Structural Realism - International Relations (1/7)

Structural Realism - International Relations (1/7)

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Emmanuel Edusei
Emmanuel Edusei - 16.10.2023 07:09

Super helpful. Great to grasp the foundation to understand realism.

Thanh Ben Mansour
Thanh Ben Mansour - 13.10.2023 17:58

He's boring

Vivan - 13.10.2023 07:57

Its not the structure rather innate human nature to pursue a never ending quest for wealth, resources and power. It wants to ensure its dominance perpetually.

Deven Choukhani
Deven Choukhani - 16.09.2023 11:20

I did not know that Bryan Cranston is such a great Academician.

Snowy July
Snowy July - 13.09.2023 20:35

Chaos causes order…. So as they say.
So fires, earthquake’s, food is poisoned,
Try to start a civil war in the us by our own people.
Just my opinion of course since the vac’s.

Too many people in the world. We have 7.5 BILLION in the world. If you do the math correctly…… the whole world could fit in the state of Texas and still have plenty of room.

Snowy July
Snowy July - 13.09.2023 20:29

And eight years later……. We find out our own
People above us are KILLING us by poison in water, food, medicine, tiny aluminum particles in the air. And now saying people in the us will starve for lack of food.
They have put things in the oceans to kill our fish……… wow here we are in 2023.

alfonlongable - 01.08.2023 18:45

I don`t see my country, Spain, reflected in Mearsheimer's theories. We do not see France or Portugal as potential threats. The EU, with all its flaws, has succeeded in changing the view we European have of our neighbours. What he says may apply to some hegemonic countries, China, the US, but not to all nations.

H T - 26.07.2023 21:24

Clear simple awsome

Immanuel Diai
Immanuel Diai - 14.06.2023 22:23

I like how he stated his theory of how the international system works without bad mouthing the human nature basis of political realism.

eugele narcisse
eugele narcisse - 11.06.2023 12:54

According to the political power , what is justice for one is unjustice for the other, the unipolarity is now unfashionable. Nowadays everyone is expecting the new world, the multipolar one. Gogo multipolar would.

Ali Altın
Ali Altın - 25.05.2023 15:52


Đức Cường
Đức Cường - 13.05.2023 18:53

Xin cảm ơn

Rune - 12.05.2023 16:32

There is no authority above (I mean - that's a clear statement). Besides from our consciousness

Mahmut - 30.04.2023 22:47

clear, simple and fluent he explained it in effective way

Stable Mind
Stable Mind - 25.04.2023 10:44

Nice explanation but soft power ideology.

bigollameo - 14.04.2023 04:32

I'll probably never find a theory of IR that's more internally coherent than Mearsheimer's structural realism.

Adam Williams
Adam Williams - 06.04.2023 11:50

Can someone please give me a dollar for every time I hear “anarchic system” throughout my IR major? Ta

Rafa Barros
Rafa Barros - 30.03.2023 23:17


Makiboybaboy - 14.02.2023 02:57

This is the best theory to understand International politics when you are living outside world's superpowers.

Sarcastic Pajamas
Sarcastic Pajamas - 01.02.2023 10:21

yooman nature!

J-Busy - 19.01.2023 21:21

He talks about China's intentions to become a Hegemony 8 years ago. And his prediction was spot on. Why don't people listen to this guy!!!!!!

SuperZardo - 28.12.2022 01:28

This idea of searching to be more powerful is probably the biased view of the US because they are in the special situation of having so few neighbors. In biology, there have been dinosaurs which where quite powerful. But there also are some small fish which always move in flocks (thousands of them forming the shape of a big fish). There is absolutely no reason to privilege power over alliances. For a country in Europe, for example, which has many neighbours, it would be economically more viable to form alliances which other neighboring countries rather to strive to become the most powerful country on the continent. Maybe because of these inherent biases (depending where people come from, the US or Europe), the science of international relations between states has so equally biased proponents.

Ruchika Choraria
Ruchika Choraria - 01.12.2022 06:52

I love him❤️

Liam Grima
Liam Grima - 29.09.2022 22:55

Such a parochial breakdown of the international system. In presupposing states are the centrality of international relations, abstracting human consciousness from the equation - and assume that material power is the only facet of the dynamic architecture making up the international arena - then hegemonic stability theory is sensible. Concretely, human involvement in the construction of reality is not a fixed feature, so social infrastructure is regulatory but a fiction of the mind. The identity persons assign and accompanying norms are the underlying drive of behavior.

Frédérique Couture
Frédérique Couture - 29.09.2022 03:12

Thank You 😊

Robert Schultz
Robert Schultz - 18.09.2022 04:02

If this theory is correct then why doesn't China and India start going into a arms race. Yes India has a big military but not compared to the PLA. India has two very competitive countries close by and no one to really fall back on unlike Taiwan who is counting on the US and to a certain degree Japan to defend them.

fakin lunatik
fakin lunatik - 17.08.2022 03:31

being powerful doesnt necessarily include domination or agression
US does not have peer competition in the Americas so leave Asia alone

Paul Ramsey
Paul Ramsey - 15.08.2022 17:48

This POS talks to you as if you are a moron...Endlessly repeats the same thing...usa is a CANCER on this planet.

Holy land Nation
Holy land Nation - 28.07.2022 08:29

Balance of power to counter china from becoming a hegemony ,he explained Soo well

Prakob Panichkul
Prakob Panichkul - 08.06.2022 02:14

What about the ants soceity ?😂😂

Fjord Hellas
Fjord Hellas - 27.05.2022 21:20

Is there a difference between Realism and Neo-Realism?

Karunaa Dubey
Karunaa Dubey - 21.05.2022 20:48

Wow… no one could have explained the international situation so well and made it understandable like a cake walk based on real theory… I do support what you explained sir. We are evidently witnessing the same thing as you predicted. Thank you.

Mario Jr. Mabutas
Mario Jr. Mabutas - 27.04.2022 20:45

I observe, and i think every person in history up to the future subconsciously knows, "where" realists are really coming from (And i observe this is what the likes of mearsheimer don't really realize). If you and they really think deeply about it, they (realists) are actually really coming from the LACK OF COURAGE,... to be IDEALISTS....
(and they, realists, justify it - realism - with all kinds of "acrobatic" reasoning).

Most of them voice out their realpolitik viewpoints in the safety of their privileged circumstances - like Nicollo Machiavelli himself. (That's why he, mearsheimer, always say, not verbatim: "I'm very happy I'm living in (the most powerful) liberal democratic country - which ironically is a product of idealism, ...but when it comes to international relations...- he's a realist)

His and his et al's IR Old World 19th century Machiavellian realpolitik viewpoint...
...actually HAS to die,...
... WE, THE REST OF THE HUMAN RACE ALL KNOW IT IN OUR HEARTS IT HAS TO DIE, "YESTERDAY", hundreds, even thousands of years ago...
... And I think deep inside his (mearsheimer et al's) heart he knows it. But like all (socio) realists, he doesn't have the COURAGE to admit it...because he doesn't have the courage to BE against it (PREVAILING human CONSTRUCTED reality)... And his realist thinking is greatly influenced by his privileged personal situation: a legal citizen of the most powerful nation in the world, and all the privileges and personal SAFETY, it entails.

What differentiates a realist from an idealist?

COURAGE and Empathy for the rest of YOUR human race.

Courage to DESIRE, ENVISION AND USE YOUR GREAT MIND, to PERPETUALLY make things better than what they are, than JUST cowardly accept the social constructs that our physical/biological/historical reality socially CONSTRUCTED for us.

Clue: if it's constructed, it can be DE-constructed or changed.

Mario Jr. Mabutas
Mario Jr. Mabutas - 22.04.2022 04:37

The realist human view of people like him make me cringe and vomit. Instead of them realists using (their vast knowledge of) realism to envision, theorize, support, attain, maintain or improve on idealism in the world, they don't have the desire, enough love for the Others, imagination or courage to do those but just instead treat (social CONSTRUCTED) reality and realism as the be all and end all and the indomitable end in itself.

They're like the people hundreds of years ago who strongly believed that abolishing state sanctioned slavery or a national leader that was not a king/queen, were impossible.

Michael Lin
Michael Lin - 06.04.2022 10:52

Why so many theories instead of human words with wisdom?

Lipsa rani Dehury
Lipsa rani Dehury - 25.03.2022 13:43


CLETUS KAPWENGE - 16.03.2022 16:30


ingenuity - 08.03.2022 14:22

Very good explanation 👏

RK92 1
RK92 1 - 06.03.2022 14:02

Why didn't Canada and Mexico join to contain USA when its power was rising early on in 1900s

Chiquita Banane
Chiquita Banane - 28.02.2022 18:11

The actions of Putin explained in 9 minutes

Sounak Saha
Sounak Saha - 23.02.2022 19:27

The example of China all makes sense now after 7 years.

Deepak Tiwari
Deepak Tiwari - 16.02.2022 15:50

the individual behavior of a state is a function of the architecture of the international system of which it is an integral part

Preetam P. Nayak
Preetam P. Nayak - 11.02.2022 19:48

He is one of the original propounders of structural realism bro..# John mearsheimer

Imane Ben khelifa
Imane Ben khelifa - 03.02.2022 06:27

Clear, simple & precise! What a perfect way to explain structural realism ! Thank you for your excellency and may uni teachers learn from his skills!!

Nafees Ahmad
Nafees Ahmad - 11.01.2022 18:39

You are simply superb

fredo cazale
fredo cazale - 03.01.2022 02:32

This geographical advantage is all well and good from 1776 until the 90's, but what about how we are being attacked from within with the use of technology. This technology is pitting our citizens against each other. So this neo-realism needs a neo neo to understand what is happening now.

Jayesh Yadav
Jayesh Yadav - 26.12.2021 07:06

The disinterested approach of his while understanding his own theory that he supports is mesmerizing

Nas coca
Nas coca - 22.12.2021 11:27

More like Chad Mearsheimer

Renz Arriola
Renz Arriola - 22.11.2021 06:58

This was produced 7 years ago yet the way he saw China's economic rise is unbelievably true now that we are in 2021. China has indeed showed it wants to be dominant, but not just in Asia alone, but in the world. What leaders have failed to anticipate is how fast and aggressive they want to achieve this goal.
