Why a Single Pointed Agenda is important for a Spiritual Seeker ? | Sadhguru | The Contemporary Guru

Why a Single Pointed Agenda is important for a Spiritual Seeker ? | Sadhguru | The Contemporary Guru

The Contemporary Guru

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@The_Middle_The - 20.09.2023 05:53

Love this 💙💛💛

@sanjivanigavali7784 - 10.10.2022 06:58

क्या ध्यान करने के लिये तन पक्ष कम कपडा/वस्र पहनना/ धारण करना जरुरी ह़ै? क्यो?

@AL-yp2vw - 19.09.2022 07:17

What was his question as i cld not make up from his Indian accent?

@ecstaticbeing4380 - 10.07.2022 16:15

I got my mistake now 😭

@amritakanda3034 - 19.03.2021 19:01

❤️💙💜💚💝💚💜💙💝💚💙💜💚💙💜💚💝💙💜💚💙💝💚💙💜💝💚💙💜💝 Nice Sadhguru Ji 🙏🏵️🌼💘💝💝💝💝🙏🙏🙏👍👍🙏👍🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

@gabbynanai9459 - 27.09.2020 21:20


@DuDe_TAlhA - 27.09.2020 09:00


@matthiaselsner7961 - 26.09.2020 18:26

The elements of the body

There are two main energies: spiritual energy and material energy. Spiritual energy is conscious and material energy is unconscious. The soul is conscious spiritual energy and the body is made up of unconscious material energy. Without food, there would only be the self, the soul aka antimatter with a size of 0.1 nanometer with its shells.

According to the Sankhya philosophy, a person's body is composed of the following 24 elements:

(1-5) 5 mahābhūtas ("great elements" - earth, water, fire, air, ether / space),
(6) manas (mind, inclinations, spirit),
(7) buddhi (intelligence),
(8) ahaṅkāra (ego as a result of identification with the body and what goes with it),
(9-13) 5 senses acquiring knowledge (indriya - sight, hearing, taste, smell and touch),
(14-18) 5 working senses (karmendriya - legs, arms, anus, genital and speech organ),
(19-23) 5 sensory objects (indriyārtha - shape / color, sound, taste, smell and touch),
(24) avyakta (the unmanifest)

The five great elements, the ten senses and the five sense objects make up the gross body and manas, buddhi, and ahaṅkāra make up the subtle body. Avyakta is the basis of both. In this connection of 24 elements sits the individual soul (jivātma) as an inhabitant of the body, accompanied by the paramātma, the oversoul.

.With soul and oversoul, the human being consists of 26 elements. Jivātma and paramātma are both referred to as kṣetra-jña ("knower of the field"). The body is kṣetra, the field of activity, and the soul is the knower of the field. But while the Oversoul knows all fields of all living beings, the individual soul does not even properly know its respective body. Through unthinkable long contact with the material energy, the spiritual souls have forgotten their original knowledge and identify with the body in which they are currently living. With the body they try to enjoy by manipulating material nature and exploiting the riches of material nature.

These 24 elements are manifestations, transformations of the material energy and exist in and outside the body as constituents of the universe. Their development, properties and interactions are described in various Vedic scriptures and also in the Ayurveda classic Caraka-Samhita. Just as a potter makes a jug out of clay and water, the spiritual soul, under the influence of the three modes of appearance, sattva (goodness) , rajas (passion), tamas (ignorance), unconsciously creates its respective body from the 24 material elements through its inclinations. In contrast to the potter, who knows how to make a certain object, most souls do not know how they made their bodies. They carry out certain actions with one body, cherish certain likes and dislikes, etc. and receive their next body from the Oversoul according to their karma

The three doṣas (bioenergies and bioelements), the seven dhātus (types of body tissue), the upadhātus (subsidiary body tissue) and the malas (waste products) contain the mahābhūtas in different proportions. The seven dhātus are:

rasa (lymph; plasma)

rakta (blood)
maṃsa (muscle tissue)
medas (fat tissue)
asthi (bone tissue)
majja (bone marrow and nerve tissue)
śukra (sperm and egg cells)

The upadhātus are tendons, ligaments, blood vessels, muscle fat, breast milk, menstrual blood and the six layers of skin.

The body's breakdown products are feces, urine and sweat. Hair, fingernails and toenails, ear wax, and other secretions are also considered malas. The malas feces, urine and sweat, ear wax and other secretions need to be eliminated regularly. If they are not properly eliminated, disease will arise.

( From the signs and symptoms caused by the increase or decrease in doṣas, dhātus and malas, the doctor can determine which mahābhūtas are required to restore their equilibrium. Then he can prescribe certain foods and drugs (with corresponding mahābhūtas) to compensate for the deficits or excess of mahābhūtas in doṣas etc.)

Whether there are other energies and what these are all about can be found in the Srimad-Bhagavatam and other Vedic scriptures.

@shinigamikami9586 - 23.09.2020 02:40

About the last point. I guess similar thing happened to me also. I have been practicing various Pranayams and few Meditation techniques for more than a year now. Few weeks ago, I was just thinking that it's been almost more than a year and half since I fell ill or had any sort of fever. And I don't know if it was what Sadhguru said or something else, but within 3-4 hours I started feeling a bit down and thought I was going to fall ill and it did happen. I had really high fever for 3 days. It took me 8-10 days to get completely out of it.

@Quniverse - 15.09.2020 19:18

What a humbling reminder

@ashishbarjatya2983 - 14.09.2020 21:21

Beautiful explanation by the Enlightened Master. Wonderful to hear Sadhguru. Millions life transformed

@pratikshedage - 14.09.2020 09:33




@pratikshedage - 14.09.2020 09:25

thanks a lot sadhguru

@aaronsorensen5165 - 11.09.2020 03:47

I had 2 agendas.
Who am I, and What am I.
I found that answer out to both. We are just living energy that we feel in defeat dimensions of our body.
In reality, we are just magic show inside us , with an ability to figure things out that we focus our attention to.

@BrianSmith-li3zs - 10.09.2020 21:56

Love, respect and gratitude

@lgg7168 - 09.09.2020 22:04

what does he mean that most people are stationary vehicles? (are they really?) I understand: do not look into many directions in which you could go, do not (attempt to) use the spiritual capacities for mundane things (/use discernment with regard to what you do with your spiritual capacities/gifts), keep the wheel straight (?pay attention to all that happens within yourself and keep it straight, your mind especially, do not consider many options?)

@karanthakker8581 - 09.09.2020 07:30


@michaelhurst2480 - 09.09.2020 00:33

Thank you

@heartofhawaii8232 - 08.09.2020 10:31

Sadguru, you Laugh with your entire body and being! Enlightenment at its BEST! THANK you with all my Heart. I love you.

@forestbirdgirl - 31.08.2020 21:02


@srivastavashivam949 - 06.08.2020 16:51

"...that night she got it"...lol

@tejinderthakur5679 - 30.07.2020 21:25


@amitkarmakar2557 - 26.07.2020 08:22


@shaildailyv6256 - 26.07.2020 06:41

Very life changing words by Sadhguru 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🌸 🌸🌼🌼🌸

@3398able - 21.07.2020 13:24

this was just the thing that one needs to hear

@matheusrabello9812 - 03.06.2020 15:09

great advice! thank you from Brazil

@adityaranjan9149 - 02.06.2020 14:58

