Extending GIMP with Plugins

Extending GIMP with Plugins

Switched to Linux

2 года назад

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@KuruGDI - 07.11.2021 10:19

After listening to the rant on how Plug-Ins are much more a hassle on Linux than they are on any other OS, I'm not sure if I would really enjoy switching to Linux 😂

@TheCocoaDaddy - 04.11.2021 20:17

I like this video because it focuses on Linux. I believe Script-Fu and/or Python plugins don't need to be compiled and can be "installed" by putting the source file(s) in the right spot. Back in the day, I used to compile GIMP from source but I haven't done that in a very long time. Great video! Thanks for posting!

@SkyFly19853 - 04.11.2021 00:18

Adobe Photoshops beats Gimp and Linux... 😞

@skyheart9245 - 03.11.2021 23:58

I like this linux dude

@gabakusa - 03.11.2021 23:37

Paint NET rules

@peterjansen4826 - 03.11.2021 22:35

Make might look intimidating but in essence it is quite simple. The make-command is executed with a makefile in whatever directory you are in. That makefile is basically a script for compiling software, just a list of commands with some extra bells and whistles (for example to suppress showing the commands themselves). You can read the file and see what make will do. In essence it is a tool to make it easier to install software, the developer already did all of the work and the use simply uses the make-command. What does compiling software mean? It means that you translate the higher level language like c to simple instructions which the CPU understands.
