Is UTI Worth The Money? 2022

Is UTI Worth The Money? 2022

Lets Drift Media

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Kickboxing AVG1
Kickboxing AVG1 - 28.05.2022 02:20

In short, don’t go lol.

Rob D
Rob D - 02.10.2023 08:50

Personally I would not like to Get a UTI
From what I gather
"Urinary Tract Infection"

is pretty painful. Lmfao😂

steefan - 29.09.2023 01:00

I'll save you the watch..
Urinary Track Infection is not worth it.

Hydrostat - 27.09.2023 17:25

UTI graduate here, 'class' of 1997.

If you insist on being a mechanic, save yourself a few tens of thousands of dollars and go to community college. Same result, for far less money.

Better yet, go into a better field where talent is respected and compensated. After 16 years as a tech, I went back to school and switched to engineering. Much easier than being a tech, and pays twice as much.

QxDark - 25.09.2023 04:28

I’m currently in community college for automotive, best decision I’ve made, even my professors that taught at UTI they said it was a waste of time and community is better.

Gerar - 20.09.2023 16:05

The community college on my city doesn’t got a automotive technician career so i don’t know where to go

Senik Nine
Senik Nine - 07.09.2023 01:51

I don't think content like this is fair. It can completely turn people away. I think looking into both UTI and community colleges and deciphering what is the best option for you, individually. There's gonna be pros and cons to everything. Especially when it comes to furthering your education. Some might only have UTI as an option. Some might only have community colleges. While some of the stuff said and mentioned in this video are solid points, I feel most of it is more opinion than anything.

Wilver Lima
Wilver Lima - 04.09.2023 11:24

I want to community college for auto body repair and can’t get a job been looking for a year and not one wanna hire someone with “no experience”

Daniel Green
Daniel Green - 03.09.2023 15:53

I went to UTI way back in 1971/72. I don't even remember what it cost back then. Worked for a couple of dealerships and several independent shops and retired after 40 years. It's so much different now ,but if I had it to do over I'd pick a different line of work entirely. Especially now.

El Fish
El Fish - 22.08.2023 23:34

I start school next week, I’m planning on becoming a top technician at Mercedes or Porsche, is it still worth it?

Jason Su
Jason Su - 21.08.2023 21:12

Alone and separated for any watching eye

Jason Su
Jason Su - 21.08.2023 21:11

And how has the economy done for you?? I made twice as much starting as anyone else with elite level status at an upper class facility around upper class people … It’s perfectly air conditioned and clean plus the benefits … It’s 2 years in Miami Beach fl or I’m sorry 4 years in Miami Beach fl … Excuse me I have no idea what your thinking … or talking about it sounds just terrible…..

Wave - 18.08.2023 22:17

I graduated from UTI.... and I would have to say I personally I needed the book side of automotive... I didn't go to Community College so I wouldn't know how detailed the classes would be... the way I look at it, if you go to UTI or Community College just take it seriously... Cuz out of my friend group I'm the only one still working in the auto field... I went to UTI and they went to Community College.. if you don't know if you want to be a Tech then don't go to UTI... but if your looking to be the best or work in NASCAR ... then I would think UTI is the best option

TheTech660 - 14.08.2023 23:29

Never went to school for automotive. I took an elective class in high school which was metal shop. After high school, I worked odd jobs and landed a job as a lube tech. Worked a couple of lube shops until I landed a lube tech position at a major automotive dealership. It was there that I got more serious with all the cars I touched, plus I got to help out the Veteran techs there and learned from the Best! Also, that dealership was willing to send me to school to learn more about the Brand. Long story short, I'm still working for the brand, Toyota. This is my second dealership. ASE Certified. Expert Toyota Certified. 23yrs working! Good luck to all the Young People out there graduating from either UTI, or a Community College. Welcome to this Career!

getplaning - 13.08.2023 17:30

UTI makes its money FINANCING TUITION, not giving classes.
I have had many UTI trained techs in my shop, some were very good, some didn't know a damned thing.
Bottom line, if you go to UTI, work at it. They have already been paid, so if you don't pay attention, they won't care. You will have given them all of that money for nothing.

branden8045 theultramangofighter
branden8045 theultramangofighter - 13.08.2023 09:57

I just graduated outta high school and saw they have a nascar pit crew course, does anyone know anyone who graduated from the program

Mark Carr
Mark Carr - 12.08.2023 04:31

UTI graduate from 1992. My tuition was $8.5 K. I don't know what they teach now, but back then, it was a basic 9 month course, 3 weeks to learn everything to get your foot in the door, but I really didn't know shit about cars when I started in the trade. It was 2 years of tire rotation and oil changes. I finally got serious about my job in 1998, and applied myself to learning. Became a master cert, took electronics at community college, learned lab scope diag, and now, in 2023, I'm making the same amount as I was in 2004. Pay hasn't increased, but the vehicles got harder to work on.

Pay 2 win ass hole
Pay 2 win ass hole - 03.08.2023 12:51

Will UTI better my chances of becoming a Porsche tech? Have any stories to tell about the matter?

Isaiah Patton
Isaiah Patton - 27.07.2023 19:19

If you go to UTI make sure you make as much friends as possible. Everyone there is for 1 specific thing and you never know when they could help you out or you shop might need a good ____ tech

Isaiah Patton
Isaiah Patton - 27.07.2023 19:17

How to do UTI for free- Become a Lube tech, make friend with technicians(move dealerships if needed), work hard in lube and learn of the internet and tech friend for 2 years. Start asking often to move up only when your respected as one of the best lube tech. ALso make sure your dealership allows apprentices and now your making 35k a year instead of spending 45k in school getting real experience.

Phillip B Williams
Phillip B Williams - 26.07.2023 04:33

Doing mechanic work as a hobby and doing it for a living as a whole different bottle of work. If you can get a job where you're paid by the hour and not clock time is the best way to go

Black Horse Gaming
Black Horse Gaming - 20.07.2023 14:40

I actually went here back in 09 and wanted to go thru Mercedes but wasn't aware it was going to cost me another 15k I graduated really high and tried to get into Ferrari but missed it by 1 point

Sunny Jee
Sunny Jee - 13.07.2023 06:10

Go to UTI. You won’t regret. Please don’t listen to this gentleman. He is honest but he doesn’t know what he is missing. 😢

James Ledesma
James Ledesma - 03.07.2023 00:54

Great info! Any updates since making this ?..

Charley’s Garage
Charley’s Garage - 25.06.2023 08:23

I taught at UTI, I don’t think there is anything wrong with it if you can afford it. Community colleges are for profit schools despite what was said in this video. Some of them have amazing programs and much more affordable and there are some amazing high school programs. There are also great apprenticeship programs where you don’t even need school. In other words don’t listen to me or this guy but make the decision that feels right for you!

Aj Chiappetta
Aj Chiappetta - 21.06.2023 18:59

I left UTI in 2013 and now own my own shop, servicing Rolls-Royce, Bentley, Ferrari, Maserati.
I was miserable at dealers and left to go out on my own. Started a mobile service and just saved until I got my little shop and now it’s gravy.
UTI was not for the faint of heart, very difficult college for sure. I’m not going to lie. Don’t sign a damn thing unless you can really put in the work and TIME

Jaysen Davy
Jaysen Davy - 20.06.2023 15:06

I’m about to graduate from welding school, was looking into automotive schools in texas, any recommendations

Chad Carrizales
Chad Carrizales - 17.06.2023 10:52

Thanks for the video, probably starting at UTI soon

Anaba Maxwell Awinpang
Anaba Maxwell Awinpang - 15.06.2023 06:55

Am in Ghana how can I join uti

OPM - 13.06.2023 05:01

Braces are cheap, get some

Rezolve - 09.06.2023 21:06

I feel like if it’s just auto alone it wouldn’t be worth going to uti but I feel like depending on other programs it could be worth giving it a try I don’t know yet I’m fresh out of high school and planning to go to UTI soon so I still have a non biased opinion

Nahzir Barreto
Nahzir Barreto - 08.06.2023 06:14

I need to go to community college because I need to learn more about it if they have automotive class

JayZo - 07.06.2023 00:27

i’m in high school right now and i’m debating on either going to UTI or community college but i’m not sure where i should go.

Insane Ape
Insane Ape - 06.06.2023 23:44

I’m going to Uti in Dallas did I make the right move I just turned 20 btw 😅

Joe Santiso
Joe Santiso - 06.06.2023 15:05

For the investment in school tools and 3-5 years work experience - go to college for mechanical engineering - I was a Ford top technician - went to the county as a transit bus mechanic for wages and benefits no dealer could offer - retired with a good pension - my son wanted to be a mechanic - told him go to college - he is now an engineer for Honda - the whole dealer thing has been bad for a long time - the electric car thing is going to change the game big time as there aren’t traditional powertrains anymore

Clarnce Oveur
Clarnce Oveur - 05.06.2023 03:32

Great video. Get a mic!

Steve Noah Samayoa
Steve Noah Samayoa - 02.06.2023 17:34

Is 32 too old to start becoming a mechanic?

Mike96950 - 31.05.2023 06:46

Glad a came across your channel. I have a niece who is graduating high school this summer and wanted to get into the automotive industry. This is great information.

Oogie - 29.05.2023 19:51

I've been a diesel tech about 3 years now never been to school for the stuff all on the job training most techs I know say that schooling doesn't teach you much about on the job work. My company does classes for techs and the guys I've seen at class that have been to school like lincoln tech couldn't even get the duals off by the time the other side of the class had already began pulling the drums off the tractor for the air brake reline.

Andrew M
Andrew M - 12.05.2023 20:17

I just graduated from a community college with an associates degree, Toyota expert certification, and ASE Master certification. On top of that, I started an apprenticeship in high school which paid for my tuition. I’m super happy I went the route that I did, wouldn’t change a thing.

Jong Min Kim
Jong Min Kim - 09.05.2023 21:47

UTI = urinary tract infection 🤮

Brandon Seibert
Brandon Seibert - 09.05.2023 18:17

WISH I didn't go to UTI. Yes I got good grades and went through the Ford FACT program. I did not however work while I was in school and that was probably my biggest mistake. Experience is everything, if I could go back I would First apprentice at a local shop and THEN go to school if it was something I could see myself doing for the rest of my life. Work first, school later/same time if you can. I graduated in 2016 and havent qorked in a shop for over 8 years and I still have the loans hovering over me. ONLY GO TO UTI IF YOU'RE A HIGH ACHIEVER and want to go to BMW or Porsche. 98% of guys won't make yhe criteria for those programs though so good luck!

Antor Medrano
Antor Medrano - 07.05.2023 03:56

Yup, it really is! I dropped out. I still paid off my loan. What's interesting? I became a long hual truck driver.

13BRANDONS - 06.05.2023 15:08

Thanks so much for making this video. My husband is flying my 16yos to Orlando next week to check the school out. I’m so glad I found your video

Aaron Jenkins
Aaron Jenkins - 05.05.2023 19:41

This was very useful I’ve been in the automotive field for almost 3 years and I was thinking about schooling for that pay bump and I had no idea UTI was so expensive. Considering Savannah Tech program is only 5k

꧁Spicy Meatballs II: The Spicening꧂
꧁Spicy Meatballs II: The Spicening꧂ - 23.04.2023 01:32

I love urinary tract infections

Buster - 22.04.2023 21:18

I’m looking into getting either into aviation maintenance, automotive maintenance or diesel maintenance mechanics and I was thinking UTI but everyone has mixed reviews I’m more of the type of person if you teach me the right way I’ll learn but I have to do hands on too

Chucky Boii
Chucky Boii - 22.04.2023 09:22

You will get what you put in. I went to UTI and absolutely loved it, i apprenticed In the day time and after went to school. Meeting so many great people and learning- applying what I learned as an apprentice.. Also met so many people with a bad outlook on it and hated the school program, they always say was not worth it- but also never made it as a tech after the schooling! After school I got hired by a GM dealership. It
Taught me all I needed to know hands on. Now I’m with Mercedes. Very happy. Been over the six figure mark for over 5 years now. I would go back in a heart beat. I loved every minute. Yes it was expensive, I knew that. I feel i took full advantage of all the school had to offer..

BadAss454LSX - 18.04.2023 06:21

Your video is 100% Spot On !! I couldn't agree more with the points you made.
