3 symptoms people report getting most with new omicron variant:

3 symptoms people report getting most with new omicron variant:


2 года назад

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donnie landry
donnie landry - 22.09.2023 03:47

Has anybody had a dry cough that just won’t let up

S P - 02.04.2023 04:34

Sad that it was man-made in a lab, smh. Humans killing humans. Even insects are smarter than us.

Russ Martin
Russ Martin - 10.02.2023 21:59

Low IQ is a symptom take a test and you now have bat flu anything dr can not diagnosis is long bat flu clinics are set up to pander to them but no clinics to treat dangerous side effects from experimental mnra treatments renamed vaccines so we can not sue

Hot Tew_Twat
Hot Tew_Twat - 23.11.2022 19:20

and the fauci flu continues.

Linda Bommer
Linda Bommer - 01.11.2022 04:03

Oh- mee- crow-n

Bombay Beach
Bombay Beach - 19.10.2022 06:37

This is the price we pay for the consumption of animals and the spread of animal to human diseases, aka filthy Chinese wet markets.

mckcpaul1 - 19.10.2022 06:17

Hey America, big pharma needs more of your money please go out and get vaccinated a few more times and a few more boosters also, lmao!

Chungkingexpress - 12.10.2022 21:46

High fever, chills, headaches, body aches for me. Then the cough, fatigue and sore throat came later.

Arcadia - 04.10.2022 04:41

I got the Pfizer bivalent booster September 7th. Caught Covid September 26th. Headache from hell. Nasal congestion. Diarrhea. Fatigue. 3 days later all symptoms gone. Still testing positive. I’m 53 male with J&J Pfizer x3.

David Godoy
David Godoy - 22.09.2022 04:03

I have it now on my 4th day, started with my throat not feeling right than my body started to feel fatigued next day cough, sore throat, nasal congestion, fatigue, tested my self for covid/omicron came back positive, drink lots of fluids, garlic with honey and water, turmeric vitamin D, chicken soup. Feeling better thank God.

rick storzy
rick storzy - 20.09.2022 07:13

Fauci is a quack

Doug Schmidt
Doug Schmidt - 19.09.2022 14:33

I jabbed myself 3 times and just had it last week. Now I got natural immunity which the Fouch does not recognize.

Eddie spagetti
Eddie spagetti - 11.09.2022 00:30

All the braiwashed sheep. Fully vaccinated and catch covid. Wakey wakey

Bob - 30.08.2022 05:25

Stop trusting these morons. Ivermectin, vitamin D, Zinc, Vitamin C, Aspirin and diluted hydrogen peroxide nasal flush cured me in 3 DAYS. I am unvaccinated and this is my first time contracting Covid.

Cinnamon Shack
Cinnamon Shack - 14.08.2022 15:34

Confusion? You, reporter, are the reason for confusion. There’s NO clear “3 symptoms” like the title suggests. You had a doctor talk about allergies then had a sloppy cut of someone talking about sore throat. It was ad for pixel home tests and antiviral meds. You’re the reason for confusion.

Kristi Black
Kristi Black - 13.08.2022 07:22

Boredom of goredom!

꧁Cat G꧂
꧁Cat G꧂ - 12.08.2022 01:11

People need to be warned that the tests do not work on everyone. You can keep getting false negatives. The first time i got covid may last year i nearly died. but the damn test kept coming back neg. It was confirmed it was covid by 3 Drs because there was nothing else it could have been. Then i got it again in march this year. Not nearly as bad but kept me in bed for 2 weeks. Both times it came on like a serious kidney infection, Excruciating lower back pain that eventually spread everywhere. Even my eyes hurt to move. given antibiotics and sent home. Only to get a call that there was no infection in the tests and i did not need the antibiotics. Though they did seem to help some the last time. Between the 2 my body has aged at least 10 years. Im so tired all the time. And joint pain. Plus the upper area of my right lung, continues to give me issues. I took 3 tests and all said neg. My daughter in her teens last fall was rushed to emergency and had very low oxygen levels. They treated her as though she had covid to begin with, then the test came back. Neg. They told us she had and asthma attack. Nope my daughter does not have asthma. They got her oxigen up and sent her home. I was told shorty after that there there is something with my family the tests do not work on. My daughter was very ill she displayed all known symptoms of someone younger with covid. So you have to wonder how many others out there have covid and the tests are not working on?

Melissa Gilbert
Melissa Gilbert - 11.08.2022 23:46

Stop spreading bullshit!!!

Jim Miller
Jim Miller - 11.08.2022 22:26

It used to be called a head cold. Now it’s given a new name so the drug companies can make more money.

Penny Churchward
Penny Churchward - 11.08.2022 15:27

The way that person did the nasal swab is incorrect.

Sheri Carey
Sheri Carey - 11.08.2022 02:26

Really How long are they gonna milk this

Sarah Michaels
Sarah Michaels - 11.08.2022 01:33

But the tests aren't accurate either. Go figure.

Gail Nel
Gail Nel - 10.08.2022 20:40

Its called HAYFEVER - - - take a bit of allergex - - stop all tbis BS!!!! 😫 😫 😫 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡

Connect the Dots
Connect the Dots - 10.08.2022 03:27

Yes, if you have sniffles better run to the Doctor's. Take those test and Pharmaceutical; they get a kick back. Don't you hear the samething on TV commercials day and night.

S. - 10.08.2022 01:06

uh huh, yeah, ok!!!

Darlene Cain
Darlene Cain - 09.08.2022 18:52

Vaccines don't seem to keep you from getting the virus.

Bob Piec
Bob Piec - 09.08.2022 17:01

This was good information until fauchi talked that is one man I will never trust.

Coral Campbell
Coral Campbell - 09.08.2022 16:46

Blah blah blah blah blah!! TRUMP 2024🙏🏻♥️

Miz SKY - 09.08.2022 09:50


Christina Mycoff
Christina Mycoff - 09.08.2022 08:34


equarg - 09.08.2022 08:29

Sore throat, slight fatigue, and mild headache.
That’s what I got.
Plus a 102 fever. I am double boosted and vaccinated with Moderna. Beat Covid in about 3-4 days.
But my taste and smell is shot…..again.🤦‍♀️
Had a nasty bad cold a decade ago. Could not taste or smell ANYTHING for about 3 months.
Nothing in Bath and Body, not even a full litter box inches from my nose.
Drive the sales rep INSANE.

Jim Holthaus
Jim Holthaus - 08.08.2022 23:23

It most likely is you have allergies. Try emrgenC with zinc!

Cathrine Zaccaginini
Cathrine Zaccaginini - 07.08.2022 22:04

This is so over the top.I do not have covid.I had a small cold that it.And without shots too .

Kim Byrum
Kim Byrum - 07.08.2022 18:16

No vax no issues

Jean Mader
Jean Mader - 07.08.2022 17:50

NO...no confusion here. The exhaustion was definitely NOT allergies. My husband and I are 14 days out, and have a lingering cough, as was expected. Appetite, overall feeling of wellness is present...haven't re tested because I don't want a false negative, when my symptoms are just about zero. We do intend to mask up when we do decide to go out to the stores.

GEW - 07.08.2022 15:14

Fauci says it don't believe it. He has proven himself to be unethical and untrustworthy!!🤬

Frances Morris
Frances Morris - 07.08.2022 13:14

Just why do I not believe a word of this. Because governments worldwide LIE ALL THE TIME. They expect us to TRUST THEM ................... no way Jose

Lisa Jones
Lisa Jones - 06.08.2022 23:42

I have it and laryngitis and I am so emotional I could just cry

Maryann Mcrae
Maryann Mcrae - 06.08.2022 23:35

Best safety is DON'T GET THE JAB

Polly Horlander
Polly Horlander - 06.08.2022 21:10

Don’t test unless you want to be given a disease by the government in cooperation with the ccp and the fauci team. Good grief! What does it take for people to stop believing these criminals?

John Scott
John Scott - 06.08.2022 14:56

Covid is an act of war from china. Time to answer the call...

Renee D
Renee D - 05.08.2022 20:34

All these people who got jabs, boosters and paxlovid are the ones getting repeat infections

Susan Fitch
Susan Fitch - 05.08.2022 20:16

PLEASE! Many of us have vac effects and related

Irene Ewens
Irene Ewens - 05.08.2022 03:50

What kind of dangerous virus is this if you can mistake it for a pollen allergy? Just to ramp up the fear we can sell you another expensive test kit that has no validity in the real world. I get the distinct impression that pharmaceutical companies are nothing more than snake oil salesmen playing on the gullibility of vast numbers of stupid people. I'm old had covid had worse flu.

O - 04.08.2022 18:46

Everything is OMICRON . Everything , including the war in Russia and the drought and the shortage of foods in the stores and my childrens wild behaviours and and and ………….Fauci please retire with your billions .

Doreen Johnston
Doreen Johnston - 04.08.2022 16:13

U had the treatment before for your virus but wouldn’t allow medical people to give them out. Now you want more fake testing that we’ll or may show virus even if not. I trust none of your talk Dr lier

iseeflowers - 03.08.2022 02:38

I am confused. Who gets the antiviral meds?

S J - 02.08.2022 20:23

Kaiser refused me getting the antivirals. Im55!!! Absurd.

Susan Troupe
Susan Troupe - 01.08.2022 17:15

Break through? Are you just assuming that we ALL took the clot shot. Are you also assuming we give a flying Eff what the criminal fauci says. Better check your notes

Barbara Fogle
Barbara Fogle - 29.07.2022 04:27

Gullibility, wearing a dress or crying while watching lifetime tv programs are all signs you you have it.
