New 40K Gameplay Details LEAKED - How will Actions Work in The New Update?

New 40K Gameplay Details LEAKED - How will Actions Work in The New Update?

Auspex Tactics

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@guysolomon7904 - 08.06.2024 08:00

I wonder if they'll give Votann back the rule to dish out judgement tokens whenever units complete actions. I'd give up some of the detachment oath targets for more ways to dish out tokens.

@chaosof99 - 08.06.2024 08:05

Someone on reddit leaked the new deployment zones. They are basically the long edge and short edge deployments but are split in half, with one half of your deployment zone being a bit wider and the other a bit thinner. I am not sure this actually makes things "easier" in terms of measuring them out during setup.

@Hardcover_Pilot - 08.06.2024 08:40

RIP Cyclops Demolition Vehicles.

@vojtadrasner2440 - 08.06.2024 09:29

Why it is Titanic characters, and not Titanic units? What about armies like Orks and Eldar who have titanic non-character knight?

@Robertsmith-un5cu - 08.06.2024 09:35

People still play this shitty overpriced game? Wow

@mtrunkello - 08.06.2024 09:40

So... the unforgiven detachment gives models minimum OC1 even if battleshocked but they are still battleshocked. Can they still do actions? They are not oc0 but they are battleshocked. If not than whats to point of the detachment rule lol

@TP_Rockstar - 08.06.2024 09:43

As a tyranid player I'm really excited to begin building lists that don't automaticaly require Biovore and rippers to score points, but I'm also expecting our winrate to drop into the low 40s or even 30s if we dont also get some major rules and datasheet updates. Some actual good army rules would be welcome for example

@bendfocuspro - 08.06.2024 09:45

I like the changes. I hated tyranid games of spore mines doing secondaries with nothing you can do about it or ripper swarms.

@Mechabrine - 08.06.2024 10:07

Wait, only titantic characters? Not just titanic units?

@galling2052 - 08.06.2024 10:11

OC 0 scoring gone... tyranids anahilated.
That was the 1 thing that held up their mediocre winrate.
Now their only crutch remaining are gargoyles...

They better get some serious buffs to compensate

@michaeljdauben - 08.06.2024 10:12

Mixed feelings about these changes. I guess it makes sense that little swarm units can't perform actions, but I'm sad to have less reason to include scarab swarms, nurglings or Kroot hounds in my lists going forward. I like the little guys!

@lazertuiyope - 08.06.2024 11:01

What is zn action ?
I'm new to the game

@Klierowski - 08.06.2024 11:04

F that, won't be paying for new cards when those idiots can't balance game

@conasca - 08.06.2024 11:07

Physical codexes and data sheets are basically already obsolete at the pace of these changes.

@noelweiland621 - 08.06.2024 11:35

Could someone explain to me what does action mean?

@Deathgaming112 - 08.06.2024 12:03

Mind you All the secondary missions are about to change.

@Deathgaming112 - 08.06.2024 12:04

I hope they take out investigate signals and some of the other ones limiting builds

@alecsa4568 - 08.06.2024 12:12

Both battle forces are still in stock hours after launch, a big victory for gw

@otisred7848 - 08.06.2024 12:19

As a chaos knight player I'm not sure about this. Yes the battle line and Titanic buff is good, but I have a feeling wardogs and Titanic knights are about to go back up in points and losing nurglings is going to suck

@basteala525 - 08.06.2024 12:31

I like Battleline being emphasized but *man*, this is going to be brutal for struggling armies with weak battleline.

@jamesgillam6478 - 08.06.2024 12:57

As a Nid player I’m perfectly happy with this, but we need some serious points drops, and even some small points drops to the actual good units that we frequently bring, not fringe units that get zero usage.

@michaelmastriano7566 - 08.06.2024 13:11

Well they certainly make more sense

@DMDuncan37 - 08.06.2024 13:12

Thank you 👌

I hope that GWS knows what it is doing with these new rules, will not complicate them and will do what is necessary to balance the game and the factions.
The Tyranid codex is broken, with no other changes than points I'm afraid the Tyranids will be doomed 😔

@coachgonzalezpg1742 - 08.06.2024 13:24

They really just keep hammering the tyranids man, the only thing they did average at was score points

@roboflex3162 - 08.06.2024 13:24

So cyclopses are now completely useless. Neat.

@atanox. - 08.06.2024 13:25

I love it ❤

@gregoryshinn9805 - 08.06.2024 14:22

Thanks for the video

@GrimdarkSandwich - 08.06.2024 14:27

Huge buff for the Gork/Morkanaut.

@ancientmariner9460 - 08.06.2024 14:49

The OC0 change it's what it should be from the get go.

@Xermmm - 08.06.2024 15:10

The whining over the nids codex in this guy’s comments really getting laughable.

@bc64100 - 08.06.2024 15:55

ripped out the new rules put the the old classic rules back in and there nothing the can do about it "AND YES YOU GOD DAMN RIGHT I'M GATEKEEPING AND WILL DO SO PROUDLY AND THE NOTHING YOU CAN DO OR SAY TO CHANGE MY MIND!"

@Youschnoob649 - 08.06.2024 16:03

Is this a rules leak? They said all this in meta watch

@8ballentertainment.885 - 08.06.2024 16:17

The mission deck seems to be up for preorder on the UK website but not the US, does anyone know when it drops in the states?

@druwhite1388 - 08.06.2024 16:34

Yeah personally not a fan of these. Especially if they don't fix spores and tyranids in general. I'm probably going to not play PN

@TLPlants - 08.06.2024 16:44

I keep hearing people saying this is likely to be good for Tyranids in the long run as it will force GW to rebalance them when their win rate plummets. Given how long their best units have been over-costed/underpowered, and Shadow in the Warp has been underpowered/inconsistent I don't understand this thinking. It feels like we are in a bad relationship with GW but we keep forgiving them because "They love us really".

@Cordeneaux87 - 08.06.2024 16:59

So the hope is that GW forsees the Tyranid problem, and changes some data sheets preemptively. If they don't, I think Tyranids will drop down to about a 35% win rate before they get fixed

@joeycrosby167 - 08.06.2024 17:30

So does this mean Death Guard can't use nurglings to snag secondaries now

@ryankornacki9918 - 08.06.2024 17:31

Whew, my Gretchin are now probably the best cannon fodder units in the game now.

@jester12341 - 08.06.2024 17:39

The rules sometimes feel like they're written by people who've never played the game.

@AlyxSharkBite-2000 - 08.06.2024 18:23

Armagers / Wardogs don't have the titanic keyword just the big ones

@leSmokySmoke - 08.06.2024 18:51

I think every single person is happy with this.
Finally they need to actually balance tyranids instead of having them barely cling to 45% because of mission play

@dantejrl - 08.06.2024 18:52

tyranids really need an update because they will be hit hard while they are one of the weakest army...

@TheMathmath123 - 08.06.2024 20:24

Its not a good time to be a spacebug player boys 😂😂

@XHobbiesPrime - 08.06.2024 21:53

Oh my does this make Reivers actually useful?

@Avera9eWh1teShark6 - 08.06.2024 23:24

making the game less lethal without changing datasheets is only a good thing. Frankly this should've been implemented at the beginning.

@kevinishki - 09.06.2024 09:31

Aircraft deploying teleport homers makes the most sense. Maybe a vehicle but it has to drive there under enemy fire first.

@impaler1985 - 11.06.2024 07:44

This new rules kinda mixed up my feelings... It's like a CSM player.... It's great news for my new released chaos cult detachment as i like to run lots of spammy cultist mobs and accursed.... For a cheap price.... But on other hand kind of cuts of the legs of my Renegade Raiders detachment as their many ability is having assault in every weapons....what allows me to take over an objective faster... Have to try it to have sure but it's just my quick toughts about it....

@RFischer - 12.06.2024 00:42

Chaos Knights hit the worst. You don't take Titanic Knights and you need all your Knights shooting and fighting.
