The FASTEST OSRS Training Methods In 2024

The FASTEST OSRS Training Methods In 2024


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@SC-hi6tp - 08.10.2024 16:34

hunter rumours bc it adds diversity to the skill with good xp rates instead of just camping one spot. rsn: speak now

@Daerric - 08.10.2024 16:41

The disrespect to foundry 😢

@Barteman1993 - 08.10.2024 17:40

Great video! I love the chinning method. Seeing levels fly by is just lovely.
Rsn: Barteman1993

@TheArmx - 08.10.2024 18:08

1 tick karamwans are king

Rsn: Kebab Priest

@ayyachris - 08.10.2024 21:54

How are you getting 1k xp drop just wearing ice glove?

@kingjaries - 09.10.2024 02:04

I'll probably try the hunting rumors as they seem interesting. RSN - King_J_Aries

@kingslime053 - 09.10.2024 04:18

I like the big xp drops from barraging. And I hate doing slayer so combing them makes it bearable for me.


@podheads101 - 09.10.2024 04:26

Im 91 Range, really want 99. you suggest maniacal monkeys ? Ive never been there beforr

@TheDuderAbides666 - 09.10.2024 14:04

I just logged on this morning to try the new winterthot changes and they are amazing! I actually don't mind this minigame now! Also, I'll have to try that group Scurrius combat xp. I had no idea about the extra xp. RSN - Lazer Cats

@NexOnly - 10.10.2024 06:26

Barrage Slayer, Nice money, great Slayer xp and fast tasks.

@shawnduarte8580 - 10.10.2024 11:08

Awesome all around guide for not breaking the bank! I jus finished getting all the requirements for MM2 tonight! I can't wait to get my first 99, being Magic!!!! Super stoked! RSN Tree Meistah

@dusty__tdb - 10.10.2024 14:46

Nice video Kaoz RSN dusty_og

@KlowdStr1fe - 10.10.2024 16:49

Nice one stop shop for this info ty.

Rsn: klowdstr1fe

@Baeruu - 11.10.2024 11:52

Looking forward to the reworked GoTR especially since the WT rework is so so good. I wonder how I got 99 RC back in RS2 but find it so excruciatingly painful to do so now. Another skill I used to think was painful to train was Thieving but I got 60-99 in a week thanks to mind-numbingly pickpocketing Ardy knights. RSN: Ionvale

@Evelanderine - 11.10.2024 18:08

Scurrius is probably my favorite method. I like using scurrius to get the last bit of xp needed to get a lvl. Rsn evelanderine

@joncrimpstin5582 - 11.10.2024 19:44

You make some of the worst content in the game!!!!!!! 🤡

@Bddogoof - 11.10.2024 20:27

Why am i only getting 200k xp at monkeys ? Not 400k

@tylercrandall1472 - 11.10.2024 22:12

I learned the big tree is called the wintertoad

@MadMalMan - 11.10.2024 23:57

Hunter has always been my favourite skill, yet due to my afk fishing grinding, i haven't tried the rumours yet!

One thing i would potentially add to your guide for best fishing from 90+ is Drift Netting, the fishing XP is really good at around 90k but you also gain over 100k Hunter XP.

If you auto bank some of the expensive fish it slightly brings down the cost of the drift nets.

@BboyJLim - 12.10.2024 11:18

Favorite fast training: def chinning at the monkeys! Got 99 range in 1 week from 85 😁
RSN: Spartan103

@annowielbiciel5389 - 12.10.2024 11:58

Hello you should change then name at agility/crafting to thieving crafting love the guide great work

@adamhardstaff8843 - 12.10.2024 22:58

Love making wines. 200 exp per jug is great. I just sit on wines for ages and gain a buttload of experience =]

RSN Alaitus

@dokterxomby1312 - 13.10.2024 14:25

I love woodcutting so my favorite is definitely the 2 tick teak wood cutting method! Over all cutting is relaxing for me!
RSN: DokterXomby

@gen.tucker6024 - 13.10.2024 18:25

Aaah! A fellow Slayer hater I see. My friend told me to use XP lamps on Runecraft, but I've found I hate Slayer the most of any skill in the game, not Runecrafting

@El_Sharko_ - 13.10.2024 20:28

Just a note for any players considering chinning: in 2024 this content is NOT for main accounts. The amount of ranged exp per hour you get from Vennator bow slayer or even Vennator bow NMZ (very afk, pot every 5 minutes and that’s it) makes it a complete waste of money/time. Chinning is something you do to level up an alt for pking, when your main is already at the “printing money” money stage of the game.

@vivi011108 - 13.10.2024 22:19

These are actually really useful annual videos. Im maxed over 1b xp but have not played in about 2 months so if I were to not play lomger, its nice to get a recap or summary on this

@Wytchokolate - 14.10.2024 21:24

I am a Scurrius fan as I enjoy whenever I can go boss/pet grind as a good means for training as well. Hopefully pet soon haha! RSN: TwitchLyfe

@MikeSnifferpippets - 15.10.2024 13:25

Enjoying the first 10 seconds of the video to be totally stumped by you pretending to like runecrafting 😂

@kraken1016 - 17.10.2024 12:13

How are you getting the xp without gold gauntlets ?

@streetmafia19 - 26.10.2024 03:11

Yall add me i have no friends on here anymore 😢 RSN Redmonkey610

@andrewboeckstiegel6912 - 27.10.2024 07:14

What phone app do you use for the magnifying the screen on the mobile OSRS?

@JefferyGuillory-qj7sj - 28.10.2024 23:19

U said that shades is the only way to profit training prayer
Ppl seem to forget pest control it aint much technically u profit there as well

@adrianallen3406 - 08.11.2024 21:18

No way 1.5m xp/hr for only 20m/hr is correct with superior dragon bones. 1.5m xp would be like 3k superior bones which would be close to 70m/hr cost

@lucanastral735 - 11.11.2024 18:35

I hit 99 thieving recently and I absolutely DO NOT recommend rogue chests. PK clans often use that area for group PK practice so you're almost guaranteed to get pked and lose all your loot (and massively reduced xp/h). It's far more efficient to just do Ardy knight on a splashing world as it scales with your level and becomes insane at level 95 when you stop failing pickpockets and no longer need to bring food. I also got the thieving pet at 97 from Ardy knights.

@SiXiS4 - 14.11.2024 01:02

now make a video, "best" aint nobody is gonna 3 tick stuff

@samuelterry9264 - 17.11.2024 01:21

And you're wrong. You can get hp xp without combat or questing.

@ShizuruNakatsu - 18.11.2024 13:04

I love Mining, Fishing, and Woodcutting. My least favourite are Slayer and Hunter 😅

I'm max combat and only have 73 Slayer and Hunter. Maybe I'll like them more after I set up good block lists, but it doesn't really remove the problem I have.

@OSRSKyill - 19.11.2024 20:50

for 2 ticking swordfish/woodcutting it's better to use an msb or a bow with that same attack speed, 4 ticks, so you stay in cycle! Great videos though

@TSO_TheSaga - 24.11.2024 17:20

Someone please tell me how to use menu entry swapper for construction. Nowhere does it allow me the option to build and remove with left mouse click. Just as i cant find the option anymore to guzzle my dwarven rock cake with left click while i know back in the day i could swap those actions. Is there like a new menu entry swapper or new steps i need to take to make this possible again?

@tomba2 - 01.12.2024 10:47

winter toad

@NerdHerdForLife - 16.12.2024 02:16

It's funny that I never have any idea what these kinds of videos are talking about.
I'm just sitting between lvs 50 - 70 and just very slowly leveling the way I would have in the olden days, for the most part.

@rockstar1734 - 18.12.2024 20:57

You can’t take the most afk skills in the game, add tick manipulation, and then call it afk still 😂 just chop the tree or harpoon sharks while you watch Netflix or something

@MikeOG420 - 09.01.2025 10:33

Tried joining the discord and invites are paused :( I'm just trying to get help getting this fighting torso lmaoo

@Prostaniks - 12.01.2025 20:10

Thanks! Now i can make the game infinitely more miserable by caring about tiny % of efficiency gains and develop carpal tunnel <3. Lol idk how ppl enjoy playing like this

@WarfightersWorkshop - 19.01.2025 23:24

When I was doing chinning training I was only getting around 200-300 xp every throw. How did you manage to get 400-600? Is there something I am missing? I have 75 range right now and I have the best gear I can get for my level. And using potions to boost my range by 10

@dope0230 - 22.01.2025 12:33

Het Kaoz, how do you make your other prayers dissapear?

@ZacharyJClark - 19.02.2025 01:35

The fastest ones are the ones that you can do without burning out. If they are fast, but you burn out, it takes significantly longer than the time suggests.

@devindanielson2278 - 23.02.2025 05:09

I have seen a lot of people use that style of inventory design, with the HP and prayer on the side and the icons around it rather than a bar on the bottom. Is that a plug in on Runelite or something in the settings?

@Suwper01 - 08.10.2024 20:33

I like thieving by the rouge castle but i always get pk'd lol
RSN: Da killas
