5. Khata'i | Ismail | AoE2: DE The Mountain Royals

5. Khata'i | Ismail | AoE2: DE The Mountain Royals

Ornlu the Wolf - Age of Empires 2

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@HorstHerrmann-mh1rg - 16.01.2024 20:57


@user-pm2qo7zl7u - 12.01.2024 12:48

Guys we are muslims we know better muslims history Shah Ismael are not the one who deafted ottomans infact ottomans deafted shah Ismael Ismael injured and run and Ismael lost 25000 thousand troopes that true history

@spartakos536 - 11.01.2024 17:41

Greets from Turkey.
As a Turk i love so much this campaign. Ismael the first was a unique and brave leader of Turcomans. Ottomans tried to repel Red hat Turcomans from their east frontiers.

@abcdef27669 - 05.01.2024 18:24

Opinions about this campaign:

1-It would be way better if the story was narrated by Tahmasp, the son of Ismail.

2-The vengeful lady is annoying as hell, and her irrational hate towards Ismail because of the death of her brother (which, by the way, took the risk by joining the battles) is ridiculous. It is even worse when you know that Ismail wasn't murdered, neither became a beggar.

3-It would be nice to see an Ottoman campaign about Selim. He is an underrated ruler, because of his brutality, but in the end he was more important (at least on the military aspect) than his celebrated son, Suleiman the Magnificent.

@viscourtroy - 26.12.2023 17:27

there are 2 ways to win... EEE~ Some people want win all ways, all enemies need to be defeated to be the honor!

@TheAireaidLord - 15.12.2023 07:16

This mission was absolute chaos for me haha. I had 4 bases at one point as I pushed through orange and grey and had green and purple on my ass the entire time. Was able to then finish off light blue but man I feel it could've been structured a bit better. Oh well. Still fun - essentially deathmatch with everyone charging you. Oh and red got wrecked by light blue lmao.

@erkocab - 01.12.2023 18:00

wish there was an option to keep on playing after defeating the ottomans. but thanks for playing out both paths to victory

@arcomegis9999 - 28.11.2023 10:49

Hey man, I think you should also check out PCDragon's custom campaigns. He recently did one for the Persians, centering around Ismail's successor Tahmasp. That aside, he does very balanced campaign for almost all of the civs now ( I think ).

@Ozmonster-il2ec - 25.11.2023 05:13

This was a tough mission but i was sad cuz i couldnt find the last relic car i sacked green and cyan ran all over purple saved b4 beating them ran all through orange and gray but couldnt find the tenth one i got the 1 in cyan 2 in green 1 near ur base 2 in orange 2 in gray 1 near purple but even with marco polo i couldnt find the tenth one
Edit: im so fing blind its in the pool next to ur base omg well luckily i have to replay all of the ismael cuz my audio got messed up so woohoo

@benhayward2597 - 24.11.2023 19:55

I have found the mountain royals campaigns to be a bit on the easy side.

That said i haven't done Tamur yet

@fenixx123 - 21.11.2023 22:10

I’m honestly disappointed in this campaign. It’s not bad by any means but Persians have so many options to build fun campaigns around and this just focuses on their late game power spike. The main issues are:
1. It’s just too easy even on hard. Like how is the only objective on scenario 5 to destroy 1 enemy that doesn’t attack for 45 mins?
2. No scenario diversity. It’s all build and destroy. I can’t believe the Persians didn’t get a resource/villager efficiency scenario like Tamar 3 or a defense scenario like Thoros 5. Basically this campaign never highlights the Persians civ bonus or unique techs. I still can’t believe they didn’t include at least one scenario with no mineable gold. Half of this civs identity now is gold efficiency (trash bows, caravanserai access, cav generate gold).
3. I personally didn’t like the narration/story line

Really feels like they designed the campaign before they finalized the civ changes and didn’t bother to incorporate them (similar to Thoros issues).

@PhoenixAlaris93 - 17.11.2023 19:17

So remember, always know your limits. Cause if you start to think you're invincible, someone's gonna eventually prove you wrong

@RobbieDPL - 17.11.2023 04:18

I put Castles up to defend the feitoria treasuries at all costs. One each at the 2 shallows north to defend against 🇦🇲&🇬🇪, one just south of the bridge to defend against Shirvan, one to defend from 🇺🇿 just due south of the southernmost Treasury. Plus 2-3 to defend the approach of the Ottomans in a castle matrix. If you can defeat Shirvan, it allows you to trade cog with Qizilbash as well.

The hardest thing is finding all 10 Relic carts!

@alessandromaffi4498 - 17.11.2023 01:22

the favor of the Zoroastrians. they are the only ones who Support Ismail, because they consider him an Immortal Ruler

@Apokalypto123 - 16.11.2023 16:42

I was a bit disappointed with the the whole Ottoman return timer.
When it ended I was just about finished with their base and expected some epic final battle but nothing happened.
The big gate really seems like it should spawn a massive army right there.

@seltin1988 - 16.11.2023 09:30

could you do the bukara scenario too? please?

@MohammadKarimnejad - 15.11.2023 12:15

I really recommend you and all to play the custom campaign of Isma'il I, created before this DLC. More realistic and more challenging.

@matthiasthalmann1387 - 15.11.2023 10:51

Like the "lion and demon" scenario you are here changing the course of history by winning a battle that "your" side historically lost: After the ottomans defeated Ismail at the battle of Tschaldiran they managed to conquer Täbris, size the treasure and also kidnapped Ismails wives, and refused to return them - which also helps to explain his descent into depression and alcoholism, far better than just loosing his pride.

@OrchardASmith123 - 15.11.2023 04:34

I really didn’t like this campaign but can’t quite put my finger on why. Did anyone else feel the same? I didn’t quite get the narration and the scenarios blurred together - especially #2 and 3. I played this immediately after the Thoros campaign and I was disappointed - there isn’t much variety between the scenarios and it generally felt less creative. I also found finding a comfortable army composition difficult with the Persians

@inconemay1441 - 15.11.2023 04:30

I thought this is about samurai and katanas with that name

@bahadrkoca384 - 15.11.2023 03:36

I am sorry but this campaing making to exalt someone who is shouldn't compare with even Subutay(from other scenario😂) Campaing represent Ottomans killers, vengefully and mercilessly. If you read something a little you will understand how Ismail was desperate and worst tactician in this battle(Battle of Çaldıran). He didn't even have mortars and artillery. I recommend to read something guys. These are mostly funny and false informations

@sastradana9222 - 15.11.2023 03:27

"Flee for your life, Ismail! We have-ACK"

@tugrulozel5989 - 15.11.2023 02:44

Historical inaccuries of this campaing totally countless but funniest one is he is calling Ottomans "these Turks" lol his core strength was Turkish people and campaing name is "Hatai" which he used for his Turkish poems which, are written in a Turkish that can be understood easily even today. Even kizilbash is a turkish word. I cant start from anywhere this is ridiculous

@XMehrooz - 15.11.2023 02:24

This might seem out of context, but I really appreciate you changing your villager booming method from: constantly switching to each town center and manually queuing up 1 villager at a time to putting all your TCs in one control group and queuing villagers all at once.
It's both more efficient, it's less nauseating to watch and it helps keep your focus on the more crucial battles going on elsewhere.

@bobbysolberger5993 - 15.11.2023 01:38

Please never stop making bad puns. I, myself a maker of bad puns, need to know I'm not alone lol.

@Doc_Calamari - 15.11.2023 00:01

I think this scenario is more enjoyable if played deliberately slow, focusing on the strongest three enemies and ignoring the Georgians and Armenians entirely (also not having 100 elephants). I've used Kamandaran crossbows, all the gunpowder units and only a handful emergency Savars for this, which was fun although not the most efficient way (which is apparently loads of elephants).

Do you also plan to replay the Bukhara scenario (or already did)? I think it’s much better with the new and improved Persians.

@alejandroortiz3227 - 14.11.2023 23:04

Well, here is implied that the narrator ended him in this campaign, but in reality no one is really sure what happened at his last years. However, according to some articles, after this battle he secluded himself in the palace, and dedicated the next 10 years drinking, trying to cope with the trauma of this defeat. And i have suspicions that he had cirrhosis by his last years, given that he lived 36 years.

@gigagian - 14.11.2023 22:33

Suleiman wouldn't have been nearly so Magnificent if Selim wasn't there being all Grim and Resolute.

@Rodpile - 14.11.2023 21:00

BTW you can get your relic back from the Portuguese by using attack ground on their monastery

@cmlcml415 - 14.11.2023 20:47

That Relic Cart side quest is really dumb imo, most of them are inside the enemy bases, and when you can get them you might as well already kill the enemy 🙃

@rusticaxe6593 - 14.11.2023 20:40

With the trap in the beginning: All jannasaries have like 250-350 hp.

@wailrimouche1171 - 14.11.2023 19:21

I think the square in the middle of Tabriz was considered for a Wonder victory which I think is a good idea. I think maybe there should be the potential for a Wonder victory on this map but you still have motivation to push out to weaken your enemies and strengthen your Qizillbash via relic carts

@618Delta - 14.11.2023 18:16

This scenario might be my personal favorite of the DLC. There are multiple paths to victory and you get to use all the Persian strengths (the strong eco, the amazing new defenses and a cavalry deathballl) to crush your enemies.

Fun fact, "Khata'i" was Ismael's pen name that he used for poetry. It also means "The Wrongful."

@alexandersturnn4530 - 14.11.2023 18:16

Ottomans really Vibe Checked Ismail.

Also, Babur is an absolute Bro.

@lawnjames562 - 14.11.2023 17:51

Looking forward to you playing the fifth scenario of Tamar campaign, because it has an achievement that requires you to finish all side quests in 24 mins, which is pretty difficult for me. I clicked F3 (pause) so many times. Even after I finished this achievement by doing this cheat-like move, I still had only 1 min left. So I really like to see how you can handle it without pressing F3😋

@CptManboobs - 14.11.2023 17:28

Cuman Stone walls are always funny to see

@Roa16 - 14.11.2023 17:16

I personally felt this scenario being much easier than the Armenian one

@kinbine_ - 14.11.2023 17:04

I feel like these campaigns were made with other balance in mind, notice how there's an elite Quizilbash in the editor but never in the game or how you never start with an elephant...
Also Babur is so cool man i wish we could see more of him

@gerriejordaan8385 - 14.11.2023 17:04

I am currently replaying the campaigns and wondering whom is by far the worst antagonist in each one when compared to Ismail. In this one, I lost all my treasuries slowly and built castles to hold off a steady stream of constant raids as I waited for the eventual Ottoman counterattack. What a mistake that it turned out to be. As for the Relics, it was not easy to find them all so I will try better next time and for my first play through I just pretty much focused on holding off all the enemies until I was ready. I took out the Shirvan and then the Uzbeks as they were a hazel before focusing on the Ottomans, which took three waves of attacks before fully being taken out as those Bombard Cannons and castles (especially the castle in the corner near the gate) and the units were putting a bit of a fight. Next time I will take out the other minor enemies as well.

@canaksu1771 - 14.11.2023 16:59

ornlu at the first battle you cant beat the janisseries with better micro because they have 250 hp

@CptManboobs - 14.11.2023 16:52

Normalize Farming in your front lawn. Farming should not be an exclusive feature of the countryside.

@KroM234 - 14.11.2023 16:52

Well I think that this is a design flaw: attacking the Ottomans directly before the countdown should trigger their AI to go beast mode.

@sharkzun1650 - 14.11.2023 16:51

This campaign is ridiculous easy with the relics bug last patch 🐧

@gebhard128 - 14.11.2023 16:42

im really disappointed from the character development of the narrator, first she is just out for blind vengeance cause she makes ismail responible for his brothers death and the low respect he pays for him, then she listens to stories she already know casue she was a part of them and finally she steps away from her plans due to ismails "greatness". Again nothing of ismails story was new to her, he regret nothing, we never get any details of her brother besides he followed ismail and died in battle. Was he an important leader? Is the women of any importance since she took place at ismails table at some point? The narrator feels like a cheap plot device so the game can tell the story of ismail, why we dont get Babur as the narator that talks about his battle strategy he developt for panipat inspired by ismails defeat, he can analyize the military victories, compare the 2 characters, the way they did it feels really underwhelming

@krystianlewicki8608 - 14.11.2023 16:42


@Random-om8rq - 14.11.2023 16:39

fun fact, Khata'i means 'my mistake' in arabic.

@HaXXspetten - 14.11.2023 16:33

This scenario just felt too easy, especially for a campaign finale. You get an insane amount of time before the Byzantines come after you, and even if you do wait for it, the incoming attack doesn't feel that crazy anyway. Little bit underwhelming imo

@gabea6518 - 14.11.2023 16:32

Ok so what i did was focus on getting as many relic carts as possible and putting castles close to each treasury. I needed to make sure that citadels was researched. If you get at least 6-7 relic carts it will ensure high qizilbash morale.

The next thing was the most challenging. If you don't have castles and upgarded ranged attack for them it will be quite disastrous. I am going to have to break it down into different comments to detail the strategy.

@arcanis7511 - 14.11.2023 16:29

Currently Ismail’s story remembers Sargon’s one of ROR dlc, both starting being good boys which gradually shift alignment in true chaotic evil.
