering it’s answers (which are not easy to find). You can hear the low noises of a song in your left ear which come from one earphone that you had inserted earlier. Tapping the index finger on your free hand, you hum along quietly, so as not to bother the person who sat on the other side of the table. You steal a glance at the boy.

Albedo. He is the top student in your class, and maybe the smartest in the whole school. The teachers would always talk about him-and not so discreetly at that-during breaks at the high school. With that, the cocky and stuck up persona of his was materialized. Somehow, that same arrogant student had ended up inside your house, as your tutor.

Was he… always this pretty? You think to yourself. Maybe you had just never noticed before.

He holds his yellow graphite in his right hand and scribbles away in his notebook, teal eyes tense and focusing. Albedo notices you staring and rips his gaze away from the book he was writing in moments ago.

“Did you... need something?” Albedo starts, his sharp eyes then shifting their focus from you to the paper in your hands. “Or perhaps it has something to do with your assignment there?”

“I- Well-” You stammer, racking your brain for a reply, or rather an excuse that didn’t involve telling the blonde-haired tutor in front of you that he’s so attractive that it distracts you.

He blinks at you, oblivious to your panicking and the fact that his captivating gaze only serves to fluster you further.

When you don't respond in the ensuing moments, Albedo begins to stand from his seat, drags it with him, and makes his way over to your side of the table. He then places the chair next to yours and sits down.

“So,” Albedo says, leaning slightly towards you to get a better look at the math assignment. “Would you mind telling me what’s perplexing you? I’ll… do my best to be of assistance.” The tips of his and your shoulders make contact, and you have to use every fiber of your being to sit still and not jerk away.

Fortunately, there was actually a problem that’s been bothering you since the tutoring session started, but you were too hesitant to ask the blonde-haired genius for assistance.

“Actually,” you say while twirling the mechanical pencil in-between your fingers, moving your other hand to point at the specific question that had been irking you for a few days. “Would you mind helping me with this?”

“Why of course,” Albedo replies, a slight smile on his (pretty, you think) face. “That’s why I’m here after all.”

As Albedo begins to explain the complicated math problem in his calm, smooth voice, you listen intently. He speaks slowly while he watches your face, careful as to notice if your expression contorts into a confused one, so that he could help break it down quicker. You observe how Albedo chooses his words wisely and attempts not to use “complicated” or advanced terms.

“You know..” you trail off when Albedo immediately ceases talking when you speak up. “W-wait, sorry! I didn’t mean to cut you off, it’s just..”

Your voice dies down when you hear Albedo letting out a quiet laugh. “I... wasn’t offended at all if that was what you were thinking.”

And you stare at him in bewilderment. Albedo just laughed?

“Well? You have a question for me? Go ahead, ask. It doesn’t take long to ask a single question does it?” He says, a sliver of amusement dancing in his teal eyes.

“No- I was just thinking how you’d be an amazing teacher. You’re perfect at explaining, you’re thoughtful and check every now and then to see if I’m confused, and you’re just…” You pause. “Well, you know, teachers at our school are just like, ‘here’s your homework’ and that’s it! As if their half-assed lessons
were enough.”

Albedo seems taken aback and turns his head away, yet you’re still able to see how a light blush was painting his face. He clears his throat and meets your gaze again. “I… appreciate the sentiment.”

All of a sudden, you realize what you had just said and how corny it must’ve sounded. Now it was your turn to blush. “I-It was nothing.”

The two of you go back to the math assignment and finish the question that troubles you. Once done, Albedo asks if there are any other problems that you require help with. When you shake your head and thank him for the help, he smiles, saying “It was my pleasure”, and then returns to his side of the table. Albedo continues to work on whatever it was in his notebook.

A few minutes later, you bring your head up to look at your tutor.

“Uh, Albedo?” You say softly. The other student raises his head as well, replying back, “Yes.. Y/N?”

It was the first time he used my name. An elated thought speaks up from the back of your mind, but you push it away with frustration.

You hold up your other earphone. “Would you like to listen, too? It might be better than listening to... well, silence.” You joke, offering a grin. You then add quickly after, “I cleaned it right now, of course.” To your delight, Albedo smiles back, takes the small speaker from your hand and places it on the outer part of his right ear.

“I do hope my playlist is to your liking.” You chuckle softly.

Albedo says back, “Your taste in music is… impeccable.”

After hearing that phrase a blush dusts your cheeks, but you don’t respond completely and just scoff back in acknowledgement. Did Albedo just tease you or is that just how he talks normally?

Tightening the grip on your pencil, you continue to work on your homework.

You wave around your free hand until it feels the smooth, cold texture of your phone’s interface and increase the volume slightly as one of your favorite songs-among the many in the playlist-begins, never taking your gaze off of the paper you were writing on. You are only listening to one earphone, the other in the care of the blonde-haired student, so your other ear is still able to hear the sounds of the outside world.

At the moment, all you can hear is the soft scratches of Albedo’s and your pencil against paper, your favorite song playing in your left ear-that Albedo had surprisingly begun humming along to earlier, it makes you smile thinking about it-, and the light taps of your finger, which is dancing to the rhythm of the song.

The calm atmosphere causes your current thoughts to dissolve away as well as the rumors about Albedo being a pompous smart kid, like a light rain washing away any signs of dirt on a window and a clear, glass surface appearing as a result.

You cannot help but think, This isn’t so bad.

(the next day, after school)

You begin to stand from your seat and sigh in relief that school is over. You neatly push in your chair and grab hold of the shoulder straps on your backpack, making your way over to your group of friends. In the corner of your eye you spot familiar ash-blonde hair. You glance at Albedo, having an internal conflict about whether you should greet him or not.

Sighing at your cowardice, you turn away to meet your friends, although reluctant at first. The four of you toss a few words back and forth, and eventually a conversation starts. Somewhere along the way, you feel a light tap on your shoulder. You turn around and meet dazzling teal eyes.

Albedo. You immediately think to yourself.

“Ah,” Albedo starts, seemingly forgetting his words as your friends stare at him in surprise. He locks gazes with you once again and regains his composure. “I just wanted to… give you this.”

He holds out a piece of paper that appears to have been ripped from notebook and you take it. On it is a fully-detailed sketch of a person that you instantly recognize; you. Yes, the drawing is only in pencil, but it still causes your breath to be taken away in awe at the blonde’s talent. Had he drawn this at their tutoring session yesterday…?

“Thank you.” You breathe and by the smile on Albedo’s face, he knows the gratitude is genuine. “Then-” He begins, but you interrupt him.

“When can we meet up again? I… enjoyed yesterday.” You blurt out. Albedo’s eyes widen a little and a light blush spreads on his face.

“I, too, enjoyed our time yesterday… and I’ve seen your test scores, Y/N.” Albedo chuckles, his tone teasing and flowing with amusement. “I’m certain we will have many opportunities to be alone in the future.”

Those are the last words he speaks before waving goodbye and walking away, leaving you a blushing and embarrassed mess.

“Y/N~” One of your friends, Hu Tao, sings with a grin spread on her face. You see the delighted expressions on your two other friends’ faces and you just know that the whole walk home would be full of jokes and teases aimed at you, but their words will not be able to wash away the happiness and fluttering sensation in your stomach that forms when you think of the blonde-haired genius.

thank you for reading <3
edit: fixed some of the spaces between the paragraphs bc i'm still not used to yt formatting

@arisu_112 - 17.06.2021 17:20

That thumbnail....

I can’t, I just can't

@littlelemon3340 - 11.06.2021 00:33

goshhhhhhhhhhh my little booooy i love him so mmuuuccchhhhh

@user-ux2iy8dk1m - 09.06.2021 20:03

my deadline literally passed 2 hours ago i cri

@lovhaitham - 07.06.2021 18:27

does this have a spotify playlist

@Ialalatte - 07.06.2021 05:03

albedo i’m so sorry, i’m just going to spend the next 29 minutes staring at you T T
